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This file is a presentation based on the point tools: https://git.baguette.netlib.re/Baguette/pointtools

To see it, type 'make'.

TODO: Explain the problem TODO: Explain the solution TODO: Explain why LibIPC TODO: Explain how LibIPC TODO: Explain other possible implementations TODO: Explain future of LibIPC TODO: Explain what can be done right now TODO: Explain what I actually do with it TODO: Explain LibIPC isn't a silver bullet

Have fun!

Programming problems


  • change often = hard to follow
  • don't often provide a high-level interface
  • each library is coded in its own way
  • availability vary depending on the language

Example: libraries to access databases

  • languages often have their own implementation
  • functions may vary from a language to another

Infrastructure problems


  • Always need to install all required libraries
  • No clear way to sandbox part of an application

What solution?


  • apps talking to apps

Create an abstraction for libraries

  • languages, implementations, code modifications in general

Create an abstraction for network code

  • applications think communications are local
  • networking is performed by dedicated services
    • examples: TCPd, UDPd, TLSd, HTTPd...
  • apps are independant from protocols and formats (unless they are fundamentaly network-related)

In practice

usage must be simple

  1. init connection or service
  2. loop over events

#pause events are simple and high level

  1. connection and disconnection
  2. message received and sent

#pause message have a simple format: length + value

#pause And that's it.


LibIPC is useful when the app:

  • cannot be a simple shell command
  • needs a bidirectional communication
  • is an abstraction over a library

Available libraries

  • DBUS
  • libevent
  • even more complicated stuff
    • RPC-style, like Corba


  • ... or bare libc api
    • shared memory
    • pipes
    • sockets (unix, inet, inet6)


  • not well suited for our needs (a polite way to say: what a bloody mess)

Is it designed NOT to be used?

  • over-engineered
  • complex
  • documentation isn't great
    • no code example

DBUS (bonus page!)

DBUS feels obsolete: a big chunk of the documentation is about message format. Just use CBOR already!

#pause They even admit they did a poor job on the C part:

There is a low-level C binding, but that is probably too detailed and cumbersome for anything but writing other bindings.

#pause Oh. And C++. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!

This is a Linux requirement nowadays, wth?


  • works with epoll and kqueue

    • great performances
    • works on Linux and *BSD
  • a bit complicated

Bare libc api

shared memory and semaphores

  • (kinda) complicated api
  • not about exchanging messages

pipes, sockets

  • lack a conventional message format ... but that's about it
  • Great to start with!

All have great performances to exchange data.

What is slow is the function to wait for new events.

LibIPC's choice

Unix sockets

  • fast, simple, reliable, bidirectional
  • remote connections will have their own service (ex: TCPd)

Dumbest possible message format

  • length + value
  • build your own format on top of it!

Wait on file descriptors with poll(2)

  • slow, but available everywhere
  • may upgrade to libevent

LibIPC history (1/3)

  1. based on pipes
  • because we gotta go fast!
  • ... but implementation was a bit of a mess

#pause 2. rewrite to work with unix sockets

  • performances are excellent, no need for absolute best
  • way nicer implementation
  • select(2) for listening on file descriptors #pause
  • ... wait, does select(2) support more than 1024 connections?

LibIPC history (2/3)

  1. rewrite using poll(2)
  • many bugfixes later, way more tested than before
  • implementation was (kinda) production-ready
  • implementation was simple: < 2000 lines of C code

Still wasn't as simple as I wanted

LibIPC history (3/3)

  1. rewrite in Zig
  • still uses poll(2) (at least for now)
  • C-compatible bindings are available

Why Zig? (1/2)

error management is built-in and mandatory

simpler to read and write

  • nicer data structures (contain functions)
  • less code redundancy (defer, more generic functions)
  • no more C's pitfalls
  • fully qualified names

Why Zig? (2/2)

better standard library

  • usual structures: lists, hashtables
  • log system

memory management is simpler, more secure and more flexible

better at exposing bugs (better type system)

simpler to cross-compile: same standard library for all OSs

Current implementation of libIPC

bindings available in Crystal

  • as well as fancy mappings: JSON and CBOR class serialization

#pause epoll (Linux) and kqueue (*BSD) were avoided

  • because callbacks hell => harder to read and to write code #pause
  • still a possibility for someday, not the priority right now

#pause LibIPC doesn't handle parallelism, yet

How libIPC works (in Zig)

LibIPC has a high level API

var context = try Context.init(allocator);
defer context.deinit();


var pong_fd = try context.connect_service ("pong");
var message = try Message.init (pong_fd, allocator, "hello");
try context.schedule (message);

How libIPC works (in Zig)

var event = try context.wait_event();

switch (event.t) {

How libIPC works (in Zig)

var event = try context.wait_event();

switch (event.t) {

    .CONNECTION => {
        print ("New client!\n", .{});


How libIPC works (in Zig)

var event = try context.wait_event();

switch (event.t) {

    .CONNECTION => {
        print ("New client!\n", .{});

    .MESSAGE_RX => {
        if (event.m) |m| {
            print ("a message has been received: {s}\n", .{m});

How libIPC works (bindings)

  1. init a connection (client) or create an unix socket (service)

ipc_connect_service (context, &fd, service_name, service_len) ipc_service_init (context, &fd, service_name, service_len)

#pause 2. loop, wait for events listening to file descriptors (libIPC ones or not)


while(1) {
  ipc_wait_event (context, &type, &index, &fd, buffer, &buffer_len)
  switch (type) {
    case IPC_CONNECTION : ...
    case IPC_DISCONNECTION : ...
    case IPC_MESSAGE: ...

How libIPC works

  1. send messages
    ipc_schedule (context, fd, buffer, buffer_len)
    ipc_write (context, fd, buffer, buffer_len)

#pause 4. add a file descriptor to listen to

ipc_add_external (context, fd)

How libIPC works

LibIPC also helps to create "protocol daemons" like TCPd with automatic switching between file descriptors

LibIPC takes callbacks to obtain libipc payloads inside arbitrary message structure

Example: websocketd. Clients exchange data with a libipc service through websockets messages.

     websocketd binds both the client and its service file descriptors,
     then provides the libipc a callback to extract libipc messages from
     the websocket messages sent by the client.

     Same thing the other way.

     ipc_switching_callbacks (context, client_fd, cb_in, cb_out)

libIPC internal structures (1/2)

Main goal: simplest possible structures

Examples (nothing hidden):

Message {
  fd: i32                        => File descriptor concerned about this message.
  payload: []u8                  => Actual payload.
  allocator: std.mem.Allocator   => Memory management.

Event {
  t: Event.Type     => Example: connection, message tx, ...
  m: ?Message       => Message, if there is one.
  index: usize      => (Internal stuff).
  originfd: i32     => File descriptor related to the event.

libIPC internal structures (2/2)

Context structure is slightly more complicated, but reasonable.

Context {
    rundir: [] u8,      // Where the UNIX sockets are.
    pollfd: PollFD,     // File descriptors to manage.
    tx: Messages,       // Messages to send, once their fd is available.

The rest is implementation details (and more advanced usage of LibIPC).

Future of libIPC

Why not use it?

Current limitations

  • performances (libIPC is based on poll(2), not epoll nor kqueue)

    • it really isn't an issue until you have hundreds of clients
    • LibIPC could someday use libevent
  • nothing in libIPC is thread-safe

These limitations are the price for a simple implementation.


Ask! karchnu at karchnu.fr