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const std = @import("std");
const hexdump = @import("./hexdump.zig");
const testing = std.testing;
const net = std.net;
const os = std.os;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const print = std.debug.print;
const CBEvent = @import("./callback.zig").CBEvent;
const Connection = @import("./connection.zig").Connection;
const Message = @import("./message.zig").Message;
const Event = @import("./event.zig").Event;
const Switch = @import("./switch.zig").Switch;
const print_eq = @import("./util.zig").print_eq;
const Messages = @import("./message.zig").Messages;
const Switches = @import("./switch.zig").Switches;
const Connections = @import("./connection.zig").Connections;
pub const PollFD = std.ArrayList(std.os.pollfd);
// Context of the whole networking state.
pub const Context = struct {
pub const IPC_HEADER_SIZE = 5; // Size (5 bytes) then content.
pub const IPC_BASE_SIZE = 2000000; // 2 MB, plenty enough space for messages
pub const IPC_VERSION = 1;
rundir: [] u8,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator, // Memory allocator.
connections: Connections, // Keep track of connections.
// TODO: List of "pollfd" structures within cinfos,
// so we can pass it to poll(2). Share indexes with 'connections'.
// For now, this list doesn't do anything.
// Can even be replaced in a near future.
pollfd: PollFD, // .fd (fd_t) + .events (i16) + .revents (i16)
tx: Messages, // Messages to send, once their fd is available.
switchdb: ?Switches, // Relations between fd.
timer: ?i32 = null, // No timer by default (no TIMER event).
const Self = @This();
// Context initialization:
// - init structures (provide the allocator)
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !Self {
var rundir = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(allocator, "RUNDIR") catch |err| switch(err) {
error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound => blk: {
// print("RUNTIME variable not set, using default /tmp/libipc-run/\n", .{});
break :blk try allocator.dupeZ(u8, "/tmp/libipc-run/");
else => {
return err;
return Self {
.rundir = rundir
, .connections = Connections.init(allocator)
, .pollfd = PollFD.init(allocator)
, .tx = Messages.init(allocator)
, .switchdb = null
, .allocator = allocator
// create a server path for the UNIX socket based on the service name
pub fn server_path(self: *Self, service_name: []const u8, writer: anytype) !void {
try writer.print("{s}/{s}", .{self.rundir, service_name});
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
self.close_all() catch |err| switch(err){
error.IndexOutOfBounds => {
print("context.deinit(): IndexOutOfBounds\n", .{});
if (self.switchdb) |sdb| { sdb.deinit(); }
// Both simple connection and the switched one share this code.
fn connect_ (self: *Self, ctype: Connection.Type, path: []const u8) !i32 {
var stream = try net.connectUnixSocket(path);
const newfd = stream.handle;
errdefer std.os.closeSocket(newfd);
var newcon = Connection.init(ctype, path);
newcon.client = stream;
try self.connections.append(newcon);
try self.pollfd.append(.{ .fd = newfd
, .events = std.os.linux.POLL.IN
, .revents = 0 });
return newfd;
// Return the new fd. Can be useful to the caller.
pub fn connect(self: *Self, path: []const u8) !i32 {
// print("connection to:\t{s}\n", .{path});
return self.connect_ (Connection.Type.IPC, path);
// Connection to a service, but with switched with the client fd.
// pub fn connection_switched(self: *Self
// , path: [] const u8
// , clientfd: i32) !i32 {
// // print("connection switched from {} to path {s}\n", .{clientfd, path});
// var newfd = try self.connect_ (Connection.Type.SWITCHED, path);
// // TODO: record switch.
// return newfd;
// }
// Create a unix socket.
// Store std lib structures in the context.
pub fn server_init(self: *Self, path: [] const u8) !net.StreamServer {
// print("context server init {s}\n", .{path});
var server = net.StreamServer.init(.{});
var socket_addr = try net.Address.initUnix(path);
try server.listen(socket_addr);
const newfd = server.sockfd orelse return error.SocketLOL;
var newcon = Connection.init(Connection.Type.SERVER, path);
newcon.server = server;
try self.connections.append(newcon);
try self.pollfd.append(.{ .fd = newfd
, .events = std.os.linux.POLL.IN
, .revents = 0 });
return server;
pub fn write (self: *Self, m: Message) !void {
print("write fd {}\n", .{m.fd});
pub fn read (self: *Self, index: u32) !Message {
if (index >= self.pollfd.items.len) {
return error.IndexOutOfBounds;
print("read index {}\n", .{index});
return self.read_fd(self.pollfd.items[index].fd);
pub fn read_fd (self: *Self, fd: i32) !Message {
print("read fd {}\n", .{fd});
// TODO: read the actual content.
var payload = "hello!!";
var m = Message.init(fd, Message.Type.DATA, self.allocator, payload);
return m;
// Wait an event.
pub fn wait_event(self: *Self) !Event {
var current_event: Event = undefined;
var wait_duration: i32 = -1; // -1 == unlimited
if (self.timer) |t| { wait_duration = t; }
else { print("listening (no timer)\n", .{}); }
// print("listening for MAXIMUM {} ms\n", .{wait_duration});
// Make sure we listen to the right file descriptors,
// setting POLLIN & POLLOUT flags.
for (self.pollfd.items) |*fd| {
// print("listening to fd {}\n", .{fd.fd});
fd.events = std.os.linux.POLL.IN; // just to make sure
for (self.tx.items) |m| {
print("wait for writing a message to fd {}\n", .{m.fd});
for (self.pollfd.items) |*fd| {
if (fd.fd == m.fd) {
fd.events = std.os.linux.POLL.OUT; // just to make sure
// TODO: before initiate a timer
// Polling.
var count: usize = undefined;
// print("Let's wait for an event (either stdin or unix socket)\n", .{});
print("fds: {any}\n", .{self.pollfd.items});
count = try os.poll(self.pollfd.items, wait_duration);
print("fds NOW: {any}\n", .{self.pollfd.items});
// TODO: timer = end - start; if 0 => return timer event
if (count == 0) {
current_event = Event.init(Event.Type.TIMER, 0, 0, null);
return current_event;
// TODO: handle messages
// => loop over ctx.size
// => if pollfd[i].revents is set to POLLIN
// => if fd is SERVER => new connection
// => if fd is SWITCHED => msg to exchange (or drop the switch)
// => if fd is EXTERNAL => let user handle IO operations
// => otherwise => new message or disconnection
// => if fd revent is POLLOUT
// => if SWITCHED => write message for its switch buddy
// => otherwise => write message for the msg.fd
// if fd revent is POLLHUP
// => handle disconnection:
// close + remove fd from pollfd + return event
// if fd revent is POLLERR or POLLNVAL
// => return error event
return current_event;
pub fn close(self: *Self, index: usize) !void {
// REMINDER: connections and pollfd have the same length
if (index >= self.pollfd.items.len) {
return error.IndexOutOfBounds;
// close the connection and remove it from the two structures
var con = self.connections.swapRemove(index);
if (con.server) |s| {
// Remove service's UNIX socket file.
var addr = s.listen_address;
var path = std.mem.sliceTo(&addr.un.path, 0);
std.fs.cwd().deleteFile(path) catch {};
if (con.client) |c| {
// Close the client's socket.
_ = self.pollfd.swapRemove(index);
pub fn close_all(self: *Self) !void {
while(self.connections.items.len > 0) { try self.close(0); }
pub fn format(self: Self, comptime form: []const u8, options: fmt.FormatOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void {
try fmt.format(out_stream
, "context ({} connections and {} messages):"
, .{self.connections.items.len, self.tx.items.len});
for (self.connections.items) |con| {
try fmt.format(out_stream, "\n- ", .{});
try con.format(form, options, out_stream);
for (self.tx.items) |tx| {
try fmt.format(out_stream, "\n- ", .{});
try tx.format(form, options, out_stream);
fn read_ (_: *Self, client: net.StreamServer.Connection, buf: [] u8) !usize {
return try client.stream.reader().read(buf);
//test "Simple structures - init, display and memory check" {
// // origin destination
// var s = Switch.init(3,8);
// var payload = "hello!!";
// // fd type payload
// var m = Message.init(0, Message.Type.DATA, payload);
// // type index origin message
// var e = Event.init(Event.Type.CONNECTION, 5, 8, &m);
// // CLIENT SIDE: connection to a service.
// _ = try c.connect(path);
// // TODO: connection to a server, but switched with clientfd "3".
// _ = try c.connection_switched(path, 3);
// Creating a new thread: testing UNIX communication.
// This is a client sending a raw "Hello world!" bytestring,
// not an instance of Message.
const CommunicationTestThread = struct {
fn clientFn() !void {
const config = .{.safety = true};
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var c = try Context.init(allocator);
defer c.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful?
var buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined;
var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&buffer);
var writer = fbs.writer();
try c.server_path("simple-context-test", writer);
var path = fbs.getWritten();
const socket = try net.connectUnixSocket(path);
defer socket.close();
_ = try socket.writer().writeAll("Hello world!");
test "Context - creation, display and memory check" {
const config = .{.safety = true};
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var c = try Context.init(allocator);
defer c.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful?
var buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined;
var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&buffer);
var writer = fbs.writer();
try c.server_path("simple-context-test", writer);
var path = fbs.getWritten();
// SERVER SIDE: creating a service.
var server = try c.server_init(path);
defer server.deinit();
defer std.fs.cwd().deleteFile(path) catch {}; // Once done, remove file.
// print ("Context: {}\n", .{c});
// print("\n", .{});
const t = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, CommunicationTestThread.clientFn, .{});
defer t.join();
// Server.accept returns a net.StreamServer.Connection.
var client = try server.accept();
defer client.stream.close();
var buf: [16]u8 = undefined;
const n = try client.stream.reader().read(&buf);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 12), n);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, "Hello world!", buf[0..n]);
// Creating a new thread: testing UNIX communication.
// This is a client sending a an instance of Message.
const ConnectThenSendMessageThread = struct {
fn clientFn() !void {
const config = .{.safety = true};
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var c = try Context.init(allocator);
defer c.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful?
var path_buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined;
var path_fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&path_buffer);
var path_writer = path_fbs.writer();
try c.server_path("simple-context-test", path_writer);
var path = path_fbs.getWritten();
// Actual UNIX socket connection.
const socket = try net.connectUnixSocket(path);
defer socket.close();
// Writing message into a buffer.
var message_buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined;
var message_fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&message_buffer);
var message_writer = message_fbs.writer();
// 'fd' parameter is not taken into account here (no loop)
var m = try Message.init(0, Message.Type.DATA, allocator, "Hello world!");
defer m.deinit();
_ = try m.write(message_writer);
// print("So we're a client now... path: {s}\n", .{path});
_ = try socket.writer().writeAll(message_fbs.getWritten());
test "Context - creation, echo once" {
const config = .{.safety = true};
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var c = try Context.init(allocator);
defer c.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful?
var buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined;
var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&buffer);
var writer = fbs.writer();
try c.server_path("simple-context-test", writer);
var path = fbs.getWritten();
// SERVER SIDE: creating a service.
var server = try c.server_init(path);
defer server.deinit();
defer std.fs.cwd().deleteFile(path) catch {}; // Once done, remove file.
const t = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, ConnectThenSendMessageThread.clientFn, .{});
defer t.join();
// Server.accept returns a net.StreamServer.Connection.
var client = try server.accept();
defer client.stream.close();
var buf: [1000]u8 = undefined;
const n = try client.stream.reader().read(&buf);
var m = try Message.read(buf[0..n], allocator);
defer m.deinit();
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 12), m.payload.len);
try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, m.payload, "Hello world!");