
This is a Zig experimental repository. Simple shell commands will be added to show how to code in the Zig language.

Updated 2022-05-07 03:38:46 +02:00

OLD IMPLEMENTATION. The new one is in Zig and fucking ROCKS: Inter-Process Communication library based on unix sockets.

Updated 2023-02-15 15:56:43 +01:00

LibIPC usage examples in many languages.

Updated 2023-05-27 22:12:08 +02:00

LibIPC: the simplest IPC library you'll probably find.

Updated 2024-03-21 13:02:37 +01:00

QML-like UI software, with a clean division between model and view. Also, without C++.

Updated 2020-12-23 02:16:25 +01:00

Members 1