Compare commits
7 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
4cac8a107f | |||
7cf70edd39 | |||
0be9c9b53e | |||
f8ef807af6 | |||
7e1f7fa3ea | |||
1a60faf70e | |||
9c4ab3e8ef |
@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ release:
crystal docs src/
$(Q)crystal build spec/ $(OPTS) --release
HTTPD_ACCESS_LOGS ?= /tmp/access-dodb-docs.log
HTTPD_PORT ?= 9000
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "usage: $0 result-directory"
exit 0
awk '{ print $1 }' < $d/ram_index.d | sort -n | uniq > it
mkdir data
echo "from truncated data (.t) to graphed data data/XXX.d"
paste it $d/ram_index.t $d/cached_index.t $d/fifo_index.t $d/semi_index.t $d/uncached_index.t > ./data/index.d
paste it $d/ram_partitions.t $d/cached_partitions.t $d/fifo_partitions.t $d/semi_partitions.t $d/uncached_partitions.t > ./data/partitions.d
paste it $d/ram_tags.t $d/cached_tags.t $d/fifo_tags.t $d/semi_tags.t $d/uncached_tags.t > ./data/tags.d
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# ghighlight - A simple preprocessor for adding code highlighting in a groff file
# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Written by Bernd Warken <>.
my $version = '0.9.0';
# This file is part of 'ghighlight', which is part of 'groff'.
# 'groff' is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# 'groff' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the internet
# at <>.
use strict;
use warnings;
#use diagnostics;
# current working directory
use Cwd;
# $Bin is the directory where this script is located
use FindBin;
# open3 for a bidirectional communication with a child process
use IPC::Open3;
# system variables and exported variables
$\ = "\n"; # final part for print command
# read-only variables with double-@ construct
our $File_split_env_sh;
our $File_version_sh;
our $Groff_Version;
my $before_make; # script before run of 'make'
my $at = '@';
$before_make = 1 if '@VERSION@' eq "${at}VERSION${at}";
my %at_at;
my $file_perl_test_pl;
my $groffer_libdir;
if ($before_make) {
my $highlight_source_dir = $FindBin::Bin;
$at_at{'BINDIR'} = $highlight_source_dir;
$at_at{'G'} = '';
} else {
$at_at{'BINDIR'} = '@BINDIR@';
$at_at{'G'} = '@g@';
# options
foreach (@ARGV) {
if ( /^(-h|--h|--he|--hel|--help)$/ ) {
print q(Usage for the 'ghighlight' program:);
print 'ghighlight [-] [--] [filespec...] normal file name arguments';
print 'ghighlight [-h|--help] gives usage information';
print 'ghighlight [-v|--version] displays the version number';
print q(This program is a 'groff' preprocessor that handles highlighting source code ) .
q(parts in 'roff' files.);
} elsif ( /^(-v|--v|--ve|--ver|--vers|--versi|--versio|--version)$/ ) {
print q('ghighlight' version ) . $version;
my $macros = "groff_mm";
$macros = "groff_mm_color";
# input
my $source_mode = 0;
my @lines = ();
sub getTroffLine {
my ($opt) = @_;
if ($opt =~ /^ps=([0-9]+)/) {".ps $1"}
elsif ($opt =~ /^vs=(\S+)/) {".vs $1"}
else { print STDERR "didn't recognised '$opt'"; ""}
sub getTroffLineOpposite {
my ($opt) = @_;
if ($opt =~ /^ps=/) {".ps"}
elsif ($opt =~ /^vs=/) {".vs"}
else { print STDERR "didn't recognised '$opt'"; ""}
# language for codeblocks
my $lang = '';
my @options = ();
foreach (<>) {
my $line = $_;
my $is_dot_Source = $line =~ /^[.']\s*(``|SOURCE)(|\s+.*)$/;
unless ( $is_dot_Source ) { # not a '.SOURCE' line
if ( $source_mode ) { # is running in SOURCE mode
push @lines, $line;
} else { # normal line, not SOURCE-related
print $line;
# now the line is a '.SOURCE' line
my $args = $line;
$args =~ s/\s+$//; # remove final spaces
$args =~ s/^[.']\s*(``|SOURCE)\s*//; # omit .source part, leave the arguments
my @args = split /\s+/, $args;
# start SOURCE mode
$lang = $args[0] if ( @args > 0 && $args[0] ne 'stop' );
if ( @args > 0 && $args[0] ne 'stop' ) {
# For '.``' no args or first arg 'start' means opening 'SOURCE' mode.
# Everything else means an ending command.
shift @args;
@options = @args;
if ( $source_mode ) {
# '.SOURCE' was started twice, ignore
print STDERR q('.``' starter was run several times);
} else { # new SOURCE start
$source_mode = 1;
@lines = ();
# now the line must be a SOURCE ending line (stop)
unless ( $source_mode ) {
print STDERR ' there was a SOURCE ending without being in ' .
'SOURCE mode:';
print STDERR ' ' . $line;
$source_mode = 0; # 'SOURCE' stop calling is correct
my $shopts = $ENV{"SHOPTS"} || "";
# Run source-highlight on lines
# Check if language was specified
my $cmdline = "source-highlight -f $macros $shopts --output STDOUT";
if ($lang ne '') {
$cmdline .= " -s $lang";
# Start `source-highlight`
my $pid = open3(my $child_in, my $child_out, my $child_err, $cmdline)
or die "open3() failed $!";
# Provide source code to `source-highlight` in its standard input
print $child_in $_ for @lines;
close $child_in;
if (my $v = $ENV{"GH_INTRO"}) {
print for split /;/, $v;
for (@options) {
my $l = getTroffLine $_;
print $l if ($l ne "");
# Print `source-highlight` output
while (<$child_out>) {
close $child_out;
for (reverse @options) {
my $l = getTroffLineOpposite $_;
print $l if ($l ne "");
if (my $v = $ENV{"GH_OUTRO"}) {
print for split /;/, $v;
my @print_res = (1);
# Start argument processing
# remove 'stop' arg if exists
# shift @args if ( $args[0] eq 'stop' );
# if ( @args == 0 ) {
# # no args for saving, so @print_res doesn't matter
# next;
# }
# my @var_names = ();
# my @mode_names = ();
# my $mode = '.ds';
# for ( @args ) {
# if ( /^\.?ds$/ ) {
# $mode = '.ds';
# next;
# }
# if ( /^\.?nr$/ ) {
# $mode = '.nr';
# next;
# }
# push @mode_names, $mode;
# push @var_names, $_;
# }
# my $n_vars = @var_names;
# if ( $n_vars < $n_res ) {
# print STDERR 'ghighlight: not enough variables for Python part: ' .
# $n_vars . ' variables for ' . $n_res . ' output lines.';
# } elsif ( $n_vars > $n_res ) {
# print STDERR 'ghighlight: too many variablenames for Python part: ' .
# $n_vars . ' variables for ' . $n_res . ' output lines.';
# }
# if ( $n_vars < $n_res ) {
# print STDERR 'ghighlight: not enough variables for Python part: ' .
# $n_vars . ' variables for ' . $n_res . ' output lines.';
# }
# my $n_min = $n_res;
# $n_min = $n_vars if ( $n_vars < $n_res );
# exit unless ( $n_min );
# $n_min -= 1; # for starting with 0
# for my $i ( 0..$n_min ) {
# my $value = $print_res[$i];
# chomp $value;
# print $mode_names[$i] . ' ' . $var_names[$i] . ' ' . $value;
# }
# Local Variables:
# mode: CPerl
# End:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
FOUND_95pct = 0
FOUND_mean = 0
FOUND_95pct == 1 {
pct_min = $1
pct_max = $2
FOUND_95pct = 0
FOUND_mean == 1 {
mean = $1
print pct_min, median, mean, pct_max, t, df, pvalue
FOUND_mean = 0
/^t = / {
gsub(",", "", $3)
t = $3
gsub(",", "", $6)
df = $6
pvalue = $9
/mean of x/ {
FOUND_mean = 1
/Median/ {
gsub(":", "")
median = $2
/95 percent confidence/ {
FOUND_95pct = 1
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# .raw -> bad format -> .summary (great format)
# .summary (with too much data) -> truncated data (.t)
# ./bin/extract-data-*.sh: .t -> data/XXX.d (paste an index + *.t)
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "usage: $0 result-directory"
exit 0
$raw2sum "${dir}"
# List raw files with the number of iterations as a prefix so they can then be sorted.
sort_summary_files() {
for i in $dir/*.summary ; do f $i ; done | sort -n
f() {
echo $* | sed "s/[_./]/ /g" | xargs echo "$* " | awk '{ printf "%s %s/%s_%s %s\n", $4, $2, $3, $5, $1 }'
fill() {
# Remove previous computations.
rm ${dir}/*.d
while read LINE; do
nb_it=$(echo $LINE | awk '{ print $1 }')
target=$(echo $LINE | awk '{ print $2 }')
fname=$(echo $LINE | awk '{ print $3 }')
cat $fname | xargs echo "$nb_it " >> $target.d
sort_summary_files | fill
$truncate_data "${dir}"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "usage: $0 result-directory"
exit 0
echo "from data (.d) to truncated data (.t)"
for i in $dir/*.d
fname=$(echo $i | sed "s/[.]d$/.t/")
awk '{ print $2, $3, $5 }' < $i > $fname
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Rscript summary handshake-duration.txt
require(grDevices) # for colours
tbl <- read.table(file=commandArgs(TRUE)[1])
val <- tbl[1]
# standarddeviation=sd(unlist(val))
# print (standarddeviation, zero.print="standard deviation: ")
# confint.default (val)
t.test (val)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
# This program isn't by any mean complete.
# Most of text markers, accents and ligatures are handled.
# However, nothing else currently is.
# Please, do provide more translations.
# Convert input into hexadecimal and a single byte per line.
to_hex_one_column() xxd -p -c 1
# Reverse hexadecimal to original value.
from_hex() xxd -p -r
regroup_lines() awk '
if (line_start == 1)
line = $1;
line = line " " $1;
line_start = 0;
if ($1 == "0a") {
print line;
line_start = 1
if (line_start == 0)
print line
accents() sed \
-e "s/c3 81/5c 5b 27 41 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 89/5c 5b 27 45 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 8d/5c 5b 27 49 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 93/5c 5b 27 4f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 9a/5c 5b 27 55 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 9d/5c 5b 27 59 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 a1/5c 5b 27 61 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 a9/5c 5b 27 65 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 ad/5c 5b 27 69 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 b3/5c 5b 27 6f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 ba/5c 5b 27 75 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 bd/5c 5b 27 79 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 84/5c 5b 3a 41 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 8b/5c 5b 3a 45 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 8f/5c 5b 3a 49 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 96/5c 5b 3a 4f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 9c/5c 5b 3a 55 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 a4/5c 5b 3a 61 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 ab/5c 5b 3a 65 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 af/5c 5b 3a 69 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 b6/5c 5b 3a 6f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 bc/5c 5b 3a 75 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 bf/5c 5b 3a 79 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 82/5c 5b 5e 41 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 8a/5c 5b 5e 45 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 8e/5c 5b 5e 49 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 94/5c 5b 5e 4f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 9b/5c 5b 5e 55 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 a2/5c 5b 5e 61 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 aa/5c 5b 5e 65 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 ae/5c 5b 5e 69 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 b4/5c 5b 5e 6f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 bb/5c 5b 5e 75 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 80/5c 5b 60 41 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 88/5c 5b 60 45 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 8c/5c 5b 60 49 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 92/5c 5b 60 4f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 99/5c 5b 60 55 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 a0/5c 5b 60 61 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 a8/5c 5b 60 65 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 ac/5c 5b 60 69 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 b2/5c 5b 60 6f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 b9/5c 5b 60 75 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 83/5c 5b 7e 41 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 91/5c 5b 7e 4e 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 95/5c 5b 7e 4f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 a3/5c 5b 7e 61 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 b1/5c 5b 7e 6e 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 b5/5c 5b 7e 6f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 87/5c 5b 2c 43 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 a7/5c 5b 2c 63 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 85/5c 5b 6f 41 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 a5/5c 5b 6f 61 5d/g"\
-e "s/c5 b8/5c 5b 3a 59 5d/g"\
-e "s/c5 a0/5c 5b 76 53 5d/g"\
-e "s/c5 a1/5c 5b 76 73 5d/g"\
-e "s/c5 bd/5c 5b 76 5a 5d/g"\
-e "s/c5 be/5c 5b 76 7a 5d/g"
# Ligatures.
ligatures() sed \
-e "s/ef ac 80/5c 5b 66 66 5d/g"\
-e "s/ef ac 81/5c 5b 66 69 5d/g"\
-e "s/ef ac 82/5c 5b 66 6c 5d/g"\
-e "s/ef ac 83/5c 5b 46 69 5d/g"\
-e "s/ef ac 84/5c 5b 46 6c 5d/g"\
-e "s/c5 81/5c 5b 2f 4c 5d/g"\
-e "s/c5 82/5c 5b 2f 6c 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 98/5c 5b 2f 4f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 b8/5c 5b 2f 6f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 86/5c 5b 41 45 5d/g"\
-e "s/c3 a6/5c 5b 61 65 5d/g"\
-e "s/c5 92/5c 5b 4f 45 5d/g"\
-e "s/c5 93/5c 5b 6f 65 5d/g"\
-e "s/c4 b2/5c 5b 49 4a 5d/g"\
-e "s/c4 b3/5c 5b 69 6a 5d/g"\
-e "s/c4 b1/5c 5b 2e 69 5d/g"\
-e "s/c8 b7/5c 5b 2e 6a 5d/g"
# Text markers.
text_markers() sed \
-e "s/e2 97 8b/5c 5b 63 69 5d/g"\
-e "s/e2 80 a2/5c 5b 62 75 5d/g"\
-e "s/e2 80 a1/5c 5b 64 64 5d/g"\
-e "s/e2 80 a0/5c 5b 64 67 5d/g"\
-e "s/e2 97 8a/5c 5b 6c 7a 5d/g"\
-e "s/e2 96 a1/5c 5b 73 71 5d/g"\
-e "s/c2 b6/5c 5b 70 73 5d/g"\
-e "s/c2 a7/5c 5b 73 63 5d/g"\
-e "s/e2 98 9c/5c 5b 6c 68 5d/g"\
-e "s/e2 98 9e/5c 5b 72 68 5d/g"\
-e "s/e2 86 b5/5c 5b 43 52 5d/g"\
-e "s/e2 9c 93/5c 5b 4f 4b 5d/g"
# These markers shouldn't be automatically translated in ms macros.
# @ "s/40/5c 5b 61 74 5d/g"
# # "s/23/5c 5b 73 68 5d/g"
# Legal symbols.
legal_symbols() sed \
-e "s/c2 a9/5c 5b 63 6f 5d/g"\
-e "s/c2 ae/5c 5b 72 67 5d/g"\
-e "s/e2 84 a2/5c 5b 74 6d 5d/g"
hexutf8_to_hexms() {
text_markers | accents | ligatures | legal_symbols
to_hex_one_column | regroup_lines | hexutf8_to_hexms | from_hex
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1000 109.3724 120.0 149.3276 110.7882 120 157.2918 162.5658 176.0 277.9142 15370.25 14725 18685.21 18187.83 17627 24197.23
2000 97.24123 113.0 171.35877 93.41446 111.0 173.58554 150.6903 165.0 285.6897 14597.92 14268 16813.36 18879.45 19001 22834.83
3000 103.0883 115 158.9917 100.9986 112.0 155.2814 154.4989 164.0 264.6211 14247.09 14140 16447.25 17817.76 17350 20412.78
4000 117.2374 130.0 174.3026 97.79489 112.0 165.66511 128.0418 174.0 493.0982 14105.34 14082 16422.90 18759.85 19584 22402.63
5000 106.0937 118.0 173.0463 110.96 125.0 185.84 -195.3728 177.0 1550.4728 14525.07 13982 17369.13 17541.12 17432 21223.86
6000 83.89958 113.0 207.96042 92.97882 111.0 169.16118 -286.1952 177.0 1744.7552 15322.56 15154 18244.12 18655.75 18334 22606.77
7000 93.87028 115.0 186.90972 93.98149 113.0 184.19851 -692.4847 171 2895.7047 14629.95 14294 17098.07 20293.82 20819 23339.40
8000 99.4293 113.0 165.9907 89.44064 112.0 188.85936 -665.4418 172 2809.0218 15418.50 14881 19270.92 17427.01 17370 23084.57
9000 89.92345 113.0 190.17655 84.89233 119.0 237.54767 -202.8011 174.0 1498.0611 14761.77 14271 17416.43 18926.34 18373 24650.78
10000 100.9453 115.0 168.9347 101.3982 116.0 165.4218 -237.5687 183.0 1557.2887 23487.26 21978 27871.00 28545.54 27242 34224.06
11000 104.5516 121.0 180.9884 88.26649 112.0 189.95351 -412.4357 163.0 2028.8757 24072.96 23445 28804.28 29199.45 29508 43085.15
12000 90.55463 113.0 183.88537 104.5684 119.0 163.9516 -330.3343 171.0 1815.1943 21855.86 21462 24353.30 24575.85 24636 28061.03
13000 104.6789 113.0 140.8011 109.1926 119.0 160.4074 -360.3683 171.0 1933.0083 22414.18 21382 26679.88 25318.41 24740 28881.05
14000 102.3711 113.0 158.6489 105.9358 119.0 162.3842 -398.5965 191.0 2090.3765 22488.45 21739 26805.05 27483.78 26217 32406.50
15000 106.6945 114.0 159.0455 106.6131 120.0 171.8269 -353.7423 175.0 1883.3423 22485.28 21876 25650.80 27288.86 26337 31788.38
16000 99.16027 113.0 156.35973 100.3977 120.0 174.0623 -414.7897 179.0 2119.8897 20701.83 20579 26171.93 25989.28 24848 30659.02
17000 100.5403 112.5 165.1797 98.57438 119.0 172.10562 -383.5489 173.0 1968.5689 20466.05 22973 34949.27 28271.39 26740 32487.43
18000 100.8786 116.0 173.3814 102.8423 122.0 185.5977 -284.1822 173.0 1671.6822 24180.33 22662 28767.81 23252.91 26601 43768.21
19000 99.28684 113.0 168.21316 103.4369 121.0 169.3831 -347.5273 191.0 1933.2073 21820.31 21204 24790.29 29294.74 29355 33273.36
20000 101.5607 114.0 163.4393 106.0684 119.0 163.1716 -389.5021 169.0 1971.9621 22047.27 22450 27324.23 25568.55 25116 32569.73
21000 101.9594 113.0 149.4606 102.5919 117.5 156.6481 -259.9216 175 1595.9016 23185.63 22750 26646.75 26674.94 25360 31885.22
22000 93.90566 113.0 172.95434 98.50795 111.0 154.47205 -360.6263 176.0 1903.6863 23356.97 22372 27830.13 27726.30 27627 37182.22
23000 110.0059 122 157.9141 104.9991 119.0 159.9409 -272.795 160.0 1562.435 24639.83 25687 30593.81 25639.64 24870 28340.60
24000 132.8882 152 223.1318 106.8899 119.0 154.2301 -641.3508 170.0 3061.7108 21517.35 20919 23770.49 25671.77 24754 35983.71
25000 97.12965 113.0 166.99035 98.67605 112.0 158.36395 -759.1279 170 3093.8279 22017.53 21409 24949.29 26141.86 25322 29655.40
26000 94.80599 113.0 168.47401 103.5701 119.0 169.6699 -753.0398 170 3072.8398 22984.03 22220 27417.97 27292.31 26510 31543.23
27000 94.96552 113.0 170.71448 101.5061 120.0 176.1739 -449.023 183.0 2235.143 19854.38 20289 31928.96 29802.04 28992 34076.34
28000 99.86706 112 152.23294 103.7609 119.0 167.5191 -433.1759 200.0 2299.0359 21677.48 21060 25419.48 26592.69 25651 30744.31
29000 372.8193 392.5 471.3007 105.1664 119.0 162.5736 -448.3971 183.0 2248.8571 20844.73 20637 24197.41 29296.67 29865 32848.43
30000 94.11193 114.0 180.72807 105.3617 119.0 161.0183 -725.1916 170 2985.1516 21613.01 21480 26895.53 27707.56 26902 32592.68
31000 94.55682 113.0 200.08318 99.82525 119.0 184.01475 -338.1358 170.0 1805.5958 26113.71 25403 30575.23 24335.24 25757 40419.46
32000 93.73904 112.0 170.86096 107.164 122 174.916 -419.3431 172.0 2056.3231 23189.88 22693 27108.52 26171.05 25282 31437.45
33000 105.8513 113.0 158.3287 104.0877 119.0 160.2723 -270.7942 163.0 1572.5342 21385.07 20848 23826.29 26958.78 25888 30874.02
34000 102.3427 113.0 160.3173 -262.7567 90.00 1248.8767 -412.095 171.0 2083.715 22540.63 21727 25882.29 27474.0 27148 31402.6
35000 101.988 115 163.992 104.8456 119.0 164.4344 -777.9169 168.0 3184.9369 21638.96 21436 24103.12 26461.00 26104 31258.42
36000 91.2566 113.0 190.2034 97.44665 119.0 173.27335 -480.1585 170.0 2243.3185 23204.36 22350 26323.34 25881.73 24798 29958.49
37000 100.9142 113 148.9858 103.2993 114.0 152.3807 -524.7963 171.0 2400.9363 23006.19 21916 27110.31 25052.16 24618 27717.62
38000 95.2645 113.0 185.2955 93.34441 111.0 175.33559 -424.2406 169.0 2063.5006 22499.69 22104 25037.55 23618.71 25886 40918.29
39000 84.33232 113.0 203.32768 92.21911 112.0 180.42089 -350.508 159.5 2257.368 21823.99 21006 24485.73 26132.24 25172 33859.46
40000 102.0963 114.0 160.2237 107.56 121.0 168.74 -347.5637 176.0 1880.7437 21327.97 21176 26959.05 26937.45 25962 32398.97
41000 95.44862 113.0 167.45138 101.7707 119 162.1493 -384.177 165.5 1958.797 22641.39 25382 40607.81 26451.43 25392 30765.23
42000 97.05713 114.0 180.80287 -252.3245 113.0 1282.6445 -390.3223 163.0 2069.2023 20957.0 20774 24538.6 26898.77 25596 32303.09
43000 107.4423 121.0 172.0577 100.9222 119.0 176.8378 -422.0223 170.0 2106.9223 21146.42 21122 23722.50 27944.65 26254 32830.11
44000 108.7911 120.0 157.9689 -255.111 101.0 1274.471 -424.9622 170.0 2095.1622 23029.37 22396 27845.83 26345.98 25338 29618.62
45000 102.5206 113.0 148.8594 102.2013 119.0 173.2587 -426.8225 170 2084.8425 22025.20 21728 26903.86 -727880.2 28155 2334788.1
46000 97.15623 113.0 162.94377 102.6992 117.0 162.5808 -721.5646 170 2988.6446 20927.06 21780 35703.26 22944.94 25774 40154.88
47000 84.24103 112.0 201.11897 83.00339 111.00 160.73661 -779.993 170 3149.993 21161.16 20816 24110.88 25446.62 24960 28297.66
48000 103.5623 117.0 181.9577 106.1732 123.0 181.0068 -364.7142 186.0 1961.8742 22028.45 21958 24806.11 26057.35 24858 30553.19
49000 90.44346 114.0 190.87654 88.18667 111.0 153.47333 -354.6176 170.0 1874.3576 23452.99 22040 27717.63 31557.44 31422 37588.08
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
1000 6523.0 117.0
2000 12848.0 82.0
3000 7311.0 81.0
4000 5784.0 101.0
5000 9036.0 83.0
6000 11619.0 103.0
7000 10136.0 107.0
8000 11722.0 131.0
9000 13009.0 82.0
10000 14422.0 103.0
11000 15850.0 82.0
12000 17281.0 201.0
13000 18703.0 103.0
14000 25187.0 81.0
15000 27016.0 107.0
16000 23010.0 124.0
17000 24443.0 120.0
18000 25873.0 86.0
19000 34139.0 308.0
20000 28742.0 82.0
21000 30178.0 84.0
22000 31610.0 182.0
23000 33018.0 200.0
24000 74792.0 83.0
25000 45018.0 209.0
26000 46648.0 102.0
27000 64619.0 172.0
28000 40205.0 107.0
29000 41642.0 195.0
30000 43070.0 96.0
31000 55635.0 85.0
32000 45938.0 94.0
33000 47375.0 87.0
34000 48828.0 102.0
35000 50296.0 180.0
36000 51671.0 306.0
37000 53103.0 181.0
38000 54538.0 308.0
39000 55969.0 179.0
40000 57423.0 181.0
41000 104576.0 180.0
42000 60306.0 179.0
43000 61808.0 180.0
44000 117821.0 218.0
45000 64677.0 176.0
46000 66173.0 293.0
47000 67613.0 182.0
48000 69053.0 180.0
49000 73815.0 189.0
50000 71914.0 185.0
51000 73359.0 289.0
52000 99921.0 116.0
53000 76256.0 201.0
54000 104055.0 179.0
55000 79128.0 277.0
56000 80567.0 118.0
57000 82006.0 455.0
58000 83440.0 530.0
59000 84879.0 314.0
60000 86307.0 86.0
61000 87758.0 253.0
62000 89186.0 292.0
63000 90633.0 649.0
64000 92076.0 204.0
65000 94432.0 300.0
66000 94951.0 456.0
67000 96386.0 180.0
68000 97825.0 180.0
69000 128849.0 327.0
70000 100731.0 201.0
71000 102131.0 169.0
72000 103574.0 173.0
73000 105009.0 201.0
74000 106444.0 116.0
75000 107878.0 190.0
76000 109317.0 177.0
77000 110746.0 176.0
78000 112184.0 292.0
79000 142068.0 170.0
80000 115060.0 87.0
81000 116492.0 176.0
82000 117935.0 404.0
83000 122138.0 325.0
84000 120799.0 292.0
85000 122269.0 308.0
86000 123688.0 297.0
87000 125124.0 333.0
88000 126556.0 351.0
89000 128761.0 214.0
90000 129438.0 182.0
91000 130871.0 455.0
92000 177811.0 181.0
93000 134150.0 105.0
94000 135181.0 105.0
95000 206680.0 181.0
96000 138050.0 255.0
97000 182654.0 198.0
98000 140931.0 289.0
99000 142364.0 383.0
100000 143808.0 297.0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1000 -402.0069 172 2427.2869 175.9912 185.0 283.7688 -76.00528 169.0 2008.08528 164.1485 177.0 303.7915
2000 -142.6827 175.0 1265.0827 168.9182 162.0 258.1418 164.3774 167 273.6626 166.4925 179.0 266.8875
3000 -87.0538 164.0 1474.4738 -167.2984 172.0 1342.0784 117.0175 170.0 484.7425 151.2088 159.5 260.7712
4000 -63.31638 161.0 1061.05638 -158.4152 183.0 1366.9152 62.90929 172.0 647.77071 160.5387 170.0 260.1013
5000 3.841338 172 1186.198662 -116.6747 173.0 1626.8547 -173.6707 169.0 1299.4507 148.2143 159.0 266.4057
6000 -64.38611 161.0 1252.92611 -107.36 166.0 1062.54 -124.7399 172.0 1217.5599 158.3102 170.0 257.4698
7000 -111.0442 161.0 1073.4042 -174.0075 161.0 1344.3275 -128.0261 158.5 1217.4861 165.0525 164.0 318.6475
8000 -96.8718 169.0 1208.9518 -99.94616 170.0 1502.06616 -204.9209 159.0 1377.7609 -237.3351 178.0 1532.0351
9000 -202.2942 182.0 1432.7742 -189.8625 170.0 1362.5025 -163.267 172.0 1346.207 -114.0843 178.0 1260.5643
10000 -241.1002 161.0 1495.8802 -380.6291 170.0 1958.7691 -196.7312 186.0 1558.3712 -306.2586 190.0 1810.4986
11000 -335.4891 182.0 1850.0091 -301.2861 161.0 1647.5861 -236.2089 170.0 1553.3489 -325.1701 187.0 1831.4101
12000 -349.2377 160.0 1810.0777 -275.1015 164.0 1584.8215 -378.5749 158.0 1873.3549 -257.1289 175.0 1646.6289
13000 -132.1295 172.0 1668.8695 -278.4298 160.0 1568.5498 -318.9207 184.0 1827.5807 -200.5193 202.0 1601.3793
14000 -375.2257 170.0 1902.5857 -447.7806 170.0 2214.7806 -343.8684 162.0 1936.4484 -238.839 192.0 1637.959
15000 -256.2965 164.0 1502.8165 -498.7963 170 2276.7763 -233.241 172.0 1513.461 -234.6921 194.0 1595.6921
16000 -320.6488 176.0 1801.0088 -247.3584 167.0 1572.1584 -236.0818 159 1754.1618 -292.8538 174.0 1683.5538
17000 -525.9812 176.0 2382.7012 -293.3954 161.0 1679.9154 -368.7892 172.0 1984.9092 -377.8867 176.0 1946.1667
18000 -648.8121 173.0 3092.8121 -233.5228 188.0 1616.2428 -298.4049 176.0 1705.3449 -210.2533 168.0 1403.4933
19000 -221.6955 161.0 1451.9155 -386.7036 170.0 1956.3836 -238.9695 178.0 1544.3495 -202.6783 171.0 1489.4783
20000 -367.0221 179.0 1902.4621 -216.6317 171.0 1442.8517 -705.3572 170 3253.8772 -298.0587 175.0 1702.7387
21000 -544.8885 175 2882.2485 -297.9679 174.0 1777.7079 -231.111 172.0 1496.731 -667.3969 172 2869.2569
22000 -27230.15 161 85196.13 -175.3556 175 1461.3356 -214.8747 246.0 1802.0547 -507.6827 195.0 2430.7827
23000 -302.0954 172 1712.1554 -328.7971 174.0 1790.1171 -282.715 173.0 1664.755 -350.0649 196.0 1967.7249
24000 -418.256 170.0 2161.076 -253.0194 160 1533.0394 -359.7431 159.0 1829.7231 -251.8042 205.0 1717.9042
25000 -198.1571 171.0 1950.7371 -254.2933 177.0 1591.8933 -284.9042 185.0 1715.4842 -188.4496 178.0 1548.2696
26000 -220.6809 160.0 1427.5209 -198.244 160.0 1391.704 -331.4497 161.0 1767.3097 -230.7932 175.0 1516.8732
27000 -313.938 175.0 1792.298 -319.2061 160.0 1704.6261 -318.3466 171.0 1743.8266 -318.0785 184.5 1795.2585
28000 -375.3797 161 1895.4197 -275.3547 183.0 1703.1347 -415.7376 172.0 2098.5776 -292.2983 183.0 1758.7383
29000 -276.1194 172.5 1680.8794 -351.7911 171.0 1902.3911 -211.4906 171.0 1411.7306 -321.2402 175.0 1800.9002
30000 -267.7118 176.0 1640.7318 -376.5194 170.0 1911.8194 -236.3368 170.0 1510.1968 -310.7225 175.0 1770.9825
31000 -224.6149 158.0 1415.6149 -247.9122 181.0 1591.0522 -292.1974 184.0 1753.4574 -313.6216 187.0 1809.3616
32000 -280.222 171.0 1698.802 -514.5683 187.0 2409.6083 -252.9709 177.0 1631.6309 -2604.026 200.0 11060.306
33000 -300.5319 171.0 1669.7919 -188.3859 160.0 1378.8659 -730.8586 175 3023.7586 -218.8753 180.0 1491.2553
34000 -255.552 164.0 1606.152 -254.6239 166.0 1531.4439 -223.2933 161 1443.2733 -298.4146 163.0 1694.5546
35000 -349.3114 179.0 1949.5114 -489.9953 171.0 2281.5753 -388.0522 171.0 1958.9922 -680.3365 175 2866.8365
36000 -263.1375 165.5 1721.0375 -277.1259 160.0 1596.6459 -407.1215 163.0 2082.8815 -257.0347 168.0 1628.1147
37000 -249.5213 160.0 1545.7613 -312.7545 171.0 1762.5145 -337.7234 217.0 2019.0634 -218.8514 174.5 1464.3314
38000 -190.8922 172.0 1409.8322 -369.7589 160.0 1916.5589 -326.3183 171.0 1760.6383 -2774.949 199 9864.429
39000 -276.9466 161.0 1648.0466 -311.9187 175.0 1751.3387 -292.131 160.0 1656.771 -269.051 164.0 1577.471
40000 -379.5287 187.0 2023.0287 -331.1467 171.0 1773.7267 -318.2688 160.0 1723.6888 -226.15 180.0 1749.91
41000 -328.2525 171.0 1750.5725 -499.2701 170.0 2281.7101 -349.1792 171.0 1834.5192 -215.8072 168.0 1424.9872
42000 -233.5024 169.0 1498.0824 -254.3236 161.0 1534.8636 -211.5346 161.0 1389.2946 -381.2945 199.0 2062.2345
43000 -336.3329 171.0 1819.6129 -587.2745 170 3050.4945 -259.4045 160.0 1595.0245 -426.9339 163.0 2125.1139
44000 -447.4197 177.5 2206.9597 -288.47 160.0 1676.05 -244.2322 171.0 1931.7122 -387.7801 175.0 2027.1401
45000 -380.9505 172 1970.8905 -455.9734 172.0 2165.0134 -290.4214 161 1650.3214 -370.4917 180.0 2014.1717
46000 -314.7491 177.0 1867.4491 -458.15 184.0 2230.85 -494.964 173.0 2333.624 -440.0826 188.0 2188.4626
47000 -414.7843 184.0 2127.2043 -242.4129 172.0 1521.1329 -324.2322 160.0 1772.8922 -430.9616 171.0 2099.1616
48000 -313.1542 198.0 1945.0142 -418.2966 193.0 2314.5166 -391.4237 184.0 2021.6237 -182.8266 176.0 1500.5466
49000 -241.9814 161.0 1492.3614 -418.5865 171.0 2046.5465 -254.3783 160.0 1526.8783 -357.1107 173.0 1920.4507
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1000 46349146 45554860 48008901 222708.1 286571 723865.8 80077.95 237298 740524.47 -31392.76 265598 1180670.12
2000 92435899 91615962 95067405 401997.8 789988 3627289.6 460845.4 593882 1463554.3 436283.4 658842 1685775.2
3000 139066018 138052414 141821951 146886256 150733958 150637310 762532.6 1179371 4588274.0 764088 1087902 2093117
4000 184031577 184029672 187016790 192653868 191845494 196066610 2377364 2953912 8898600 1575421 1657766 3897262
5000 232254575 232360877 235316242 242381520 241791898 245382597 1442316 2957307 12314109 2201912 2236734 4564862
6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1000 57327.37 158228 969713.23 51773.98 119018 346903.10 -43341.3 113630 604740.6 127094.6 124828 141578.2
2000 44896043 44525423 46018005 50063.86 381445 2285894.38 150637.1 286780 820394.3 -88324.12 269930 1421035.86
3000 66635654 66661315 67838778 -81824.2 382950 3056880.5 572076.1 685437 2627189.8 222029 527635 1592079
4000 86630357 86530022 87631224 -100300.3 647494 4216698.6 1000827 1831940 5408418 526332 802795 1797297
5000 110167104 109742863 112053297 331605 1058880 5630160 498036.1 1905043 6581440.5 823976.9 1062288 2884859.7
6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1000 112698.8 106648 205035.0 109163.2 111556 119760.9 -413150.4 215905 2228873.9 55310779 32607994 68184806 59540058 34354068 73549255
2000 291492.1 264528 531866.3 257924.2 252470 279242.7 67559.68 588606 2234659.38 122314006 124993236 126096782 130576232 133560572 134471614
3000 424337.2 364885 766042.5 79176.76 397934 1414588.42 139264 1054285 5725970 178519117 158492286 191298133 193265966 170749528 207107755
4000 730615.4 556237 1205071.3 430059.7 623746 1607854.1 1376406 2708479 8910010 243890686 249359386 249671425 263063787 268975108 269134084
5000 1051048 875354 1598667 521548.6 824070 1986741.8 491803.2 2768610 12496317.5 304138414 287626396 316751748 328309608 308880258 342930301
6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1000 46407.85 48260 92784.11 58359.75 60670 68427.51 111680.8 109784 123174.7 25046400 15183137 36056938 27331481 16031049 39393943
2000 89709.68 99074 237722.20 126450.1 126126 140746.9 230099.4 214486 256065.0 55072766 35251506 67965873 59245033 33153668 73276433
3000 177078.2 188430 483547.4 197813.5 197822 205526.1 267996.5 665748 1971332.7 86076812 107367277 97133916 92676826 116628552 104971483
4000 308312.9 283972 616899.9 296982.2 267806 410745.1 402399.4 1743964 5861395.8 120162415 122719698 123856793 129777077 132449972 133784076
5000 446012.6 406496 828497.7 21870.69 352976 1475242.73 140217.4 1768296 6998056.5 148184604 139245637 159136161 157187113 147782836 168681273
6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
extension "groff"
.MT 0
.AU \"\"
.SA 0
bold "\f[CB]$text\fP"
italics "\f[CI]$text\fP"
underline "\f[CI]$text\fP"
fixed "\fC$text\fP"
color "\m[$style]$text\m[]"
anchor "$infilename : $linenum - $text"
reference "$text \(-> $infile:$linenum, page : $infilename:$linenum"
#lineprefix "\fC\(em\fP "
#lineprefix "\fC\n(ln\fP "
lineprefix ""
"green" "green"
"red" "red"
"darkred" "darkred"
"blue" "blue"
"brown" "brown"
"pink" "pink"
"yellow" "yellow"
"cyan" "cyan"
"purple" "purple"
"orange" "orange"
"brightorange" "brightorange"
"brightgreen" "brightgreen"
"darkgreen" "darkgreen"
"black" "black"
"teal" "teal"
"gray" "gray"
"darkblue" "darkblue"
default "black"
"\\" "\\\\"
##"\n" " \\\\\n"
##" " "\\ "
##"\t" "\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ "
"\t" " "
"|" "|"
"---" "\(em"
"--" "\(mi"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
SRC ?= paper
ODIR ?= /tmp/
export ODIR SRC
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
SRC ?= graphs
ODIR ?= .
BIBLIOGRAPHY ?= bibliography
ALLSRC = $(shell find .)
PRECONV_OPTS ?= -e utf-8
EQN_OPTS ?= -Tpdf
EQN = eqn $(EQN_OPTS)
# source-highlight stuff
# GH_INTRO: instructions before each source code provided by source-highlight
# GH_OUTRO: ------------ after ---- ------ ---- -------- -- ----------------
# GH_INTRO/GH_OUTRO: values are separated by ';'
GH_INTRO := .nr DI 0;.DS I;.fam C;.b1;.sp -0.1i
GH_OUTRO := .sp -0.2i;.b2;.fam;.DE
export GH_INTRO
export GH_OUTRO
# SHOPTS: cmd line parameter given to source-highlight
SHOPTS = --outlang-def=.source-highlight_groff-output-definition
export SHOPTS
# ghighlight brings `source-highlight` to troff
GHIGHLIGHT = ./bin/ghighlight $(GHIGHLIGHT_OPTS)
GRAP = grap $(GRAP_OPTS)
PIC_OPTS ?= -Tpdf
PIC = pic $(PIC_OPTS)
# -P => move ponctuation after reference
# -S => label and bracket-label options
# -e => accumulate (use a reference section)
# -p bib => bibliography file
# -k => iconv conversion (did it ever worked?)
# -ms => ms macro
# -U => unsafe (because of PDF inclusion)
# -Tpdf => output device is PDF
# -mspdf => include PDF (so, images converted in PDF) in the document
# NOTE: a custom troffrc (configuration file) is necessary on OpenBSD
# to have correctly justified paragraphs. Otherwise, the default
# configuration removes this possibility, for bullshit reasons. Sad.
# -M dir => path to custom troffrc
# TODO: no change with or without the following options -P -e
# This has to be inverstigated: how to make PDFs look nice in browsers?
# -P -e => provide "-e" to gropdf to embed fonts
GROFF_OPTS ?= -ms -t -Tpdf -U -mspdf -mpdfmark -M ./bin -P -e
$(SOELIM) < $(SRC).ms |\
./bin/ |\
$(EQN) |\
$(GRAP) |\
$(PIC) |\
$(REFER) |\
$(GROFF) > $(ODIR)/$@
# Keep options in memory for the recursive 'make' call
@#find . -name "*.ms" -or -name "*.d" | entr gmake -B $(SRC).pdf
find . | entr gmake -B $(SRC).pdf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
%A C. Bormann
%A P. Hoffman
%T RFC 8949, Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)
%D 2020
%I Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
%A Tim Bray
%T RFC 8259, The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format
%D 2017
%I Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
%K darkhttpd
%A Emil Mikulic
%T DarkHTTPd, when you need a webserver in a hurry.
%D 2017
%K netlibre
%A Philippe PITTOLI
%T, a free DNS registrar
%D 2013
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
copy "legend.grap"
frame invis ht 3 wid 4 left solid bot solid
coord x 0,100000
label left "Cost of adding" unaligned "a new entry (ns)" left 0.8
label bot "Number of entries already in the structure" down 0.1
oblru = obefficientlru = 0
cblru = cbefficientlru = 0
legendxleft = 1000
legendxright = 50000
legendyup = 190000
legendydown = 140000
copy "../data/lru_100000_100000_redux.d" thru X
cx = $1
cblru = $2
cbefficientlru = $3
# lru efficientlru
.gcolor orange
if (oblru > 0) then {line from cx,cblru to ox,oblru}
.gcolor green
if (obefficientlru > 0) then {line from cx,cbefficientlru to ox,obefficientlru}
oblru = cblru
obefficientlru = cbefficientlru
ox = cx
# lru efficientlru
.gcolor orange
bullet at cx,cblru
.gcolor green
bullet at cx,cbefficientlru
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
copy "legend.grap"
frame invis ht 3 wid 4 left solid bot solid
coord y 0,300
ticks left out from 0 to 300 by 50
ticks bot out at 50000 "50,000", 100000 "100,000", 150000 "150,000", 200000 "200,000", 250000 "250,000"
label left "Request duration with" unaligned "an index (ns)" "(Median)" left 0.8
label bot "Number of cars in the database" down 0.1
oblru1 = oblru5 = oblru10 = oblru20 = 0 # old bullets
cblru1 = cblru5 = cblru10 = cblru20 = 0 # current bullets
legendxleft = 120000
legendxright = 180000
legendyup = 120
legendydown = 20
copy "../data/lru_index.d" thru X
cx = $1*5
y_scale = 1
## lru1 lru5 lru10 lru20
#line from cx,$2/y_scale to cx,$4/y_scale
#line from cx,$5/y_scale to cx,$7/y_scale
#line from cx,$8/y_scale to cx,$10/y_scale
#line from cx,$11/y_scale to cx,$13/y_scale
#ty = $3
cx = $1*5
cblru1 = $3/y_scale
cblru5 = $6/y_scale
cblru10 = $9/y_scale
cblru20 = $12/y_scale
.gcolor red
if (oblru1 > 0) then {line from cx,cblru1 to ox,oblru1}
.gcolor green
if (oblru5 > 0) then {line from cx,cblru5 to ox,oblru5}
if (oblru10 > 0) then {line from cx,cblru10 to ox,oblru10}
.gcolor pink
if (oblru20 > 0) then {line from cx,cblru20 to ox,oblru20}
oblru1 = cblru1
oblru5 = cblru5
oblru10 = cblru10
oblru20 = cblru20
ox = cx
# lru1 lru5 lru10 lru20
.gcolor red
bullet at cx,cblru1
.gcolor green
bullet at cx,cblru5
bullet at cx,cblru10
.gcolor pink
bullet at cx,cblru20
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
copy "legend.grap"
frame invis ht 3 wid 4 left solid bot solid
coord x 0,5000*2 y 0,4000
ticks left out from 0 to 4000 by 400
ticks bot out from 1000 to 10000 by 1000
label left "Request duration" unaligned "for a partition (µs)" "(Median)" left 0.8
label bot "Number of cars matching the partition" down 0.1
oblru1 = oblru5 = oblru10 = oblru20 = 0
cblru1 = cblru5 = cblru10 = cblru20 = 0
legendxleft = 1000
legendxright = 2500
legendyup = 4000
legendydown = 2500
copy "../data/lru_partitions.d" thru X
cx = $1*2
y_scale = 1000
# Since the first access to the data is massively slower than the
# following retrivials, the mustache doesn't provide a better
# understanding of the data.
line_no_mustache(cblru1, oblru1, $3, red)
line_no_mustache(cblru5, oblru5, $6, green)
line_no_mustache(cblru10, oblru10, $9, black)
line_no_mustache(cblru20, oblru20, $12, pink)
ox = cx
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
copy "legend.grap"
frame invis ht 3 wid 4 left solid bot solid
coord x 0,5000 y 0,3000
ticks left out from 0 to 5000 by 200
ticks bot out from 1000 to 5000 by 1000
label left "Request duration" unaligned "for a tag (µs)" "(Median)" left 0.8
label bot "Number of cars matching the tag" down 0.1
oblru1 = oblru5 = oblru10 = oblru20 = 0
cblru1 = cblru5 = cblru10 = cblru20 = 0
legendxleft = 2000
legendxright = 3500
legendyup = 2500
legendydown = 1500
copy "../data/lru_tags.d" thru X
cx = $1
y_scale = 1000
# Since the first access to the data is massively slower than the
# following retrivials, the mustache doesn't provide a better
# understanding of the data.
line_no_mustache(cblru1, oblru1, $3, red)
line_no_mustache(cblru5, oblru5, $6, green)
line_no_mustache(cblru10, oblru10, $9, black)
line_no_mustache(cblru20, oblru20, $12, pink)
ox = cx
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
copy "legend.grap"
graph Linear
frame invis ht 3 wid 4 left solid bot solid
coord y 0,40000
ticks left out from 0 to 40000 by 10000
ticks bot off
label left "Request duration with" unaligned "an index (ns)" "(Median)" left 0.8
label right "\s+2Linear" unaligned "scale\s0"
obram = obuncache = obcache = oblru = obsemi = 0 # old bullets
cbram = cbuncache = cbcache = cblru = cbsemi = 0 # current bullets
legendxleft = 100000
legendxright = 250000
legendyup = 15000
legendydown = 2000
copy "../data/index.d" thru X
cx = $1*5
y_scale = 1
line_no_mustache(cbram, obram, $3, red)
line_no_mustache(cbcache, obcache, $6, black)
line_no_mustache(cblru, oblru, $9, pink)
line_no_mustache(cbsemi, obsemi, $12, blue)
line_no_mustache(cbuncache, obuncache, $15, green)
ox = cx
graph Exponential with .Frame.n at Linear.Frame.s -(0,.05)
frame invis ht 3 wid 4 left solid bot solid
coord log y
#ticks left out from 0 to 50 by 10
ticks bot out at 50000 "50,000", 100000 "100,000", 150000 "150,000", 200000 "200,000", 250000 "250,000"
label left "Request duration with" unaligned "an index (ns)" "(Median)" left 0.8
label bot "Number of cars in the database" down 0.1
label right "\s+2Logarithmic" unaligned "scale\s0"
obram = obuncache = obcache = oblru = obsemi = 0 # old bullets
cbram = cbuncache = cbcache = cblru = cbsemi = 0 # current bullets
copy "../data/index.d" thru X
cx = $1*5
y_scale = 1
line_no_mustache(cbram, obram, $3, red)
line_no_mustache(cbcache, obcache, $6, black)
line_no_mustache(cblru, oblru, $9, pink)
line_no_mustache(cbsemi, obsemi, $12, blue)
line_no_mustache(cbuncache, obuncache, $15, green)
ox = cx
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
copy "legend.grap"
graph Linear
frame invis ht 3 wid 4 left solid bot solid
coord x 0,5000*2
ticks bot off
label left "Request duration" unaligned "for a partition (ms)" "(Median)" left 0.8
label right "\s+2Linear" unaligned "scale\s0"
obram = obuncache = oblru = obcache = obsemi = 0
cbram = cbuncache = cblru = cbcache = cbsemi = 0
legendxleft = 1000
legendxright = 6500
legendyup = 320
legendydown = 220
y_scale = 1000000
linear_growth(red, 110, 1000, 10000)
linear_growth(black, 110, 1000, 10000)
linear_growth(pink, 160, 1000, 10000)
linear_growth(blue, 13982, 1000, 10000)
linear_growth(green, 17350, 1000, 10000)
copy "../data/partitions.d" thru X
cx = $1*2
line_no_mustache(cbram, obram, $3, red)
line_no_mustache(cbcache, obcache, $6, black)
line_no_mustache(cblru, oblru, $9, pink)
line_no_mustache(cbsemi, obsemi, $12, blue)
line_no_mustache(cbuncache, obuncache, $15, green)
#line_with_mustache(cbram, obram, $3, red, $2, $4)
#line_with_mustache(cbcache, obcache, $6, black, $5, $7)
#line_with_mustache(cblru, oblru, $9, pink, $8, $10)
#line_with_mustache(cbsemi, obsemi, $12,blue, $11, $13)
#line_with_mustache(cbuncache,obuncache,$15,green, $14, $16)
ox = cx
graph Exponential with .Frame.n at Linear.Frame.s -(0,.05)
frame invis ht 3 wid 4 left solid bot solid
coord x 0,5000*2 y 0.05,350 log y
ticks bot out from 1000 to 10000 by 1000
label left "Request duration" unaligned "for a partition (ms)" "(Median)" left 0.8
label bot "Number of cars matching the partition" down 0.1
label right "\s+2Logarithmic" unaligned "scale\s0"
obram = obuncache = oblru = obcache = obsemi = 0
cbram = cbuncache = cblru = cbcache = cbsemi = 0
y_scale = 1000000
linear_growth(red, 85, 1000, 10000)
linear_growth(black, 85, 1000, 10000)
linear_growth(pink, 160, 1000, 10000)
linear_growth(blue, 13982, 1000, 10000)
linear_growth(green, 17350, 1000, 10000)
copy "../data/partitions.d" thru X
cx = $1*2
line_no_mustache(cbram, obram, $3, red)
line_no_mustache(cbcache, obcache, $6, black)
line_no_mustache(cblru, oblru, $9, pink)
line_no_mustache(cbsemi, obsemi, $12, blue)
line_no_mustache(cbuncache, obuncache, $15, green)
#line_with_mustache(cbram, obram, $3, red, $2, $4)
#line_with_mustache(cbcache, obcache, $6, black, $5, $7)
#line_with_mustache(cblru, oblru, $9, pink, $8, $10)
#line_with_mustache(cbsemi, obsemi, $12,blue, $11, $13)
#line_with_mustache(cbuncache,obuncache,$15,green, $14, $16)
ox = cx
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
copy "legend.grap"
graph Linear
frame invis ht 3 wid 4 left solid bot solid
coord x 0,5000 y 0,170
ticks left out from 0 to 170 by 20
ticks bot off
label left "Request duration" unaligned "for a tag (ms)" "(Median)" left 0.8
#label bot "Number of cars matching the tag" down 0.1
label right "\s+2Linear" unaligned "scale\s0"
obram = obuncache = oblru = obcache = obsemi = 0
cbram = cbuncache = cblru = cbcache = cbsemi = 0
legendxleft = 200
legendxright = 3000
legendyup = 170
legendydown = 120
copy "../data/tags.d" thru X
cx = $1
y_scale = 1000000
line_no_mustache(cbram, obram, $3, red)
line_no_mustache(cbcache, obcache, $6, black)
line_no_mustache(cblru, oblru, $9, pink)
line_no_mustache(cbsemi, obsemi, $12, blue)
line_no_mustache(cbuncache, obuncache, $15, green)
#line_with_mustache(cbram, obram, $3, red, $2, $4)
#line_with_mustache(cbcache, obcache, $6, black, $5, $7)
#line_with_mustache(cblru, oblru, $9, pink, $8, $10)
#line_with_mustache(cbsemi, obsemi, $12,blue, $11, $13)
#line_with_mustache(cbuncache,obuncache,$15,green, $14, $16)
ox = cx
graph Exponential with .Frame.n at Linear.Frame.s -(0,.05)
frame invis ht 3 wid 4 left solid bot solid
coord x 0,5000 y 0.02,350 log y
ticks bot out from 1000 to 5000 by 1000
label left "Request duration" unaligned "for a tag (ms)" "(Median)" left 0.8
label bot "Number of cars matching the tag" down 0.1
label right "\s+2Logarithmic" unaligned "scale\s0"
obram = obuncache = oblru = obcache = obsemi = 0
cbram = cbuncache = cblru = cbcache = cbsemi = 0
copy "../data/tags.d" thru X
cx = $1
y_scale = 1000000
line_no_mustache(cbram, obram, $3, red)
line_no_mustache(cbcache, obcache, $6, black)
line_no_mustache(cblru, oblru, $9, pink)
line_no_mustache(cbsemi, obsemi, $12, blue)
line_no_mustache(cbuncache, obuncache, $15, green)
#line_with_mustache(cbram, obram, $3, red, $2, $4)
#line_with_mustache(cbcache, obcache, $6, black, $5, $7)
#line_with_mustache(cblru, oblru, $9, pink, $8, $10)
#line_with_mustache(cbsemi, obsemi, $12,blue, $11, $13)
#line_with_mustache(cbuncache,obuncache,$15,green, $14, $16)
ox = cx
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
define boite {
xleft = $1
xright = $2
yup = $3
ydown = $4
line from xleft,ydown to xright,ydown
line from xleft,yup to xright,yup
line from xleft,yup to xleft,ydown
line from xright,yup to xright,ydown
define legend_line {
cy = $1
lstartx = $2
lendx = $3
tstartx = $4
.gcolor $5
line from lstartx,cy to lendx,cy
$6 ljust at tstartx,cy
define legend {
xleft = $1
xright = $2
yup = $3
ydown = $4
diffx = xright - xleft
diffy = yup - ydown
hdiff = diffy/5.7
cy = yup - (diffy/6)
cx = (diffx/20) + xleft
lstartx = cx
lendx = cx + diffx/8
tstartx = lendx + diffx/20
.ps -2
legend_line(cy,lstartx,lendx,tstartx,red,"RAM only")
cy = cy - hdiff
legend_line(cy,lstartx,lendx,tstartx,black,"Cached db and index")
cy = cy - hdiff
legend_line(cy,lstartx,lendx,tstartx,pink,"Common db, cached index")
cy = cy - hdiff
legend_line(cy,lstartx,lendx,tstartx,blue,"Uncached db, cached index")
cy = cy - hdiff
legend_line(cy,lstartx,lendx,tstartx,green,"Uncached db and index")
.ps +2
define legend_common {
xleft = $1
xright = $2
yup = $3
ydown = $4
diffx = xright - xleft
diffy = yup - ydown
hdiff = diffy/4.5
cy = yup - (diffy/6)
cx = (diffx/20) + xleft
lstartx = cx
lendx = cx + diffx/8
tstartx = lendx + diffx/20
.ps -2
cy = cy - hdiff
cy = cy - hdiff
cy = cy - hdiff
.ps +2
define legend_lru_addition {
xleft = $1
xright = $2
yup = $3
ydown = $4
diffx = xright - xleft
diffy = yup - ydown
hdiff = diffy/3.5
cy = yup - (diffy/10)
cx = (diffx/20) + xleft
lstartx = cx
lendx = cx + diffx/8
tstartx = lendx + diffx/20
.ps -2
cy = cy - hdiff
legend_line(cy,lstartx,lendx,tstartx,orange,"Basic LRU")
cy = cy - hdiff
legend_line(cy,lstartx,lendx,tstartx,green,"Efficient LRU")
.ps +2
# WARNING: this macro uses "cx" (current x), y_scale and "ox" (old x).
define line_no_mustache {
# $1 = cbram
# $2 = obram
# $3 = column
# $4 = color
$1 = $3/y_scale
.gcolor $4
if ($2 > 0) then {line from cx,$1 to ox,$2}
bullet at cx,$1
$2 = $1
# WARNING: this macro uses "cx" (current x), y_scale and "ox" (old x).
define line_with_mustache {
# $1 = cbram
# $2 = obram
# $3 = column
# $4 = color
# $5 = column mustache 1
# $6 = column mustache 2
line from cx,$5/y_scale to cx,$6/y_scale
# WARNING: this macro y_scale.
define linear_growth {
# $1 = color
# $2 = duration of the retrieval for a single value
# $3 = min number of retrievals
# $4 = max number of retrievals
.gcolor $1
line dashed from $3,($2*$3)/y_scale to $4,($2*$4)/y_scale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
.\" .RP = report document
.nr PO 0.5i \" page offset default 1i
.nr LL 7.0i \" line length default 6i
.nr FM 0.3i \" page foot margin default 1i
.nr DI 0
.nr FF 3 \" footnotes' type: numbered, with point, indented
.nr PS 12
.nr LIST_NUMBER 0 +1
.defcolor darkgreen rgb 0.1 0.5 0.2
.defcolor darkblue rgb 0.3 0.3 0.7
.defcolor darkred rgb 0.7 0.3 0.3
.defcolor black rgb 0 0 0
.defcolor color_box rgb 1 1 .6
. \" with semantic
.defcolor citation rgb 0.4 0.4 0.4
.defcolor citationbar rgb 0.3 0.3 0.7
.defcolor explanation rgb 0.7 0.4 0.4
.defcolor explanationbar rgb 0.8 0.3 0.3
.defcolor specialcolor_command rgb 0.7 0.3 0.3
.defcolor specialcolor_type rgb 0.6 0.3 0.5
.defcolor specialcolor_constructor rgb 0.1 0.5 0.2
.defcolor specialcolor_module rgb 0.1 0.5 0.2
.defcolor specialcolor_function rgb 0.4 0.4 0.7
.defcolor specialcolor_question rgb 0.0 0.0 0.7
.defcolor specialcolor_operator rgb 0.3 0.8 0.3
.defcolor specialcolor_shine rgb 0.3 0.3 0.7
. \" SIZES
.nr specialsize_command 10
.nr specialsize_type 8
.nr specialsize_constructor 8
.nr specialsize_module 8
.nr specialsize_function 8
.nr specialsize_operator 9
.nr specialsize_question 10 \" Current point size, no change.
.nr specialsize_shine 11
. \" FONTS
.ds specialfont_command CW
.ds specialfont_type CW
.ds specialfont_constructor CW
.ds specialfont_module CW
.ds specialfont_function CW
.ds specialfont_operator CW
.ds specialfont_question I
.ds specialfont_shine B
.sp 0.5
.ps 7 \" point size (~= font size)
.vs 8p \" vertical spacing between lines
.ps 9
.vs 11p
.\" BULLET and ENUM => do not add space when no parameter are provided
.de STARTBULLET \" Bullet points
.in +1
.de BULLET \" Bullet points
.in -1
.in +1
.sp -1
.ie '\\$1'' \
.el \\$*
.in -1 \" indent
.de ENUM \" Numbered list
.sp -1
.ie '\\$1'' \
.el \\$*
.in -2 \" indent
.de b1 \" Begin code box
.sp 0.2
.ft CW
.de b2 \" End code box
.sp 0.5
.KS \" start a keep
.ft I \" citation in italics
.mk C \" set a marker for line drawing
.in +1 \" indent a bit
.gcolor citation
The CITATION2 macro closes the quote then draws a line
from current line to the start of the quote.
.mk D \" set second marker to come back here
.ft \" back to previous font
.in -1 \" remove indent
.gcolor \" remove previous color
.gcolor citationbar
.\" r = move upward
.\" Z D t = drawing thickness
.\" L = draw the line
\Z'\D't 1p''\
\L'|\\nCu' \" draw line
.gcolor black \" remove previous color
.sp -2 \" get two lines back
\Z'\D't 1'' \" get the previous drawing thickness back
.KE \" end of the keep
.vs -\\n[legendps]p
.ps -\\n[legendps]
.in -1.2
.ll +1.2
.KS \" start a keep
.ft B \" citation in italics
.mk C \" set a marker for line drawing
.in +1 \" indent a bit
.gcolor explanation
.ft \" back to previous font
.in -1 \" remove indent
.gcolor \" remove previous color
.gcolor explanationbar
\r\L'|\\nCu' \" draw line (\r moves upward, \L draw the line, ...)
.gcolor \" remove previous color
.sp -1 \" get two lines back
.KE \" end of the keep
.ft CW \" constant width font
.ps 8 \" small font
.vs 9p \" smaller vertical spacing between lines
.sp 1
.vs \" come back to the previous vertical spacing
.ps \" come back to the previous point size
.ft \" come back to the previous font
.sp -1 \" return one line above
.de FRAC
.ie '\\$3'' \{\
.el \{\
.nr pg@fn-colw \\n[pg@colw] \" footnotes' column width
.nr FL (\n[LL]*97/100)
. \" Fonts and colors.
.ie !'\\$3'' \\$3\c
.nr current_size \\n[.s] \" Current point size.
.gcolor specialcolor_\\*[semantictoken]
.if !((\\n[current_size] == \\n[specialsize_\\*[semantictoken]]) \
.ps \\n[specialsize_\\*[semantictoken]]
.ie '\\$2'' \{\
. ps \\n[current_size]
. gcolor black \" FIXME: should be the previous color
.el \{\
. ps \\n[current_size]
. gcolor black \" FIXME: should be the previous color
.ps 8
.vs 9p
.ds semantictoken command
.ds semantictoken function
.de TYPE
.ds semantictoken type
.I "\\$1" "\\$2"
.ds semantictoken operator
.ds semantictoken question
.ds semantictoken constructor
.ds semantictoken module
.ds semantictoken shine
.MODULE \\$1 ,
.de TBD
.ft B
To be defined or to finish.
.ft R
\(->\h'5p' \\$*
.af dy 00
.af mo 00
.ds CURRENT_DATE \\n(dy/\\n(mo/\\n[year]
Check out for newer versions:
.ft CW
.ps 8
\h'2p' \\$1
And if you have questions:
.ft CW
\h'13p' \\$2
.\" .DE
Lastly compiled the
(day/month/year, you know, like in any sane civilization).
Nouvelles versions :
.ft CW
.ps 8
\h'2p' \\$1
Questions :
.ft CW
\h'36p' \\$2
.\" .DE
Compilé pour la dernière fois le
.ps +3
.fam H \" helvetica family
.fam \" back to previous font family
.NH 2
.ps +1
.fam H \" helvetica family
.fam \" back to previous font family
.NH 3
.fam H \" helvetica family
.fam \" back to previous font family
.NH 4
.fam H \" helvetica family
.fam \" back to previous font family
.fam H \" helvetica family
.fam \" back to previous font family
.SH 2
.fam H \" helvetica family
.fam \" back to previous font family
.AB no
.ds CH Page %
.ds LH \\$*
.de HD .XX
.sp -2.3
.nr LINEWIDTH (\n[LL]/1.0i)
.sp +1.5
. AU
. ie !'\\$1'' \\$*
. FS
. FE
. KS
. UL "\\$*" :
. KE
. nr @wd \w'\\$1'
. nr x1 0
. nr y1 (\\n[rst]u - \\n[rsb]u + .4m)
. nr x2 (\\n[@wd]u + .4m)
. nr y2 0
. nr x3 0
. nr y3 (\\n[rst]u - \\n[rsb]u + .4m)
. nr x4 (\\n[@wd]u + .4m)
. nr y4 0
\h'-.2m'\v'(.2m - \\n[rsb]u)'\
\D'P \\n[x1] -\\n[y1]u \\n[x2]u \\n[y2]u \\n[x3]u \\n[y3]u -\\n[x4]u \\n[y4]u '\
\h'.2m'\v'-(.2m - \\n[rsb]u)'\
.ds SPACE_SS_NUMBER_TITLE 0.5\" not a number register because of leading 0
. nr CURRENT_SUBSECTION 0 \" reset current subsection numbering
. nr CURRENT_SSSECTION 0 \" reset current subsubsection numbering
. ie !(\\n[CURRENT_SECTION]=0) .sp +1
. br
. ie (\\n[APPENDIX_TIME]=0) \
. el \{
. bp \}
. ps +2
. fam H \" helvetica family
. ft B
. ne 4 \" should be at least a few lines left at the bottom of the page
. ft
. fam \" back to previous font family
. ps -2
. SECTION \\$*
.de SS
. ie (\\n[APPENDIX_TIME]=0) \
.el \
.de SSS
. br
. ps -2
. fam H \" helvetica family
. ft B
. ie (\\n[APPENDIX_TIME]=0) \
. el \
. ft
. fam \" back to previous font family
. ps +2
. in +1
. br
. in +1
. sp -1
. in -2
.de EENUM \" Numbered list
. ie !(\\n[LIST_NUMBER]=0) .in -\\n[ENUM_INDENTATION]
. br
. sp -1
.nr legendps 2
. QP
. vs -\\n[legendps]p
. ps -\\n[legendps]
. in -1.2
. ll +1.2
. br
. br
. vs +\\n[legendps]p
. ps +\\n[legendps]
. br
. LP
.de IEME
. ce
. br
. in +1
. ll -1
. KS \" start a keep
. \" .ft I \" citation in italics
. mk C \" set a marker for line drawing
. in +1 \" indent a bit
. gcolor citation
. mk D \" set second marker to come back here
. \" .ft \" back to previous font
. in -1 \" remove indent
. gcolor black\" remove previous color
. gcolor citationbar
. \" r = move upward
. \" Z D t = drawing thickness
. \" L = draw the line
\Z'\D't 1p''\
\L'|\\nCu' \" draw line
. gcolor black \" remove previous color
. sp -2 \" get two lines back
\Z'\D't 0.5p'' \" get the previous drawing thickness back
. KE \" end of the keep
. ll +1
. in -1
.de ST
.nr ww \w'\\$1'
.de D
.ds DECALAGE 1.0
.ds CHARACTER \(bu
.de DD
.ds DECALAGE 1.0
.ds CHARACTER \(bu
.de AA
.ds DECALAGE 1.5
.ds CHARACTER \(->
.de AAA
.ds DECALAGE 1.5
.ds CHARACTER \(->
.de ED
.in 0
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
.\" Startup file for troff.
.\" This is tested by pic.
.nr 0p 0
.\" Load composite mappings.
.do mso composite.tmac
.\" Load generic fallback mappings.
.do mso fallbacks.tmac
.\" Use .do here, so that it works with -C.
.\" The groff command defines the .X string if the -X option was given.
.ie r.X .do ds troffrc!ps Xps.tmac
.el .do ds troffrc!ps ps.tmac
.do ds troffrc!pdf pdf.tmac
.do ds troffrc!dvi dvi.tmac
.do ds troffrc!X75 X.tmac
.do ds troffrc!X75-12 X.tmac
.do ds troffrc!X100 X.tmac
.do ds troffrc!X100-12 X.tmac
.do ds troffrc!ascii tty.tmac
.do ds troffrc!latin1 tty.tmac
.do ds troffrc!utf8 tty.tmac
.do ds troffrc!cp1047 tty.tmac
.do ds troffrc!lj4 lj4.tmac
.do ds troffrc!lbp lbp.tmac
.do ds troffrc!html html.tmac
.do if d troffrc!\*[.T] \
. do mso \*[troffrc!\*[.T]]
.do rm troffrc!ps troffrc!Xps troffrc!dvi troffrc!X75 troffrc!X75-12 \
troffrc!X100 troffrc!X100-12 troffrc!lj4 troff!lbp troffrc!html troffrc!pdf
.\" Test whether we work under EBCDIC and map the no-breakable space
.\" character accordingly.
.do ie '\[char97]'a' \
. do tr \[char160]\~
.el \
. do tr \[char65]\~
.\" Set the hyphenation language to 'us'.
.do hla us
.\" Disable hyphenation:
.\" Do not load hyphenation patterns and exceptions.
.\"do hpf
.\"do hpfa
.\" Disable adjustment by default,
.\" such that manuals look similar with groff and mandoc(1).
.\".ad l
.\".de ad
.\" Handle paper formats.
.do mso papersize.tmac
.\" Handle PS images.
.do mso pspic.tmac
.do mso pdfpic.tmac
.\" ====================================================================
.\" Editor settings
.\" ====================================================================
.\" Local Variables:
.\" mode: nroff
.\" fill-column: 72
.\" End:
.\" vim: set filetype=groff textwidth=72:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: dodb
version: 0.5.1
version: 0.5.0
- Luka Vandervelden <>
@ -12,20 +12,104 @@ require "./"
# ENV["REPORT_DIR"] rescue "results"
# ENV["NBRUN"] rescue 100
# ENV["MAXINDEXES"] rescue 5_000
# ENV["LRU_SIZE"] rescue 10_000
# ENV["FIFO_SIZE"] rescue 10_000
require "./"
class Context
class_property report_dir = "results"
class_property max_indexes = 5_000
class_property nb_run = 100
class_property from = 1_000
class_property to = 50_000
class_property incr = 1_000
class_property fifo_size : UInt32 = 10_000
# To simplify the creation of graphs, it's better to have fake data for
# partitions and tags that won't be actually covered.
# 0 means the absence of data.
def fake_report(name)
durations = Array(Int32).new Context.nb_run, 0
||||"#{Context.report_dir}/#{name}.raw", "w") do |file|
durations.each do |d|
file.puts d
puts "#{name}: no report"
def report(storage, name, &block)
durations = run_n_times Context.nb_run, &block
||||"#{Context.report_dir}/#{name}.raw", "w") do |file|
durations.each do |d|
file.puts d
avr = durations.reduce { |a, b| a + b } / Context.nb_run
puts "#{name}: #{avr}"
def verbose_add_cars(storage, nbcars, name, max_indexes)
long_operation "add #{nbcars} values to #{name}" do
add_cars storage, nbcars, max_indexes: max_indexes
# Add first entries, then loop: speed tests, add entries.
def prepare_env(storage, name, s_index, s_partition, s_tags, &)
verbose_add_cars storage, Context.from, name, max_indexes: Context.max_indexes
current = Context.from
to =
incr = Context.incr
while current < to
yield storage, current, name, s_index, s_partition, s_tags
break if current + incr >= to
verbose_add_cars storage, incr, name, max_indexes: Context.max_indexes
current += incr
long_operation "removing #{name} data" { storage.rm_storage_dir }
def search_benchmark(storage : DODB::Storage(Car),
current_db_size : Int32,
name : String,
search_name : DODB::Trigger::Index(Car),
search_color : DODB::Trigger::Partition(Car),
search_keywords : DODB::Trigger::Tags(Car))
name_to_search = ENV["CARNAME"] rescue "Corvet-#{(current_db_size/2).to_i}"
color_to_search = ENV["CARCOLOR"] rescue "red"
keyword_to_search = ENV["CARKEYWORD"] rescue "spacious"
puts "NEW BATCH: db-size #{current_db_size}, name: '#{name_to_search}', color: '#{color_to_search}', tag: '#{keyword_to_search}'"
report(storage, "#{name}_#{current_db_size}_index") do
corvet = search_name.get name_to_search
if current_db_size <= Context.max_indexes
report(storage, "#{name}_#{current_db_size}_partitions") do
corvet = search_color.get? color_to_search
report(storage, "#{name}_#{current_db_size}_tags") do
corvet = search_keywords.get? keyword_to_search
def bench_searches()
cars_ram = SPECDB::RAMOnly(Car).new
cars_cached = SPECDB::Cached(Car).new
cars_lru = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-#{Context.lru_size}", Context.lru_size
cars_fifo = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-#{Context.fifo_size}", Context.fifo_size
cars_semi = SPECDB::Uncached(Car).new "-semi"
cars_uncached = SPECDB::Uncached(Car).new
ram_Sby_name, ram_Sby_color, ram_Sby_keywords = ram_indexes cars_ram
cached_Sby_name, cached_Sby_color, cached_Sby_keywords = cached_indexes cars_cached
lru_Sby_name, lru_Sby_color, lru_Sby_keywords = cached_indexes cars_lru
fifo_Sby_name, fifo_Sby_color, fifo_Sby_keywords = cached_indexes cars_fifo
semi_Sby_name, semi_Sby_color, semi_Sby_keywords = cached_indexes cars_semi
uncached_Sby_name, uncached_Sby_color, uncached_Sby_keywords = uncached_indexes cars_uncached
@ -33,21 +117,32 @@ def bench_searches()
prepare_env cars_ram, "ram", ram_Sby_name, ram_Sby_color, ram_Sby_keywords, &fn
prepare_env cars_cached, "cached", cached_Sby_name, cached_Sby_color, cached_Sby_keywords, &fn
prepare_env cars_lru, "lru", lru_Sby_name, lru_Sby_color, lru_Sby_keywords, &fn
prepare_env cars_fifo, "fifo", fifo_Sby_name, fifo_Sby_color, fifo_Sby_keywords, &fn
prepare_env cars_semi, "semi", semi_Sby_name, semi_Sby_color, semi_Sby_keywords, &fn
prepare_env cars_uncached, "uncached", uncached_Sby_name, uncached_Sby_color, uncached_Sby_keywords, &fn
def perform_add(storage : DODB::Storage(Car))
corvet0 = "Corvet", "red", [ "shiny", "impressive", "fast", "elegant" ]
i = 0
perform_benchmark_average Context.nb_run, do
corvet = corvet0.clone
|||| = "Corvet-#{i}"
storage.unsafe_add corvet
i += 1
def bench_add()
cars_ram = SPECDB::RAMOnly(Car).new
cars_cached = SPECDB::Cached(Car).new
cars_lru = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-#{Context.lru_size}", Context.lru_size
cars_fifo = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-#{Context.fifo_size}", Context.fifo_size
cars_semi = SPECDB::Uncached(Car).new "-semi"
cars_uncached = SPECDB::Uncached(Car).new
ram_indexes cars_ram
cached_indexes cars_cached
cached_indexes cars_lru
cached_indexes cars_fifo
cached_indexes cars_semi
uncached_indexes cars_uncached
@ -57,8 +152,8 @@ def bench_add()
avr = perform_add(cars_cached)
puts "(cached db and indexes) add a value (average on #{Context.nb_run} tries): #{avr}"
avr = perform_add(cars_lru)
puts "(lru db and cached indexes) add a value (average on #{Context.nb_run} tries): #{avr}"
avr = perform_add(cars_fifo)
puts "(fifo db and cached indexes) add a value (average on #{Context.nb_run} tries): #{avr}"
avr = perform_add(cars_semi)
puts "(uncached db but cached indexes) add a value (average on #{Context.nb_run} tries): #{avr}"
@ -72,23 +167,23 @@ def bench_add()
def bench_50_shades_of_lru()
cars_lru1 = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-1k", 1_000
cars_lru5 = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-5k", 5_000
cars_lru10 = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-10k", 10_000
cars_lru20 = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-20k", 20_000
def bench_50_shades_of_fifo()
cars_fifo1 = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-1k", 1_000
cars_fifo5 = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-5k", 5_000
cars_fifo10 = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-10k", 10_000
cars_fifo20 = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-20k", 20_000
lru_Sby_name1, lru_Sby_color1, lru_Sby_keywords1 = cached_indexes cars_lru1
lru_Sby_name5, lru_Sby_color5, lru_Sby_keywords5 = cached_indexes cars_lru5
lru_Sby_name10, lru_Sby_color10, lru_Sby_keywords10 = cached_indexes cars_lru10
lru_Sby_name20, lru_Sby_color20, lru_Sby_keywords20 = cached_indexes cars_lru20
fifo_Sby_name1, fifo_Sby_color1, fifo_Sby_keywords1 = cached_indexes cars_fifo1
fifo_Sby_name5, fifo_Sby_color5, fifo_Sby_keywords5 = cached_indexes cars_fifo5
fifo_Sby_name10, fifo_Sby_color10, fifo_Sby_keywords10 = cached_indexes cars_fifo10
fifo_Sby_name20, fifo_Sby_color20, fifo_Sby_keywords20 = cached_indexes cars_fifo20
fn = ->search_benchmark(DODB::Storage(Car), Int32, String, DODB::Trigger::Index(Car), DODB::Trigger::Partition(Car), DODB::Trigger::Tags(Car))
prepare_env cars_lru1, "lru1", lru_Sby_name1, lru_Sby_color1, lru_Sby_keywords1, &fn
prepare_env cars_lru5, "lru5", lru_Sby_name5, lru_Sby_color5, lru_Sby_keywords5, &fn
prepare_env cars_lru10, "lru10", lru_Sby_name10, lru_Sby_color10, lru_Sby_keywords10, &fn
prepare_env cars_lru20, "lru20", lru_Sby_name20, lru_Sby_color20, lru_Sby_keywords20, &fn
prepare_env cars_fifo1, "fifo1", fifo_Sby_name1, fifo_Sby_color1, fifo_Sby_keywords1, &fn
prepare_env cars_fifo5, "fifo5", fifo_Sby_name5, fifo_Sby_color5, fifo_Sby_keywords5, &fn
prepare_env cars_fifo10, "fifo10", fifo_Sby_name10, fifo_Sby_color10, fifo_Sby_keywords10, &fn
prepare_env cars_fifo20, "fifo20", fifo_Sby_name20, fifo_Sby_color20, fifo_Sby_keywords20, &fn
ENV["REPORT_DIR"]?.try { |report_dir| Context.report_dir = report_dir }
@ -99,7 +194,7 @@ ENV["NBRUN"]?.try { |it| Context.nb_run = it.to_i }
ENV["DBSIZE"]?.try { |it| = it.to_i }
ENV["DBSIZE_START"]?.try { |it| Context.from = it.to_i }
ENV["DBSIZE_INCREMENT"]?.try { |it| Context.incr = it.to_i }
ENV["LRU_SIZE"]?.try { |it| Context.lru_size = it.to_u32 }
ENV["FIFO_SIZE"]?.try { |it| Context.fifo_size = it.to_u32 }
puts "REPORT_DIR: #{Context.report_dir}"
puts "MAXINDEXES: #{Context.max_indexes}"
@ -107,20 +202,20 @@ puts "NBRUN: #{Context.nb_run}"
puts "DBSIZE: #{}"
puts "DBSIZE_START: #{Context.from}"
puts "DBSIZE_INCREMENT: #{Context.incr}"
puts "LRU_SIZE: #{Context.lru_size}"
puts "FIFO_SIZE: #{Context.fifo_size}"
if ARGV.size == 0
puts "Usage: benchmark-cars (lru|search|add)"
puts "Usage: benchmark-cars (fifo|search|add)"
exit 0
case ARGV[0]
when /lru/
when /fifo/
when /search/
when /add/
puts "Usage: benchmark-cars (lru|search|add)"
puts "Usage: benchmark-cars (fifo|search|add)"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
require "benchmark"
require "./"
require "../src/"
def add(fifo : FIFO(Int32) | EfficientFIFO(Int32), nb : UInt32)
i = 0
while i < nb
fifo << i
i += 1
def report_add(fifo : FIFO(Int32) | EfficientFIFO(Int32), nb : UInt32, fname : String)
||||"#{Context.report_dir}/#{fname}.raw", "w") do |file|
i = 0
while i < nb
elapsed_time = perform_something { fifo << i }
i += 1
file.puts "#{i} #{elapsed_time.total_nanoseconds}"
class Context
class_property nb_values : UInt32 = 100_000
class_property fifo_size : UInt32 = 10_000
class_property report_dir = "results"
if nb_values = ENV["NBVAL"]?
Context.nb_values = nb_values.to_u32
if fifo_size = ENV["FIFOSIZE"]?
Context.fifo_size = fifo_size.to_u32
if ARGV.size > 0
puts "Usage: benchmark-fifo"
puts ""
puts "envvar: REPORT_DIR=<directory> where to put the results"
puts "envvar: REPORT_EACH_ADD=<any> to report the duration of each addition of a value in the structure"
puts "envvar: NBVAL=<nb> (default: 100_000) nb of values to add to the structure"
puts "envvar: FIFOSIZE=<nb> (default: 10_000) max number of values in the structure"
exit 0
ENV["REPORT_DIR"]?.try { |report_dir| Context.report_dir = report_dir }
Dir.mkdir_p Context.report_dir
FIFO(Int32).new(Context.fifo_size).tap do |fifo|
report_add fifo, Context.nb_values, "fifo_#{Context.fifo_size}_#{Context.nb_values}"
EfficientFIFO(Int32).new(Context.fifo_size).tap do |fifo|
report_add fifo, Context.nb_values, "efficientfifo_#{Context.fifo_size}_#{Context.nb_values}"
Benchmark.ips do |x|
||||"adding #{Context.nb_values} values, FIFO limited to #{Context.fifo_size}") do
fifo = FIFO(Int32).new Context.fifo_size
add fifo, Context.nb_values
||||"adding #{Context.nb_values} values, EfficientFIFO limited to #{Context.fifo_size}") do
fifo = EfficientFIFO(Int32).new Context.fifo_size
add fifo, Context.nb_values
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
require "benchmark"
require "./"
require "../src/"
def add(lru : LRU(Int32) | EfficientLRU(Int32), nb : UInt32)
i = 0
while i < nb
lru << i
i += 1
def report_add(lru : LRU(Int32) | EfficientLRU(Int32), nb : UInt32, fname : String)
||||"#{Context.report_dir}/#{fname}.raw", "w") do |file|
i = 0
while i < nb
elapsed_time = perform_something { lru << i }
i += 1
file.puts "#{i} #{elapsed_time.total_nanoseconds}"
class Context
class_property nb_values : UInt32 = 100_000
class_property lru_size : UInt32 = 10_000
class_property report_dir = "results"
if nb_values = ENV["NBVAL"]?
Context.nb_values = nb_values.to_u32
if lru_size = ENV["LRUSIZE"]?
Context.lru_size = lru_size.to_u32
if ARGV.size > 0
puts "Usage: benchmark-lru"
puts ""
puts "envvar: REPORT_DIR=<directory> where to put the results"
puts "envvar: REPORT_EACH_ADD=<any> to report the duration of each addition of a value in the structure"
puts "envvar: NBVAL=<nb> (default: 100_000) nb of values to add to the structure"
puts "envvar: LRUSIZE=<nb> (default: 10_000) max number of values in the structure"
exit 0
ENV["REPORT_DIR"]?.try { |report_dir| Context.report_dir = report_dir }
Dir.mkdir_p Context.report_dir
LRU(Int32).new(Context.lru_size).tap do |lru|
report_add lru, Context.nb_values, "lru_#{Context.lru_size}_#{Context.nb_values}"
EfficientLRU(Int32).new(Context.lru_size).tap do |lru|
report_add lru, Context.nb_values, "efficientlru_#{Context.lru_size}_#{Context.nb_values}"
Benchmark.ips do |x|
||||"adding #{Context.nb_values} values, LRU limited to #{Context.lru_size}") do
lru = LRU(Int32).new Context.lru_size
add lru, Context.nb_values
||||"adding #{Context.nb_values} values, EfficientLRU limited to #{Context.lru_size}") do
lru = EfficientLRU(Int32).new Context.lru_size
add lru, Context.nb_values
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
require "./"
require "./"
class Context
class_property dbsize = 1_000_000
class_property nb_run = 100
ENV["DBSIZE"]?.try { |it| Context.dbsize = it.to_i }
ENV["NBRUN"]?.try { |it| Context.nb_run = it.to_i }
if ARGV.size == 0
puts "Usage: high-volume-db (add|get)"
exit 0
db = DODB::Storage::Common(Car).new "TESTDB", 5000
by_name = db.new_index "name", &.name
something = Hash(String,Bool).new
case ARGV[0]
when /get/
counter = 0
car_number_to_get = (Context.dbsize/2).to_i
puts "let's get the car #{car_number_to_get}"
avr = perform_benchmark_average Context.nb_run, do
car = by_name.get "somecar-#{car_number_to_get}"
something[] = true
#STDOUT.write "\rgot the car #{}: #{counter}/#{Context.nb_run}".to_slice
counter += 1
puts "average time was: #{avr}"
puts "done!"
when /add/
counter = db.last_key
while counter < Context.dbsize
STDOUT.write "\radding car #{counter}/#{Context.dbsize}".to_slice
db << "somecar-#{counter}", "red", [] of String
counter += 1
puts "done!"
@ -45,84 +45,59 @@ describe "tracking inconsistencies between implementations" do
cars_ram0 = SPECDB::RAMOnly(Car).new "-0"
cars_ram1 = SPECDB::RAMOnly(Car).new "-1"
cars_ram2 = SPECDB::RAMOnly(Car).new "-2"
cars_lru = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-3", 5
cars_fifo = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "-2", 5
uncached_searchby_name, uncached_searchby_color, uncached_searchby_keywords = uncached_indexes cars_ram0
cached_searchby_name, cached_searchby_color, cached_searchby_keywords = cached_indexes cars_ram1
ram_searchby_name, ram_searchby_color, ram_searchby_keywords = ram_indexes cars_ram2
lru_cached_searchby_name, lru_cached_searchby_color, lru_cached_searchby_keywords = cached_indexes cars_lru
uncached_searchby_name, uncached_searchby_color, uncached_searchby_keywords = uncached_indexes cars_ram0
cached_searchby_name, cached_searchby_color, cached_searchby_keywords = cached_indexes cars_ram1
ram_searchby_name, ram_searchby_color, ram_searchby_keywords = ram_indexes cars_ram2
fifo_cached_searchby_name, fifo_cached_searchby_color, fifo_cached_searchby_keywords = cached_indexes cars_fifo
add_cars cars_ram0, 1
add_cars cars_ram1, 1
add_cars cars_ram2, 1
add_cars cars_lru, 1
add_cars cars_fifo, 1
# Searches should be consistent between all implementations of basic indexes, partitions and tags.
# Basic index.
uncached_corvet_car = uncached_searchby_name.get? "Corvet-0"
cached_corvet_car = cached_searchby_name.get? "Corvet-0"
ram_corvet_car = ram_searchby_name.get? "Corvet-0"
lru_cached_corvet_car = lru_cached_searchby_name.get? "Corvet-0"
uncached_corvet_car = uncached_searchby_name.get? "Corvet-0"
cached_corvet_car = cached_searchby_name.get? "Corvet-0"
ram_corvet_car = ram_searchby_name.get? "Corvet-0"
fifo_cached_corvet_car = fifo_cached_searchby_name.get? "Corvet-0"
uncached_corvet_car.should eq cached_corvet_car
uncached_corvet_car.should eq ram_corvet_car
uncached_corvet_car.should eq lru_cached_corvet_car
uncached_corvet_car.should eq fifo_cached_corvet_car
uncached_corvet_car.should eq corvet0
# Partitions.
red_cars = ["Corvet-0", "red", [ "shiny", "impressive", "fast", "elegant" ]),
||||"Ford-5-0", "red", [ "unknown" ])
uncached_red_cars = uncached_searchby_color.get? "red"
cached_red_cars = cached_searchby_color.get? "red"
ram_red_cars = ram_searchby_color.get? "red"
lru_cached_red_cars = lru_cached_searchby_color.get? "red"
uncached_red_cars = uncached_searchby_color.get? "red"
cached_red_cars = cached_searchby_color.get? "red"
ram_red_cars = ram_searchby_color.get? "red"
fifo_cached_red_cars = fifo_cached_searchby_color.get? "red"
uncached_red_cars.sort.should eq cached_red_cars.sort
uncached_red_cars.sort.should eq ram_red_cars.sort
uncached_red_cars.sort.should eq lru_cached_red_cars.sort
uncached_red_cars.sort.should eq fifo_cached_red_cars.sort
uncached_red_cars.sort.should eq red_cars.sort
# Tags.
fast_cars = ["Corvet-0", "red", [ "shiny", "impressive", "fast", "elegant" ]),
||||"Bullet-GT-0", "blue", [ "shiny", "fast", "expensive" ])
uncached_fast_cars = uncached_searchby_keywords.get? "fast"
cached_fast_cars = cached_searchby_keywords.get? "fast"
ram_fast_cars = ram_searchby_keywords.get? "fast"
lru_cached_fast_cars = lru_cached_searchby_keywords.get? "fast"
uncached_fast_cars = uncached_searchby_keywords.get? "fast"
cached_fast_cars = cached_searchby_keywords.get? "fast"
ram_fast_cars = ram_searchby_keywords.get? "fast"
fifo_cached_fast_cars = fifo_cached_searchby_keywords.get? "fast"
uncached_fast_cars.sort.should eq cached_fast_cars.sort
uncached_fast_cars.sort.should eq ram_fast_cars.sort
uncached_fast_cars.sort.should eq lru_cached_fast_cars.sort
uncached_fast_cars.sort.should eq fifo_cached_fast_cars.sort
uncached_fast_cars.sort.should eq fast_cars.sort
describe "Errors" do
it "Removing an entry which doesn't exist" do
db = SPECDB::RAMOnly(Car).new
searchby_name, searchby_color, searchby_keywords = uncached_indexes db
searchby_name.delete?( "doesn't exist").should be_nil # Should not throw an exception.
searchby_color.delete?( "doesn't exist").should be_nil # Should not throw an exception.
searchby_keywords.delete?("doesn't exist").should be_nil # Should not throw an exception.
expect_raises DODB::MissingEntry do
searchby_name.delete "doesn't exist"
expect_raises DODB::MissingEntry do
searchby_color.delete "doesn't exist"
expect_raises DODB::MissingEntry do
searchby_keywords.delete "doesn't exist"
@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
require "spec"
require "./"
# NOTE: the following tests access both database and triggers' caches directly.
# It must not be done in real applications.
# `data` and `lru` properties are implementation details.
describe "SPECDB::Common" do
it "basics, 3 values" do
car0 = "Corvet-0", "red", [] of String
@ -28,96 +24,10 @@ describe "SPECDB::Common" do
db << car3
|||| eq([0, 2, 3] of Int32)
db.lru.to_s.should eq "[ 3, 0, 2 ]"
db.fifo.to_s.should eq "[ 3, 0, 2 ]"
db.delete 2
|||| eq([0, 3] of Int32)
db.lru.to_s.should eq "[ 3, 0 ]"
it "add some values, reindex, check the values" do
car0 = "Corvet-0", "red", [] of String
car1 = "Corvet-1", "red", [] of String
car2 = "Corvet-2", "red", [] of String
car3 = "Corvet-3", "red", [] of String
db = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "reindex", 2
index_name = db.new_index "name", &.name
index_color = db.new_partition "color", &.color
|||| eq([] of Int32)
db << car0
|||| eq([0] of Int32)
db << car1
|||| eq([0, 1] of Int32)
db.lru.to_s.should eq "[ 1, 0 ]"
|||| eq([0, 1] of Int32)
db.lru.to_s.should eq "[ 1, 0 ]"
db << car2
|||| eq([1, 2] of Int32)
db.lru.to_s.should eq "[ 2, 1 ]"
db[0] # Let's use the first value, it shouldn't be the one to be dropped.
db << car3
|||| eq([0, 3] of Int32)
db.lru.to_s.should eq "[ 3, 0 ]"
# Actually remove the value indexed "2".
db.delete 2
# The "delete" action actually puts the value in the cache before removing it.
|||| eq([3] of Int32)
db.lru.to_s.should eq "[ 3 ]"
# db2: further tests for the LRU behavior, with `reindex_everything!` for example.
db2 = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "reindex", 2, false
index2_name = db2.new_index "name", &.name
# For now, we didn't use any value in the database.
# Also, triggers should have empty caches.
|||| eq([] of Int32)
db2.lru.to_s.should eq "[ ]"
index2_name.get?("Corvet-0").should eq car0
# Reindex removes all triggers (hard rm -rf trigger-dir) then reads all
# data from the file-system to run the triggers. Data is put into the cache
# of the `Common` database.
# Values 1 and 3 are the last recently used values following `reindex_everything!`.
|||| eq([1, 3] of Int32)
db2.lru.to_s.should eq "[ 3, 1 ]"
total_values = 0
db2.each_with_key do |v, k|
total_values += 1
total_values.should eq 3
# db3: no need for a reindex to access values from the database,
# with `each` or `each_with_key` for example.
db3 = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "reindex", 2, false
total_values = 0
db3.each do |v|
total_values += 1
total_values.should eq 3
# db4: no need for a reindex to access values from triggers.
db4 = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "reindex", 2, false
index4_name = db4.new_index "name", &.name
index4_color = db4.new_partition "color", &.color
|||| eq 0 # trigger cache is empty
index4_name.get?("Corvet-3").should eq car3
|||| eq 1 # trigger cache: one value, Corvet-3
|||| eq 0 # trigger cache is empty
index4_color.get("red").size.should eq 3 # read from the disk
|||| eq 1 # trigger cache: 1, the color "red"
||||["red"].size.should eq 3 # 3 values in "red"
db.fifo.to_s.should eq "[ 3, 0 ]"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
require "spec"
require "../src/"
describe "FIFO" do
it "add and remove values" do
fifo = FIFO(Int32).new 3 # Only 3 allowed entries.
(fifo << 1).should be_nil # there is still room in the fifo
(fifo << 2).should be_nil # there is still room in the fifo
(fifo << 3).should be_nil # last entry without exceeding the allowed size
(fifo << 4).should eq 1 # -> 1 (least recently used data)
(fifo << 4).should be_nil # -> nil (already in the fifo)
(fifo << 2).should be_nil # -> nil (already in the fifo)
(fifo << 5).should eq 3 # -> 3 (least recently used data)
|||| eq([5, 2, 4] of Int32)
fifo.delete 2
|||| eq([5, 4] of Int32)
describe "EfficientFIFO" do
it "add and remove values" do
fifo = EfficientFIFO(Int32).new 3 # Only 3 allowed entries.
(fifo << 1).should be_nil # there is still room in the fifo
(fifo << 2).should be_nil # there is still room in the fifo
(fifo << 3).should be_nil # last entry without exceeding the allowed size
(fifo << 4).should eq 1 # -> 1 (least recently used data)
(fifo << 4).should be_nil # -> nil (already in the fifo)
(fifo << 2).should be_nil # -> nil (already in the fifo)
(fifo << 5).should eq 3 # -> 3 (least recently used data)
fifo.list.to_s.should eq "[ 5, 2, 4 ]"
fifo.delete 2
fifo.list.to_s.should eq "[ 5, 4 ]"
(fifo << 4).should be_nil # -> nil (just a re-order)
fifo.list.to_s.should eq "[ 4, 5 ]"
fifo.delete 5
(fifo << 0).should be_nil
fifo.list.to_s.should eq "[ 0, 4 ]"
(fifo << 1).should be_nil
fifo.list.to_s.should eq "[ 1, 0, 4 ]"
fifo.delete 4
fifo.list.to_s.should eq "[ 1, 0 ]"
fifo.delete 4
fifo.list.to_s.should eq "[ 1, 0 ]"
fifo.list.size.should eq 2
fifo.hash.size.should eq 2
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
require "spec"
require "../src/"
describe "LRU" do
it "add and remove values" do
lru = LRU(Int32).new 3 # Only 3 allowed entries.
(lru << 1).should be_nil # there is still room in the lru
(lru << 2).should be_nil # there is still room in the lru
(lru << 3).should be_nil # last entry without exceeding the allowed size
(lru << 4).should eq 1 # -> 1 (least recently used data)
(lru << 4).should be_nil # -> nil (already in the lru)
(lru << 2).should be_nil # -> nil (already in the lru)
(lru << 5).should eq 3 # -> 3 (least recently used data)
|||| eq([5, 2, 4] of Int32)
lru.delete 2
|||| eq([5, 4] of Int32)
describe "EfficientLRU" do
it "add and remove values" do
lru = EfficientLRU(Int32).new 3 # Only 3 allowed entries.
(lru << 1).should be_nil # there is still room in the lru
(lru << 2).should be_nil # there is still room in the lru
(lru << 3).should be_nil # last entry without exceeding the allowed size
(lru << 4).should eq 1 # -> 1 (least recently used data)
(lru << 4).should be_nil # -> nil (already in the lru)
(lru << 2).should be_nil # -> nil (already in the lru)
(lru << 5).should eq 3 # -> 3 (least recently used data)
lru.list.to_s.should eq "[ 5, 2, 4 ]"
lru.delete 2
lru.list.to_s.should eq "[ 5, 4 ]"
(lru << 4).should be_nil # -> nil (just a re-order)
lru.list.to_s.should eq "[ 4, 5 ]"
lru.delete 5
(lru << 0).should be_nil
lru.list.to_s.should eq "[ 0, 4 ]"
(lru << 1).should be_nil
lru.list.to_s.should eq "[ 1, 0, 4 ]"
lru.delete 4
lru.list.to_s.should eq "[ 1, 0 ]"
lru.delete 4
lru.list.to_s.should eq "[ 1, 0 ]"
lru.list.size.should eq 2
lru.hash.size.should eq 2
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
require "spec"
require "./"
class DODB::Trigger::Virtual(V) < DODB::Trigger(V)
# Indexes a value, used for **internal operations**.
def index(key : String, value : V)
puts "index: key #{key}, value #{value}"
# Removes the index of a value, used for **internal operations**.
def deindex(key : String, value : V)
puts "deindex: key #{key}, value #{value}"
# Verifies whether a new value will create a collision with the index of
# currently stored value, used for **internal operations**.
def check!(key : String, value : V, old_value : V?)
puts "check!: key #{key}, value #{value}, old_value #{old_value}"
# Name of the index, such as *id* or *color* for example.
# This is an arbitrary value, mostly to create the index directory.
def name : String
name = "some name"
puts "name: #{name}"
# Directory where the values will be written.
def trigger_directory : String
dir = "something"
puts "trigger directory: #{dir}"
# Removes all the index entries, removes the `#trigger_directory` by default.
def nuke_trigger
puts "nuke trigger"
car0 = "Corvet-0", "red", [] of String
car1 = "Corvet-1", "red", [] of String
car2 = "Corvet-2", "red", [] of String
car3 = "Corvet-3", "red", [] of String
db = SPECDB::Common(Car).new "test-triggers", 2
db.triggers << DODB::Trigger::Virtual(Car).new
db << car0
db.delete 0
db << car0
db << car1
carm = car1
|||| = "modified"
db << carm
db << car2
db << car3
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
class Context
class_property report_dir = "results"
class_property max_indexes = 5_000
class_property nb_run = 100
class_property from = 1_000
class_property to = 50_000
class_property incr = 1_000
class_property lru_size : UInt32 = 10_000
# To simplify the creation of graphs, it's better to have fake data for
# partitions and tags that won't be actually covered.
# 0 means the absence of data.
def fake_report(name)
durations = Array(Int32).new Context.nb_run, 0
||||"#{Context.report_dir}/#{name}.raw", "w") do |file|
durations.each do |d|
file.puts d
puts "#{name}: no report"
def report(storage, name, &block)
durations = run_n_times Context.nb_run, &block
||||"#{Context.report_dir}/#{name}.raw", "w") do |file|
durations.each do |d|
file.puts d
avr = durations.reduce { |a, b| a + b } / Context.nb_run
puts "#{name}: #{avr}"
def verbose_add_cars(storage, nbcars, name, max_indexes)
long_operation "add #{nbcars} values to #{name}" do
add_cars storage, nbcars, max_indexes: max_indexes
# Add first entries, then loop: speed tests, add entries.
def prepare_env(storage, name, s_index, s_partition, s_tags, &)
verbose_add_cars storage, Context.from, name, max_indexes: Context.max_indexes
current = Context.from
to =
incr = Context.incr
while current < to
puts "current number of cars: #{current}/#{to}"
yield storage, current, name, s_index, s_partition, s_tags
break if current + incr >= to
verbose_add_cars storage, incr, name, max_indexes: Context.max_indexes
current += incr
long_operation "removing #{name} data" { storage.rm_storage_dir }
def perform_add(storage : DODB::Storage(Car))
corvet0 = "Corvet", "red", [ "shiny", "impressive", "fast", "elegant" ]
i = 0
perform_benchmark_average Context.nb_run, do
corvet = corvet0.clone
|||| = "Corvet-#{i}"
storage.unsafe_add corvet
i += 1
def search_benchmark(storage : DODB::Storage(Car),
current_db_size : Int32,
name : String,
search_name : DODB::Trigger::Index(Car),
search_color : DODB::Trigger::Partition(Car),
search_keywords : DODB::Trigger::Tags(Car))
name_to_search = ENV["CARNAME"] rescue "Corvet-#{(current_db_size/2).to_i}"
color_to_search = ENV["CARCOLOR"] rescue "red"
keyword_to_search = ENV["CARKEYWORD"] rescue "spacious"
puts "NEW BATCH: db-size #{current_db_size}, name: '#{name_to_search}', color: '#{color_to_search}', tag: '#{keyword_to_search}'"
report(storage, "#{name}_#{current_db_size}_index") do
corvet = search_name.get name_to_search
if current_db_size <= Context.max_indexes
report(storage, "#{name}_#{current_db_size}_partitions") do
corvet = search_color.get? color_to_search
report(storage, "#{name}_#{current_db_size}_tags") do
corvet = search_keywords.get? keyword_to_search
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require "file_utils"
require "json"
require "./" # LRU class to implement a cache policy.
require "./" # FIFO class to implement a cache policy.
require "./" # Double Linked List.
require "./dodb/*" # Databases and indexes (basic indexes, partitions, tags, etc.).
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# subsequent DODB databases (uncached, cached, RAM-only, etc.).
abstract class DODB::Storage(V)
# List of triggers (basic indexes, partitions, tags, etc.).
property triggers = [] of Trigger(V)
@triggers = [] of Trigger(V)
property cached_last_key : Int32
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ abstract class DODB::Storage(V)
Dir.mkdir_p data_path
private def nuke_triggers!
private def remove_triggers!
@triggers.each do |trigger|
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ abstract class DODB::Storage(V)
# WARNING: slow operation.
def reindex_everything!
each_with_key() do |item, key|
run_triggers key, item
@ -436,9 +436,9 @@ abstract class DODB::Storage(V)
# Lists all the keys in the database.
def each_key_from_fs(reversed = false)
private def each_key(reversed = false)
# Removes the first two "." and ".." directories.
keys = Dir.children(data_path).map(&.to_i).sort
keys = Dir.entries(data_path).[2..].map(&.to_i).sort
(reversed ? keys.reverse : keys).each do |key|
yield key
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ abstract class DODB::Storage(V)
each_key_from_fs(reversed) do |key|
each_key(reversed) do |key|
offset -= 1 if offset >= 0
next if offset >= 0
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
# constantly ask for the same data over and over.
# ```
# # Creates a DODB database for common usage (a limited number of cached entries: 100k).
# car_database = "/path/to/db", 100_000
# # Creates a DODB database for common usage (a limited number of cached entries).
# car_database = "/path/to/db"
# # Creates a (cached) index.
# cars_by_name = car_database.new_index "name", &.name
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@
# NOTE: fast for frequently requested data and requires a stable (and configurable) amount of memory.
class DODB::Storage::Common(V) < DODB::Storage::Cached(V)
# The *lru* is an instance of `EfficientLRU` where the key of the requested data is pushed.
# The *fifo* is an instance of `EfficientFIFO` where the key of the requested data is pushed.
# In case the number of stored entries exceeds what is allowed, the least recently used entry is removed.
property lru : EfficientLRU(Int32)
property fifo : EfficientFIFO(Int32)
# Initializes the `DODB::Storage::Common` database with a maximum number of entries in the cache.
def initialize(@directory_name : String, max_entries : UInt32)
@lru = EfficientLRU(Int32).new max_entries
@fifo = EfficientFIFO(Int32).new max_entries
Dir.mkdir_p data_path
Dir.mkdir_p locks_directory
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class DODB::Storage::Common(V) < DODB::Storage::Cached(V)
# Verifies that the value is in cache, or read it on disk.
# Pushes the key in the lru.
# Pushes the key in the fifo.
def [](key : Int32) : V
val = @data[key]?
if val.nil?
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ class DODB::Storage::Common(V) < DODB::Storage::Cached(V)
val = read file_path key
@data[key] = val
push_lru key
push_fifo key
# Assumes new entries are more requested than old ones.
def []=(key : Int32, value : V)
super key, value
push_lru key
push_fifo key
# :inherit:
@ -70,48 +70,20 @@ class DODB::Storage::Common(V) < DODB::Storage::Cached(V)
# Assumes new entries are more requested than old ones.
def <<(item : V)
key = super item
push_lru key
push_fifo key
def unsafe_delete(key : Int32)
@lru.delete key if super key
@fifo.delete key if super key
def delete(key : Int32)
@lru.delete key if super key
@fifo.delete key if super key
private def push_lru(key : Int32)
if entry_to_remove = @lru << key
# Remove the data from the cache but doesn't remove the indexes.
private def push_fifo(key : Int32)
if entry_to_remove = @fifo << key
@data.delete entry_to_remove
# Function `each_with_key` is a rewrite of the parent.
# The `Common` database doesn't keep all entries in memory, data has to be read from disk.
def each_with_key(reversed : Bool = false, offset = 0, limit : Int32? = -1)
limit = if l = limit
each_key_from_fs(reversed) do |key|
offset -= 1 if offset >= 0
next if offset >= 0
return if limit == 0
limit -= 1 if limit > 0
# FIXME: Only intercept JSON parsing errors.
value = self[key]
yield value, key
@ -256,25 +256,12 @@ class DODB::Trigger::Index(V) < DODB::Trigger(V)
# # Deletes the car named "Corvet".
# car_by_name.delete "Corvet"
# ```
# WARNING: may throw a MissingEntry exception.
def delete(index : String)
key = get_key index
@storage.delete key
# Deletes a value based on its index, but do ignores a MissingEntry error.
# ```
# # Deletes the car named "Corvet" (no MissingEntry exception if the car doesn't exist).
# car_by_name.delete? "Corvet"
# ```
def delete?(v : String)
delete v
rescue MissingEntry
# :inherit:
def trigger_directory : String
@ -153,18 +153,6 @@ class DODB::Trigger::Partition(V) < DODB::Trigger(V)
delete partition, do true end
# Deletes all entries within the provided partition, but do ignores a MissingEntry error.
# ```
# # Deletes all red cars.
# cars_by_color.delete? "red" # no MissingEntry exception if there is no red cars
# ```
def delete?(partition : String)
delete partition
rescue MissingEntry
# Deletes entries within the provided partition and matching the provided block of code.
# ```
@ -187,22 +187,9 @@ class DODB::Trigger::Tags(V) < DODB::Trigger(V)
# cars_by_keywords.delete "slow" # Deletes all slow cars.
# cars_by_keywords.delete ["slow", "expensive"] # Deletes all cars that are both slow and expensive.
# ```
# WARNING: throws a MissingEntry exception if no value is found.
def delete(tag_or_tags : String | Array(String))
delete tag_or_tags, do true end
# Deletes all entries with the provided tag, but do ignores a MissingEntry error.
# ```
# # No MissingEntry exception will be thrown.
# cars_by_keywords.delete? "slow" # Deletes all slow cars.
# cars_by_keywords.delete? ["slow", "expensive"] # Deletes all cars that are both slow and expensive.
# ```
def delete?(tag_or_tags : String | Array(String))
delete tag_or_tags
rescue MissingEntry
# WARNING: throws an exception if no value is found.
def delete(tag : String | Array(String))
delete tag, do true end
# Deletes entries within the provided tag index and matching the provided block of code.
@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
require "./"
# This class is a simpler implementation of `EfficientLRU`, used to implement an eviction policy for data cache
# This class is a simpler implementation of `EfficientFIFO`, used to implement an eviction policy for data cache
# for `DODB::Storage::Common`.
# It enables to keep track of recently used data.
# **How this works**.
# Each time a value is added in the database, its key is put in this "LRU" structure.
# Each time a value is added in the database, its key is put in this "FIFO" structure.
# In this structure, **values are unique** and adding a value several times is considered as "using the value",
# so it is pushed back at the entry of the LRU structure, as a new value.
# so it is pushed back at the entry of the FIFO structure, as a new value.
# In case the number of entries exceeds what is allowed, the least recently used value is removed.
# ```
# lru = LRU(Int32).new 3 # Only 3 allowed entries.
# fifo = FIFO(Int32).new 3 # Only 3 allowed entries.
# pp! lru << 1 # -> nil (there is still room in the LRU structure)
# pp! lru << 2 # -> nil (there is still room in the LRU structure)
# pp! lru << 3 # -> nil (last entry without exceeding the allowed size)
# pp! lru << 4 # -> 1 (least recently used data)
# pp! lru << 4 # -> nil (already in the structure)
# pp! lru << 2 # -> nil (already in the structure)
# pp! lru << 5 # -> 3 (least recently used data)
# pp! fifo << 1 # -> nil (there is still room in the FIFO structure)
# pp! fifo << 2 # -> nil (there is still room in the FIFO structure)
# pp! fifo << 3 # -> nil (last entry without exceeding the allowed size)
# pp! fifo << 4 # -> 1 (least recently used data)
# pp! fifo << 4 # -> nil (already in the structure)
# pp! fifo << 2 # -> nil (already in the structure)
# pp! fifo << 5 # -> 3 (least recently used data)
# ```
# The number of entries in the LRU structure is configurable.
# The number of entries in the FIFO structure is configurable.
# WARNING: this implementation becomes slow very fast (0(n) complexity), but doesn't cost much memory.
# WARNING: this *LRU* class doesn't allow the same value multiple times.
class LRU(V)
# This array is used as the *lru structure*.
# WARNING: this *FIFO* class doesn't allow the same value multiple times.
class FIFO(V)
# This array is used as the *fifo structure*.
property data : Array(V)
# Maximum allowed entries in the structure.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class LRU(V)
@data = Array(V).new
# Pushes a value in the LRU and gets the oldest value whether it exceeds the allowed number of entries.
# Pushes a value in the FIFO and gets the oldest value whether it exceeds the allowed number of entries.
# NOTE: `#<<(v : V)` is (almost) the only function since it's enough for the intended use, feel free to improve this.
# WARNING: implementation is extremely simple (3 lines) and not designed to be highly efficient.
def <<(v : V) : V?
@ -58,32 +58,32 @@ end
# It enables to keep track of recently used data.
# **How this works**.
# Each time a value is added in the database, its key is put in this "LRU" structure.
# Each time a value is added in the database, its key is put in this "FIFO" structure.
# In this structure, **values are unique** and adding a value several times is considered as "using the value",
# so it is pushed back at the entry of the LRU structure, as a new value.
# so it is pushed back at the entry of the FIFO structure, as a new value.
# In case the number of entries exceeds what is allowed, the least recently used value is removed.
# ```
# lru = EfficientLRU(Int32).new 3 # Only 3 allowed entries.
# fifo = EfficientFIFO(Int32).new 3 # Only 3 allowed entries.
# pp! lru << 1 # -> nil (there is still room in the LRU structure)
# pp! lru << 2 # -> nil (there is still room in the LRU structure)
# pp! lru << 3 # -> nil (last entry without exceeding the allowed size)
# pp! lru << 4 # -> 1 (least recently used data)
# pp! lru << 4 # -> nil (already in the structure)
# pp! lru << 2 # -> nil (already in the structure)
# pp! lru << 5 # -> 3 (least recently used data)
# pp! fifo << 1 # -> nil (there is still room in the FIFO structure)
# pp! fifo << 2 # -> nil (there is still room in the FIFO structure)
# pp! fifo << 3 # -> nil (last entry without exceeding the allowed size)
# pp! fifo << 4 # -> 1 (least recently used data)
# pp! fifo << 4 # -> nil (already in the structure)
# pp! fifo << 2 # -> nil (already in the structure)
# pp! fifo << 5 # -> 3 (least recently used data)
# ```
# **Implementation details.**
# Contrary to the `LRU` class, this implementation is time-efficient.
# Contrary to the `FIFO` class, this implementation is time-efficient.
# However, this efficiency is a memory tradeoff: all the entries are added to a double-linked list to keep
# track of the order **and** to a hash to perform efficient searches of the values in the double-linked list.
# Thus, all the nodes are added twice, once in the list, once in the hash.
# The number of entries in the LRU structure is configurable.
# The number of entries in the FIFO structure is configurable.
# NOTE: this implementation is time-efficient, but costs some memory.
class EfficientLRU(V)
# Both this list and the hash are used as the *lru structures*.
class EfficientFIFO(V)
# Both this list and the hash are used as the *fifo structures*.
# The list preserves the *order* of the entries while the *hash* enables fast retrieval of entries in the list.
property list : DoubleLinkedList(V)
property hash : Hash(V, DoubleLinkedList::Node(V))
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class EfficientLRU(V)
@hash = Hash(V, DoubleLinkedList::Node(V)).new
# Pushes a value in the LRU and gets the oldest value whether it exceeds the allowed number of entries.
# Pushes a value in the FIFO and gets the oldest value whether it exceeds the allowed number of entries.
# NOTE: `#<<(v : V)` is (almost) the only function since it's enough for the intended use, feel free to improve this.
def <<(v : V) : V?
if node = hash[v]?
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