Document-oriented DataBase. A full Crystal database management without SQL, storing data in plain files.
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2025-01-29 02:42:54 +01:00
spec high volume db test - spec/ dir is currently a mess 2025-01-29 02:42:54 +01:00
src Accept arbitrary triggers. 2024-12-17 00:10:12 +01:00
.gitignore Triggers, API documentation, benchmarks, DODB::Storage::Common 2024-06-01 02:15:11 +02:00
Makefile high volume db test - spec/ dir is currently a mess 2025-01-29 02:42:54 +01:00 Triggers, API documentation, benchmarks, DODB::Storage::Common 2024-06-01 02:15:11 +02:00
shard.yml Removing "." and ".." directories while walking the FS the right way (#entries -> #children). 2024-07-02 16:59:17 +02:00 Triggers, API documentation, benchmarks, DODB::Storage::Common 2024-06-01 02:15:11 +02:00

DODB stands for Document Oriented DataBase.


The objective is to get rid of DBMS when storing simple files directly on the file-system is enough.


A brief summary:

  • no SQL
  • objects are serialized (currently in JSON)
  • data is indexed to improve significantly searches in the db
  • db is fully integrated in the language (basically a simple array with a few more functions)
  • symlinks on the FS can be generated to enable data searches outside the application, with UNIX tools
  • configurable data cache size
  • RAM-only databases for short-lived data
  • triggers can be easily implemented to extend indexes beyond you wildest expectations


DODB doesn't fully handle ACID properties:

  • no atomicity, you can't chain instructions and rollback if one of them fails ;
  • no consistency, there is currently no mechanism to prevent adding invalid values ;

Isolation is partially taken into account, with a locking mechanism preventing a few race conditions. FYI, in my projects the database is fast enough so I don't even need parallelism (like, by far).

Durability is taken into account. Data is written on-disk each time it changes.

NOTE: what I need is mostly there. What DODB doesn't provide, I hack it in a few lines in my app. DODB will provide some form of atomicity and consistency at some point, but nothing fancy nor too advanced. The whole point is to keep it simple.


Since DODB doesn't use SQL and doesn't even try to handle stuff like atomicity or consistency, speed is great. Reading data from disk takes about a few dozen microseconds, and not much more when searching an indexed data.

On my more-than-decade-old, slow-as-fuck machine, the simplest possible SQL request to Postgres takes about 100 to 900 microseconds. With DODB, to reach on-disk data: 15 microseconds; and just a few dozen nanoseconds for cached data. Even when searching a specific value with an index.

NOTE: of course SQL and DODB cannot be fairly compared based on performance since they don't have the same properties. But still, this is the kind of speed you can get with the tool.


Add the following to your shard.yml. You may want to add version informations to avoid unexpected breakages.


Basic usage

# Database creation, with a data cache of 100k entries.
db = DODB::Storage::Common(Thing).new "path/to/storage/directory", 100_000

# Adding an element to the db
db <<

# Reaching all objects in the db
db.each do |thing|
	pp! thing

Basic API

Create the database

The DB creation is simply creating a few directories on the file-system.

db = DODB::Storage::Common(Thing).new "path/to/storage/directory", 100_000

Adding a new object

db <<

Sorting the objects

To speed-up searches in the DB, we can sort them, based on their attributes for example. There are 3 sorting methods:

  • basic indexes, 1-1 relations, an attribute value is bound to a single object (an identifier)
  • partitions, 1-n relations, an attribute value may be related to several objects (the color of a car, for instance)
  • tags, n-n relations, each object may have several tags, each tag may be related to several objects

Let's take an example.

require "uuid"

class Car
	include JSON::Serializable
	property id       : String
	property color    : String
	property keywords : Array(String)

	def initialize(@color, @keywords)
		@id = UUID.random.to_s

We want to store cars in a database and index them on their id attribute:

cars = DODB::Storage::Common(Car).new "path/to/storage/directory", 100_000

# We give a name to the index, then the code to extract the id from a Car instance
cars_by_id = cars.new_index "id", &.id

After adding a few objects in the database, here the index in action on the file-system:

$ tree storage/
├── data
│   ├── 0000000000
│   ├── 0000000001
│   ├── 0000000002
│   ├── 0000000003
│   ├── 0000000004
│   └── 0000000005
├── indices
│   └── by_id
│       ├── 6e109b82-25de-4250-9c67-e7e8415ad5a7 -> ../../data/0000000003
│       ├── 2080131b-97d7-4300-afa9-55b93cdfd124 -> ../../data/0000000000
│       ├── 2118bf1c-e413-4658-b8c1-a08925e20945 -> ../../data/0000000005
│       ├── b53fab8e-f394-49ef-b939-8a670abe278b -> ../../data/0000000004
│       ├── 7e918680-6bc2-4f29-be7e-3d2e9c8e228c -> ../../data/0000000002
│       └── 8b4e83e3-ef95-40dc-a6e5-e6e697ce6323 -> ../../data/0000000001

We have 5 objects in the DB, each of them has a unique ID attribute, each attribute is related to a single object. Getting an object by its ID is as simple as cat storage/indices/by_id/<id>.

Now we want to sort cars based on their color attribute. This time, we use a partition, because the relation between the attribute (color) and the object (car) is 1-n:

cars_by_colors = cars.new_partition "color", &.color

On the file-system, this translates to:

$ tree storage/
├── partitions
│   └── by_color
│       ├── blue
│       │   ├── 0000000000 -> ../../../data/0000000000
│       │   └── 0000000004 -> ../../../data/0000000004
│       ├── red
│       │   ├── 0000000001 -> ../../../data/0000000001
│       │   ├── 0000000002 -> ../../../data/0000000002
│       │   └── 0000000003 -> ../../../data/0000000003
│       └── violet
│           └── 0000000005 -> ../../../data/0000000005

Now the attribute corresponds to a directory (blue, red, violet, etc.) containing a symlink for each related object.

Finally, we want to sort cars based on the keywords attribute. This is a n-n relation, each car may have several keywords, each keyword may be related to several cars.

cars_by_keyword = cars.new_tags "keyword", &.keywords

On the file-system, this translates to:

$ tree storage/
└── tags
    └── by_keyword
        ├── elegant
        │   ├── 0000000000 -> ../../../data/0000000000
        │   └── 0000000003 -> ../../../data/0000000003
        ├── impressive
        │   ├── 0000000000 -> ../../../data/0000000000
        │   ├── 0000000001 -> ../../../data/0000000001
        │   └── 0000000003 -> ../../../data/0000000003

Tags are very similar to partitions and are used the exact same way for search, update and deletion.

Updating an object

In our last example we had a Car class, we stored its instances in cars and we could identify each instance by its id with the index cars_by_id. Now, we want to update a car:

# we find a car we want to modify
car = cars_by_id.get "86a07924-ab3a-4f46-a975-e9803acba22d"

# we modify it
car.color = "Blue"

# update, simple case: no change in the index
cars_by_id.update car
# otherwise = "something-else-than-before"
cars_by_id.update "86a07924-ab3a-4f46-a975-e9803acba22d", car

Or, in the case the object may not yet exist:

cars_by_id.update_or_create, car

# Search by partitions: all blue cars.
pp! cars_by_color.get "blue"

# Search by tags: all elegant cars.
pp! cars_by_keyword.get "elegant"

Changing a value that is related to a partition or a tag will automatically do what you would expect: de-index then re-index. You won't find yourself with a bunch of invalid symbolic links all over the place.

Removing an object

# Remove a value based on an index.
cars_by_id.delete "86a07924-ab3a-4f46-a975-e9803acba22d"

# Remove a value based on a partition.
cars_by_color.delete "red"
cars_by_color.delete "blue", do |car|

# Remove a value based on a tag.
cars_by_keyword.delete "shiny"
cars_by_keyword.delete ["slow", "expensive"] # Remove cars that are both slow and expensive.
cars_by_keyword.delete "elegant", do |car| == "GTI"

In this code snippet, we apply a function on blue cars only; and blue cars are only removed if they don't have any associated keywords. Same thing for elegant cars. This represents a performance boost compared to applying the function on all the cars.

Complete example

require "dodb"

# First, we define what well want to store.
# It *has* to be serializable through JSON, everything in DODB is stored in JSON directly on the file-system.
class Car
	include JSON::Serializable

	property name     : String        # unique to each instance (1-1 relations)
	property color    : String        # a simple attribute (1-n relations)
	property keywords : Array(String) # tags about a car, example: "shiny" (n-n relations)

	def initialize(@name, @color, @keywords)

# Database creation #

cars = DODB::Storage::Common(Car).new "./db-storage", 100_000

# Database configuration #

# There are several ways to index things in DODB.

# We give a name to the index, then the code to extract the name from a Car instance
# (1-1 relations: in this example, names are indexes = they are UNIQUE identifiers)
cars_by_name = cars.new_index "name", &.name

# We want quick searches for cars based on their color
# (1-n relations: a car only has one color, but a color may refer to many cars)
cars_by_color = cars.new_partition "color", &.color

# We also want to search cars on their keywords
# (n-n relations: a car may be described with many keywords and a keyword may be applied to many cars)
cars_by_keyword = cars.new_tags "keyword", &.keywords

# Adding #

cars << "Corvet",    "red",    [ "shiny", "impressive", "fast", "elegant" ]
cars << "SUV",       "red",    [ "solid", "impressive" ]
cars << "Mustang",   "red",    [ "shiny", "impressive", "elegant" ]
cars << "Bullet-GT", "red",    [ "shiny", "impressive", "fast", "elegant" ]
cars << "GTI",       "blue",   [ "average" ]
cars << "Deudeuch",  "violet", [ "dirty", "slow", "only French will understand" ]

# The DB can be accessed as a simple array
cars.each do |car|
	pp! car

# Searching... #

# based on an index (print the only car named "Corvet")
pp! cars_by_name.get "Corvet"

# based on a partition (print all red cars)
pp! cars_by_color.get "red"

# based on a tag (print all fast cars)
pp! cars_by_keyword.get "fast"

# based on several tags (print all cars that are both slow and expensive)
pp! cars_by_keyword.get ["slow", "expensive"]

# Updating #

car = cars_by_name.get "Corvet"
car.color = "blue"
cars_by_name.update car

car = cars_by_name.get "Bullet-GT" = "Not-So-Fast-Bullet-GT"
cars_by_name.update "Bullet-GT", car # the name changed

# we have a car
# and add it to the DB, not knowing in advance if it was already there
car = "Mustang", "red", [] of String
cars_by_name.update_or_create, car

# We all know it, elegant cars are also expensive.
cars_by_keyword.get("elegant").each do |car|
	car.keywords << "expensive"
	cars_by_name.update car

# Deleting... #

# based on a name
cars_by_name.delete "Deudeuch"

# based on a color
cars_by_color.delete "red"
# based on a color (but not only)
cars_by_color.delete "blue", &.name.==("GTI")

# based on a keyword
cars_by_keyword.delete "solid"
# based on a few keywords (but not only)
cars_by_keyword.delete ["slow", "expensive"], &.name.==("Corvet")