2020-07-16 19:50:56 +02:00
require "spec"
require "file_utils"
require "../src/cached.cr"
require "./test-data.cr"
class DODB::SpecDataBase < DODB::DataBase::Cached(Ship)
def initialize(storage_ext = "", remove_previous_data = true)
storage_dir = "test-storage#{storage_ext}"
if remove_previous_data
::FileUtils.rm_rf storage_dir
super storage_dir
describe "DODB::DataBase::Cached" do
describe "basics" do
it "store and get data" do
db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
db << ship
db.to_a.sort.should eq(Ship.all_ships.sort)
it "rewrite already stored data" do
db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
ship = Ship.all_ships[0]
key = db << ship
db[key] = Ship.new "broken"
db[key] = ship
db[key].should eq(ship)
it "properly remove data" do
db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
db << ship
Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
Ship.all_ships.each_with_index do |ship, i|
# FIXME: Should it raise a particular exception?
expect_raises DODB::MissingEntry do
db[i]?.should be_nil
it "iterates in normal and reversed order" do
db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
db << ship
# The two #each test iteration.
db.each_with_index do |item, index|
item.should eq Ship.all_ships[index]
db.each_with_index(reversed: true) do |item, index|
item.should eq Ship.all_ships[index]
# Actual reversal is tested here.
db.to_a(reversed: true).should eq db.to_a.reverse
2020-07-16 23:37:52 +02:00
it "respects the provided offsets if any" do
db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
db << ship
db.to_a(start_offset: 0, end_offset: 0)[0]?.should eq Ship.mutsuki
db.to_a(start_offset: 1, end_offset: 1)[0]?.should eq Ship.kisaragi
db.to_a(start_offset: 2, end_offset: 2)[0]?.should eq Ship.yayoi
db.to_a(start_offset: 0, end_offset: 2).should eq [
Ship.mutsuki, Ship.kisaragi, Ship.yayoi
2020-07-16 19:50:56 +02:00
# describe "indices" do
# it "do basic indexing" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_name = db.new_index "name", &.name
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db << ship
# end
# Ship.all_ships.each_with_index do |ship|
# db_ships_by_name.get?(ship.name).should eq(ship)
# end
# end
# it "raise on index overload" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_name = db.new_index "name", &.name
# db << Ship.kisaragi
# # Should not be allowed to store an entry whose “name” field
# # already exists.
# expect_raises(DODB::IndexOverload) do
# db << Ship.kisaragi
# end
# end
# it "properly deindex" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_name = db.new_index "name", &.name
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db << ship
# end
# Ship.all_ships.each_with_index do |ship, i|
# db.delete i
# end
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db_ships_by_name.get?(ship.name).should be_nil
# end
# end
# it "properly reindex" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_name = db.new_index "name", &.name
# key = db << Ship.kisaragi
# # We give the old id to the new ship, to get it replaced in
# # the database.
# some_new_ship = Ship.all_ships[2].clone
# db[key] = some_new_ship
# db[key].should eq(some_new_ship)
# db_ships_by_name.get?(some_new_ship.name).should eq(some_new_ship)
# end
# it "properly updates" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_name = db.new_index "name", &.name
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db << ship
# end
# new_kisaragi = Ship.kisaragi.clone.tap do |s|
# s.name = "Kisaragi Kai" # Don’t think about it too much.
# end
# # We’re changing an indexed value on purpose.
# db_ships_by_name.update "Kisaragi", new_kisaragi
# db_ships_by_name.get?("Kisaragi").should be_nil
# db_ships_by_name.get?(new_kisaragi.name).should eq new_kisaragi
# end
# end
# describe "partitions" do
# it "do basic partitioning" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_class = db.new_partition "class", &.klass
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db << ship
# end
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db_ships_by_class.get(ship.klass).should contain(ship)
# end
# # We extract the possible classes to do test on them.
# ship_classes = Ship.all_ships.map(&.klass).uniq
# ship_classes.each do |klass|
# partition = db_ships_by_class.get klass
# # A partition on “class” should contain entries that all
# # share the same value of “class”.
# partition.map(&.klass.==(klass)).reduce { |a, b|
# a && b
# }.should be_true
# end
# db_ships_by_class.get("does-not-exist").should eq [] of Ship
# end
# it "removes select elements from partitions" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_class = db.new_partition "class", &.klass
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db << ship
# end
# db_ships_by_class.delete "Mutsuki", &.name.==("Kisaragi")
# Ship.all_ships.map(&.klass).uniq.each do |klass|
# partition = db_ships_by_class.get klass
# partition.any?(&.name.==("Kisaragi")).should be_false
# end
# end
# end
# describe "tags" do
# it "do basic tagging" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_tags = db.new_tags "tags", &.tags
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db << ship
# end
# db_ships_by_tags.get("flagship").should eq([Ship.flagship])
# # All returned entries should have the requested tag.
# db_ships_by_tags.get("name ship")
# .map(&.tags.includes?("name ship"))
# .reduce { |a, e| a && e }
# .should be_true
# # There shouldn’t be one in our data about WWII Japanese warships…
# db_ships_by_tags.get("starship").should eq([] of Ship)
# end
# it "properly removes tags" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_tags = db.new_tags "tags", &.tags
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db << ship
# end
# # Removing the “flagship” tag, brace for impact.
# flagship, index = db_ships_by_tags.get_with_indices("flagship")[0]
# flagship.tags = [] of String
# db[index] = flagship
## ship, index = db_ships_by_tags.update(tag: "flagship") do |ship, index|
## ship.tags = [] of String
## db[index] = ship
## end
# db_ships_by_tags.get("flagship").should eq([] of Ship)
# end
# it "gets items that have multiple tags" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_tags = db.new_tags "tags", &.tags
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db << ship
# end
# results = db_ships_by_tags.get(["flagship", "name ship"])
# results.should eq([Ship.yamato])
# results = db_ships_by_tags.get(["name ship", "flagship"])
# results.should eq([Ship.yamato])
# results = db_ships_by_tags.get(["flagship"])
# results.should eq([Ship.yamato])
# end
# end
# describe "atomic operations" do
# it "safe_get and safe_get?" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_name = db.new_index "name", &.name
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db << ship
# end
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db_ships_by_name.safe_get ship.name do |results|
# results.should eq(ship)
# end
# db_ships_by_name.safe_get? ship.name do |results|
# results.should eq(ship)
# end
# end
# end
# end
# describe "tools" do
# it "rebuilds indexes" do
# db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new
# db_ships_by_name = db.new_index "name", &.name
# db_ships_by_class = db.new_partition "class", &.klass
# db_ships_by_tags = db.new_tags "tags", &.tags
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db << ship
# end
# db.reindex_everything!
# Ship.all_ships.each do |ship|
# db_ships_by_name.get?(ship.name).should eq(ship)
# db_ships_by_class.get(ship.klass).should contain(ship)
# end
# end
# it "migrates properly" do
# ::FileUtils.rm_rf "test-storage-migration-origin"
# old_db = DODB::DataBase(PrimitiveShip).new "test-storage-migration-origin"
# old_ships_by_name = old_db.new_index "name", &.name
# old_ships_by_class = old_db.new_partition "class", &.class_name
# PrimitiveShip.all_ships.each do |ship|
# old_db << ship
# end
# # At this point, the “old” DB is filled. Now we need to convert
# # to the new DB.
# new_db = DODB::SpecDataBase.new "-migration-target"
# new_ships_by_name = new_db.new_index "name", &.name
# new_ships_by_class = new_db.new_partition "class", &.klass
# new_ships_by_tags = new_db.new_tags "tags", &.tags
# old_db.each_with_index do |ship, index|
# new_ship = Ship.new ship.name,
# klass: ship.class_name,
# id: ship.id,
# tags: Array(String).new.tap { |tags|
# tags << "name ship" if ship.name == ship.class_name
# }
# new_db[index] = new_ship
# end
# # At this point, the conversion is done, so… we’re making a few
# # arbitrary tests on the new data.
# old_db.each_with_index do |old_ship, old_index|
# ship = new_db[old_index]
# ship.id.should eq(old_ship.id)
# ship.klass.should eq(old_ship.class_name)
# ship.tags.any?(&.==("name ship")).should be_true if ship.name == ship.klass
# end
# end
# end