2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
-- | The `Bulma` module is a wrapper around the BULMA css framework.
module Bulma where
import Prelude
2024-06-08 01:23:17 +02:00
import Data.Maybe (Maybe, fromMaybe)
2024-04-15 23:59:09 +02:00
import Data.Tuple (Tuple, fst, snd)
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import DOM.HTML.Indexed as DHI
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
-- import MissingHTMLProperties as MissingProperties
import CSSClasses as C
import Halogen.HTML.Core (AttrName(..))
-- import Web.Event.Event (type_, Event, EventType(..))
-- import Web.UIEvent.MouseEvent (MouseEvent) -- package web-uievents
2024-11-14 00:44:58 +01:00
outside_link :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
outside_link classes url title = HH.a [ HP.classes classes, HP.target "_blank", HP.href url ] [ HH.text title ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
columns :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type).
Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
columns classes = HH.div [ HP.classes (C.columns <> classes) ]
columns_ :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type). Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
columns_ = columns []
column :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type).
Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
column classes = HH.div [ HP.classes (C.column <> classes) ]
column_ :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type). Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
column_ = column []
h1 :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
h1 title = HH.h1 [ HP.classes (C.title) ] [ HH.text title ]
h3 :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
h3 title = HH.h3 [ HP.classes (C.title <> C.is5) ] [ HH.text title ]
2024-11-11 07:09:13 +01:00
h4 :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
h4 title = HH.h4 [ HP.classes (C.title <> C.is5) ] [ HH.text title ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
zone_rr_title :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
zone_rr_title title
= HH.h3 [ HP.classes (C.title <> C.is5 <> C.has_text_light <> C.has_background_dark) ]
[ HH.text title ]
subtitle :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
subtitle title = HH.h2 [ HP.classes (C.subtitle <> C.is4) ] [ HH.text title ]
hdiv :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). Array (HH.HTML w a) -> HH.HTML w a
hdiv = HH.div [ HP.classes [HH.ClassName "mt-5"] ]
--offcolumn :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type).
-- Int -> Int -> Array (HH.HTML w a) -> HH.HTML w a
--offcolumn 0 size = HH.div [ HP.classes [HH.ClassName ("mt-"<>show size)] ]
--offcolumn offset size
-- = column [ HH.ClassName ("is-offset-" <> (show offset) <> " is-" <> (show size)) ]
input_classes :: Array HH.ClassName
input_classes = C.input <> C.is_small <> C.is_info
table :: forall w i. HH.Node DHI.HTMLtable w i
table prop xs = HH.table ([ HP.classes $ C.table ] <> prop) xs
table_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> HH.Node DHI.HTMLtable w i
table_ classes prop xs = HH.table ([ HP.classes $ C.table <> classes] <> prop) xs
2024-04-25 11:50:56 +02:00
table_header_owned_domains :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Name" ]
2024-04-27 19:50:57 +02:00
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
2024-04-25 11:50:56 +02:00
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
table_header_shared_domains :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Name" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Share key" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
2024-04-27 19:50:57 +02:00
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
2024-04-25 11:50:56 +02:00
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
mechanism_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Policy" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Type" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Value" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
modifier_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Type" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Value" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
2024-04-13 00:20:56 +02:00
dmarc_dmarcuri_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Email address" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Report size limit" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
name_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
name_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "Name of the DNS entry, the fully-qualified-domain-name is <name>.<domain>." ]
[ HH.text "Name" ]
ttl_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
ttl_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "Time-to-Live, nb seconds before being considered invalid" ]
[ HH.text "TTL" ]
target_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
target_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "In the DNS jargon, the target means the most important value associated with the entry, for an A entry it would be an IPv4 address, for example" ]
[ HH.text "Target" ]
token_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
token_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "Tokens are used to update the entry, see the tab: \"Tokens? 🤨\"" ]
[ HH.text "Token" ]
priority_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
priority_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "A numeric value that indicates the preference of the server (lower values indicate higher priority)" ]
[ HH.text "Priority" ]
weight_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
weight_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "A relative weight used when multiple servers have the same priority, determining how often they should be used" ]
[ HH.text "Weight" ]
srv_mechanisms_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
srv_mechanisms_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "Mechanisms specify which mail servers are allowed to send mail for the domain and how to evaluate the sending mail server’ s IP address" ]
[ HH.text "Mechanisms" ]
srv_modifiers_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
srv_modifiers_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "Modifiers provide additional instructions, such as explanations for SPF failures or redirecting SPF checks to another domain" ]
[ HH.text "Modifiers" ]
srv_default_policy_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
srv_default_policy_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "" ]
[ HH.text "Default Policy" ]
protocol_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
protocol_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "The related communication protocol, either TCP or UDP (want more? Just ask me)" ]
[ HH.text "Protocol" ]
port_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
port_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "Related connection port" ]
[ HH.text "Port" ]
dkim_notes_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
dkim_notes_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "Arbitrary string related to this cryptographic material" ]
[ HH.text "Notes" ]
dmarc_policy_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
dmarc_policy_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "How to handle email when SPF and DKIM aren't valid?" ]
[ HH.text "Policy" ]
dmarc_subdom_policy_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
dmarc_subdom_policy_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "How to handle email when SPF and DKIM aren't valid?" ]
[ HH.text "Subdomain Policy" ]
dmarc_dkim_policy_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
dmarc_dkim_policy_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "What should be considered acceptable to do with an email not conforming with DKIM" ]
[ HH.text "DKIM Policy" ]
dmarc_spf_policy_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
dmarc_spf_policy_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "What should be considered acceptable to do with an email not conforming with SPF" ]
[ HH.text "SPF Policy" ]
dmarc_sample_rate_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
dmarc_sample_rate_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "Percentage of messages subjected to the requested policy [0-100]" ]
[ HH.text "Sample Rate" ]
dmarc_report_on_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
dmarc_report_on_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "What error should be reported? DKIM, SPF, Both, Any or None?" ]
[ HH.text "Report on" ]
dmarc_report_interval_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
dmarc_report_interval_header = HH.abbr
[ HP.title "Minimal duration between two DMARC reports (in seconds)" ]
[ HH.text "Report interval" ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
simple_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Type" ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ name_header ]
, HH.th_ [ ttl_header ]
, HH.th_ [ target_header ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ token_header ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
simple_table_header_ro :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr [ HP.classes C.has_background_warning_light ]
[ HH.th [ HP.style "width: 50px;" ] [ HH.text "Type" ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ name_header ]
, HH.th_ [ ttl_header ]
, HH.th_ [ target_header ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
mx_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ name_header ]
, HH.th_ [ ttl_header ]
, HH.th_ [ priority_header ]
, HH.th_ [ target_header ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
2024-06-08 01:23:17 +02:00
caa_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ name_header ]
, HH.th_ [ ttl_header ]
2024-06-08 01:23:17 +02:00
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Flag" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Tag" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Value" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
srv_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ name_header ]
, HH.th_ [ protocol_header ]
, HH.th_ [ target_header ]
, HH.th_ [ port_header ]
, HH.th_ [ ttl_header ]
, HH.th_ [ priority_header ]
, HH.th_ [ weight_header ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
spf_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ name_header ]
, HH.th_ [ ttl_header ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Version" ] -- For now, version isn't displayed.
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ srv_mechanisms_header ]
, HH.th_ [ srv_modifiers_header ]
, HH.th_ [ srv_default_policy_header ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
dkim_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ name_header ]
, HH.th_ [ ttl_header ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Version" ] -- For now, version isn't displayed. Assume DKIM1.
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Hash algo" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Signature algo" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Public Key" ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ dkim_notes_header ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
2024-04-14 17:44:57 +02:00
dmarc_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ name_header ]
, HH.th_ [ ttl_header ]
2024-04-14 17:44:57 +02:00
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Version" ] -- For now, version isn't displayed. Assume DMARC1.
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
, HH.th_ [ dmarc_policy_header ] -- p
, HH.th_ [ dmarc_subdom_policy_header ] -- sp
, HH.th_ [ dmarc_dkim_policy_header ] -- adkim
, HH.th_ [ dmarc_spf_policy_header ] -- aspf
, HH.th_ [ dmarc_sample_rate_header ] -- pct
, HH.th_ [ dmarc_report_on_header ] -- fo
, HH.th_ [ dmarc_report_interval_header ] -- ri
2024-04-14 17:44:57 +02:00
-- TODO? rua & ruf
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Accepted report formats" ] -- For now, assume AFRF.
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
name_soa_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
name_soa_header = HH.abbr
2024-11-14 00:44:58 +01:00
[ HP.title "Your actual domain name (technical term: \"fully qualified domain name\")." ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
[ HH.text "Name" ]
mname_soa_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
mname_soa_header = HH.abbr
2024-11-14 00:44:58 +01:00
[ HP.title "Domain name of the primary authoritative DNS server for the zone (SOA \"MNAME\" field)." ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
[ HH.text "Primary NS" ]
rname_soa_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
rname_soa_header = HH.abbr
2024-11-14 00:44:58 +01:00
[ HP.title "The email address of the person responsible for managing the zone (the \"@\" is replaced by \".\" for some reason). This is the SOA \"RNAME\" field." ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
[ HH.text "Contact" ]
serial_soa_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
serial_soa_header = HH.abbr
2024-11-14 00:44:58 +01:00
[ HP.title "A number that is incremented every time the zone is updated. Secondary DNS servers use this number to check for updates." ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
[ HH.text "Serial" ]
refresh_soa_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
refresh_soa_header = HH.abbr
2024-11-14 00:44:58 +01:00
[ HP.title "The interval (in seconds) at which secondary DNS servers should check the primary server for changes to the zone." ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
[ HH.text "Refresh" ]
retry_soa_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
retry_soa_header = HH.abbr
2024-11-14 00:44:58 +01:00
[ HP.title "The time in seconds that secondary servers should wait before retrying a failed attempt to contact the primary DNS server." ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
[ HH.text "Retry" ]
expire_soa_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
expire_soa_header = HH.abbr
2024-11-14 00:44:58 +01:00
[ HP.title "The time in seconds that secondary DNS servers will keep the zone data before discarding it if they cannot contact the primary server." ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
[ HH.text "Expire" ]
minttl_soa_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
minttl_soa_header = HH.abbr
2024-11-14 00:44:58 +01:00
[ HP.title "The minimum time (in seconds) that other DNS servers should cache negative responses (e.g., for non-existent domain names)." ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
[ HH.text "Minimum TTL" ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
soa_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr [ HP.classes C.has_background_warning_light ]
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
[ HH.th_ [ name_soa_header ]
, HH.th_ [ ttl_header ]
, HH.th_ [ mname_soa_header ]
, HH.th_ [ rname_soa_header ]
, HH.th_ [ serial_soa_header ]
, HH.th_ [ refresh_soa_header ]
, HH.th_ [ retry_soa_header ]
, HH.th_ [ expire_soa_header ]
, HH.th_ [ minttl_soa_header ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
txt_name :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
txt_name t
= HH.td [ rr_name_style ] [ rr_name_text ]
rr_name_style = HP.style "width: 80px;"
rr_name_text = HH.text t
textarea_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> HH.HTML w i
textarea_ classes placeholder value action
= HH.textarea
[ HE.onValueInput action
, HP.value value
, HP.placeholder placeholder
, HP.classes $ C.textarea <> classes
textarea :: forall w i. String -> String -> (String -> i) -> HH.HTML w i
textarea placeholder value action = textarea_ [] placeholder value action
btn_modify :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_modify action = btn_ (C.is_small <> C.is_info) "⚒" action
btn_save :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_save action = btn_ C.is_info "Save" action
btn_add :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_add action = btn_ C.is_info "Add" action
btn_delete :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_delete action = btn_ (C.is_small <> C.is_danger) "✖" action
btn_modify_ro :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
btn_modify_ro = btn_ro (C.is_small <> C.is_warning) "modify"
btn_readonly :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
btn_readonly = btn_ro (C.is_small <> C.is_warning) "read only"
btn_delete_ro :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
btn_delete_ro = btn_ro (C.is_small <> C.is_warning) "remove"
btn_ro :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> String -> HH.HTML w i
btn_ro classes title
= HH.button
[ HP.classes $ C.button <> classes
] [ HH.text title ]
-- | Create a `level`, different components that should appear on the same horizontal line.
-- | First argument, elements that should appear on the left, second on the right.
level :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
level left right = HH.nav [ HP.classes C.level ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes C.level_left ] $ itemize left
, HH.div [ HP.classes C.level_right ] $ itemize right
where itemize = map (\v -> HH.div [ HP.classes C.level_item ] [v])
btn_ :: forall w action. Array HH.ClassName -> String -> action -> HH.HTML w action
btn_ classes title action
= HH.button
[ HE.onClick \_ -> action
, HP.classes $ C.button <> classes
] [ HH.text title ]
btn :: forall w action. String -> action -> HH.HTML w action
btn title action = btn_ [] title action
alert_btn :: forall w action. String -> action -> HH.HTML w action
alert_btn title action = btn_ C.is_danger title action
render_input :: forall w i.
Boolean -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> (HP.IProp DHI.HTMLinput i) -> HH.HTML w i
render_input password id placeholder action value cond
= HH.input $
[ HE.onValueInput action
, HP.value value
, HP.placeholder placeholder
, HP.classes $ input_classes
, HP.id id
, cond
] <> case password of
false -> []
true -> [ HP.type_ HP.InputPassword ]
2024-06-27 03:02:11 +02:00
-- | Bulma's `field`, which contains an array of `Halogen.HTML` entries.
-- | Two entries are expected: a field label (`div_field_label`) and a field content (`div_field_content`).
div_field :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
div_field classes = HH.div [HP.classes (C.field <> C.is_horizontal <> classes)]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
2024-06-27 03:02:11 +02:00
-- | Field label (id and title) for a Bulma `field`.
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
div_field_label :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
div_field_label id title = HH.div [HP.classes (C.field_label <> C.normal)]
[HH.label [ HP.classes C.label, HP.for id ] [ HH.text title ]]
2024-06-27 03:02:11 +02:00
-- | Any `Halogen.HTML` data in Bulma `field-body > field > control` divs.
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
div_field_content :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i
div_field_content content
= HH.div [ HP.classes C.field_body ]
[ HH.div [HP.classes C.field ] [ HH.div [HP.classes C.control ] [ content ] ] ]
2024-06-27 03:02:11 +02:00
-- | Basic field entry with a title and a field content.
2024-11-09 16:34:13 +01:00
-- |
-- |```
-- |div [field is-horizontal]
-- | div [field-label is-normal]
-- | label [for-id]
-- | text
-- | div [field-body]
-- | div [field]
-- | div [control]
-- |```
2024-06-27 03:02:11 +02:00
field_entry :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i
field_entry id title entry
= div_field []
[ div_field_label id title
, div_field_content entry
-- | Error field entry with a title and a field content.
error_field_entry :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i
error_field_entry id title entry
= div_field C.has_background_danger_light
[ div_field_label id title
, div_field_content entry
error_box :: forall w i. String -> String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
error_box id title value = error_field_entry id title $ notification_danger' value
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
field_inner :: forall w i.
2024-04-10 12:22:31 +02:00
Boolean -> (HP.IProp DHI.HTMLinput i) -> String -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> HH.HTML w i
field_inner ispassword cond id title placeholder action value
2024-06-27 03:02:11 +02:00
= field_entry id title $ render_input ispassword id placeholder action value cond
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
div_field_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
div_field_ classes = HH.div [ HP.classes (C.field <> classes) ]
btn_labeled :: forall w i. String -> String -> String -> i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_labeled id title button_text action
2024-06-27 03:02:11 +02:00
= field_entry id title $ HH.button
[ HE.onClick \_ -> action
, HP.classes $ C.button <> C.is_small <> C.is_info
, HP.id id
] [ HH.text button_text ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
2024-04-10 12:22:31 +02:00
box_input_ :: forall w i.
(HP.IProp DHI.HTMLinput i) -> String -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> HH.HTML w i
box_input_ = field_inner false
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
2024-04-10 12:22:31 +02:00
box_password_ :: forall w i.
(HP.IProp DHI.HTMLinput i) -> String -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> HH.HTML w i
box_password_ = field_inner true
box_input :: forall w i. String -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> HH.HTML w i
box_input = box_input_ (HP.enabled true)
box_password :: forall w i. String -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> HH.HTML w i
box_password = box_password_ (HP.enabled true)
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
section_small :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
section_small = HH.section [ HP.classes (C.section <> C.is_small) ]
section_medium :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
section_medium = HH.section [ HP.classes (C.section <> C.medium) ]
new_domain_field :: forall w i.
(String -> i) -> String -> Array (HP.IProp DHI.HTMLselect i) -> Array String -> HH.HTML w i
new_domain_field inputaction text_ selectaction accepted_domains
= div_field_ C.has_addons
[ HH.p
[ HP.classes C.control ]
[ HH.input $
[ HE.onValueInput inputaction
, HP.placeholder "www"
, HP.value text_
, HP.type_ HP.InputText
, HP.classes (C.is_primary <> C.input)
, HH.p
[ HP.classes C.control ]
[ select selectaction $ map option accepted_domains ]
code :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
code str = HH.code_ [ HH.text str ]
text :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
text = HH.text
p :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
p str = HH.p_ [ HH.text str ]
p_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> String -> HH.HTML w i
p_ classes str = HH.p [HP.classes classes] [ HH.text str ]
box :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
box = HH.div [HP.classes C.box]
box_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
box_ classes = HH.div [HP.classes $ C.box <> classes]
option :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
option value = HH.option_ [HH.text value]
select :: forall w i. HH.Node DHI.HTMLselect w i
select action options
= HH.div [ HP.classes (C.select <> C.is_primary) ]
[ HH.select action options]
hero :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
hero _title _subtitle
= HH.section [ HP.classes (C.hero <> C.is_info <> C.is_small) ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes C.hero_body ]
[ HH.p [ HP.classes C.title ] [ HH.text _title ]
, HH.p [ HP.classes C.subtitle ] [ HH.text _subtitle ]
small_hero :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
small_hero _title _subtitle =
HH.section [ HP.classes (C.hero <> C.is_info <> C.is_small) ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes C.hero_body ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes $ C.container <> C.has_text_centered ]
[ HH.p [ HP.classes C.title ] [ HH.text _title ]
, HH.p [ HP.classes C.subtitle ] [ HH.text _subtitle ]
2024-11-11 17:52:19 +01:00
hero_danger_txt :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
hero_danger_txt _title _subtitle
= hero_danger [ HH.text _title ] [ HH.text _subtitle ]
hero_danger :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
hero_danger _title _subtitle
= HH.section [ HP.classes (C.hero <> C.is_danger <> C.is_small) ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes C.hero_body ]
2024-11-11 17:52:19 +01:00
[ HH.p [ HP.classes C.title ] _title
, HH.p [ HP.classes C.subtitle ] _subtitle
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
header :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
header = hero
container :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
container = HH.div [HP.classes (C.container <> C.is_info)]
data_target :: forall r i. String -> HP.IProp r i
data_target = HP.attr (AttrName "data-target")
modal_ :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
modal_ = HH.div [HP.classes (C.modal <> C.is_active)]
modal_background :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
modal_background = HH.div [HP.classes C.modal_background] []
2024-11-09 19:56:26 +01:00
modal_card_large :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
modal_card_large = HH.div [HP.classes $ C.modal_card <> C.is_large]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
modal_header :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
modal_header title = HH.header [HP.classes C.modal_card_head]
[ HH.p [HP.classes C.modal_card_title] [HH.text title]
modal_body :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
modal_body = HH.section [HP.classes C.modal_card_body]
modal_foot :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
modal_foot = HH.div [HP.classes C.modal_card_foot]
cancel_button :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
cancel_button action
= HH.button [ HP.classes C.button
, HE.onClick \_ -> action
] [HH.text "Cancel"]
strong :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
strong str = HH.strong_ [ HH.text str ]
hr :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
hr = HH.hr_
tile :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
tile classes = HH.div [HP.classes (C.tile <> classes)]
tile_ :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
tile_ = tile []
tile_danger :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
tile_danger classes = tile (C.is_danger <> C.notification <> classes)
tile_warning :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
tile_warning classes = tile (C.is_warning <> C.notification <> classes)
article_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i
article_ classes head body = HH.article [HP.classes (C.message <> classes)]
[ HH.div [HP.classes C.message_header] [head]
, HH.div [HP.classes C.message_body ] [body]
article :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i
article head body = article_ [] head body
error_message :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i
error_message head body = article_ C.is_danger head body
2024-11-09 16:34:13 +01:00
-- | Basic input field with a read-only side text.
-- |
-- |```
-- |div [field is-horizontal]
-- | div [field-label normal]
-- | label [label for-id]
-- | text
-- | div [field-body]
-- | div [has-addons field]
-- | p [control]
-- | input
-- | p [control]
-- | a [button is-small is-static]
-- | text
-- |```
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
input_with_side_text :: forall w i.
String -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
input_with_side_text id title placeholder action value sidetext
2024-11-09 16:34:13 +01:00
= HH.div [HP.classes $ C.field <> C.is_horizontal]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
[ HH.div [ HP.classes (C.field_label <> C.normal) ]
[HH.label [ HP.classes C.label, HP.for id ] [ HH.text title ]]
, HH.div [ HP.classes C.field_body ]
2024-11-09 16:34:13 +01:00
[ HH.div [ HP.classes $ C.has_addons <> C.field ]
[ HH.p [HP.classes C.control]
[ HH.input $
[ HE.onValueInput action
, HP.value value
, HP.placeholder placeholder
, HP.classes $ input_classes
, HP.id id
, HH.p [HP.classes C.control]
[ HH.a [HP.classes $ C.button <> C.is_small <> C.is_static]
[HH.text sidetext] ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
-- | `modal`: create a modal by providing a few things:
-- | - a title (a simple String)
-- | - a body (`HTML` content)
-- | - a footer (`HTML` content)
modal :: forall w i. String -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
modal title body foot =
[ modal_background
2024-11-09 19:56:26 +01:00
, modal_card_large [modal_header title, modal_body body]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
, modal_foot foot
-- selection: create a "select" input.
-- Get the changes with "onSelectedIndexChange" which provides an index.
selection :: forall w i. (Int -> i) -> Array String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
selection action values selected = HH.div [HP.classes $ C.select <> C.is_normal]
[ HH.select [ HE.onSelectedIndexChange action ]
$ map (\n -> HH.option [HP.value n, HP.selected (n == selected)] [HH.text n]) values
selection_field :: forall w i. String -> String -> (Int -> i) -> Array String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
selection_field id title action values selected
2024-06-27 03:02:11 +02:00
= field_entry id title $ selection action values selected
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
2024-04-15 23:59:09 +02:00
selection_field' :: forall w i.
String -> String -> (Int -> i) -> Array (Tuple String String) -> String -> HH.HTML w i
selection_field' id title action values selected
2024-06-27 03:02:11 +02:00
= field_entry id title $ selection' action values selected
2024-04-15 23:59:09 +02:00
2024-06-08 01:23:17 +02:00
selection_field'' :: forall w i t. Show t =>
String -> String -> (Int -> i) -> Array (Tuple String String) -> t -> Maybe t -> HH.HTML w i
selection_field'' id title action values default_value selected
2024-06-27 03:02:11 +02:00
= field_entry id title $ selection' action values selected_value
2024-06-08 01:23:17 +02:00
selected_value = (show $ fromMaybe default_value selected)
2024-04-15 23:59:09 +02:00
-- | selection': as `selection` but takes an array of tuple as values.
-- | First value in the tuple is what to display, the second one is what to match on.
selection' :: forall w i. (Int -> i) -> Array (Tuple String String) -> String -> HH.HTML w i
selection' action values selected = HH.div [HP.classes $ C.select <> C.is_normal]
[ HH.select [ HE.onSelectedIndexChange action ]
$ map (\n -> HH.option [HP.value (snd n), HP.selected ((snd n) == selected)] [HH.text (fst n)]) values
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
tag_light_info :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
tag_light_info str = HH.span [HP.classes (C.tag <> C.is_info <> C.is_light)] [HH.text str]
div_large_content :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
div_large_content content = HH.div [HP.classes (C.is_large <> C.content)] content
2024-04-28 15:45:59 +02:00
div_content :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
div_content classes content = HH.div [HP.classes (C.content <> classes)] content
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
explanation :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
explanation content = HH.blockquote [HP.classes [HH.ClassName "justified"]] content
2024-04-24 23:14:46 +02:00
quote :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
2024-04-28 15:45:59 +02:00
quote content = div_content [] [ explanation content ]
2024-04-24 23:14:46 +02:00
simple_quote :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
simple_quote content = quote [ p content ]
2024-03-20 01:23:40 +01:00
tabs :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
tabs classes tab_list = HH.div [HP.classes $ C.tabs <> classes] [HH.ul_ tab_list]
fancy_tabs :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
fancy_tabs arr = tabs (C.is_medium <> C.is_boxed <> C.is_centered) arr
tab_entry :: forall w i. Boolean -> String -> i -> HH.HTML w i
tab_entry active name action =
HH.li (if active then [HP.classes C.is_active] else [])
[ HH.a [HE.onClick \_ -> action] [HH.text name] ]
2024-03-23 18:59:19 +01:00
delete_btn :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
delete_btn action = HH.button [HE.onClick \_ -> action, HP.classes C.delete] []
notification :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> String -> i -> HH.HTML w i
notification classes value deleteaction =
HH.div [HP.classes (C.notification <> classes)]
[ delete_btn deleteaction
, HH.text value
notification_primary :: forall w i. String -> i -> HH.HTML w i
2024-04-27 19:50:57 +02:00
notification_primary value action = notification C.is_primary value action
2024-03-23 18:59:19 +01:00
2024-03-24 00:42:23 +01:00
notification_success :: forall w i. String -> i -> HH.HTML w i
2024-04-27 19:50:57 +02:00
notification_success value action = notification C.is_success value action
notification_warning :: forall w i. String -> i -> HH.HTML w i
notification_warning value action = notification C.is_warning value action
2024-03-24 00:42:23 +01:00
2024-03-23 18:59:19 +01:00
notification_danger :: forall w i. String -> i -> HH.HTML w i
2024-04-27 19:50:57 +02:00
notification_danger value action = notification C.is_danger value action
2024-03-23 20:07:50 +01:00
2024-04-14 12:06:35 +02:00
notification_block' :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
notification_block' classes content =
HH.div [HP.classes (C.notification <> classes)] content
2024-04-10 16:22:18 +02:00
notification' :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> String -> HH.HTML w i
notification' classes value =
HH.div [HP.classes (C.notification <> classes)]
[ HH.text value ]
2024-04-28 15:45:59 +02:00
notification_primary' :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
notification_primary' value = notification' C.is_primary value
2024-04-27 19:50:57 +02:00
notification_warning' :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
notification_warning' value = notification' C.is_warning value
2024-04-10 16:22:18 +02:00
notification_danger' :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
notification_danger' value = notification' C.is_danger value
2024-04-14 12:06:35 +02:00
notification_danger_block' :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
notification_danger_block' content = notification_block' C.is_danger content
2024-03-23 20:07:50 +01:00
btn_validation_ :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
btn_validation_ str = HH.button
-- [ HP.style "padding: 0.5rem 1.25rem;"
[ HP.type_ HP.ButtonSubmit
, HP.classes $ C.button <> C.is_primary
[ HH.text str ]
btn_validation :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
btn_validation = btn_validation_ "Validate"
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
-- | Box with tags.
2024-11-11 07:09:13 +01:00
-- |```
-- |box_with_tag C.has_background_danger_light some_tag [Bulma.p "Hello"]
-- |```
2024-11-11 04:37:26 +01:00
box_with_tag :: forall w action.
Array HH.ClassName -- css classes (like the color)
-> HH.HTML w action -- tag (title for the box)
-> Array (HH.HTML w action) -- box content
-> HH.HTML w action
box_with_tag colors tag xs
= box_
(C.no_padding_left <> C.no_padding_top <> colors)
[tag, HH.div [HP.classes $ C.restore_padding_left <> C.restore_padding_top] xs]