Initial commit for the dnsmanager web client project.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# dnsmanager interface
### Quick Start
To install and test this application, you'll need:
- both **purs** and **spago**, in order to compile this purescript application;
- both **authd** and **dnsmanagerd**, in order to use this dnsmanager webclient with its related services, and they both require **libipc**;
- (optional) a http server to serve the website and its documentation (such as darkhttpd, which is used in the makefile).
To compile this purescript application:
make bundle
### Introduction
This code is a **beta version** of the official interface for `dnsmanager` (second edition).
It will soon change in numerous ways, but represents an acceptable start for the **dnsmanager webclient** project.
Normal file
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./bulma.css">
<title>DNS Manager (beta)</title>
.justified {
text-justify: auto;
text-align: justify
<script src="./index.js" type="module"></script>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
all: build
[ ! -d ../parser ] && cd .. && git clone ssh:// || :
build: clone-generic-parser
spago build
bundle-mini: install-esbuild
PATH=$$PATH:node_modules/.bin spago bundle-app -y
mv index.js app/
bundle: install-esbuild
PATH=$$PATH:node_modules/.bin spago bundle-app
mv index.js app/
spago repl
spago build
spago docs
spago docs --no-search
DOCS_HTTPD_ACCESS_LOGS ?= /tmp/docs-access.log
DOCS_DIR ?= generated-docs/html
serve-docs: docs
darkhttpd $(DOCS_DIR) --addr $(DOCS_HTTPD_ADDR) --port $(DOCS_HTTPD_PORT) --log $(DOCS_HTTPD_ACCESS_LOGS)
@[ -f node_modules/.bin/esbuild ] || echo "install ebbuild"
[ -f node_modules/.bin/esbuild ] || npm install esbuild
HTTPD_ACCESS_LOGS ?= /tmp/access.log
HTTPD_PORT ?= 35000
DIR ?= app
darkhttpd $(DIR) --addr $(HTTPD_ADDR) --port $(HTTPD_PORT) --log $(HTTPD_ACCESS_LOGS)
# NPM can serve it, but it's slow for nothing.
# npm run serve
# You can add your specific instructions there.
-include makefile.user
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
let upstream =
in upstream
with generic-parser = ../parser/spago.dhall as Location
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
{ name = "dnsmanager-interface"
, dependencies =
[ "aff"
, "argonaut-core"
, "arraybuffer"
, "arraybuffer-builder"
, "arraybuffer-types"
, "arrays"
, "bifunctors"
, "codec-argonaut"
, "console"
, "control"
, "dom-indexed"
, "effect"
, "either"
, "exceptions"
, "foreign"
, "generic-parser"
, "halogen"
, "halogen-subscriptions"
, "integers"
, "maybe"
, "newtype"
, "parsing"
, "parsing-dataview"
, "prelude"
, "profunctor"
, "strings"
, "stringutils"
, "tailrec"
, "transformers"
, "tuples"
, "uint"
, "validation"
, "web-encoding"
, "web-events"
, "web-html"
, "web-socket"
, "web-storage"
, packages = ./packages.dhall
, sources = [ "src/**/*.purs", "test/**/*.purs" ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
-- | `App.Container` is the parent of all other components of the application.
-- |
-- | Each page has its own module and the `App.Container` informs them when the websocket is up or down.
-- | A module implements Websocket operations and is used twice, once for the connection to `authd`,
-- | another for the connection to `dnsmanagerd`.
-- |
-- | `App.Container` stores the state of different components (domain list and zone interface)
-- | to avoid useless requests to `dnsmanagerd`.
-- |
-- | `App.Container` detects when a page has been reloaded and:
-- | 1. authenticate the user to `dnsmanagerd` via a stored token in session storage.
-- | The authentication to `dnsmanagerd` automatically provides own domains and accepted domains (such as ``).
-- | This is enough data for the `DomainList` page.
-- | 2. go back to that page.
-- | In case the old page is `Zone`, send a request to `dnsmanagerd` to get the zone content again.
-- |
-- | Once a message is received, it is transfered to the module of the current page;
-- | except for the `App.Message.DNSManagerDaemon.AnswerMessage` `Logged` which is an hint when the
-- | page has been reloaded, thus having a special treatment.
-- |
-- | TODO:
-- | Each received message is transfered to the current page module because there is no centralized state.
-- | This may be a good idea to store the state of the entire application at the same place, avoiding to
-- | handle messages in the different pages.
-- | Pages could handle semantic operations directly instead.
-- |
-- | Tested features:
-- | - registration, mail validation, login, disconnection
-- | - domain registration
-- | - zone display, RR creation, update and removal
-- |
-- | Validation:
-- | - registration page: login, password, mail
-- | - login and password recovery page: TODO
-- | - mail verification: TODO
-- | - domain list: domain (`label`) is insufficient.
-- |
-- | TODO: when reading a RR `name`, always make it an FQDN by adding `<user-domain>`.
-- |
-- | TODO: remove the FQDN when showing RR names.
-- |
-- | TODO: application-level heartbeat to avoid disconnections.
-- |
-- | Untested features:
-- | - mail recovery, password change
module App.Container where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, unit, ($), (=<<), (<>), show, pure)
import Bulma as Bulma
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import App.Message.DNSManagerDaemon as DNSManager
import App.Message.AuthenticationDaemon as AuthD
import App.Log as AppLog
import App.WS as WS
import App.Page.Authentication as AI
import App.Page.Registration as RI
import App.Page.MailValidation as MVI
import App.Page.Administration as AdminInterface
import App.Page.Setup as SetupInterface
import App.Page.DomainList as DomainListInterface
import App.Page.Zone as ZoneInterface
import App.Page.Home as HomeInterface
import App.Page.Navigation as NavigationInterface
import Web.HTML (window) as HTML
import Web.HTML.Window (sessionStorage) as Window
import Web.Storage.Storage as Storage
import App.Type.Email as Email
import App.Type.LogMessage (LogMessage(..))
import App.Type.Pages
import CSSClasses as C
type Token = String
type Login = String
type Password = String
type LogInfo = Tuple Login Password
data Action
-- | Handle events from `AuthenticationInterface`.
= AuthenticationInterfaceEvent AI.Output
-- | Handle events from `RegistrationInterface`.
| RegistrationInterfaceEvent RI.Output
-- | Handle events from `MailValidationInterface`.
| MailValidationInterfaceEvent MVI.Output
-- | Handle events from `SetupInterface`.
| SetupInterfaceEvent SetupInterface.Output
-- | Handle events from `NavigationInterface`.
| NavigationInterfaceEvent NavigationInterface.Output
-- | Handle events from `AuthenticationDaemonAdminComponent`.
| AdministrationEvent AdminInterface.Output -- Administration interface.
-- | Handle events from `DomainListComponent`.
| DomainListComponentEvent DomainListInterface.Output
-- | Handle events from `AuthenticationDaemon` (`authd websocket component`).
| AuthenticationDaemonEvent WS.Output
-- | Handle events from `DNSManagerDaemon` (`dnsmanagerd websocket component`).
| DNSManagerDaemonEvent WS.Output
-- | Handle events from `ZoneInterface`.
| ZoneInterfaceEvent ZoneInterface.Output
-- | Disconnect from both `authd` and `dnsmanagerd` (remove sockets),
-- | then return to the home page.
| Disconnection
-- | Try to authenticate the user to `dnsmanagerd`.
| AuthenticateToDNSManager
| AuthenticateToAuthd (Either Token LogInfo)
-- | Change the displayed page.
| Routing Page
-- | `DecodeDNSMessage`: decode received `dnsmanagerd` messages into `DNSManager.AnswerMessage`,
-- | then provide it to `DispatchDNSMessage`.
| DecodeDNSMessage ArrayBuffer
-- | `DispatchDNSMessage`: send the DNS message to the right component.
-- | The DNS message (from `dnsmanagerd`) was first received and decoded through the `DecodeDNSMessage` action.
| DispatchDNSMessage DNSManager.AnswerMessage
-- | `DecodeAuthMessage`: decode received `authd` messages into ``, then provide
-- | Then, the message is provided to the `DispatchAuthDaemonMessage` action (when needed).
| DecodeAuthMessage ArrayBuffer
-- | DispatchAuthDaemonMessage: an auth daemon message (from `authd`) was received and decoded through the
-- | `DecodeAuthMessage` action.
-- | The message is provided to the right component.
| DispatchAuthDaemonMessage AuthD.AnswerMessage
-- | Log message (through the Log component).
| Log LogMessage
-- | `KeepAlive` send a keepalive message to either `authd` or `dnsmanagerd`.
| KeepAlive (Either Unit Unit)
-- | `ToggleAuthenticated` performs some actions required when a connection or a disconnection occurs.
-- | Currently, this handles the navigation bar.
| ToggleAuthenticated (Maybe Token)
-- | The component's state is composed of:
-- | a potential authentication token,
-- | the current page,
-- | the states of both `DomainListInterface` and `AuthenticationDaemonAdmin` modules,
-- | to avoid many useless network exchanges.
type State = { token :: Maybe String
, current_page :: Page
, store_DomainListInterface_state :: Maybe DomainListInterface.State
, store_AuthenticationDaemonAdmin_state :: Maybe AdminInterface.State
-- | The list of child components: log, `WS` twice (once for each ws connection),
-- | then all the pages (AuthenticationInterface, RegistrationInterface, MailValidationInterface,
-- | HomeInterface, DomainListInterface, ZoneInterface and AdministrationInterface).
type ChildSlots =
( log :: AppLog.Slot Unit
, ho :: HomeInterface.Slot Unit
, ws_auth :: WS.Slot Unit
, ws_dns :: WS.Slot Unit
, nav :: NavigationInterface.Slot Unit
, ai :: AI.Slot Unit
, ri :: RI.Slot Unit
, mvi :: MVI.Slot Unit
, admini :: AdminInterface.Slot Unit
, setupi :: SetupInterface.Slot Unit
, dli :: DomainListInterface.Slot Unit
, zi :: ZoneInterface.Slot Unit
_ho = Proxy :: Proxy "ho" -- Home Interface
_log = Proxy :: Proxy "log" -- Log
_ws_auth = Proxy :: Proxy "ws_auth" -- WS with `authd`
_ws_dns = Proxy :: Proxy "ws_dns" -- WS with `dnsmanagerd`
_nav = Proxy :: Proxy "nav" -- Navigation Interface
_ai = Proxy :: Proxy "ai" -- Authentication Interface
_ri = Proxy :: Proxy "ri" -- Registration Interface
_mvi = Proxy :: Proxy "mvi" -- Mail Validation Interface
_admini = Proxy :: Proxy "admini" -- Administration Interface
_setupi = Proxy :: Proxy "setupi" -- Setup Interface
_dli = Proxy :: Proxy "dli" -- Domain List
_zi = Proxy :: Proxy "zi" -- Zone Interface
component :: forall q i o m. MonadAff m => H.Component q i o m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval { handleAction = handleAction }
-- | Initial state is simple: the user is on the home page, nothing else is stored.
initialState :: forall i. i -> State
initialState _ = { token: Nothing
, current_page: Home
, store_DomainListInterface_state: Nothing
, store_AuthenticationDaemonAdmin_state: Nothing
render :: forall m. MonadAff m => State -> H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots m
render state
= HH.div_ $
[ render_header
, render_nav
, case state.current_page of
Home -> render_home
Authentication -> render_auth_form
Registration -> render_registration
MailValidation -> render_mail_validation
DomainList -> render_domainlist_interface
Zone domain -> render_zone domain
Setup -> render_setup
Administration -> render_authd_admin_interface
-- The footer includes logs and both the WS child components.
, Bulma.columns_ [ Bulma.column_ [ Bulma.h3 "Logs (watch this if something fails! 😅)", render_logs ]
, Bulma.column_ [ render_auth_WS, render_dnsmanager_WS ] ]
render_home :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_home = HH.slot_ _ho unit HomeInterface.component unit
render_domainlist_interface :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_domainlist_interface = HH.slot _dli unit DomainListInterface.component unit DomainListComponentEvent
render_auth_form :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_auth_form = HH.slot _ai unit AI.component unit AuthenticationInterfaceEvent
render_registration :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_registration = HH.slot _ri unit RI.component unit RegistrationInterfaceEvent
render_setup :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_setup = case state.token of
Just token -> HH.slot _setupi unit SetupInterface.component token SetupInterfaceEvent
Nothing -> Bulma.p "You shouldn't see this page. Reconnect!"
render_mail_validation :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_mail_validation = HH.slot _mvi unit MVI.component unit MailValidationInterfaceEvent
render_zone :: forall monad. String -> MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_zone domain = HH.slot _zi unit ZoneInterface.component domain ZoneInterfaceEvent
render_authd_admin_interface :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_authd_admin_interface = HH.slot _admini unit AdminInterface.component unit AdministrationEvent
render_nav :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_nav = HH.slot _nav unit NavigationInterface.component unit NavigationInterfaceEvent
render_header :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_header =
HH.section [ HP.classes (C.hero <> C.is_info <> C.is_small) ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes C.hero_body ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes $ C.container <> C.has_text_centered ]
[ HH.p [ HP.classes C.subtitle ]
[ HH.strong_ [ HH.u_ [ HH.text "net libre" ]]
, HH.text ": providing free domains since 2015!"
render_logs :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_logs = Bulma.container [ HH.slot_ _log unit AppLog.component unit ]
render_auth_WS :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_auth_WS = HH.slot _ws_auth unit WS.component "ws://" AuthenticationDaemonEvent
render_dnsmanager_WS :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_dnsmanager_WS = HH.slot _ws_dns unit WS.component "ws://" DNSManagerDaemonEvent
handleAction :: forall o monad. MonadAff monad => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action ChildSlots o monad Unit
handleAction = case _ of
Routing page -> do
-- Store the current page we are on and restore it when we reload.
sessionstorage <- H.liftEffect $ Window.sessionStorage =<< HTML.window
_ <- case page of
Home -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "Home" sessionstorage
Authentication -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "Authentication" sessionstorage
Registration -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "Registration" sessionstorage
MailValidation -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "MailValidation" sessionstorage
DomainList -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "DomainList" sessionstorage
Zone zone -> do _ <- H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "Zone" sessionstorage
H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-zone" zone sessionstorage
Setup -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "Setup" sessionstorage
Administration -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "Administration" sessionstorage
H.modify_ _ { current_page = page }
Log message -> H.tell _log unit $ AppLog.Log message
ToggleAuthenticated maybe_token -> case maybe_token of
Nothing -> H.tell _nav unit $ NavigationInterface.ToggleLogged false
Just _ -> H.tell _nav unit $ NavigationInterface.ToggleLogged true
KeepAlive auth_or_dnsmanager -> case auth_or_dnsmanager of
Left _ -> do
message <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $ AuthD.MkKeepAlive {}
H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
Right _ -> do
message <- H.liftEffect $ DNSManager.serialize $ DNSManager.MkKeepAlive {}
H.tell _ws_dns unit (WS.ToSend message)
AuthenticateToAuthd v -> case v of
Left token -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "Authenticate to authd with a token!"
message <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $ AuthD.MkAuthByToken { token }
H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
Right (Tuple login password) -> do
message <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $ AuthD.MkLogin { login, password }
H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
AuthenticateToDNSManager -> do
state <- H.get
case state.token of
Just token -> do
message <- H.liftEffect $ DNSManager.serialize $ DNSManager.MkLogin { token: token }
H.tell _ws_dns unit (WS.ToSend message)
Nothing -> do
sessionstorage <- H.liftEffect $ Window.sessionStorage =<< HTML.window
token <- H.liftEffect $ Storage.getItem "user-authd-token" sessionstorage
case token of
Nothing -> handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "no token!"
Just t -> do
H.modify_ _ { token = Just t }
handleAction AuthenticateToDNSManager
NavigationInterfaceEvent ev -> case ev of
NavigationInterface.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
NavigationInterface.Routing page -> handleAction $ Routing page
NavigationInterface.Disconnection -> handleAction $ Disconnection
AuthenticationInterfaceEvent ev -> case ev of
AI.MessageToSend message -> H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
AI.AskPasswordRecovery e -> case e of
Left email -> do
message <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $
AuthD.MkAskPasswordRecovery { user: Nothing, email: Just (Email.Email email) }
H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
Right login -> do
message <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $
AuthD.MkAskPasswordRecovery { user: (Just login), email: Nothing }
H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
AI.PasswordRecovery login token pass -> do
message <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $ AuthD.MkPasswordRecovery
{ user: login
, password_renew_key: token
, new_password: pass }
H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
AI.AuthenticateToAuthd v -> handleAction $ AuthenticateToAuthd (Right v)
AI.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
RegistrationInterfaceEvent ev -> case ev of
RI.MessageToSend message -> H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
RI.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
MailValidationInterfaceEvent ev -> case ev of
MVI.MessageToSend message -> H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
MVI.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
SetupInterfaceEvent ev -> case ev of
SetupInterface.DeleteUserAccount -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "Self termination. 😿"
{- no user id, it's self termination -}
dns_message <- H.liftEffect $ DNSManager.serialize $ DNSManager.MkDeleteUser { user_id: Nothing }
auth_message <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $ AuthD.MkDeleteUser { user: Nothing }
H.tell _ws_dns unit (WS.ToSend dns_message)
H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend auth_message)
-- Once the user has been deleted, just act like it was just a disconnection.
handleAction $ Disconnection
SetupInterface.ChangePassword pass -> do
message <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $ AuthD.MkModUser { user: Nothing
, admin: Nothing
, password: Just pass
, email: Nothing
H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
SetupInterface.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
AdministrationEvent ev -> case ev of
AdminInterface.MessageToSend message -> H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
AdminInterface.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
AdminInterface.StoreState s -> H.modify_ _ { store_AuthenticationDaemonAdmin_state = Just s }
AdminInterface.AskState -> do
state <- H.get
H.tell _admini unit (AdminInterface.ProvideState state.store_AuthenticationDaemonAdmin_state)
AdminInterface.DeleteUserAccount uid -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "Remove user account. 😿"
{- User id is provided this time, it's (probably) NOT self termination. -}
dns_message <- H.liftEffect $ DNSManager.serialize $ DNSManager.MkDeleteUser { user_id: Just uid }
auth_message <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $ AuthD.MkDeleteUser { user: Just uid }
H.tell _ws_dns unit (WS.ToSend dns_message)
H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend auth_message)
AdminInterface.GetOrphanDomains -> do
message <- H.liftEffect $ DNSManager.serialize $ DNSManager.MkGetOrphanDomains {}
H.tell _ws_dns unit (WS.ToSend message)
ZoneInterfaceEvent ev -> case ev of
ZoneInterface.MessageToSend message -> H.tell _ws_dns unit (WS.ToSend message)
ZoneInterface.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
DomainListComponentEvent ev -> case ev of
DomainListInterface.MessageToSend message -> H.tell _ws_dns unit (WS.ToSend message)
DomainListInterface.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
DomainListInterface.StoreState s -> H.modify_ _ { store_DomainListInterface_state = Just s }
DomainListInterface.ChangePageZoneInterface domain -> do
handleAction $ Routing $ Zone domain
DomainListInterface.AskState -> do
state <- H.get
H.tell _dli unit (DomainListInterface.ProvideState state.store_DomainListInterface_state)
-- | `authd websocket component` wants to do something.
AuthenticationDaemonEvent ev -> case ev of
WS.MessageReceived (Tuple _ message) -> do
handleAction $ DecodeAuthMessage message
WS.WSJustConnected -> do
H.tell _ai unit AI.ConnectionIsUp
H.tell _admini unit AdminInterface.ConnectionIsUp
sessionstorage <- H.liftEffect $ Window.sessionStorage =<< HTML.window
token <- H.liftEffect $ Storage.getItem "user-authd-token" sessionstorage
case token of
Nothing -> handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "no token!"
Just t -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "Let's authenticate to authd"
handleAction $ AuthenticateToAuthd (Left t)
WS.WSJustClosed -> do
H.tell _ai unit AI.ConnectionIsDown
H.tell _admini unit AdminInterface.ConnectionIsDown
WS.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
WS.KeepAlive -> handleAction $ KeepAlive $ Left unit
DecodeAuthMessage message -> do
receivedMessage <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.deserialize message
case receivedMessage of
-- Cases where we didn't understand the message.
Left err -> do
-- handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $
-- "received a message that couldn't be decoded. Reason: " <> show err
case err of
(AuthD.JSONERROR jerr) -> do
-- print_json_string messageEvent.message
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "JSON parsing error: " <> jerr
(AuthD.UnknownError unerr) -> handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $
"Parsing error: AuthD.UnknownError" <> (show unerr)
(AuthD.UnknownNumber ) -> handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog
"Parsing error: AuthD.UnknownNumber"
-- Cases where we understood the message.
-- TODO: create a modal to show some of these?
Right response -> do
case response of
(AuthD.GotUser _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "TODO: received a GotUser message."
m@(AuthD.GotUserAdded _) -> do
{ current_page } <- H.get
case current_page of
Registration -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog """
You are now registered, copy the token we sent you by email to finish your registration.
handleAction $ Routing MailValidation
_ -> handleAction $ DispatchAuthDaemonMessage m
(AuthD.GotUserEdited u) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "User (" <> show u.uid <> ") was modified!"
(AuthD.GotUserValidated _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog "User got validated! You can now log in!"
handleAction $ Routing Authentication
(AuthD.GotUsersList _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "TODO: received a GotUsersList message."
(AuthD.GotPermissionCheck _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "TODO: received a GotPermissionCheck message."
(AuthD.GotPermissionSet _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "Received a GotPermissionSet message."
(AuthD.GotPasswordRecovered _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog "your new password is now valid!"
m@(AuthD.GotMatchingUsers _) -> do
{ current_page } <- H.get
case current_page of
Administration -> handleAction $ DispatchAuthDaemonMessage m
_ -> handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog
"received a GotMatchingUsers message while not on authd admin page."
m@(AuthD.GotUserDeleted _) -> do
{ current_page } <- H.get
case current_page of
Administration -> handleAction $ DispatchAuthDaemonMessage m
_ -> handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog
"received a GotUserDeleted message while not on authd admin page."
(AuthD.GotErrorMustBeAuthenticated _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "received a GotErrorMustBeAuthenticated message."
(AuthD.GotErrorAlreadyUsedLogin _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "received a GotErrorAlreadyUsedLogin message."
(AuthD.GotErrorUserNotFound _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "received a GotErrorUserNotFound message."
-- The authentication failed.
(AuthD.GotError errmsg) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ " generic error message: "
<> maybe "server didn't tell why" (\v -> v) errmsg.reason
(AuthD.GotPasswordRecoverySent _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "Password recovery: email sent!"
(AuthD.GotErrorPasswordTooShort _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "Password too short!"
(AuthD.GotErrorMailRequired _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "Email required!"
(AuthD.GotErrorInvalidCredentials _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "Invalid credentials!"
handleAction $ ToggleAuthenticated Nothing
(AuthD.GotErrorRegistrationsClosed _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "Registration closed! Try another time or contact an administrator."
(AuthD.GotErrorInvalidLoginFormat _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "Invalid login format!"
(AuthD.GotErrorInvalidEmailFormat _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "Invalid email format!"
(AuthD.GotErrorAlreadyUsersInDB _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "Login already taken!"
(AuthD.GotErrorReadOnlyProfileKeys _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "Trying to add a profile with some invalid (read-only) keys!"
(AuthD.GotErrorInvalidActivationKey _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "Invalid activation key!"
(AuthD.GotErrorUserAlreadyValidated _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "User already validated!"
(AuthD.GotErrorCannotContactUser _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "User cannot be contacted. Email address may be invalid."
(AuthD.GotErrorInvalidRenewKey _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog "Invalid renew key!"
-- The authentication was a success!
(AuthD.GotToken msg) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "Authenticated to authd!"
H.modify_ _ { token = Just msg.token }
handleAction $ ToggleAuthenticated (Just msg.token)
sessionstorage <- H.liftEffect $ Window.sessionStorage =<< HTML.window
_ <- H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "user-authd-token" msg.token sessionstorage
handleAction AuthenticateToDNSManager
(AuthD.GotKeepAlive _) -> do
-- handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog $ "KeepAlive!"
pure unit
pure unit
-- | Send a received authentication daemon message `AuthD.AnswerMessage` to a component.
DispatchAuthDaemonMessage message -> do
{ current_page } <- H.get
case current_page of
Administration -> H.tell _admini unit (AdminInterface.MessageReceived message)
_ -> handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "unexpected message from authd"
pure unit
Disconnection -> do
H.put $ initialState unit
-- Remove all stored session data.
sessionstorage <- H.liftEffect $ Window.sessionStorage =<< HTML.window
H.liftEffect $ Storage.clear sessionstorage
handleAction $ Routing Home
-- | `dnsmanagerd websocket component` wants to do something.
DNSManagerDaemonEvent ev -> case ev of
WS.MessageReceived (Tuple _ message) -> do
handleAction $ DecodeDNSMessage message
WS.WSJustConnected -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "Connection with dnsmanagerd was closed, let's re-authenticate"
handleAction AuthenticateToDNSManager
H.tell _dli unit DomainListInterface.ConnectionIsUp
WS.WSJustClosed -> H.tell _dli unit DomainListInterface.ConnectionIsDown
WS.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
WS.KeepAlive -> handleAction $ KeepAlive $ Right unit
-- | `DecodeDNSMessage`: decode a received `dnsmanagerd` message, then transfer it to `DispatchDNSMessage`.
DecodeDNSMessage message -> do
receivedMessage <- H.liftEffect $ DNSManager.deserialize message
case receivedMessage of
-- Cases where we didn't understand the message.
Left err -> do
-- handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $
-- "received a message that couldn't be decoded. Reason: " <> show err
case err of
(DNSManager.JSONERROR jerr) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "JSON parsing error: " <> jerr
(DNSManager.UnknownError unerr) ->
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Parsing error: DNSManager.UnknownError" <> (show unerr)
(DNSManager.UnknownNumber ) ->
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Parsing error: DNSManager.UnknownNumber"
-- Cases where we understood the message.
Right received_msg -> do
case received_msg of
(DNSManager.MkDomainNotFound _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "DomainNotFound"
(DNSManager.MkRRNotFound _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "RRNotFound"
(DNSManager.MkInvalidZone _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "InvalidZone"
(DNSManager.MkDomainChanged _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "DomainChanged"
(DNSManager.MkUnknownZone _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "UnknownZone"
(DNSManager.MkDomainList _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "MkDomainList"
(DNSManager.MkUnknownUser _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "MkUnknownUser"
(DNSManager.MkNoOwnership _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "MkNoOwnership"
(DNSManager.MkInsufficientRights _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "You do not have sufficient rights."
-- The authentication failed.
(DNSManager.MkError errmsg) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "reason is: " <> errmsg.reason
(DNSManager.MkErrorUserNotLogged _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "The user isn't connected!"
handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Trying to authenticate to fix the problem..."
handleAction AuthenticateToDNSManager
(DNSManager.MkErrorInvalidToken _) -> do
H.modify_ _ { token = Nothing, current_page = Home }
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Invalid token! Try re-authenticate."
-- TODO: should we disconnect from authd?
handleAction $ ToggleAuthenticated Nothing
(DNSManager.MkDomainAlreadyExists _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "The domain already exists."
m@(DNSManager.MkUnacceptableDomain _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Domain not acceptable (see accepted domain list)."
handleAction $ DispatchDNSMessage m
m@(DNSManager.MkAcceptedDomains _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "Received the list of accepted domains!"
handleAction $ DispatchDNSMessage m
m@(DNSManager.MkLogged _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "Authenticated to dnsmanagerd!"
handleAction $ DispatchDNSMessage m
m@(DNSManager.MkDomainAdded response) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "Domain added: " <> response.domain
handleAction $ DispatchDNSMessage m
(DNSManager.MkRRReadOnly response) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Trying to modify a read-only resource! "
<> "domain: " <> response.domain
<> "resource rrid: " <> show response.rr.rrid
m@(DNSManager.MkRRUpdated _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "Resource updated!"
handleAction $ DispatchDNSMessage m
m@(DNSManager.MkRRAdded response) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "Resource Record added: " <> response.rr.rrtype
handleAction $ DispatchDNSMessage m
m@(DNSManager.MkGeneratedZoneFile response) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "Received zonefile for " <> response.domain
handleAction $ DispatchDNSMessage m
(DNSManager.MkInvalidDomainName _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "The domain is not valid!"
m@(DNSManager.MkDomainDeleted response) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "The domain '" <> response.domain <> "' has been deleted!"
handleAction $ DispatchDNSMessage m
m@(DNSManager.MkRRDeleted response) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "RR (rrid: '" <> show response.rrid <> "') has been deleted!"
handleAction $ DispatchDNSMessage m
m@(DNSManager.MkZone _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "Zone received!"
handleAction $ DispatchDNSMessage m
(DNSManager.MkInvalidRR response) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Invalid resource record: " <> A.intercalate ", " response.errors
(DNSManager.MkSuccess _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "(generic) Success!"
DNSManager.MkOrphanDomainList response -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SuccessLog "Received orphan domain list."
H.tell _admini unit (AdminInterface.GotOrphanDomainList
(DNSManager.GotKeepAlive _) -> do
-- handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog $ "KeepAlive!"
pure unit
pure unit
-- | Send a received DNS manager message to a component.
-- | TODO: in case the message is a `logged` message, it means that the connection has been reset, and should be
-- | handled no matter the actual page we're on.
DispatchDNSMessage message -> do
-- The message `Logged` can be received after a re-connection (typically, after a page reload).
-- This is an hint, and the application should do a series of actions based on this.
-- First, we should check if there is a "current page", if so, switch page.
-- Second, depending on the page, actions have to be undertaken.
-- For `DomainList`, send a request to `dnsmanagerd` for the list of own domains and acceptable domains.
-- For `Zone`, send a request to `dnsmanagerd` for the zone content.
state <- H.get
case state.current_page, message of
-- Home + Logged = page just reloaded.
Home, m@(DNSManager.MkLogged _) -> do
update_domain_list state m
Authentication, m@(DNSManager.MkLogged _) -> do
update_domain_list state m
-- handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "go to domain list!"
handleAction $ Routing DomainList
-- Logged = page just reloaded, but page already changed, no need to do that again.
_, m@(DNSManager.MkLogged _) -> do
-- handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "logged to dnsmanagerd, do not change page"
update_domain_list state m
DomainList, _ -> H.tell _dli unit (DomainListInterface.MessageReceived message)
Zone _ , _ -> H.tell _zi unit (ZoneInterface.MessageReceived message)
_, _ -> handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "unexpected message from dnsmanagerd"
pure unit
update_domain_list state m = do
case state.store_DomainListInterface_state of
Nothing -> do
let new_value = DomainListInterface.page_reload (DomainListInterface.initialState unit) m
H.modify_ _ { store_DomainListInterface_state = Just new_value }
Just _ -> pure unit
revert_old_page = do
-- Get back to the previous page.
sessionstorage <- H.liftEffect $ Window.sessionStorage =<< HTML.window
page <- H.liftEffect $ Storage.getItem "current-page" sessionstorage
case page of
Nothing -> pure unit
Just "Home" -> handleAction $ Routing Home
Just "Authentication" -> handleAction $ Routing Authentication
Just "Registration" -> handleAction $ Routing Registration
Just "DomainList" -> handleAction $ Routing DomainList
Just "MailValidation" -> handleAction $ Routing MailValidation
Just "Setup" -> handleAction $ Routing Setup
Just "Administration" -> handleAction $ Routing Administration
Just "Zone" -> do
domain <- H.liftEffect $ Storage.getItem "current-zone" sessionstorage
case domain of
Nothing -> handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "Zone but no domain recorded!! WEIRD"
Just zone -> do handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog $ "zone to display: " <> zone
handleAction $ Routing (Zone zone)
Just p -> handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Oopsie, we didn't understand the old page: " <> p
--print_json_string :: forall m. MonadEffect m => MonadState State m => ArrayBuffer -> m Unit
--print_json_string arraybuffer = do
-- -- fromTypedIPC :: ArrayBuffer -> Effect (Either ParseError (Tuple UInt String))
-- value <- H.liftEffect $ IPC.fromTypedIPC arraybuffer
-- H.raise $ Log $ ErrorLog $ case (value) of
-- Left _ -> "Cannot even fromTypedIPC the message."
-- Right (Tuple messageTypeNumber string) -> "Number is: " <> show messageTypeNumber <> ", received string: " <> string
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
-- | This module provides functions to display errors in a fancy way.
module App.DisplayErrors where
import Prelude (show, ($), (<>))
-- import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import App.Validation.DNS as ValidationDNS
import App.Validation.Label as ValidationLabel
import GenericParser.DomainParser.Common (DomainError(..)) as DomainParser
import GenericParser.IPAddress as IPAddress
import Bulma as Bulma
error_to_paragraph :: forall w i. ValidationDNS.Error -> HH.HTML w i
error_to_paragraph v = Bulma.error_message (Bulma.p $ show_error_title v)
(case v of
ValidationDNS.UNKNOWN -> Bulma.p "An internal error happened."
ValidationDNS.VEIPv4 err -> maybe default_error show_error_ip4 err.error
ValidationDNS.VEIPv6 err -> maybe default_error show_error_ip6 err.error
ValidationDNS.VEName err -> maybe default_error show_error_domain err.error
ValidationDNS.VETTL min max n -> Bulma.p $ "TTL should have a value between " <> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> ", current value: " <> show n <> "."
ValidationDNS.VETXT err -> maybe default_error show_error_txt err.error
ValidationDNS.VECNAME err -> maybe default_error show_error_domain err.error
ValidationDNS.VENS err -> maybe default_error show_error_domain err.error
ValidationDNS.VEMX err -> maybe default_error show_error_domain err.error
ValidationDNS.VEPriority min max n -> Bulma.p $ "Priority should have a value between " <> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> ", current value: " <> show n <> "."
ValidationDNS.VESRV err -> maybe default_error show_error_domain err.error
ValidationDNS.VEProtocol err -> maybe default_error show_error_protocol err.error
ValidationDNS.VEPort min max n -> Bulma.p $ "Port should have a value between " <> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> ", current value: " <> show n <> "."
ValidationDNS.VEWeight min max n -> Bulma.p $ "Weight should have a value between " <> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> ", current value: " <> show n <> "."
-- SPF dedicated RR
ValidationDNS.VESPFMechanismName err -> maybe default_error show_error_domain err.error
ValidationDNS.VESPFMechanismIPv4 err -> maybe default_error show_error_ip4 err.error
ValidationDNS.VESPFMechanismIPv6 err -> maybe default_error show_error_ip6 err.error
ValidationDNS.VESPFModifierName err -> maybe default_error show_error_domain err.error
ValidationDNS.DKIMInvalidKeySize min max -> show_error_key_sizes min max
where default_error = Bulma.p ""
show_error_key_sizes :: forall w i. Int -> Int -> HH.HTML w i
show_error_key_sizes min max
= Bulma.p $ "Chosen signature algorithm only accepts public key input between "
<> show min <> " and " <> show max <> " characters."
-- | `show_error_title` provide a simple title string to display to the user in case of an error with an entry.
show_error_title :: ValidationDNS.Error -> String
show_error_title v = case v of
ValidationDNS.UNKNOWN -> "Unknown"
ValidationDNS.VEIPv4 err -> "The IPv4 address is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VEIPv6 err -> "The IPv6 address is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VEName err -> "The name (domain label) is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VETTL min max n -> "Invalid TTL (min: " <> show min <> ", max: " <> show max <> ", n: " <> show n <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VETXT err -> "The TXT input is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VECNAME err -> "The CNAME input is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VENS err -> "The NS input is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VEMX err -> "The MX target input is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VEPriority min max n -> "Invalid Priority (min: " <> show min <> ", max: " <> show max <> ", n: " <> show n <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VESRV err -> "The SRV target input is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VEProtocol err -> "The Protocol input is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VEPort min max n -> "Invalid Port (min: " <> show min <> ", max: " <> show max <> ", n: " <> show n <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VEWeight min max n -> "Invalid Weight (min: " <> show min <> ", max: " <> show max <> ", n: " <> show n <> ")"
-- SPF dedicated RR
ValidationDNS.VESPFMechanismName err -> "The domain name in a SPF mechanism is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VESPFMechanismIPv4 err -> "The IPv4 address in a SPF mechanism is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VESPFMechanismIPv6 err -> "The IPv6 address in a SPF mechanism is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.VESPFModifierName err -> "The domain name in a SPF modifier (EXP or REDIRECT) is wrong (position: " <> show err.position <> ")"
ValidationDNS.DKIMInvalidKeySize _ _ -> "Public key has an invalid length."
show_error_domain :: forall w i. DomainParser.DomainError -> HH.HTML w i
show_error_domain e = case e of
DomainParser.LabelTooLarge size ->
Bulma.p $ "The label contains too many characters (" <> show size <> ")."
DomainParser.DomainTooLarge size ->
Bulma.p $ "The domain contains too many characters (" <> show size <> ")."
-- DomainParser.InvalidCharacter
-- DomainParser.EOFExpected
_ -> Bulma.p """
The domain (or label) contains invalid characters.
A domain label should start with a letter,
then eventually a series of letters, digits and hyphenations ('-'),
and must finish with either a letter or a digit.
show_error_protocol :: forall w i. ValidationDNS.ProtocolError -> HH.HTML w i
show_error_protocol e = case e of
ValidationDNS.InvalidProtocol -> Bulma.p "Protocol should be a value as 'tcp' or 'udp'."
show_error_ip6 :: forall w i. IPAddress.IPv6Error -> HH.HTML w i
show_error_ip6 e = case e of
IPAddress.IP6TooManyHexaDecimalCharacters ->
Bulma.p "IP6TooManyHexaDecimalCharacters"
IPAddress.IP6NotEnoughChunks ->
Bulma.p """
The IPv6 representation is erroneous, it should contain 8 groups of hexadecimal characters or
being shortened with a double ':' character, such as '2000::1'.
IPAddress.IP6TooManyChunks ->
Bulma.p "The IPv6 representation is erroneous. It should contain only up to 8 groups of hexadecimal characters."
IPAddress.IP6IrrelevantShortRepresentation ->
Bulma.p "IPv6 address has been unnecessarily shortened (with two ':')."
IPAddress.IP6InvalidRange -> Bulma.p "IPv6 address or range isn't valid."
show_error_ip4 :: forall w i. IPAddress.IPv4Error -> HH.HTML w i
show_error_ip4 e = case e of
IPAddress.IP4NumberTooBig n ->
Bulma.p $ "IPv4 address contains a number too big (should be between 0 and 255). Current entered number: " <> show n
IPAddress.IP4IrrelevantShortRepresentation ->
Bulma.p "IPv4 address has been unnecessarily shortened (with two '.')."
IPAddress.IP4InvalidRange -> Bulma.p "IPv4 address or range isn't valid."
show_error_txt :: forall w i. ValidationDNS.TXTError -> HH.HTML w i
show_error_txt e = case e of
ValidationDNS.TXTInvalidCharacter -> Bulma.p "The TXT field contains some invalid characters."
ValidationDNS.TXTTooLong max n ->
Bulma.p $ "An TXT field is limited to " <> show max <> " characters (currently there are "
<> show n <> " characters)."
domainerror_string :: DomainParser.DomainError -> String
domainerror_string (DomainParser.LabelTooLarge size) = "LabelTooLarge (size: " <> show size <> ")"
domainerror_string (DomainParser.DomainTooLarge size) = "DomainTooLarge (size: " <> show size <> ")"
domainerror_string (DomainParser.InvalidCharacter) = "InvalidCharacter"
domainerror_string (DomainParser.EOFExpected) = "EOFExpected"
-- | This `error_to_paragraph` is designed to go along the `Validation.Label` module.
error_to_paragraph_label :: forall w i. ValidationLabel.Error -> HH.HTML w i
error_to_paragraph_label v = Bulma.error_message (Bulma.p $ show_error_title_label v)
(case v of
ValidationLabel.ParsingError x -> case x.error of
Nothing -> Bulma.p ""
Just (ValidationLabel.CannotParse err) -> show_error_domain err
Just (ValidationLabel.CannotEntirelyParse) -> Bulma.p "Cannot entirely parse the label."
Just (ValidationLabel.Size min max n) ->
Bulma.p $ "Label size should be between " <> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> " (current size: " <> show n <> ")."
show_error_title_label :: ValidationLabel.Error -> String
show_error_title_label v = case v of
ValidationLabel.ParsingError x -> case x.error of
Nothing -> "Cannot parse the label (position: " <> show x.position <> ")."
Just (ValidationLabel.CannotParse _) ->
"Cannot parse the label (position: " <> show x.position <> ")."
Just (ValidationLabel.CannotEntirelyParse) -> "Cannot entirely parse the label."
Just (ValidationLabel.Size min max n) ->
"Label size should be between " <> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> " (current size: " <> show n <> ")."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
module App.Log where
{- Simple log component, showing the current events. -}
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, map, otherwise, pure, ($), (-), (<), (<>))
import Control.Monad.State (class MonadState)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import App.Type.LogMessage
data Output = Void
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
-- type Query :: forall k. k -> Type
data Query a = Log LogMessage a
type Input = Unit
type Action = Unit
type State =
{ messages :: Array String
, messageHistoryLength :: Int
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval { handleQuery = handleQuery }
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState _ =
{ messages: []
, messageHistoryLength: 10
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render { messages }
= HH.div_ [ render_messages ]
render_messages = HH.ul_ $ map (\msg -> HH.li_ [ HH.text msg ]) messages
handleQuery :: forall a m. MonadAff m => Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m (Maybe a)
handleQuery = case _ of
Log message a -> do
case message of
SystemLog str -> systemMessage str
UnableToSend str -> unableToSend str
ErrorLog str -> errorMessage str
SuccessLog str -> successMessage str
pure (Just a)
type IncompleteState rows
= { messages :: Array String
, messageHistoryLength :: Int
| rows }
-- Append a new message to the chat history.
-- The number of displayed `messages` in the chat history (including system)
-- is controlled by the `messageHistoryLength` field in the component `State`.
appendMessage :: forall r m. MonadState (IncompleteState r) m => String -> m Unit
appendMessage msg = do
histSize <- H.gets _.messageHistoryLength
H.modify_ \st -> st { messages = appendSingle histSize msg st.messages }
-- Limits the number of recent messages to `maxHist`
appendSingle :: Int -> String -> Array String -> Array String
appendSingle maxHist x xs
| A.length xs < maxHist = xs `A.snoc` x
| otherwise = (A.takeEnd (maxHist-1) xs) `A.snoc` x
-- Append a system message to the chat log.
systemMessage :: forall r m. MonadState (IncompleteState r) m => String -> m Unit
systemMessage msg = appendMessage ("[🤖] System: " <> msg)
-- Append an error message to the chat log.
errorMessage :: forall r m. MonadState (IncompleteState r) m => String -> m Unit
errorMessage msg = appendMessage ("[🛑] Error: " <> msg)
-- Append a success message to the chat log.
successMessage :: forall r m. MonadState (IncompleteState r) m => String -> m Unit
successMessage msg = appendMessage ("[🎉] " <> msg)
-- A system message to use when a message cannot be sent.
unableToSend :: forall r m. MonadState (IncompleteState r) m => String -> m Unit
unableToSend reason = appendMessage ("[🛑] Unable to send. " <> reason)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
module App.Message.AuthenticationDaemon where
import Prelude (bind, pure, show, ($))
import Effect (Effect)
import Data.Argonaut.Core as J
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR
import Data.UInt (fromInt, toInt, UInt)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import App.Type.Email as Email
import App.Type.UserPublic as UserPublic
import App.Type.PermissionLevel as PermissionLevel
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Data.Argonaut.Parser as JSONParser
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import App.Message.IPC as IPC
{- TODO:
For a few messages, user can be designated by a string (login) or a number (its UID).
This was simplified by using the uid for each.
Maybe this could be changed in the future to match the actual possibilities of the API.
type Password = String
{- UserID should be in a separate module with a dedicated codec. -}
type UserID = Int -- UserID is either a login or an uid number
General notes:
- when the "UserID" is optional, the server will work on the requesting user
{- 0 -}
type Login = { login :: String, password :: String }
codecLogin ∷ CA.JsonCodec Login
codecLogin = CA.object "Login" (CAR.record { login: CA.string, password: CA.string })
{- 1 -}
type Register = { login :: String
, password :: Password
, email :: Maybe Email.Email
{-, profile :: Maybe Hash(String, JSON::Any) -} }
codecRegister ∷ CA.JsonCodec Register
= CA.object "Register" (CAR.record
{ login: CA.string
, password: CA.string
, email: CAR.optional Email.codec })
{- 2 -}
type ValidateUser = { user :: String, activation_key :: String }
codecValidateUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec ValidateUser
= CA.object "ValidateUser" (CAR.record
{ user: CA.string
, activation_key: CA.string })
{- NOTE: "user" attribute for both PasswordRecovery and AskPasswordRecovery could be UserID,
but they'll be used as login since the user has to type it. -}
{- 3 -}
type AskPasswordRecovery = { user :: Maybe String, email :: Maybe Email.Email }
codecAskPasswordRecovery ∷ CA.JsonCodec AskPasswordRecovery
= CA.object "AskPasswordRecovery"
(CAR.record { user: CAR.optional CA.string, email: CAR.optional Email.codec })
{- 4 -}
type PasswordRecovery = { user :: String
, password_renew_key :: String
, new_password :: Password }
codecPasswordRecovery ∷ CA.JsonCodec PasswordRecovery
= CA.object "PasswordRecovery" (CAR.record
{ user: CA.string
, password_renew_key: CA.string
, new_password: CA.string })
{- 5 -}
-- I'll split a message in two: either get a user by UID or by name.
-- TODO: change it for an Either Int String type.
type GetUserByUID = { user :: Int }
type GetUserByName = { user :: String }
codecGetUserByUID ∷ CA.JsonCodec GetUserByUID
codecGetUserByUID = CA.object "GetUserByUID" (CAR.record { user: })
codecGetUserByName ∷ CA.JsonCodec GetUserByName
codecGetUserByName = CA.object "GetUserByName" (CAR.record { user: CA.string })
{- 6 -}
type ModUser = { user :: Maybe UserID
, admin :: Maybe Boolean
, password :: Maybe Password
, email :: Maybe Email.Email }
codecModUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec ModUser
= CA.object "ModUser" (CAR.record
{ user: CAR.optional
, admin: CAR.optional CA.boolean
, password: CAR.optional CA.string
, email: CAR.optional Email.codec })
{- 7 -}
{- type EditProfileEntries = { user :: Maybe UserID
, new_profile_entries :: Hash(String, JSON::Any) } -}
{- 8 -}
type DeleteUser = { user :: Maybe UserID }
codecDeleteUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec DeleteUser
codecDeleteUser = CA.object "DeleteUser" (CAR.record { user: CAR.optional })
{- 9 -}
type AddUser = { login :: String
, password :: Password
, admin :: Boolean
, email :: Maybe Email.Email
{-, profile :: Maybe Hash(String, JSON::Any) -} }
codecAddUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec AddUser
= CA.object "AddUser" (CAR.record
{ login: CA.string
, password: CA.string
, admin: CA.boolean
, email: CAR.optional Email.codec
{-, profile :: Maybe Hash(String, JSON::Any) -} })
{- 10 -}
type CheckPermission = { user :: Maybe UserID, service :: String, resource :: String }
codecCheckPermission ∷ CA.JsonCodec CheckPermission
= CA.object "CheckPermission" (CAR.record
{ user: CAR.optional
, service: CA.string
, resource: CA.string })
{- 11 -}
type SetPermission = { user :: UserID
, service :: String
, resource :: String
, permission :: PermissionLevel.PermissionLevel }
codecSetPermission ∷ CA.JsonCodec SetPermission
= CA.object "SetPermission" (CAR.record
{ user:
, service: CA.string
, resource: CA.string
, permission: PermissionLevel.codec })
{- 12 -}
type SearchUser = { regex :: Maybe String, offset :: Maybe Int }
codecSearchUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec SearchUser
= CA.object "SearchUser" (CAR.record
{ regex: CAR.optional CA.string
, offset: CAR.optional })
{- 13 and 14: these messages are not designed for clients. -}
{- 15 -}
type AuthByToken = { token :: String }
codecAuthByToken ∷ CA.JsonCodec AuthByToken
codecAuthByToken = CA.object "AuthByToken" (CAR.record { token: CA.string })
{- 250 -}
type KeepAlive = { }
codecKeepAlive ∷ CA.JsonCodec KeepAlive
codecKeepAlive = CA.object "KeepAlive" (CAR.record { })
-- TODO: note to myself: messages seem chaotic. Could be simpler. Should be simpler.
{- 0 -}
type Error = { reason :: Maybe String }
codecGotError ∷ CA.JsonCodec Error
codecGotError = CA.object "Error" (CAR.record { reason: CAR.optional CA.string })
{- 1 -}
type Logged = { uid :: Int, token :: String }
codecGotToken ∷ CA.JsonCodec Logged
codecGotToken = CA.object "Logged" (CAR.record { "uid":, "token": CA.string })
{- 2 -}
type User = { user :: UserPublic.UserPublic }
codecGotUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec User
codecGotUser = CA.object "User" (CAR.record { user: UserPublic.codec })
{- 3 -}
type UserAdded = { user :: UserPublic.UserPublic }
codecGotUserAdded ∷ CA.JsonCodec UserAdded
codecGotUserAdded = CA.object "UserAdded" (CAR.record { user: UserPublic.codec })
{- 4 -}
type UserEdited = { uid :: Int }
codecGotUserEdited ∷ CA.JsonCodec UserEdited
codecGotUserEdited = CA.object "UserEdited" (CAR.record { "uid": })
{- 5 -}
type UserValidated = { user :: UserPublic.UserPublic }
codecGotUserValidated ∷ CA.JsonCodec UserValidated
codecGotUserValidated = CA.object "UserValidated" (CAR.record { user: UserPublic.codec })
{- 6 -}
type UsersList = { users :: Array UserPublic.UserPublic }
codecGotUsersList ∷ CA.JsonCodec UsersList
codecGotUsersList = CA.object "UsersList" (CAR.record { users: CA.array UserPublic.codec })
{- 7 -}
type PermissionCheck
= { user :: Int
, service :: String
, resource :: String
, permission :: PermissionLevel.PermissionLevel }
codecGotPermissionCheck :: CA.JsonCodec PermissionCheck
= CA.object "PermissionCheck" (CAR.record
{ user:
, service: CA.string
, resource: CA.string
, permission: PermissionLevel.codec })
{- 8 -}
type PermissionSet
= { user :: Int
, service :: String
, resource :: String
, permission :: PermissionLevel.PermissionLevel }
codecGotPermissionSet :: CA.JsonCodec PermissionSet
= CA.object "PermissionSet" (CAR.record
{ user:
, service: CA.string
, resource: CA.string
, permission: PermissionLevel.codec })
{- 9 -}
type PasswordRecoverySent = { }
codecGotPasswordRecoverySent ∷ CA.JsonCodec PasswordRecoverySent
codecGotPasswordRecoverySent = CA.object "PasswordRecoverySent" (CAR.record { })
{- 10 -}
type PasswordRecovered = { }
codecGotPasswordRecovered ∷ CA.JsonCodec PasswordRecovered
codecGotPasswordRecovered = CA.object "PasswordRecovered" (CAR.record { })
{- 11 -}
type MatchingUsers = { users :: Array UserPublic.UserPublic }
codecGotMatchingUsers ∷ CA.JsonCodec MatchingUsers
codecGotMatchingUsers = CA.object "MatchingUsers" (CAR.record { users: CA.array UserPublic.codec })
{- 12 -}
type UserDeleted = { uid :: Int }
codecGotUserDeleted ∷ CA.JsonCodec UserDeleted
codecGotUserDeleted = CA.object "UserDeleted" (CAR.record { uid: })
{- 20 -}
type ErrorMustBeAuthenticated = {}
codecGotErrorMustBeAuthenticated :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorMustBeAuthenticated
codecGotErrorMustBeAuthenticated = CA.object "ErrorMustBeAuthenticated" (CAR.record {})
{- 21 -}
type ErrorAlreadyUsedLogin = {}
codecGotErrorAlreadyUsedLogin :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorAlreadyUsedLogin
codecGotErrorAlreadyUsedLogin = CA.object "ErrorAlreadyUsedLogin" (CAR.record {})
{- 22 -}
type ErrorMailRequired = {}
codecGotErrorMailRequired :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorMailRequired
codecGotErrorMailRequired = CA.object "ErrorMailRequired" (CAR.record {})
{- 23 -}
type ErrorUserNotFound = {}
codecGotErrorUserNotFound :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorUserNotFound
codecGotErrorUserNotFound = CA.object "ErrorUserNotFound" (CAR.record {})
{- 24 -}
type ErrorPasswordTooShort = {}
codecGotErrorPasswordTooShort :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorPasswordTooShort
codecGotErrorPasswordTooShort = CA.object "ErrorPasswordTooShort" (CAR.record {})
{- 25 -}
type ErrorInvalidCredentials = {}
codecGotErrorInvalidCredentials :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorInvalidCredentials
codecGotErrorInvalidCredentials = CA.object "ErrorInvalidCredentials" (CAR.record {})
{- 26 -}
type ErrorRegistrationsClosed = {}
codecGotErrorRegistrationsClosed :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorRegistrationsClosed
codecGotErrorRegistrationsClosed = CA.object "ErrorRegistrationsClosed" (CAR.record {})
{- 27 -}
type ErrorInvalidLoginFormat = {}
codecGotErrorInvalidLoginFormat :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorInvalidLoginFormat
codecGotErrorInvalidLoginFormat = CA.object "ErrorInvalidLoginFormat" (CAR.record {})
{- 28 -}
type ErrorInvalidEmailFormat = {}
codecGotErrorInvalidEmailFormat :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorInvalidEmailFormat
codecGotErrorInvalidEmailFormat = CA.object "ErrorInvalidEmailFormat" (CAR.record {})
{- 29 -}
type ErrorAlreadyUsersInDB = {}
codecGotErrorAlreadyUsersInDB :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorAlreadyUsersInDB
codecGotErrorAlreadyUsersInDB = CA.object "ErrorAlreadyUsersInDB" (CAR.record {})
{- 30 -}
type ErrorReadOnlyProfileKeys = { read_only_keys :: Array String }
codecGotErrorReadOnlyProfileKeys :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorReadOnlyProfileKeys
= CA.object "ErrorReadOnlyProfileKeys" (CAR.record { read_only_keys: CA.array CA.string })
{- 31 -}
type ErrorInvalidActivationKey = {}
codecGotErrorInvalidActivationKey :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorInvalidActivationKey
codecGotErrorInvalidActivationKey = CA.object "ErrorInvalidActivationKey" (CAR.record {})
{- 32 -}
type ErrorUserAlreadyValidated = {}
codecGotErrorUserAlreadyValidated :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorUserAlreadyValidated
codecGotErrorUserAlreadyValidated = CA.object "ErrorUserAlreadyValidated" (CAR.record {})
{- 33 -}
type ErrorCannotContactUser = {}
codecGotErrorCannotContactUser :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorCannotContactUser
codecGotErrorCannotContactUser = CA.object "ErrorCannotContactUser" (CAR.record {})
{- 34 -}
type ErrorInvalidRenewKey = {}
codecGotErrorInvalidRenewKey :: CA.JsonCodec ErrorInvalidRenewKey
codecGotErrorInvalidRenewKey = CA.object "ErrorInvalidRenewKey" (CAR.record {})
{- 250 -}
-- type KeepAlive = { }
codecGotKeepAlive ∷ CA.JsonCodec KeepAlive
codecGotKeepAlive = CA.object "KeepAlive" (CAR.record { })
-- All possible requests.
data RequestMessage
= MkLogin Login -- 0
| MkRegister Register -- 1
| MkValidateUser ValidateUser -- 2
| MkAskPasswordRecovery AskPasswordRecovery -- 3
| MkPasswordRecovery PasswordRecovery -- 4
| MkGetUserByUID GetUserByUID -- 5
| MkGetUserByName GetUserByName -- 5 (bis)
| MkModUser ModUser -- 6
--| MkEditProfileContent EditProfileContent -- 7
| MkDeleteUser DeleteUser -- 8
| MkAddUser AddUser -- 9
| MkCheckPermission CheckPermission -- 10
| MkSetPermission SetPermission -- 11
| MkSearchUser SearchUser -- 12
| MkAuthByToken AuthByToken -- 15
| MkKeepAlive KeepAlive -- 250
-- All possible answers from the authentication daemon (authd).
data AnswerMessage
= GotError Error -- 0
| GotToken Logged -- 1
| GotUser User -- 2
| GotUserAdded UserAdded -- 3
| GotUserEdited UserEdited -- 4
| GotUserValidated UserValidated -- 5
| GotUsersList UsersList -- 6
| GotPermissionCheck PermissionCheck -- 7
| GotPermissionSet PermissionSet -- 8
| GotPasswordRecoverySent PasswordRecoverySent -- 9
| GotPasswordRecovered PasswordRecovered -- 10
| GotMatchingUsers MatchingUsers -- 11
| GotUserDeleted UserDeleted -- 12
| GotErrorMustBeAuthenticated ErrorMustBeAuthenticated -- 20
| GotErrorAlreadyUsedLogin ErrorAlreadyUsedLogin -- 21
| GotErrorMailRequired ErrorMailRequired -- 22
| GotErrorUserNotFound ErrorUserNotFound -- 23
| GotErrorPasswordTooShort ErrorPasswordTooShort -- 24
| GotErrorInvalidCredentials ErrorInvalidCredentials -- 25
| GotErrorRegistrationsClosed ErrorRegistrationsClosed -- 26
| GotErrorInvalidLoginFormat ErrorInvalidLoginFormat -- 27
| GotErrorInvalidEmailFormat ErrorInvalidEmailFormat -- 28
| GotErrorAlreadyUsersInDB ErrorAlreadyUsersInDB -- 29
| GotErrorReadOnlyProfileKeys ErrorReadOnlyProfileKeys -- 30
| GotErrorInvalidActivationKey ErrorInvalidActivationKey -- 31
| GotErrorUserAlreadyValidated ErrorUserAlreadyValidated -- 32
| GotErrorCannotContactUser ErrorCannotContactUser -- 33
| GotErrorInvalidRenewKey ErrorInvalidRenewKey -- 34
| GotKeepAlive KeepAlive -- 250
encode ∷ RequestMessage -> Tuple UInt String
encode m = case m of
(MkLogin request) -> get_tuple 0 codecLogin request
(MkRegister request) -> get_tuple 1 codecRegister request
(MkValidateUser request) -> get_tuple 2 codecValidateUser request
(MkAskPasswordRecovery request) -> get_tuple 3 codecAskPasswordRecovery request
(MkPasswordRecovery request) -> get_tuple 4 codecPasswordRecovery request
-- Both messages are actually a single message type, so they have the same number.
-- TODO: change the message codec for an Either Int String.
(MkGetUserByUID request) -> get_tuple 5 codecGetUserByUID request
(MkGetUserByName request) -> get_tuple 5 codecGetUserByName request
(MkModUser request) -> get_tuple 6 codecModUser request
-- 7 MkEditProfileContent
(MkDeleteUser request) -> get_tuple 8 codecDeleteUser request
(MkAddUser request) -> get_tuple 9 codecAddUser request
(MkCheckPermission request) -> get_tuple 10 codecCheckPermission request
(MkSetPermission request) -> get_tuple 11 codecSetPermission request
(MkSearchUser request) -> get_tuple 12 codecSearchUser request
(MkAuthByToken request) -> get_tuple 15 codecAuthByToken request
(MkKeepAlive request) -> get_tuple 250 codecKeepAlive request
get_tuple :: forall a. Int -> CA.JsonCodec a -> a -> Tuple UInt String
get_tuple num codec request = Tuple (fromInt num) (J.stringify $ CA.encode codec request)
data DecodeError
| UnknownError String
| UnknownNumber
decode :: Int -> String -> Either DecodeError AnswerMessage
decode number string
= case number of
0 -> error_management codecGotError GotError
1 -> error_management codecGotToken GotToken
2 -> error_management codecGotUser GotUser
3 -> error_management codecGotUserAdded GotUserAdded
4 -> error_management codecGotUserEdited GotUserEdited
5 -> error_management codecGotUserValidated GotUserValidated
6 -> error_management codecGotUsersList GotUsersList
7 -> error_management codecGotPermissionCheck GotPermissionCheck
8 -> error_management codecGotPermissionSet GotPermissionSet
9 -> error_management codecGotPasswordRecoverySent GotPasswordRecoverySent
10 -> error_management codecGotPasswordRecovered GotPasswordRecovered
11 -> error_management codecGotMatchingUsers GotMatchingUsers
12 -> error_management codecGotUserDeleted GotUserDeleted
20 -> error_management codecGotErrorMustBeAuthenticated GotErrorMustBeAuthenticated
21 -> error_management codecGotErrorAlreadyUsedLogin GotErrorAlreadyUsedLogin
22 -> error_management codecGotErrorMailRequired GotErrorMailRequired
23 -> error_management codecGotErrorUserNotFound GotErrorUserNotFound
24 -> error_management codecGotErrorPasswordTooShort GotErrorPasswordTooShort
25 -> error_management codecGotErrorInvalidCredentials GotErrorInvalidCredentials
26 -> error_management codecGotErrorRegistrationsClosed GotErrorRegistrationsClosed
27 -> error_management codecGotErrorInvalidLoginFormat GotErrorInvalidLoginFormat
28 -> error_management codecGotErrorInvalidEmailFormat GotErrorInvalidEmailFormat
29 -> error_management codecGotErrorAlreadyUsersInDB GotErrorAlreadyUsersInDB
30 -> error_management codecGotErrorReadOnlyProfileKeys GotErrorReadOnlyProfileKeys
31 -> error_management codecGotErrorInvalidActivationKey GotErrorInvalidActivationKey
32 -> error_management codecGotErrorUserAlreadyValidated GotErrorUserAlreadyValidated
33 -> error_management codecGotErrorCannotContactUser GotErrorCannotContactUser
34 -> error_management codecGotErrorInvalidRenewKey GotErrorInvalidRenewKey
250 -> error_management codecGotKeepAlive GotKeepAlive
_ -> Left UnknownNumber
-- Signature is required since the compiler's guess is wrong.
error_management :: forall a. CA.JsonCodec a -> (a -> AnswerMessage) -> Either DecodeError AnswerMessage
error_management codec f
= case (parseDecodeJSON codec string) of
(Left err) -> Left (JSONERROR err)
(Right v) -> Right (f v)
parseDecodeJSON :: forall a. CA.JsonCodec a -> String -> Either String a
parseDecodeJSON codec str = do
json <- JSONParser.jsonParser str
lmap CA.printJsonDecodeError (CA.decode codec json)
serialize :: RequestMessage -> Effect ArrayBuffer
serialize request
= case (encode request) of
(Tuple messageTypeNumber string) -> IPC.toTypedIPC messageTypeNumber string
deserialize :: ArrayBuffer -> Effect (Either DecodeError AnswerMessage)
deserialize arraybuffer
= do
value <- liftEffect $ IPC.fromTypedIPC arraybuffer
pure $ case (value) of
Left err -> Left (UnknownError $ show err)
Right (Tuple messageTypeNumber string) -> case (decode (toInt messageTypeNumber) string) of
Left parsingError -> Left parsingError
Right answerMessage -> Right answerMessage
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
module App.Message.DNSManagerDaemon where
import Prelude (bind, pure, show, ($))
import Effect (Effect)
import Data.Argonaut.Core as J
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR
import Data.UInt (fromInt, toInt, UInt)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
-- import App.Type.PermissionLevel as PermissionLevel
import App.Type.MaintenanceSubject as MaintenanceSubject
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Data.Argonaut.Parser as JSONParser
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import App.Message.IPC as IPC
import App.Type.DNSZone as DNSZone
import App.Type.ResourceRecord as ResourceRecord
{- UserID should be in a separate module with a dedicated codec. -}
type UserID = Int -- UserID is either a login or an uid number
{- 0 -}
type Login = { token :: String }
codecLogin ∷ CA.JsonCodec Login
codecLogin = CA.object "Login" (CAR.record { token: CA.string })
{- 1 -}
type DeleteUser = { user_id :: Maybe Int }
codecDeleteUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec DeleteUser
codecDeleteUser = CA.object "DeleteUser" (CAR.record { user_id: CAR.optional })
{- 6 -}
type GetOrphanDomains = { }
codecGetOrphanDomains ∷ CA.JsonCodec GetOrphanDomains
codecGetOrphanDomains = CA.object "GetOrphanDomains" (CAR.record { })
{- 7 -}
type Maintenance = { subject :: MaintenanceSubject.MaintenanceSubject
, int :: Maybe Int
, string :: Maybe String
codecMaintenance ∷ CA.JsonCodec Maintenance
codecMaintenance = CA.object "Maintenance" (CAR.record { subject: MaintenanceSubject.codec
, int: CAR.optional
, string: CAR.optional CA.string
{- 9 -}
type NewDomain = { domain :: String }
codecNewDomain ∷ CA.JsonCodec NewDomain
codecNewDomain = CA.object "NewDomain" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string })
{- 10 -}
type DeleteDomain = { domain :: String }
codecDeleteDomain ∷ CA.JsonCodec DeleteDomain
codecDeleteDomain = CA.object "DeleteDomain" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string })
{- 11 -}
type AddOrUpdateZone = { zone :: DNSZone.DNSZone }
codecAddOrUpdateZone ∷ CA.JsonCodec AddOrUpdateZone
codecAddOrUpdateZone = CA.object "AddOrUpdateZone" (CAR.record { zone: DNSZone.codec })
{- 12 -}
type GetZone = { domain :: String }
codecGetZone ∷ CA.JsonCodec GetZone
codecGetZone = CA.object "GetZone" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string })
{- 13 -}
type UserDomains = {}
codecUserDomains ∷ CA.JsonCodec UserDomains
codecUserDomains = CA.object "UserDomains" (CAR.record {})
{- 14 -}
type AddRR = { domain :: String, rr :: ResourceRecord.ResourceRecord }
codecAddRR ∷ CA.JsonCodec AddRR
codecAddRR = CA.object "AddRR" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string, rr: ResourceRecord.codec })
{- 15 -}
type UpdateRR = { domain :: String, rr :: ResourceRecord.ResourceRecord }
codecUpdateRR ∷ CA.JsonCodec UpdateRR
codecUpdateRR = CA.object "UpdateRR" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string, rr: ResourceRecord.codec })
{- 16 -}
type DeleteRR = { domain :: String, rrid :: Int }
codecDeleteRR ∷ CA.JsonCodec DeleteRR
codecDeleteRR = CA.object "DeleteRR" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string, rrid: })
{- 17 -}
type AskGeneratedZoneFile = { domain :: String }
codecAskGeneratedZoneFile ∷ CA.JsonCodec AskGeneratedZoneFile
codecAskGeneratedZoneFile = CA.object "AskGeneratedZoneFile" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string })
{- 18 -}
type NewToken = { domain :: String, rrid :: Int }
codecNewToken ∷ CA.JsonCodec NewToken
codecNewToken = CA.object "NewToken" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string, rrid: })
{- 100 -}
type GenerateAllZoneFiles = {}
codecGenerateAllZoneFiles ∷ CA.JsonCodec GenerateAllZoneFiles
codecGenerateAllZoneFiles = CA.object "GenerateAllZoneFiles" (CAR.record {})
{- 101 -}
type GenerateZoneFile = { domain :: String }
codecGenerateZoneFile ∷ CA.JsonCodec GenerateZoneFile
codecGenerateZoneFile = CA.object "GenerateZoneFile" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string })
{- 250 -}
type KeepAlive = { }
codecKeepAlive ∷ CA.JsonCodec KeepAlive
codecKeepAlive = CA.object "KeepAlive" (CAR.record { })
{- 0 -}
-- type Error = { reason :: String | Array(String) }
type Error = { reason :: String }
codecError ∷ CA.JsonCodec Error
codecError = CA.object "Error" (CAR.record { reason: CA.string })
{- 1 -}
type Success = { }
codecSuccess ∷ CA.JsonCodec Success
codecSuccess = CA.object "Success" (CAR.record { })
{- 2 -}
type ErrorInvalidToken = { }
codecErrorInvalidToken ∷ CA.JsonCodec ErrorInvalidToken
codecErrorInvalidToken = CA.object "ErrorInvalidToken" (CAR.record { })
{- 3 -}
type DomainAlreadyExists = { }
codecDomainAlreadyExists ∷ CA.JsonCodec DomainAlreadyExists
codecDomainAlreadyExists = CA.object "DomainAlreadyExists" (CAR.record { })
{- 4 -}
type ErrorUserNotLogged = { }
codecErrorUserNotLogged ∷ CA.JsonCodec ErrorUserNotLogged
codecErrorUserNotLogged = CA.object "ErrorUserNotLogged" (CAR.record { })
{- 5 -}
type DomainNotFound = { }
codecDomainNotFound :: CA.JsonCodec DomainNotFound
codecDomainNotFound = CA.object "DomainNotFound" (CAR.record { })
{- 6 -}
type RRNotFound = { }
codecRRNotFound :: CA.JsonCodec RRNotFound
codecRRNotFound = CA.object "RRNotFound" (CAR.record { })
{- 7 -}
type UnacceptableDomain = { }
codecUnacceptableDomain :: CA.JsonCodec UnacceptableDomain
codecUnacceptableDomain = CA.object "UnacceptableDomain" (CAR.record { })
{- 8 -}
type InvalidDomainName = { }
codecInvalidDomainName :: CA.JsonCodec InvalidDomainName
codecInvalidDomainName = CA.object "InvalidDomainName" (CAR.record { })
{- 9 -}
type DomainDeleted = { domain :: String }
codecDomainDeleted :: CA.JsonCodec DomainDeleted
codecDomainDeleted = CA.object "DomainDeleted" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string })
{- 10 -}
-- For now, Error is just an alias on String.
-- type InvalidZone = { errors : Array(Storage::Zone::Error) }
type InvalidZone = { errors :: Array String }
codecInvalidZone ∷ CA.JsonCodec InvalidZone
codecInvalidZone = CA.object "InvalidZone" (CAR.record { errors: CA.array CA.string })
{- 11 -}
type DomainChanged = { }
codecDomainChanged ∷ CA.JsonCodec DomainChanged
codecDomainChanged = CA.object "DomainChanged" (CAR.record { })
{- 12 -}
type Zone = { zone :: DNSZone.DNSZone }
codecZone ∷ CA.JsonCodec Zone
codecZone = CA.object "Zone" (CAR.record { zone: DNSZone.codec })
{- 13 -}
type UnknownZone = { }
codecUnknownZone ∷ CA.JsonCodec UnknownZone
codecUnknownZone = CA.object "UnknownZone" (CAR.record { })
{- 14 -}
type DomainList = { domains :: Array String }
codecDomainList ∷ CA.JsonCodec DomainList
codecDomainList = CA.object "DomainList" (CAR.record { domains: CA.array CA.string })
{- 15 -}
type AcceptedDomains = { domains :: Array String }
codecAcceptedDomains ∷ CA.JsonCodec AcceptedDomains
codecAcceptedDomains = CA.object "AcceptedDomains" (CAR.record { domains: CA.array CA.string })
{- 16 -}
type Logged = { accepted_domains :: Array String, my_domains :: Array String }
codecLogged ∷ CA.JsonCodec Logged
codecLogged = CA.object "Logged" (CAR.record { accepted_domains: CA.array CA.string
, my_domains: CA.array CA.string })
{- 17 -}
type DomainAdded = { domain :: String }
codecDomainAdded ∷ CA.JsonCodec DomainAdded
codecDomainAdded = CA.object "DomainAdded" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string })
{- 18 -}
type RRDeleted = { rrid :: Int }
codecRRDeleted ∷ CA.JsonCodec RRDeleted
codecRRDeleted = CA.object "RRDeleted" (CAR.record { rrid: })
{- 19 -}
type RRAdded = { domain :: String, rr :: ResourceRecord.ResourceRecord }
codecRRAdded ∷ CA.JsonCodec RRAdded
codecRRAdded = CA.object "RRAdded" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string, rr: ResourceRecord.codec })
{- 20 -}
-- For now, Error is just an alias on String.
-- type InvalidZone = { errors : Array(Storage::Zone::Error) }
type InvalidRR = { errors :: Array String }
codecInvalidRR ∷ CA.JsonCodec InvalidRR
codecInvalidRR = CA.object "InvalidRR" (CAR.record { errors: CA.array CA.string })
{- 21 -}
type RRUpdated = { domain :: String, rr :: ResourceRecord.ResourceRecord }
codecRRUpdated ∷ CA.JsonCodec RRUpdated
codecRRUpdated = CA.object "RRUpdated" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string, rr: ResourceRecord.codec })
{- 22 -}
type RRReadOnly = { domain :: String, rr :: ResourceRecord.ResourceRecord }
codecRRReadOnly ∷ CA.JsonCodec RRReadOnly
codecRRReadOnly = CA.object "RRReadOnly" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string, rr: ResourceRecord.codec })
{- 23 -}
type GeneratedZoneFile = { domain :: String, zonefile :: String }
codecGeneratedZoneFile ∷ CA.JsonCodec GeneratedZoneFile
codecGeneratedZoneFile = CA.object "GeneratedZoneFile" (CAR.record { domain: CA.string, zonefile: CA.string })
{- 24 -}
type OrphanDomainList = { domains :: Array String }
codecOrphanDomainList ∷ CA.JsonCodec OrphanDomainList
codecOrphanDomainList = CA.object "OrphanDomainList" (CAR.record { domains: CA.array CA.string })
{- 50 -}
type UnknownUser = { }
codecUnknownUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec UnknownUser
codecUnknownUser = CA.object "UnknownUser" (CAR.record { })
{- 51 -}
type NoOwnership = { }
codecNoOwnership ∷ CA.JsonCodec NoOwnership
codecNoOwnership = CA.object "NoOwnership" (CAR.record { })
{- 52 -}
type InsufficientRights = { }
codecInsufficientRights ∷ CA.JsonCodec InsufficientRights
codecInsufficientRights = CA.object "InsufficientRights" (CAR.record { })
{- 250 -}
--type KeepAlive = { }
--codecKeepAlive ∷ CA.JsonCodec KeepAlive
--codecKeepAlive = CA.object "KeepAlive" (CAR.record { })
-- All possible requests.
data RequestMessage
= MkLogin Login -- 0
| MkDeleteUser DeleteUser -- 1
| MkGetOrphanDomains GetOrphanDomains -- 6
| MkMaintenance Maintenance -- 7
| MkNewDomain NewDomain -- 9
| MkDeleteDomain DeleteDomain -- 10
| MkAddOrUpdateZone AddOrUpdateZone -- 11
| MkGetZone GetZone -- 12
| MkUserDomains UserDomains -- 13
| MkAddRR AddRR -- 14
| MkUpdateRR UpdateRR -- 15
| MkDeleteRR DeleteRR -- 16
| MkAskGeneratedZoneFile AskGeneratedZoneFile -- 17
| MkNewToken NewToken -- 18
--| MkUseToken UseToken -- 19
| MkGenerateAllZoneFiles GenerateAllZoneFiles -- 100
| MkGenerateZoneFile GenerateZoneFile -- 101
| MkKeepAlive KeepAlive -- 250
-- All possible answers from the authentication daemon (authd).
data AnswerMessage
= MkError Error -- 0
| MkSuccess Success -- 1
| MkErrorInvalidToken ErrorInvalidToken -- 2
| MkDomainAlreadyExists DomainAlreadyExists -- 3
| MkErrorUserNotLogged ErrorUserNotLogged -- 4
| MkDomainNotFound DomainNotFound -- 5
| MkRRNotFound RRNotFound -- 6
| MkUnacceptableDomain UnacceptableDomain -- 7
| MkInvalidDomainName InvalidDomainName -- 8
| MkDomainDeleted DomainDeleted -- 9
| MkInvalidZone InvalidZone -- 10
| MkDomainChanged DomainChanged -- 11
| MkZone Zone -- 12
| MkUnknownZone UnknownZone -- 13
| MkDomainList DomainList -- 14
| MkAcceptedDomains AcceptedDomains -- 15
| MkLogged Logged -- 16
| MkDomainAdded DomainAdded -- 17
| MkRRDeleted RRDeleted -- 18
| MkRRAdded RRAdded -- 19
| MkInvalidRR InvalidRR -- 20
| MkRRUpdated RRUpdated -- 21
| MkRRReadOnly RRReadOnly -- 22
| MkGeneratedZoneFile GeneratedZoneFile -- 23
| MkOrphanDomainList OrphanDomainList -- 24
| MkUnknownUser UnknownUser -- 50
| MkNoOwnership NoOwnership -- 51
| MkInsufficientRights InsufficientRights -- 52
| GotKeepAlive KeepAlive -- 250
encode ∷ RequestMessage -> Tuple UInt String
encode m = case m of
(MkLogin request) -> get_tuple 0 codecLogin request
(MkDeleteUser request) -> get_tuple 1 codecDeleteUser request
(MkGetOrphanDomains request) -> get_tuple 6 codecGetOrphanDomains request
(MkMaintenance request) -> get_tuple 7 codecMaintenance request
(MkNewDomain request) -> get_tuple 9 codecNewDomain request
(MkDeleteDomain request) -> get_tuple 10 codecDeleteDomain request
(MkAddOrUpdateZone request) -> get_tuple 11 codecAddOrUpdateZone request
(MkGetZone request) -> get_tuple 12 codecGetZone request
(MkUserDomains request) -> get_tuple 13 codecUserDomains request
(MkAddRR request) -> get_tuple 14 codecAddRR request
(MkUpdateRR request) -> get_tuple 15 codecUpdateRR request
(MkDeleteRR request) -> get_tuple 16 codecDeleteRR request
(MkAskGeneratedZoneFile request) -> get_tuple 17 codecAskGeneratedZoneFile request
(MkNewToken request) -> get_tuple 18 codecNewToken request
--(MkUseToken request) -> get_tuple 19 codecUseToken request
(MkGenerateAllZoneFiles request) -> get_tuple 100 codecGenerateAllZoneFiles request
(MkGenerateZoneFile request) -> get_tuple 101 codecGenerateZoneFile request
(MkKeepAlive request) -> get_tuple 250 codecKeepAlive request
get_tuple :: forall a. Int -> CA.JsonCodec a -> a -> Tuple UInt String
get_tuple num codec request = Tuple (fromInt num) (J.stringify $ CA.encode codec request)
data DecodeError
| UnknownError String
| UnknownNumber
decode :: Int -> String -> Either DecodeError AnswerMessage
decode number string
= case number of
0 -> error_management codecError MkError
1 -> error_management codecSuccess MkSuccess
2 -> error_management codecErrorInvalidToken MkErrorInvalidToken
3 -> error_management codecDomainAlreadyExists MkDomainAlreadyExists
4 -> error_management codecErrorUserNotLogged MkErrorUserNotLogged
5 -> error_management codecDomainNotFound MkDomainNotFound
6 -> error_management codecRRNotFound MkRRNotFound
7 -> error_management codecUnacceptableDomain MkUnacceptableDomain
8 -> error_management codecInvalidDomainName MkInvalidDomainName
9 -> error_management codecDomainDeleted MkDomainDeleted
10 -> error_management codecInvalidZone MkInvalidZone
11 -> error_management codecDomainChanged MkDomainChanged
12 -> error_management codecZone MkZone
13 -> error_management codecUnknownZone MkUnknownZone
14 -> error_management codecDomainList MkDomainList
15 -> error_management codecAcceptedDomains MkAcceptedDomains
16 -> error_management codecLogged MkLogged
17 -> error_management codecDomainAdded MkDomainAdded
18 -> error_management codecRRDeleted MkRRDeleted
19 -> error_management codecRRAdded MkRRAdded
20 -> error_management codecInvalidRR MkInvalidRR
21 -> error_management codecRRUpdated MkRRUpdated
22 -> error_management codecRRReadOnly MkRRReadOnly
23 -> error_management codecGeneratedZoneFile MkGeneratedZoneFile
24 -> error_management codecOrphanDomainList MkOrphanDomainList
50 -> error_management codecUnknownUser MkUnknownUser
51 -> error_management codecNoOwnership MkNoOwnership
52 -> error_management codecInsufficientRights MkInsufficientRights
250 -> error_management codecKeepAlive GotKeepAlive
_ -> Left UnknownNumber
-- Signature is required since the compiler's guess is wrong.
error_management :: forall a. CA.JsonCodec a -> (a -> AnswerMessage) -> Either DecodeError AnswerMessage
error_management codec f
= case (parseDecodeJSON codec string) of
(Left err) -> Left (JSONERROR err)
(Right v) -> Right (f v)
parseDecodeJSON :: forall a. CA.JsonCodec a -> String -> Either String a
parseDecodeJSON codec str = do
json <- JSONParser.jsonParser str
lmap CA.printJsonDecodeError (CA.decode codec json)
serialize :: RequestMessage -> Effect ArrayBuffer
serialize request
= case (encode request) of
(Tuple messageTypeNumber string) -> IPC.toTypedIPC messageTypeNumber string
deserialize :: ArrayBuffer -> Effect (Either DecodeError AnswerMessage)
deserialize arraybuffer
= do
value <- liftEffect $ IPC.fromTypedIPC arraybuffer
pure $ case (value) of
Left err -> Left (UnknownError $ show err)
Right (Tuple messageTypeNumber string) -> case (decode (toInt messageTypeNumber) string) of
Left parsingError -> Left parsingError
Right answerMessage -> Right answerMessage
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
module App.Message.IPC (toIPC, fromIPC, toTypedIPC, fromTypedIPC) where
This file contains raw serialization and deserialization of IPC messages.
An IPC message can contain either the payload length followed by the content,
or a 'type number' can be added between those values.
[payload length in bytes][payload]
[payload length in bytes][message type][payload]
The message type informs what format should be expected.
For example: an authentication attempt, a page request, etc.
Actual message formats can be found in the App.Message folder.
import Prelude (bind, (<$>), discard, ($), (>>>), (+), (-))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Data.UInt (fromInt, toInt, UInt)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.ArrayBuffer.ArrayBuffer as ArrayBuffer
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer, DataView)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Builder as Builder
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Cast as Cast
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(ExceptT), withExceptT)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Typed as Typed
import Data.ArrayBuffer.DataView as DataView
import Parsing.DataView as Parsing.DataView
import Parsing as Parsing
import Parsing (ParseError, ParserT, runParserT)
import Web.Encoding.TextEncoder as TextEncoder
import Web.Encoding.TextDecoder as TextDecoder
import Web.Encoding.UtfLabel as UtfLabel
import Data.Either (Either)
import Effect.Exception as Exception
:: forall a
. Effect a
-> ParserT DataView Effect a
= Exception.try
>>> ExceptT
>>> withExceptT Exception.message
>>> Parsing.liftExceptT
toIPC :: String -> Effect ArrayBuffer
toIPC s = Builder.execPutM do
textEncoder <- liftEffect
let stringbuf = Typed.buffer $ TextEncoder.encode s textEncoder
-- Put a 32-bit big-endian length for the utf8 string, in bytes.
Builder.putUint32be $ fromInt $ ArrayBuffer.byteLength stringbuf
Builder.putArrayBuffer stringbuf
toTypedIPC :: UInt -> String -> Effect ArrayBuffer
toTypedIPC n s = Builder.execPutM do
textEncoder <- liftEffect
let stringbuf = Typed.buffer $ TextEncoder.encode s textEncoder
-- Put a 32-bit big-endian length for the utf8 string, in bytes.
Builder.putUint32be $ fromInt $ (ArrayBuffer.byteLength stringbuf) + 1 -- 1 for message type
Builder.putUint8 n
Builder.putArrayBuffer stringbuf
-- TODO: this code doesn't verify the actual length of the message.
-- An inconsistent length would be an error sign, message should be discarded
-- and the connection should be closed.
fromIPC :: ArrayBuffer -> Effect (Either ParseError String)
fromIPC arrayBuffer = do
textDecoder <- UtfLabel.utf8
let dataView = DataView.whole arrayBuffer
runParserT dataView do
-- First parse a 32-bit big-endian length prefix for the length
-- of the UTF-8 string in bytes.
length <- Parsing.DataView.anyUint32be
stringview <- Parsing.DataView.takeN (toInt length)
stringarray <- lift $ liftEffect $ Cast.toUint8Array stringview
hoistEffectParserT $ TextDecoder.decode stringarray textDecoder
-- TODO: this code doesn't verify the actual length of the message.
-- An inconsistent length would be an error sign, message should be discarded
-- and the connection should be closed.
fromTypedIPC :: ArrayBuffer -> Effect (Either ParseError (Tuple UInt String))
fromTypedIPC arraybuffer = do
textDecoder <- UtfLabel.utf8
let dataView = DataView.whole arraybuffer
runParserT dataView do
-- First parse a 32-bit big-endian length prefix for the length
-- of the UTF-8 string in bytes.
length <- Parsing.DataView.anyUint32be
-- Second parse a 8-bit unsigned integer representing the type of
-- the message to decode.
messageTypeNumber <- Parsing.DataView.anyUint8
stringview <- Parsing.DataView.takeN ((toInt length) - 1)
stringarray <- lift $ liftEffect $ Cast.toUint8Array stringview
hoistEffectParserT $ (Tuple messageTypeNumber) <$> TextDecoder.decode stringarray textDecoder
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
{- Administration interface.
Allows to:
- add, remove, search users
- TODO: validate users
- TODO: change user password
- TODO: show user details (list of owned domains)
- TODO: show user domain details (zone content) and to modify users' zone
- TODO: raise a user to admin (and vice versa)
- TODO: list users (getting them slowly, otherwise it will cause problems with thousands of logins)
module App.Page.Administration where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, not, pure, show, ($), (<<<), (<>), (=<<), map, (/=), (==))
import Data.Eq (class Eq)
import Bulma as Bulma
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Array as A
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Web.Event.Event (Event)
import Web.Event.Event as Event
import CSSClasses as C
import Web.HTML (window) as HTML
import Web.HTML.Window (sessionStorage) as Window
import Web.Storage.Storage as Storage
import App.Type.UserPublic (UserPublic)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import App.Type.LogMessage
-- import App.IPC as IPC
import App.Type.Email as Email
-- import App.Message.DNSManagerDaemon as DNSManager
import App.Message.AuthenticationDaemon as AuthD
data Output
= MessageToSend ArrayBuffer
| Log LogMessage
| AskState
| StoreState State
| DeleteUserAccount Int
| GetOrphanDomains
--| DeleteDomain String
--| RequestDomain String
data Query a
= MessageReceived AuthD.AnswerMessage a
| ConnectionIsDown a
| ConnectionIsUp a
| GotOrphanDomainList (Array String) a
| ProvideState (Maybe State) a
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
type Input = Unit
data AddUserInput
= ADDUSER_INP_login String
| ADDUSER_INP_email String
| ADDUSER_toggle_admin
| ADDUSER_INP_pass String
| SEARCHUSER_INP_regex String
--| SEARCHUSER_INP_domain String
data Action
= HandleAddUserInput AddUserInput
| AddUserAttempt
| SearchUserAttempt
| PreventSubmit Event
| ShowUser Int
| RemoveUser Int
-- Domains.
| ShowOrphanDomains
| RemoveDomain String
| ShowDomain String
-- | Change the displayed tab.
| ChangeTab Tab
| Initialize
| Finalize
-- | There are different tabs in the administration page.
-- | For example, users can be searched (`authd`) and a list is provided.
data Tab = Home | Search | Add | OrphanDomains
derive instance eqTab :: Eq Tab
type StateAddUserForm = { login :: String, admin :: Boolean, email :: String, pass :: String }
type StateSearchUserForm = { regex :: String {-, admin :: Boolean, domain :: String -} }
type State =
{ addUserForm :: StateAddUserForm
, searchUserForm :: StateSearchUserForm
, current_tab :: Tab
, wsUp :: Boolean
, matching_users :: Array UserPublic
, orphan_domains :: Array String
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ initialize = Just Initialize
, handleAction = handleAction
, handleQuery = handleQuery
, finalize = Just Finalize
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState _ = { addUserForm: { login: "", admin: false, email: "", pass: "" }
, searchUserForm: { regex: "" {-, admin: false, domain: "" -} }
, matching_users: []
, orphan_domains: []
, current_tab: Home
, wsUp: true
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render { addUserForm, searchUserForm, matching_users, current_tab, orphan_domains, wsUp }
= Bulma.section_small
[ fancy_tab_bar
, case current_tab of
Home -> Bulma.h3 "Select an action"
Search -> Bulma.columns_
[ Bulma.column ( 3) [Bulma.article (Bulma.p "Search users") render_searchuser_form]
, Bulma.column_ [ Bulma.h3 "Result", show_found_users ]
Add -> Bulma.columns_
[ Bulma.column ( 5) [Bulma.article (Bulma.p "Add a new user") render_adduser_form] ]
OrphanDomains -> HH.div_
[ Bulma.btn_ (C.is_small) "Get orphan domains" ShowOrphanDomains
, show_orphan_domains
fancy_tab_bar =
[ Bulma.tab_entry (is_tab_active Home) "Home" (ChangeTab Home)
, Bulma.tab_entry (is_tab_active Search) "Search" (ChangeTab Search)
, Bulma.tab_entry (is_tab_active Add) "Add" (ChangeTab Add)
, Bulma.tab_entry (is_tab_active OrphanDomains) "OrphanDomains" (ChangeTab OrphanDomains)
is_tab_active tab = current_tab == tab
show_found_users = [ HH.ul_ $ map user_card matching_users ]
user_card user = HH.li_ [ Bulma.btn_delete (RemoveUser user.uid)
, Bulma.btn_ (C.is_small) user.login (ShowUser user.uid)
show_orphan_domains = [ HH.ul_ $ map domain_entry orphan_domains ]
domain_entry domain = HH.li_ [ Bulma.btn_delete (RemoveDomain domain)
, Bulma.btn_ (C.is_small) domain (ShowDomain domain)
up x = HandleAddUserInput <<< x
active = (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
render_adduser_form =
[ HE.onSubmit PreventSubmit ]
[ Bulma.box_input "login" "User login" "login" (up ADDUSER_INP_login) addUserForm.login active
, Bulma.btn_labeled "adminbtn" "Admin" (show addUserForm.admin) (HandleAddUserInput ADDUSER_toggle_admin)
, Bulma.box_input "email" "User email" "email" (up ADDUSER_INP_email) active
, Bulma.box_password "password" "User password" "password" (up ADDUSER_INP_pass) addUserForm.pass active
, Bulma.btn "Send" AddUserAttempt
render_searchuser_form =
[ HE.onSubmit PreventSubmit ]
[ Bulma.p """
Following input accepts any regex.
This will be used to search an user based on his login, full name or email address.
, Bulma.box_input "regex" "Regex" "regex" (up SEARCHUSER_INP_regex) searchUserForm.regex active
--, Bulma.btn_labeled "adminbtn" "Admin" (show searchUserForm.admin)
-- (HandleAddUserInput SEARCHUSER_toggle_admin)
--, Bulma.box_input "domain" "Domain owned" ""
-- (up SEARCHUSER_INP_domain) searchUserForm.domain active
, Bulma.btn "Send" SearchUserAttempt
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
Initialize -> do
H.raise $ AskState
sessionstorage <- H.liftEffect $ Window.sessionStorage =<< HTML.window
old_tab <- H.liftEffect $ Storage.getItem "current-ada-tab" sessionstorage
case old_tab of
Nothing -> H.raise $ Log $ ErrorLog "We hadn't changed tab before reload apparently."
Just current_tab -> case current_tab of
"Home" -> handleAction $ ChangeTab Home
"Search" -> handleAction $ ChangeTab Search
"Add" -> handleAction $ ChangeTab Add
"OrphanDomains" -> handleAction $ ChangeTab OrphanDomains
_ -> H.raise $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Reload but cannot understand old current_tab: " <> current_tab
Finalize -> do
state <- H.get
H.raise $ StoreState state
HandleAddUserInput adduserinp -> do
{ addUserForm } <- H.get
case adduserinp of
ADDUSER_INP_login v -> H.modify_ _ { addUserForm { login = v } }
ADDUSER_INP_email v -> H.modify_ _ { addUserForm { email = v } }
ADDUSER_toggle_admin -> H.modify_ _ { addUserForm { admin = not addUserForm.admin } }
ADDUSER_INP_pass v -> H.modify_ _ { addUserForm { pass = v } }
SEARCHUSER_INP_regex v -> H.modify_ _ { searchUserForm { regex = v } }
PreventSubmit ev -> H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault ev
ShowUser uid -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Show a user details (uid: " <> show uid <> ")"
ShowOrphanDomains -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Get orphan domains"
H.raise $ GetOrphanDomains
RemoveUser uid -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Remove user " <> show uid
H.raise $ DeleteUserAccount uid
RemoveDomain domain -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "TODO: remove domain " <> domain
--H.raise $ DeleteDomain domain
ShowDomain domain -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "TODO: show domain " <> domain
-- H.raise $ RequestDomain domain
AddUserAttempt -> do
{ addUserForm } <- H.get
let login = addUserForm.login
email =
pass = addUserForm.pass
case login, email, pass of
"", _, _ -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write the user's login!"
_, "", _ -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write the user's email!"
_, _, "" -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write the user's password!"
_, _, _ -> do
ab <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $
AuthD.MkAddUser { login: login
, admin: addUserForm.admin
, email: Just (Email.Email email)
, password: pass }
H.raise $ MessageToSend ab
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog "Add a user"
ChangeTab current_tab -> do
-- Store the current tab we are on and restore it when we reload.
sessionstorage <- H.liftEffect $ Window.sessionStorage =<< HTML.window
_ <- case current_tab of
Home -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-ada-tab" "Home" sessionstorage
Search -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-ada-tab" "Search" sessionstorage
Add -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-ada-tab" "Add" sessionstorage
OrphanDomains -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-ada-tab" "OrphanDomains" sessionstorage
H.modify_ _ { current_tab = current_tab }
SearchUserAttempt -> do
{ searchUserForm } <- H.get
let regex = searchUserForm.regex
-- domain = searchUserForm.domain
-- admin = searchUserForm.admin
ab <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $
AuthD.MkSearchUser { regex: not_empty_string regex, offset: Just 0 }
H.raise $ MessageToSend ab
H.modify_ _ { matching_users = [] }
not_empty_string :: String -> Maybe String
not_empty_string "" = Nothing
not_empty_string v = Just v
handleQuery :: forall a m. MonadAff m => Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m (Maybe a)
handleQuery = case _ of
ProvideState maybe_state a -> do
case maybe_state of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just s -> do
H.put s
pure (Just a)
MessageReceived message a -> do
case message of
(AuthD.GotUserAdded msg) -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "Added user: " <> show msg.user
(AuthD.GotMatchingUsers msg) -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SuccessLog "Got list of matched users."
H.modify_ _ { matching_users = msg.users }
(AuthD.GotUserDeleted msg) -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SuccessLog $ "User (uid: " <> show msg.uid <> ") got removed."
{ matching_users } <- H.get
H.modify_ _ { matching_users = A.filter (\x -> x.uid /= msg.uid) matching_users }
-- Unexpected message.
_ -> do
H.raise $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Authentication server didn't send a valid message."
pure (Just a)
ConnectionIsDown a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = false }
pure (Just a)
ConnectionIsUp a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = true }
pure (Just a)
GotOrphanDomainList domains a -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SuccessLog "Got orphan domain list!"
H.modify_ _ { orphan_domains = domains }
pure (Just a)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
-- | `App.AuthenticationInterface` is both the authentication and password recovery interface.
-- | TODO: token validation.
module App.Page.Authentication where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, pure, ($), (<<<), (<>), (>), (==), map, show)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Web.Event.Event as Event
import Web.Event.Event (Event)
import Bulma as Bulma
import App.Type.LogMessage
import App.Message.AuthenticationDaemon as AuthD
import App.Validation.Login as L
import App.Validation.Email as E
import App.Validation.Password as P
type Login = String
type Email = String
type Password = String
type PasswordRecoveryToken = String
data Error
= Login (Array L.Error)
| Email (Array E.Error)
| Password (Array P.Error)
-- | The component can inform the parent (`App.Container`) that the authentication is complete,
-- | and share both the uid and token. The token is useful to authenticate the user to the
-- | dnsmanager daemon.
-- |
-- | Also, the component can send a message to a websocket and log messages.
-- |
-- | TODO: authentication is performed in `App.Container`.
data Output
= MessageToSend ArrayBuffer
| AuthenticateToAuthd (Tuple Login Password)
| Log LogMessage
| PasswordRecovery Login PasswordRecoveryToken Password
| AskPasswordRecovery (Either Email Login)
-- | The component's parent provides received messages.
-- |
-- | Also, the component is informed when the connection went up or down.
data Query a
= MessageReceived AuthD.AnswerMessage a
| ConnectionIsDown a
| ConnectionIsUp a
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
type Input = Unit
data AuthenticationInput
= AUTH_INP_login String
| AUTH_INP_pass String
data PasswordRecoveryInput
= PASSR_INP_login String
| PASSR_INP_email String
data NewPasswordInput
= NEWPASS_INP_login String
| NEWPASS_INP_token String
| NEWPASS_INP_password String
| NEWPASS_INP_confirmation String
data Action
= HandleAuthenticationInput AuthenticationInput
| HandlePasswordRecovery PasswordRecoveryInput
| HandleNewPassword NewPasswordInput
| AuthenticationAttempt Event
| PasswordRecoveryAttempt Event
| NewPasswordAttempt Event
type StateAuthenticationForm = { login :: String, pass :: String }
type StatePasswordRecoveryForm = { login :: String, email :: String }
type StateNewPasswordForm = { login :: String, token :: String, password :: String, confirmation :: String }
type State =
{ authenticationForm :: StateAuthenticationForm
, passwordRecoveryForm :: StatePasswordRecoveryForm
, newPasswordForm :: StateNewPasswordForm
, errors :: Array Error
, wsUp :: Boolean
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState _ =
{ authenticationForm: { login: "", pass: "" }
, passwordRecoveryForm: { login: "", email: "" }
, newPasswordForm: { login: "", token: "", password: "", confirmation: "" }
, wsUp: true
, errors: []
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
, handleQuery = handleQuery
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render { wsUp, authenticationForm, passwordRecoveryForm, newPasswordForm, errors } =
[ case wsUp of
false -> Bulma.p "You are disconnected."
true ->
if A.length errors > 0
then HH.div_ [ [ HH.text (A.fold $ map show_error errors) ]
, Bulma.columns_ [ b auth_form, b passrecovery_form, b newpass_form ]
else Bulma.columns_ [ b auth_form, b passrecovery_form, b newpass_form ]
b e = Bulma.column_ [ e ]
show_error :: Error -> String
show_error = case _ of
Login arr -> "Error with the Login: " <> (A.fold $ map show_error_login arr)
Email arr -> "Error with the Email: " <> (A.fold $ map show_error_email arr)
Password arr -> "Error with the Password: " <> (A.fold $ map show_error_password arr)
show_error_login :: L.Error -> String
show_error_login = case _ of
L.ParsingError {error, position} ->
"position " <> show position <> " " <> maybe "" string_error_login error
string_error_login :: L.LoginParsingError -> String
string_error_login = case _ of
L.CannotParse -> "cannot parse the login"
L.CannotEntirelyParse -> "cannot entirely parse the login"
L.Size min max n -> "login size should be between "
<> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> " (currently: " <> show n <> ")"
show_error_email :: E.Error -> String
show_error_email = case _ of
E.ParsingError {error, position} ->
"position " <> show position <> " " <> maybe "" string_error_email error
string_error_email :: E.EmailParsingError -> String
string_error_email = case _ of
E.CannotParse -> "cannot parse the email"
E.CannotEntirelyParse -> "cannot entirely parse the email"
E.Size min max n -> "email size should be between "
<> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> " (currently: " <> show n <> ")"
show_error_password :: P.Error -> String
show_error_password = case _ of
P.ParsingError {error, position} ->
"position " <> show position <> " " <> maybe "" string_error_password error
string_error_password :: P.PasswordParsingError -> String
string_error_password = case _ of
P.CannotParse -> "cannot parse the password"
P.CannotEntirelyParse -> "cannot entirely parse the password"
P.Size min max n -> "password size should be between "
<> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> " (currently: " <> show n <> ")"
auth_form = [ Bulma.h3 "Authentication" , render_auth_form ]
passrecovery_form = [ Bulma.h3 "Password Recovery", render_password_recovery_form ]
newpass_form = [ Bulma.h3 "New password", render_new_password_form ]
should_be_disabled = (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
render_auth_form = HH.form
[ HE.onSubmit AuthenticationAttempt ]
[ Bulma.box_input "loginLOGIN" "Login" "login" -- title, placeholder
(HandleAuthenticationInput <<< AUTH_INP_login) -- action
authenticationForm.login -- value
should_be_disabled -- condition
, Bulma.box_password "passwordLOGIN" "Password" "password" -- title, placeholder
(HandleAuthenticationInput <<< AUTH_INP_pass) -- action
authenticationForm.pass -- value
should_be_disabled -- condition
, HH.button
[ "padding: 0.5rem 1.25rem;"
, HP.type_ HP.ButtonSubmit
, (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
[ HH.text "Send Message to Server" ]
render_password_recovery_form = HH.form
[ HE.onSubmit PasswordRecoveryAttempt ]
[ Bulma.box_input "loginPASSR" "Login" "login" -- title, placeholder
(HandlePasswordRecovery <<< PASSR_INP_login) -- action
passwordRecoveryForm.login -- value
should_be_disabled -- condition
, Bulma.box_input "emailPASSR" "Email" "email" -- title, placeholder
(HandlePasswordRecovery <<< PASSR_INP_email) -- action
|||| -- value
should_be_disabled -- condition
, HH.button
[ "padding: 0.5rem 1.25rem;"
, HP.type_ HP.ButtonSubmit
, (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
[ HH.text "Send Message to Server" ]
render_new_password_form = HH.form
[ HE.onSubmit NewPasswordAttempt ]
[ Bulma.box_input "loginNEWPASS" "Login" "login"
(HandleNewPassword <<< NEWPASS_INP_login)
, Bulma.box_input "tokenNEWPASS" "Token" "token"
(HandleNewPassword <<< NEWPASS_INP_token)
, Bulma.box_password "passwordNEWPASS" "Password" "password"
(HandleNewPassword <<< NEWPASS_INP_password)
, Bulma.box_password "confirmationNEWPASS" "Confirmation" "confirmation"
(HandleNewPassword <<< NEWPASS_INP_confirmation)
, HH.button
[ "padding: 0.5rem 1.25rem;"
, HP.type_ HP.ButtonSubmit
, (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
[ HH.text "Send Message to Server" ]
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
HandleAuthenticationInput authinp -> do
case authinp of
AUTH_INP_login v -> H.modify_ _ { authenticationForm { login = v } }
AUTH_INP_pass v -> H.modify_ _ { authenticationForm { pass = v } }
HandlePasswordRecovery passrecovinp -> do
case passrecovinp of
PASSR_INP_login v -> H.modify_ _ { passwordRecoveryForm { login = v } }
PASSR_INP_email v -> H.modify_ _ { passwordRecoveryForm { email = v } }
HandleNewPassword newpassinp -> do
case newpassinp of
NEWPASS_INP_login v -> H.modify_ _ { newPasswordForm { login = v } }
NEWPASS_INP_token v -> H.modify_ _ { newPasswordForm { token = v } }
NEWPASS_INP_password v -> H.modify_ _ { newPasswordForm { password = v } }
NEWPASS_INP_confirmation v -> H.modify_ _ { newPasswordForm { confirmation = v } }
AuthenticationAttempt ev -> do
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault ev
{ authenticationForm } <- H.get
let { login, pass } = authenticationForm
case login, pass of
"" , _ ->
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write your login!"
_ , "" ->
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write your password!"
_, _ -> do
case L.login login, P.password pass of
Left errors, _ -> H.modify_ _ { errors = [ Login errors ] }
_, Left errors -> H.modify_ _ { errors = [ Password errors ] }
_, _ -> do H.modify_ _ { errors = [] }
H.raise $ AuthenticateToAuthd (Tuple login pass)
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "authenticate (login: " <> login <> ")"
PasswordRecoveryAttempt ev -> do
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault ev
{ passwordRecoveryForm } <- H.get
let login = passwordRecoveryForm.login
email =
case login, email of
"", "" -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write your login or your email!"
_, _ -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog "password recovery"
if email == ""
then case L.login login of
Left errors -> H.modify_ _ { errors = [ Login errors ] }
_ -> do H.modify_ _ { errors = [] }
H.raise $ AskPasswordRecovery (Right login)
else case email of
Left errors -> H.modify_ _ { errors = [ Email errors ] }
_ -> do H.modify_ _ { errors = [] }
H.raise $ AskPasswordRecovery (Left email)
-- TODO: verify the login?
NewPasswordAttempt ev -> do
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault ev
{ newPasswordForm } <- H.get
let { login, token, password, confirmation} = newPasswordForm
if A.any (_ == "") [ login, token, password, confirmation ]
then H.raise $ Log $ ErrorLog "All entries are required!"
else if password == confirmation
then case L.login login of
Left errors -> H.modify_ _ { errors = [ Login errors ] }
Right _ -> do H.modify_ _ { errors = [] }
H.raise $ PasswordRecovery login token password
else H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Confirmation differs from password!"
handleQuery :: forall a m. MonadAff m => Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m (Maybe a)
handleQuery = case _ of
-- For now, no message actually needs to be handled here.
-- Error messages are simply logged (see the code in the Container component).
MessageReceived message _ -> do
case message of
_ -> do
H.raise $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Message not handled in AuthenticationInterface."
pure Nothing
ConnectionIsDown a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = false }
pure (Just a)
ConnectionIsUp a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = true }
pure (Just a)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
-- | `App.DomainListInterface` is a simple component with the list of own domains
-- | and a form to add a new domain.
-- |
-- | This interface allows to:
-- | - display the list of own domains
-- | - show and select accepted domains (TLDs)
-- | - create new domains
-- | - delete a domain
-- | - ask for confirmation
-- | - switch to the interface to show and modify the content of a Zone
-- | - TODO: validate the domain before sending a message to `dnsmanagerd`
module App.Page.DomainList where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, map, otherwise, pure, ($), (/=), (<<<), (<>), (>))
import Data.Array as A
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.String.Utils (endsWith)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HHE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Web.Event.Event as Event
import Web.Event.Event (Event)
import Bulma as Bulma
import App.DisplayErrors (error_to_paragraph_label)
import App.Validation.Label as Validation
import CSSClasses as C
import App.Type.LogMessage
import App.Message.DNSManagerDaemon as DNSManager
-- | `App.DomainListInterface` can send messages through websocket interface
-- | connected to dnsmanagerd. See `App.WS`.
-- |
-- | Also, this component can log messages and ask its parent (`App.Container`) to
-- | reconnect the websocket to `dnsmanagerd`.
-- |
-- | Finally, the component can ask its state to its parent.
-- | The reason is quite simple.
-- | The component can be deleted, meaning that it loses its state.
-- | Instead of asking `dnsmanagerd` the list of available domains and the list of owned domains
-- | each time the component is instanciated, the parent stores the component's state when the
-- | component is removed. This way, the data is conserved.
data Output
= MessageToSend ArrayBuffer
| Log LogMessage
| ChangePageZoneInterface String
| AskState
| StoreState State
-- | `App.DomainListInterface` can receive messages from `dnsmanagerd`.
-- |
-- | The component is also informed when the connection is lost or up again.
-- |
-- | Finally, its entire state can be provided by its parent.
-- | See the explanation for the `Output` data type.
data Query a
= MessageReceived DNSManager.AnswerMessage a
| ConnectionIsDown a
| ConnectionIsUp a
| ProvideState (Maybe State) a
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
-- | `App.DomainListInterface` has no input.
type Input = Unit
-- | `App.DomainListInterface` has a single form to add a new domain.
-- | Only two possible inputs: the (sub)domain name and the selection of the TLD.
data NewDomainFormAction
= INP_newdomain String
| UpdateSelectedDomain String
-- | Possible component's actions are:
-- | - update the accepted domains (examples:, and
-- | - update the list of own domains
-- | - handle user inputs
-- | - add a new domain
-- | - remove a domain
-- | - TODO: show the zone content (in another component)
data Action
= UpdateAcceptedDomains (Array String)
| UpdateMyDomains (Array String)
| HandleNewDomainInput NewDomainFormAction
| NewDomainAttempt Event
| RemoveDomain String
| EnterDomain String
| DeleteDomainModal String
| CancelModal
| Initialize
| Finalize
-- | The form only has two elements:
-- | the subdomain name input and the selected TLD.
type NewDomainFormState
= { new_domain :: String
, _errors :: Array Validation.Error
, selected_domain :: String
-- | The entire component's state contains the form, accepted domains,
-- | the list of own domains and a boolean to know if the connection is up.
type State =
{ newDomainForm :: NewDomainFormState
, accepted_domains :: Array String
, my_domains :: Array String
, wsUp :: Boolean
, active_modal :: Maybe String
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ initialize = Just Initialize
, handleAction = handleAction
, handleQuery = handleQuery
, finalize = Just Finalize
-- | Default available domain:
default_domain :: String
default_domain = ""
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState _ =
{ newDomainForm: { new_domain: ""
, _errors: []
, selected_domain: default_domain
, accepted_domains: [ default_domain ]
, my_domains: [ ]
, wsUp: true
, active_modal: Nothing
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render { accepted_domains, my_domains, newDomainForm, wsUp, active_modal }
= Bulma.section_small
[ case wsUp of
false -> Bulma.p "You are disconnected."
true -> case active_modal of
Nothing -> Bulma.columns_
[ Bulma.column_ [ Bulma.h3 "Add a domain!", render_add_domain_form]
, Bulma.column_ [ Bulma.h3 "My domains"
, HH.ul_ $ map (\domain -> HH.li_ (domain_buttons domain)) my_domains
Just domain -> Bulma.modal "Deleting a domain"
[warning_message domain] [modal_delete_button domain, modal_cancel_button]
modal_delete_button domain = Bulma.alert_btn "Delete the domain" (RemoveDomain domain)
modal_cancel_button = Bulma.cancel_button CancelModal
warning_message domain
= HH.p [] [ HH.text $ "You are about to delete your domain '"
<> domain
<> "'. Are you sure you want to do this? This is "
, HH.strong_ [ HH.text "irreversible" ]
, HH.text "."
domain_buttons domain
= [ Bulma.alert_btn "delete" (DeleteDomainModal domain)
, Bulma.btn domain (EnterDomain domain)
render_add_domain_form = HH.form
[ HE.onSubmit NewDomainAttempt ]
[ Bulma.new_domain_field
(HandleNewDomainInput <<< INP_newdomain)
[ HHE.onSelectedIndexChange domain_choice ]
, HH.button
[ HP.type_ HP.ButtonSubmit
, HP.classes C.button
[ HH.text "add a new domain!" ]
, if A.length newDomainForm._errors > 0
then HH.div_ $ map error_to_paragraph_label newDomainForm._errors
else HH.div_ [ ]
domain_choice :: Int -> Action
domain_choice i
= HandleNewDomainInput <<< UpdateSelectedDomain $ maybe default_domain (\x -> x) $ accepted_domains A.!! i
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
Initialize -> do
H.raise $ AskState
Finalize -> do
state <- H.get
H.raise $ StoreState state
CancelModal -> do
H.modify_ _ { active_modal = Nothing }
UpdateAcceptedDomains domains -> do
H.modify_ _ { accepted_domains = domains }
UpdateMyDomains domains -> do
H.modify_ _ { my_domains = domains }
HandleNewDomainInput adduserinp -> do
case adduserinp of
INP_newdomain v -> do
H.modify_ _ { newDomainForm { new_domain = v } }
case v of
"" -> H.modify_ _ { newDomainForm { _errors = [] } }
_ -> case Validation.label v of
Left arr -> H.modify_ _ { newDomainForm { _errors = arr } }
Right _ -> H.modify_ _ { newDomainForm { _errors = [] } }
UpdateSelectedDomain domain -> H.modify_ _ { newDomainForm { selected_domain = domain } }
EnterDomain domain -> do
H.raise $ ChangePageZoneInterface domain
DeleteDomainModal domain -> do
H.modify_ _ { active_modal = Just domain }
RemoveDomain domain -> do
message <- H.liftEffect $ DNSManager.serialize $ DNSManager.MkDeleteDomain { domain: domain }
H.raise $ MessageToSend message
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Remove domain: " <> domain
H.modify_ _ { active_modal = Nothing }
NewDomainAttempt ev -> do
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault ev
{ newDomainForm } <- H.get
let new_domain = build_new_domain newDomainForm.new_domain newDomainForm.selected_domain
case newDomainForm._errors, new_domain of
_, "" ->
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "You didn't enter the new domain!"
[], _ -> do
message <- H.liftEffect
$ DNSManager.serialize
$ DNSManager.MkNewDomain { domain: new_domain }
H.raise $ MessageToSend message
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Add a new domain (" <> new_domain <> ")"
handleAction $ HandleNewDomainInput $ INP_newdomain ""
_, _ ->
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend $ "You didn't enter a valid new domain"
handleQuery :: forall a m. MonadAff m => Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m (Maybe a)
handleQuery = case _ of
ProvideState maybe_state a -> do
case maybe_state of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just s -> do
H.put s
pure (Just a)
MessageReceived message a -> do
case message of
-- The authentication failed.
(DNSManager.MkAcceptedDomains response) -> do
handleAction $ UpdateAcceptedDomains
(DNSManager.MkLogged response) -> do
handleAction $ UpdateAcceptedDomains response.accepted_domains
handleAction $ UpdateMyDomains response.my_domains
(DNSManager.MkDomainAdded response) -> do
{ my_domains } <- H.get
handleAction $ UpdateMyDomains (my_domains <> [response.domain])
(DNSManager.MkDomainDeleted response) -> do
{ my_domains } <- H.get
handleAction $ UpdateMyDomains $ A.filter ((/=) response.domain) my_domains
_ -> H.raise $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Message not handled in DomainListInterface."
pure (Just a)
ConnectionIsDown a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = false }
pure (Just a)
ConnectionIsUp a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = true }
pure (Just a)
page_reload :: State -> DNSManager.AnswerMessage -> State
page_reload s1 message =
case message of
DNSManager.MkLogged response ->
s1 { accepted_domains = response.accepted_domains
, my_domains = response.my_domains
_ -> s1
build_new_domain :: String -> String -> String
build_new_domain sub tld
| endsWith "." sub = sub <> tld
| otherwise = sub <> "." <> tld
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
-- | `App.HomeInterface` presents the website and its features.
module App.Page.Home where
import Prelude (Unit, pure, unit, ($))
-- import Data.Either (Either(..))
-- import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
-- import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
-- import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Bulma as Bulma
type Input = Unit
type Action = Unit
type State = Unit
data Query a = DoNothing a
type Output = Unit
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction _ = pure unit
initialState :: forall input. input -> State
initialState _ = unit
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render _ = HH.div_
[ Bulma.hero_danger
"You can register, login and play a bit with the tool! Please, report errors and suggestions"
, Bulma.section_small
[ Bulma.h1 "Welcome to"
, Bulma.subtitle "Free domain names"
, render_description
, render_second_line
, render_why_and_contact
, render_how_and_code
title = Bulma.h3
p = Bulma.p
b x = Bulma.column_ [ [ Bulma.div_content x ] ]
render_description = Bulma.columns_ [ render_basics, render_no_expert ]
= b [ title "What is provided?"
, p "Reserve a domain name in <something> for free."
, p "Manage your own DNS zone."
= b [ title "No need to be an expert!"
, p """
This website will help you through your configuration, as much as we can.
render_second_line = Bulma.columns_ [ render_no_housing, render_updates ]
= b [ title "No housing, just a name"
, p """
We don't host your services or websites.
We just provide a name.
You can host your websites anywhere you want: at home for example.
= b [ title "Automatic updates"
, p "Update your records with a single, stupidly simple command. For example:"
, expl [ Bulma.strong "wget<token>" ]
, p "Every A and AAAA records have tokens for easy updates!"
expl content = Bulma.div_content [ Bulma.explanation content ]
render_why_and_contact = Bulma.columns_ [ render_why, render_contact ]
= b [ title "Why?"
, p "Because everyone should be able to have a place on the Internet."
, p "We provide you a name, build something meaningful with it."
= b [ title "Contact"
, p "You have a question, you have seen a bug, you have suggestions or you just want to chat?"
, p "You can contact us:"
render_how_and_code = Bulma.columns_ [ render_how, render_code ]
= b [ title "How does this work?"
, p "We pay for the domain names ( and and let you have a subdomain."
, p "This service helps you manage your domain (a subdomain of or"
= b [ title "I want to see the code!"
, p "The project is fully open-source (ISC licence)."
, HH.text "There are a few parts:"
, HH.ul_
[ link "" "authd"
the authentication (and authorization) daemon, used to authenticate
clients through different services;
, link "" "dnsmanagerd"
the dns manager daemon, used as an interactive database, allowing clients
to ask for domains, then handle the domain zones;
, link ""
"dnsmanager webclient"
the web client that you are currently using, reading this very text,
and enjoying while managing your zones. 🥰
, Bulma.p "But of course, there are a few more technical parts:"
, HH.ul_
[ link "" "libIPC"
the Inter Process Communication library used between different applications,
such as authd and dnsmanagerd;
, link "" "dodb"
the Document Oriented DataBase, allowing to store serialized objects
(a Zone, a User, etc.) in simple files as opposed to the usual complexity of
traditional databases.
link url link_title content
= HH.li_ [ HH.a [HP.href url] [HH.text link_title]
, HH.text ", "
, HH.text content
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
-- | `App.MailValidationInterface` is a simple interface for mail verification.
-- | A token is sent at registration at the provided email address.
-- | This token has to be used to validate the email address.
module App.Page.MailValidation where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, pure, ($), (<<<), (<>), map, show)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Web.Event.Event as Event
import Web.Event.Event (Event)
import Bulma as Bulma
import App.Type.LogMessage
import App.Message.AuthenticationDaemon as AuthD
import App.Validation.Login as L
import App.Validation.Token as T
data Output
= MessageToSend ArrayBuffer
| Log LogMessage
-- | The component is informed when the connection went up or down.
data Query a
= ConnectionIsDown a
| ConnectionIsUp a
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
type Input = Unit
data RegisterInput
= VALIDATION_INP_login String
| VALIDATION_INP_token String
data Action
-- | Simply get the inputs from the form.
= HandleValidationInput RegisterInput
-- | Validate inputs (login, email, password) then send the request
-- | (via `SendMailValidationToken`) or log errors.
| ValidateInputs Event
-- | Send the registration request to `dnsmanagerd`.
-- | This action is automatically called from `ValidateInputs`.
| SendMailValidationToken
-- | The possible errors come from either the login or token input.
data Error
= Login (Array L.Error)
| Token (Array T.Error)
-- | The whole mail validation form is composed of two strings: the login and the token.
type MailValidationForm = { login :: String, token :: String }
-- | State is composed of the registration form, the errors and an indication whether
-- | the websocket connection with `authd` is up or not.
type State =
{ mailValidationForm :: MailValidationForm
, errors :: Array Error
, wsUp :: Boolean
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
, handleQuery = handleQuery
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState _ =
{ mailValidationForm: { login: "", token: "" }
, errors: []
, wsUp: true
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render { wsUp, mailValidationForm }
= Bulma.section_small
[ case wsUp of
false -> Bulma.p "You are disconnected."
true -> Bulma.columns_ [ b mail_validation_form ]
b e = Bulma.column_ [ e ]
mail_validation_form = [ Bulma.h3 "Verify your account", render_register_form ]
should_be_disabled = (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
render_register_form = HH.form
[ HE.onSubmit ValidateInputs ]
[ Bulma.box_input "loginValidation" "Login" "login" -- title, placeholder
(HandleValidationInput <<< VALIDATION_INP_login) -- action
mailValidationForm.login -- value
should_be_disabled -- condition
, Bulma.box_input "tokenValidation" "Token" "token" -- title, placeholder
(HandleValidationInput <<< VALIDATION_INP_token) -- action
mailValidationForm.token -- value
should_be_disabled -- condition
, HH.div_
[ HH.button
[ "padding: 0.5rem 1.25rem;"
, HP.type_ HP.ButtonSubmit
, (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
[ HH.text "Send Message to Server" ]
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
HandleValidationInput reginp -> do
case reginp of
VALIDATION_INP_login v -> H.modify_ _ { mailValidationForm { login = v } }
VALIDATION_INP_token v -> H.modify_ _ { mailValidationForm { token = v } }
-- Validate inputs (login, token) then send the request
-- (via SendMailValidationToken) or log errors.
ValidateInputs ev -> do
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault ev
{ mailValidationForm } <- H.get
let { login, token } = mailValidationForm
case login, token of
"", _ ->
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write your login!"
_, "" ->
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write your token!"
_, _ -> do
case L.login login, T.token token of
Left errors, _ -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend $ show_error $ Login errors
_, Left errors -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend $ show_error $ Token errors
Right _, Right _ -> handleAction $ SendMailValidationToken
SendMailValidationToken -> do
{ mailValidationForm } <- H.get
let { login, token } = mailValidationForm
message <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $ AuthD.MkValidateUser { user: login, activation_key: token }
H.raise $ MessageToSend message
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Trying to validate email address of user \"" <> login <> "\""
show_error :: Error -> String
show_error = case _ of
Login arr -> "Error with the Login: " <> (A.fold $ map show_error_login arr)
Token arr -> "Error with the Token: " <> (A.fold $ map show_error_token arr)
show_error_login :: L.Error -> String
show_error_login = case _ of
L.ParsingError {error, position} ->
"position " <> show position <> " " <> maybe "" string_error_login error
string_error_login :: L.LoginParsingError -> String
string_error_login = case _ of
L.CannotParse -> "cannot parse the login"
L.CannotEntirelyParse -> "cannot entirely parse the login"
L.Size min max n -> "login size should be between "
<> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> " (currently: " <> show n <> ")"
show_error_token :: T.Error -> String
show_error_token = case _ of
T.ParsingError {error, position} ->
"position " <> show position <> " " <> maybe "" string_error_token error
string_error_token :: T.TokenParsingError -> String
string_error_token = case _ of
T.CannotParse -> "cannot parse the token"
T.CannotEntirelyParse -> "cannot entirely parse the token"
T.Size min max n -> "token size should be between "
<> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> " (currently: " <> show n <> ")"
handleQuery :: forall a m. MonadAff m => Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m (Maybe a)
handleQuery = case _ of
ConnectionIsDown a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = false }
pure (Just a)
ConnectionIsUp a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = true }
pure (Just a)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
-- | `App.NavigationInterface` is the navbar module.
-- |
-- | This module is required since some javascript is needed to toggle display of hidden resources.
-- | On mobile, a burger menu is displayed and hides the navigation buttons.
-- | On desktop, there is no need for this, all the navigation buttons are displayed by default.
module App.Page.Navigation where
import Prelude (Unit, (<>), not, ($), discard, pure)
-- import Data.Array as A
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
-- import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Halogen.HTML.Properties.ARIA as ARIA
import CSSClasses as C
import Bulma as Bulma
import App.Type.Pages (Page(..))
import App.Type.LogMessage (LogMessage)
data Output
= Log LogMessage
-- | Once someone clicks on a routing button, `App.Container` needs to know.
| Routing Page
-- | Once someone clicks on a the Disconnection button, `App.Container` needs to know.
| Disconnection
-- | The component needs to know when the user is logged or not.
data Query a = ToggleLogged Boolean a
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
type Input = Unit
data Action
-- | `ToggleMenu`: display or hide the content of the burger menu.
= ToggleMenu
-- | The navigation interface must be informed when the client wants to change page.
-- | The request will be propagated to the parent (`App.Container`).
-- | (`Navigate` is `App.Container.Routing`)
| Navigate Page
-- | The navigation interface must be informed when the client wants to disconnect.
-- | The request will be propagated to the parent (`App.Container`).
-- | (`UnLog` is `App.Container.Disconnection`)
| UnLog
-- | State is composed of:
-- | - `logged`, a boolean to toggle the display of some parts of the menu.
-- | - `active`, a boolean to toggle the display of the menu.
-- | - `admin`, a boolean to toggle the display of administration page link.
type State = { logged :: Boolean, active :: Boolean, admin :: Boolean }
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval { handleAction = handleAction
, handleQuery = handleQuery
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState _ = { logged: false, active: false, admin: true }
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
ToggleMenu -> H.modify_ \state -> state { active = not }
-- | Page change.
Navigate page -> H.raise $ Routing page
UnLog -> do
H.raise $ Disconnection
H.modify_ _ { logged = false }
handleQuery :: forall a m. MonadAff m => Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m (Maybe a)
handleQuery = case _ of
ToggleLogged islogged a -> do
H.modify_ _ { logged = islogged }
pure (Just a)
-- | The navigation bar is a complex component to render.
-- | The component changes when the user is authenticated.
-- | A button has to appear for administrators.
-- |
-- | On mobile (a device with low resolution), a `burger icon` appears instead of the navigation bar.
-- | When clicked, a list of options (such as pages or a disconnection button) should appear.
-- | Also, when clicked again, the list disappears.
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render { logged, active, admin } =
[ nav_brand [ logo, burger_menu ]
, nav_menu
[ navbar_start left_bar_div
, navbar_end right_bar_div
left_bar_div =
case logged, admin of
false, _ -> [ link_home, code_dropdown ]
_, false -> [ link_home, link_domains, code_dropdown ]
_, _ -> [ link_home, link_domains, link_authd_admin, code_dropdown ]
right_bar_div =
case logged of
false -> [ link_auth, link_register, link_mail_validation ]
_ -> [ link_setup, link_disconnection ]
navbar_color = C.is_success
main_nav =
HH.nav [ HP.classes $ C.navbar <> navbar_color
, ARIA.label "main navigation"
, ARIA.role "navigation"
logo = HH.strong [HP.classes $ C.navbar_item <> (C.is_size 4)] [HH.text "🔻🍉"]
-- HH.a [HP.classes C.navbar_item, HP.href "/"]
-- [HH.img [HP.src "/logo.jpeg", HP.width 112, HP.height 28]]
burger_menu =
HH.a [ HP.classes $ C.navbar_burger <> if active then C.is_active else []
, ARIA.label "menu"
, ARIA.expanded "false"
, Bulma.data_target "navbar-netlibre"
, HE.onClick (\_ -> ToggleMenu)
] [ HH.span [ARIA.hidden "true"] []
, HH.span [ARIA.hidden "true"] []
, HH.span [ARIA.hidden "true"] []
nav_brand = HH.div [HP.classes C.navbar_brand]
nav_menu = HH.div
[ "navbar-netlibre"
, HP.classes $ C.navbar_menu <> C.is_spaced <> if active then C.is_active else []
navbar_start = HH.div [HP.classes C.navbar_start]
navbar_end = HH.div [HP.classes C.navbar_end]
link_home = nav_link "Home" (Navigate Home)
link_domains = nav_link "Domains" (Navigate DomainList)
link_authd_admin = nav_link "Admin" (Navigate Administration)
link_auth = nav_link "Login" (Navigate Authentication)
link_register = nav_link_strong "Register" (Navigate Registration)
link_mail_validation = nav_link "Mail verification" (Navigate MailValidation)
link_setup = nav_link_warn "⚒ Setup" (Navigate Setup)
link_disconnection =
nav_link_ (C.has_text_light <> C.has_background_danger) "Disconnection" UnLog
dropdown title dropdown_elements
= HH.div [HP.classes $ C.navbar_item <> C.has_dropdown <> C.is_hoverable]
[ dropdown_title title, HH.div [HP.classes C.navbar_dropdown] dropdown_elements ]
dropdown_title str = HH.a [HP.classes C.navbar_link] [HH.text str]
dropdown_element link str = HH.a [HP.classes C.navbar_item, HP.href link] [HH.text str]
dropdown_separator = [HP.classes C.navbar_divider]
--nav_button_strong str action = btn C.is_primary action (HH.strong [] [ HH.text str ])
--nav_button classes str action = btn classes action (HH.text str)
nav_link_strong str action =
HH.a [ HP.classes (C.navbar_item <> C.is_danger <> C.has_background_success_dark)
, HE.onClick (\_ -> action)
] [ (HH.strong [] [ HH.text str ]) ]
nav_link str action = nav_link_ navbar_color str action
nav_link_warn str action = nav_link_ (C.has_background_warning <> C.has_text_dark) str action
nav_link_ classes str action =
HH.a [ HP.classes (C.navbar_item <> classes)
, HE.onClick (\_ -> action)
] [ (HH.text str) ]
code_dropdown =
dropdown "Source code"
[ dropdown_element "" "authentication daemon"
, dropdown_element "" "dnsmanager server"
, dropdown_separator
, dropdown_element
"(temporary repo) dnsmanager website"
--btn c action str
-- = HH.a [ HP.classes (C.navbar_item <> C.button <> c)
-- , HE.onClick (\_ -> action)
-- ] [ str ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
-- | `App.RegistrationInterface` is a registration interface.
-- | Registration requires a login, an email address and a password.
module App.Page.Registration where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, pure, ($), (<<<), (<>), map, show)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Web.Event.Event as Event
import Web.Event.Event (Event)
import Bulma as Bulma
import App.Type.Email as Email
import App.Type.LogMessage
import App.Message.AuthenticationDaemon as AuthD
import App.Validation.Login as L
import App.Validation.Email as E
import App.Validation.Password as P
data Output
= MessageToSend ArrayBuffer
| Log LogMessage
-- | The component is informed when the connection went up or down.
data Query a
= ConnectionIsDown a
| ConnectionIsUp a
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
type Input = Unit
data RegisterInput
= REG_INP_login String
| REG_INP_email String
| REG_INP_pass String
data Action
-- | Simply get the inputs from the form.
= HandleRegisterInput RegisterInput
-- | Validate inputs (login, email, password) then send the request
-- | (via `SendRegistrationRequest`) or log errors.
| ValidateInputs Event
-- | Send the registration request to `dnsmanagerd`.
-- | This action is automatically called from `ValidateInputs`.
| SendRegistrationRequest
-- | The possible errors come from either the login, email or password input.
data Error
= Login (Array L.Error)
| Email (Array E.Error)
| Password (Array P.Error)
-- | The whole registration form is composed of three strings: login, email and password.
type StateRegistrationForm = { login :: String, email :: String, pass :: String }
-- | State is composed of the registration form, the errors and an indication whether
-- | the websocket connection with `authd` is up or not.
type State =
{ registrationForm :: StateRegistrationForm
, errors :: Array Error
, wsUp :: Boolean
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState _ =
{ registrationForm: { login: "", email: "", pass: "" }
, errors: []
, wsUp: true
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
, handleQuery = handleQuery
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render { wsUp, registrationForm }
= Bulma.section_small
[ case wsUp of
false -> Bulma.p "You are disconnected."
true -> Bulma.columns_ [ b registration_form ]
b e = Bulma.column_ [ e ]
registration_form = [ Bulma.h3 "Register!", render_register_form ]
should_be_disabled = (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
render_register_form = HH.form
[ HE.onSubmit ValidateInputs ]
[ Bulma.box_input "loginREGISTER" "Login" "login" -- title, placeholder
(HandleRegisterInput <<< REG_INP_login) -- action
registrationForm.login -- value
should_be_disabled -- condition
, Bulma.box_input "emailREGISTER" "Email" "" -- title, placeholder
(HandleRegisterInput <<< REG_INP_email) -- action
|||| -- value
should_be_disabled -- condition
, Bulma.box_password "passwordREGISTER" "Password" "password" -- title, placeholder
(HandleRegisterInput <<< REG_INP_pass) -- action
registrationForm.pass -- value
should_be_disabled -- condition
, HH.div_
[ HH.button
[ "padding: 0.5rem 1.25rem;"
, HP.type_ HP.ButtonSubmit
, (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
[ HH.text "Send Message to Server" ]
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
HandleRegisterInput reginp -> do
case reginp of
REG_INP_login v -> H.modify_ _ { registrationForm { login = v } }
REG_INP_email v -> H.modify_ _ { registrationForm { email = v } }
REG_INP_pass v -> H.modify_ _ { registrationForm { pass = v } }
-- Validate inputs (login, email, password) then send the request
-- (via SendRegistrationRequest) or log errors.
ValidateInputs ev -> do
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault ev
{ registrationForm } <- H.get
let login = registrationForm.login
email =
pass = registrationForm.pass
case login, email, pass of
"", _, _ ->
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write your login!"
_, "", _ ->
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write your email!"
_, _, "" ->
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write your password!"
_, _, _ -> do
case L.login login, email, P.password pass of
Left errors, _, _ -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend $ show_error $ Login errors
_, Left errors, _ -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend $ show_error $ Email errors
_, _, Left errors -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend $ show_error $ Password errors
Right _, Right _, Right _ -> handleAction $ SendRegistrationRequest
SendRegistrationRequest -> do
{ registrationForm } <- H.get
let { login, email, pass } = registrationForm
message <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $
AuthD.MkRegister { login, email: Just (Email.Email email), password: pass }
H.raise $ MessageToSend message
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Trying to register (login: " <> login <> ")"
show_error :: Error -> String
show_error = case _ of
Login arr -> "Error with the Login: " <> (A.fold $ map show_error_login arr)
Email arr -> "Error with the Email: " <> (A.fold $ map show_error_email arr)
Password arr -> "Error with the Password: " <> (A.fold $ map show_error_password arr)
show_error_login :: L.Error -> String
show_error_login = case _ of
L.ParsingError {error, position} ->
"position " <> show position <> " " <> maybe "" string_error_login error
string_error_login :: L.LoginParsingError -> String
string_error_login = case _ of
L.CannotParse -> "cannot parse the login"
L.CannotEntirelyParse -> "cannot entirely parse the login"
L.Size min max n -> "login size should be between "
<> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> " (currently: " <> show n <> ")"
show_error_email :: E.Error -> String
show_error_email = case _ of
E.ParsingError {error, position} ->
"position " <> show position <> " " <> maybe "" string_error_email error
string_error_email :: E.EmailParsingError -> String
string_error_email = case _ of
E.CannotParse -> "cannot parse the email"
E.CannotEntirelyParse -> "cannot entirely parse the email"
E.Size min max n -> "email size should be between "
<> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> " (currently: " <> show n <> ")"
show_error_password :: P.Error -> String
show_error_password = case _ of
P.ParsingError {error, position} ->
"position " <> show position <> " " <> maybe "" string_error_password error
string_error_password :: P.PasswordParsingError -> String
string_error_password = case _ of
P.CannotParse -> "cannot parse the password"
P.CannotEntirelyParse -> "cannot entirely parse the password"
P.Size min max n -> "password size should be between "
<> show min <> " and " <> show max
<> " (currently: " <> show n <> ")"
handleQuery :: forall a m. MonadAff m => Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m (Maybe a)
handleQuery = case _ of
ConnectionIsDown a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = false }
pure (Just a)
ConnectionIsUp a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = true }
pure (Just a)
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
-- | `App.SetupInterface` allows users to change their password or their email address.
-- | Users can also erase their account.
module App.Page.Setup where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, pure, ($), (<<<), (==))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Web.Event.Event as Event
import Web.Event.Event (Event)
import Bulma as Bulma
import App.Type.LogMessage
import App.Message.AuthenticationDaemon as AuthD
data Output
= Log LogMessage
| ChangePassword String
| DeleteUserAccount
-- | The component's parent provides received messages.
-- |
-- | Also, the component is informed when the connection went up or down.
data Query a
= MessageReceived AuthD.AnswerMessage a
| ConnectionIsDown a
| ConnectionIsUp a
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
type Input = String
data AuthenticationInput
= AUTH_INP_login String
| AUTH_INP_pass String
data NewPasswordInput
= NEWPASS_INP_password String
| NEWPASS_INP_confirmation String
data Action
= HandleNewPassword NewPasswordInput
| ChangePasswordAttempt Event
| CancelModal
| DeleteAccountPopup
| DeleteAccount
type StateNewPasswordForm = { password :: String, confirmation :: String }
data Modal
= NoModal
| DeleteAccountModal
type State =
{ newPasswordForm :: StateNewPasswordForm
, token :: String
, wsUp :: Boolean
, modal :: Modal
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
, handleQuery = handleQuery
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState token =
{ newPasswordForm: { password: "", confirmation: "" }
, token
, modal: NoModal
, wsUp: true
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render { modal, wsUp, newPasswordForm } =
case modal of
DeleteAccountModal -> render_delete_account_modal
NoModal -> Bulma.columns_ [ b [ Bulma.h3 "Change password", render_new_password_form ]
, b [ Bulma.h3 "Delete account", render_delete_account ]
b e = Bulma.column_ [ e ]
should_be_disabled = (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
render_delete_account = Bulma.alert_btn "Delete my account" DeleteAccountPopup
render_new_password_form = HH.form
[ HE.onSubmit ChangePasswordAttempt ]
[ Bulma.box_input "passwordNEWPASS" "Password" "password"
(HandleNewPassword <<< NEWPASS_INP_password)
, Bulma.box_input "confirmationNEWPASS" "Confirmation" "confirmation"
(HandleNewPassword <<< NEWPASS_INP_confirmation)
, HH.button
[ "padding: 0.5rem 1.25rem;"
, HP.type_ HP.ButtonSubmit
, (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
[ HH.text "Send Message to Server" ]
render_delete_account_modal = Bulma.modal "Delete your account"
[ Bulma.p "Your account and domains will be removed."
, Bulma.strong "⚠ You won't be able to recover your data."
[ Bulma.alert_btn "GO AHEAD LOL" DeleteAccount
, Bulma.cancel_button CancelModal
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
HandleNewPassword authinp -> do
case authinp of
NEWPASS_INP_password v -> H.modify_ _ { newPasswordForm { password = v } }
NEWPASS_INP_confirmation v -> H.modify_ _ { newPasswordForm { confirmation = v } }
CancelModal -> do
H.modify_ _ { modal = NoModal }
DeleteAccountPopup -> do
H.modify_ _ { modal = DeleteAccountModal }
DeleteAccount -> do
H.raise $ DeleteUserAccount
handleAction $ CancelModal
ChangePasswordAttempt ev -> do
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault ev
{ newPasswordForm } <- H.get
case newPasswordForm.password, newPasswordForm.confirmation of
"" , _ -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Write your password!"
_ , "" -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Confirm your password!"
pass, confirmation -> do
if pass == confirmation
then do H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog "Changing the password"
H.raise $ ChangePassword pass
else H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Confirmation differs from password"
handleQuery :: forall a m. MonadAff m => Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m (Maybe a)
handleQuery = case _ of
-- For now, no message actually needs to be handled here.
-- Error messages are simply logged (see the code in the Container component).
MessageReceived message _ -> do
case message of
_ -> do
H.raise $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Message not handled in SetupInterface."
pure Nothing
ConnectionIsDown a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = false }
pure (Just a)
ConnectionIsUp a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = true }
pure (Just a)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
module App.Text.Explanations where
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Bulma as Bulma
expl :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
expl content = Bulma.div_content [ Bulma.explanation content ]
tokens :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
tokens = HH.div_
[ Bulma.h3 "What are tokens?"
, expl [ Bulma.p """
Tokens are a simple way to update a resource record (A or AAAA) with your current IP address.
, HH.p_ [ HH.text "Let's take an example: you have a A record (IPv4) pointing to your web server at home, "
, HH.text "but your ISP changes your IP address from time to time. "
, HH.text "You can ask for a token (which looks like "
, HH.u_ [HH.text "53be0c45-61c4-4d29-8ae9-c2cc8767603d"]
, HH.text ") for this specific entry, then make your server regularly visit the following website."
, expl [ HH.p_ [ HH.text ""
, HH.u_ [HH.text "<your-token>"]
, Bulma.p "For example:"
, Bulma.h3 "How to automate the update of my IP address?"
, Bulma.p "On Linux, you can make your computer access the update link with the following command."
, expl [ Bulma.strong "wget<token>" ]
, Bulma.p """
No need for a more complex program. This works just fine.
And you can run this command every hour.
For example, in your crontab (Linux and Unix related):
, expl [ Bulma.strong "0 * * * * wget <url>" ]
, Bulma.p """
Commands for other operating systems may differ, but you get the idea.
, Bulma.h3 "The obvious trap ⚠"
, Bulma.p """
Make sure to access the website using the related IP address.
To update an IPv6 address (AAAA), force your application to access the URL using an IPv6 address.
, expl [ HH.p_ [ Bulma.strong "wget -6 <url>" ]
, HH.p_ [ HH.text "To force the use of an IPv6 address." ]
, HH.p_ [ Bulma.strong "wget -4 <url>" ]
, HH.p_ [ HH.text "To force the use of an IPv4 address." ]
dkim_introduction :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i)
dkim_introduction =
[ Bulma.p """
DKIM is a way to share a public signature key for the domain.
This allows emails to be signed by the sender, and for the receiver to prove the origin of the mail.
, HH.p []
[ HH.text """
Default name is fine, change it only if you know what you are doing.
For the configuration of your mail server, remember that your
, HH.u_ [HH.text "selector"]
, HH.text " is "
, Bulma.strong "default"
, HH.text "."
dkim_default_algorithms :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i)
dkim_default_algorithms =
[ Bulma.p """
Default values should be fine (RSA + SHA256), change them only if you know what you are doing.
Just enter your public key.
spf_introduction :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i)
spf_introduction =
[ HH.p []
[ HH.text "Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is a way to tell "
, HH.u_ [HH.text "other mail servers"]
, HH.text " what are mail servers susceptible to send mails with email addresses from "
, HH.u_ [HH.text "our domain"]
, HH.text ". "
, HH.p []
[ HH.text """
This way, we can mitigate spam.
A server receiving a mail with our email address but coming from an IP address we didn't list as authorized will be discarded.
This is not a bullet-proof technique, but it's simple enough and works great with the most basic forms of spam.
, HH.p []
[ HH.text "A correctly configured domain with a mail server should only advertise the right IP addresses that can possibly send mails from the domain."
, HH.p []
[ HH.u_ [HH.text "Advice for novice users"]
, HH.text """
: default values should work great with simple domains.
spf_default_behavior :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i)
spf_default_behavior = [Bulma.p """
What should someone do when receiving a mail with your email address but not from a listed domain or IP address?
, HH.text """
By default, let's advise to drop the mail (a
, HH.u_ [HH.text "hard fail"]
, HH.text """).
The only way for DKIM to be really meaningful is to block any mail not coming from the intended email servers.
Otherwise, it's just a statu quo, and the spamming will continue.
srv_introduction :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i)
srv_introduction =
[ Bulma.p "The SRV record is a DNS RR for specifying the location of services."
, HH.p_ [ HH.text "Given a specific "
, HH.u_ [HH.text "service name"]
, HH.text " (which may be arbitrary) and a "
, HH.u_ [HH.text "protocol"]
, HH.text " (such as TCP or UDP), you can tell where the server is (address name and port). "
, HH.text """
Both the names of the service and the protocol are used to construct the name of the RR.
, HH.p_ [ HH.text "For example, for a service named "
, HH.u_ [HH.text "voip"]
, HH.text " and given that this service uses the TCP protocol, you can specify that the target is "
, HH.u_ [HH.text ""]
, HH.text "."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
-- | The application accepts to add a few new entry types in a DNS zone.
-- | Each resource record has a specific form, with dedicated inputs and
-- | dedicated validation.
module App.Type.AcceptedRRTypes where
import Prelude
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
data AcceptedRRTypes
= A
| NS
| MX
derive instance genericMyADT :: Generic AcceptedRRTypes _
instance showMyADT :: Show AcceptedRRTypes where
show = genericShow
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
module App.Type.DKIM where
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Codec.Argonaut (JsonCodec)
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR
type PublicKey = String
type DKIM
= { v :: Maybe Version -- v= "DKIM1", entirely optional (for now, even ignored).
, k :: Maybe SignatureAlgorithm -- k= Key type (optional, default is "rsa").
, h :: Maybe HashingAlgorithm -- h= hash algorigthm (optional, "sha1" or "sha256" from RFC6376)
, p :: PublicKey -- p= Public-key data (base64; REQUIRED).
-- The syntax and semantics of this tag value before being
-- encoded in base64 are defined by the "k=" tag.
, n :: Maybe String -- n= Notes that might be of interest to a human (optional)
codec :: JsonCodec DKIM
codec = CA.object "DKIM"
{ v: CAR.optional codecVersion
, k: CAR.optional codecSignatureAlgorithm
, h: CAR.optional codecHashingAlgorithm
, p: CA.string
, n: CAR.optional CA.string
emptyDKIMRR = { v: Nothing, k: Just RSA, h: Just SHA256, p: "", n: Nothing }
-- RFC6376 section
-- All DKIM keys are stored in a subdomain named "_domainkey". Given a
-- DKIM-Signature field with a "d=" tag of "" and an "s=" tag
-- of "", the DNS query will be for
-- "".
data HashingAlgorithm = {- SHA1 | -} SHA256
hash_algos = [ {- "sha1", -} SHA256] :: Array HashingAlgorithm
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `HashingAlgorithm`.
codecHashingAlgorithm :: CA.JsonCodec HashingAlgorithm
codecHashingAlgorithm = CA.prismaticCodec "HashingAlgorithm" str_to_hashing_algorithm show_hashing_algorithm CA.string
str_to_hashing_algorithm :: String -> Maybe HashingAlgorithm
str_to_hashing_algorithm = case _ of
-- "sha1" -> Just SHA1
"sha256" -> Just SHA256
_ -> Nothing
show_hashing_algorithm :: HashingAlgorithm -> String
show_hashing_algorithm = case _ of
-- SHA1 -> "sha1"
SHA256 -> "sha256"
data SignatureAlgorithm = RSA | ED25519
sign_algos = [RSA, ED25519] :: Array SignatureAlgorithm
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `SignatureAlgorithm`.
codecSignatureAlgorithm :: CA.JsonCodec SignatureAlgorithm
codecSignatureAlgorithm = CA.prismaticCodec "SignatureAlgorithm" str_to_signature_algorithm show_signature_algorithm CA.string
str_to_signature_algorithm :: String -> Maybe SignatureAlgorithm
str_to_signature_algorithm = case _ of
"rsa" -> Just RSA
"ed25519" -> Just ED25519
_ -> Nothing
show_signature_algorithm :: SignatureAlgorithm -> String
show_signature_algorithm = case _ of
RSA -> "rsa"
ED25519 -> "ed25519"
data Version = DKIM1
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `Version`.
codecVersion :: CA.JsonCodec Version
codecVersion = CA.prismaticCodec "Version" str_to_version show_version CA.string
str_to_version :: String -> Maybe Version
str_to_version = case _ of
"dkim1" -> Just DKIM1
_ -> Nothing
show_version :: Version -> String
show_version = case _ of
DKIM1 -> "dkim1"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module App.Type.DNSZone where
import Data.Codec.Argonaut (JsonCodec)
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR
import App.Type.ResourceRecord as RR
type DNSZone
= { domain :: String
-- List of all the zone's resource records.
, resources :: Array RR.ResourceRecord
-- Each resource record has a number, this is the ID to give to a new RR.
, current_rrid :: Int
codec :: JsonCodec DNSZone
codec = CA.object "DNSZone"
{ domain: CA.string
, resources: CA.array RR.codec
, current_rrid:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-- | TODO: Email module should include at least some sort of smart
-- | constructors, rejecting invalid email addresses.
module App.Type.Email where
import Prelude
import Data.Codec.Argonaut (JsonCodec)
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Profunctor (wrapIso)
newtype Email = Email String
derive instance newtypeEmail :: Newtype Email _
derive instance eqEmail :: Eq Email
derive instance ordEmail :: Ord Email
-- | Email.codec can be used to parse and encode email addresses.
codec :: JsonCodec Email
codec = wrapIso Email CA.string
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module App.Type.LogMessage where
data LogMessage
= SystemLog String
| UnableToSend String
| ErrorLog String
| SuccessLog String
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module App.Type.MaintenanceSubject where
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
data MaintenanceSubject
= Verbosity
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `MaintenanceSubject`
codec :: CA.JsonCodec MaintenanceSubject
codec =
CA.prismaticCodec "MaintenanceSubject" from to CA.string
from :: String -> Maybe MaintenanceSubject
from = case _ of
"verbosity" -> Just Verbosity
_ -> Nothing
to :: MaintenanceSubject -> String
to = case _ of
Verbosity -> "verbosity"
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module App.Type.Pages where
-- | This list will grow in a near future.
-- |
-- | TODO:
data Page
= Home -- | `Home`: presentation of the project.
| Authentication -- | `Authentication`: authentication page.
| Registration -- | `Registration`: to register new people.
| MailValidation -- | `MailValidation`: to validate email addresses (via a token).
| DomainList -- | `DomainList`: to list owned domains and to ask for new domains.
| Zone String -- | `Zone`: to manage a zone.
| Setup -- | `Setup`: user account administration page
| Administration -- | `Administration`: administration page (for both `authd` and `dnsmanagerd`).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module App.Type.PermissionLevel where
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
data PermissionLevel
= None
| Read
| Edit
| Admin
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `PermissionLevel`
codec :: CA.JsonCodec PermissionLevel
codec =
CA.prismaticCodec "PermissionLevel" from to CA.string
from :: String -> Maybe PermissionLevel
from = case _ of
"none" -> Just None
"read" -> Just Read
"edit" -> Just Edit
"admin" -> Just Admin
_ -> Nothing
to :: PermissionLevel -> String
to = case _ of
None -> "none"
Read -> "read"
Edit -> "edit"
Admin -> "admin"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
module App.Type.ResourceRecord where
import Prelude ((<>), map, bind, pure)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Codec.Argonaut (JsonCodec)
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR
import App.Type.DKIM as DKIM
type ResourceRecord
= { rrtype :: String
, rrid :: Int
, name :: String
, ttl :: Int
, target :: String
, readonly :: Boolean
-- MX (and SRV) specific entry.
, priority :: Maybe Int
-- SRV specific entries.
, port :: Maybe Int
, protocol :: Maybe String
, weight :: Maybe Int
-- SOA specific entries.
, mname :: Maybe String
, rname :: Maybe String
, serial :: Maybe Int
, refresh :: Maybe Int
, retry :: Maybe Int
, expire :: Maybe Int
, minttl :: Maybe Int
, token :: Maybe String
-- SPF specific entries.
, v :: Maybe String -- Default: spf1
, mechanisms :: Maybe (Array Mechanism)
, modifiers :: Maybe (Array Modifier)
, q :: Maybe Qualifier -- Qualifier for default mechanism (`all`).
, dkim :: Maybe DKIM.DKIM
-- TODO: DMARC specific entries.
codec :: JsonCodec ResourceRecord
codec = CA.object "ResourceRecord"
{ rrtype: CA.string
, rrid:
, name: CA.string
, ttl:
, target: CA.string
, readonly: CA.boolean
-- MX (and SRV) specific entry.
, priority: CAR.optional
-- SRV specific entries.
, port: CAR.optional
, protocol: CAR.optional CA.string
, weight: CAR.optional
-- SOA specific entries.
, mname: CAR.optional CA.string
, rname: CAR.optional CA.string
, serial: CAR.optional
, refresh: CAR.optional
, retry: CAR.optional
, expire: CAR.optional
, minttl: CAR.optional
, token: CAR.optional CA.string
-- SPF specific entries.
, v: CAR.optional CA.string
, mechanisms: CAR.optional (CA.array codecMechanism)
, modifiers: CAR.optional (CA.array codecModifier)
, q: CAR.optional codecQualifier
, dkim: CAR.optional DKIM.codec
type Mechanism
= { q :: Maybe Qualifier
, t :: MechanismType
, v :: String -- Value (IP addresses or ranges, or domains).
codecMechanism :: JsonCodec Mechanism
codecMechanism = CA.object "Mechanism"
{ q: CAR.optional codecQualifier
, t: codecMechanismType
, v: CA.string
-- TODO: this is debug code, before actual validation.
to_mechanism :: String -> String -> String -> Maybe Mechanism
to_mechanism q t v = do
mechanism_type <- str_to_mechanism_type t
pure { q: str_to_qualifier q, t: mechanism_type, v }
to_modifier :: String -> String -> Maybe Modifier
to_modifier t v = do
modifier_type <- str_to_modifier_type t
pure { t: modifier_type, v }
-- | `show_modifier` acts like `show_mechanism` regarding the value (meaning: it can be discarded).
-- | But this probably shouldn't since both values of modifiers actually NEED a value.
show_modifier :: Modifier -> String
show_modifier m =
let mtype = show_modifier_type m.t
value = case m.v of
"" -> ""
_ -> "=" <> m.v
in mtype <> value
show_mechanism :: Mechanism -> String
show_mechanism m =
let qualifier = case maybe "" show_qualifier_char m.q of
"+" -> ""
v -> v
mtype = show_mechanism_type m.t
value = case m.v of
"" -> ""
_ -> "=" <> m.v
in qualifier <> mtype <> value
show_qualifier_char :: Qualifier -> String
show_qualifier_char = case _ of
Pass -> "+"
Neutral -> "?"
SoftFail -> "~"
HardFail -> "-"
data MechanismType = A | IP4 | IP6 | MX | PTR | EXISTS | INCLUDE
mechanism_types :: Array String
mechanism_types = map show_mechanism_type [ A, IP4, IP6, MX, PTR, EXISTS, INCLUDE ]
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `MechanismType`.
codecMechanismType :: CA.JsonCodec MechanismType
codecMechanismType = CA.prismaticCodec "MechanismType" str_to_mechanism_type show_mechanism_type CA.string
str_to_mechanism_type :: String -> Maybe MechanismType
str_to_mechanism_type = case _ of
"a" -> Just A
"ip4" -> Just IP4
"ip6" -> Just IP6
"mx" -> Just MX
"ptr" -> Just PTR
"exists" -> Just EXISTS
"include" -> Just INCLUDE
_ -> Nothing
show_mechanism_type :: MechanismType -> String
show_mechanism_type = case _ of
A -> "a"
IP4 -> "ip4"
IP6 -> "ip6"
MX -> "mx"
PTR -> "ptr"
EXISTS -> "exists"
INCLUDE -> "include"
data ModifierType = EXP | REDIRECT
modifier_types :: Array String
modifier_types = ["exp", "redirect"]
show_modifier_type :: ModifierType -> String
show_modifier_type = case _ of
EXP -> "exp"
REDIRECT -> "redirect"
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `ModifierType`.
codecModifierType :: CA.JsonCodec ModifierType
codecModifierType = CA.prismaticCodec "ModifierType" str_to_modifier_type show_modifier_type CA.string
str_to_modifier_type :: String -> Maybe ModifierType
str_to_modifier_type = case _ of
"exp" -> Just EXP
"redirect" -> Just REDIRECT
_ -> Nothing
type Modifier = { t :: ModifierType, v :: String {- Value (domain). -} }
codecModifier :: JsonCodec Modifier
codecModifier = CA.object "Modifier" (CAR.record { t: codecModifierType, v: CA.string })
emptyRR :: ResourceRecord
= { rrid: 0
, readonly: false
, rrtype: ""
, name: ""
, ttl: 1800
, target: ""
-- MX + SRV
, priority: Nothing
-- SRV
, port: Nothing
, protocol: Nothing
, weight: Nothing
-- SOA
, mname: Nothing
, rname: Nothing
, serial: Nothing
, refresh: Nothing
, retry: Nothing
, expire: Nothing
, minttl: Nothing
, token: Nothing
-- SPF specific entries.
, v: Nothing
, mechanisms: Nothing
, modifiers: Nothing
, q: Nothing
, dkim: Nothing
data Qualifier = Pass | Neutral | SoftFail | HardFail
all_qualifiers :: Array Qualifier
all_qualifiers = [Pass, Neutral, SoftFail, HardFail]
qualifier_types :: Array String
qualifier_types = ["pass", "neutral", "soft_fail", "hard_fail"]
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `Qualifier`.
codecQualifier :: CA.JsonCodec Qualifier
codecQualifier = CA.prismaticCodec "Qualifier" str_to_qualifier show_qualifier CA.string
str_to_qualifier :: String -> Maybe Qualifier
str_to_qualifier = case _ of
"pass" -> Just Pass -- +
"neutral" -> Just Neutral -- ?
"soft_fail" -> Just SoftFail -- ~
"hard_fail" -> Just HardFail -- -
_ -> Nothing
show_qualifier :: Qualifier -> String
show_qualifier = case _ of
Pass -> "pass"
Neutral -> "neutral"
SoftFail -> "soft_fail"
HardFail -> "hard_fail"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module App.Type.UserPublic where
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Codec.Argonaut (JsonCodec)
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR
-- | Currently not the real type.
-- | Lacks 'profile' attribute.
-- TODO: add profile :: JSON any
type UserPublic = { login :: String, uid :: Int, date_registration :: Maybe String }
-- | UserPublic.codec can be used to parse and encode public user info,
-- | which can be exchanged in different messages.
codec :: JsonCodec UserPublic
codec = CA.object "UserPublic" (CAR.record { login: CA.string
, uid:
, date_registration: CAR.optional CA.string })
-- {"user":{"login":"a","uid": 1003,"date_registration":"2023-06-03T03:32:10+02:00"}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
module App.Validation.DNS where
import Prelude (apply, between, bind, map, pure, ($), (-), (<), (<>), (==))
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.String.CodeUnits as CU
import Data.String as S
import Data.Validation.Semigroup (V, invalid, toEither)
import App.Type.ResourceRecord (ResourceRecord, emptyRR, Mechanism, Modifier)
import App.Type.ResourceRecord (MechanismType(..), ModifierType(..)) as RR
import GenericParser.SomeParsers as SomeParsers
import GenericParser.Parser as G
import GenericParser.DomainParser.Common (DomainError) as DomainParser
import GenericParser.DomainParser (sub_eof) as DomainParser
import GenericParser.IPAddress as IPAddress
import GenericParser.RFC5234 as RFC5234
import App.Type.DKIM as DKIM
-- | **History:**
-- | The module once used dedicated types for each type of RR.
-- | That comes with several advantages.
-- | First, type verification was a thing, and function were dedicated to a certain type of record.
-- | Second, these dedicated types used strings for their fields,
-- | which simplifies the typing when dealing with forms.
-- | Finally, the validation was a way to convert dedicated types (used in forms)
-- | to the general type (used for network serialization).
-- | This ensures each resource record is verified before being sent to `dnsmanagerd`.
-- |
-- | The problem is that, with dedicated types, you are then required to have dedicated functions.
-- | Conversion functions are also required.
-- |
-- | Maybe the code will change again in the future, but for now it will be enough.
data Error
| VEIPv4 (G.Error IPAddress.IPv4Error)
| VEIPv6 (G.Error IPAddress.IPv6Error)
| VEName (G.Error DomainParser.DomainError)
| VETTL Int Int Int
| VETXT (G.Error TXTError)
| VECNAME (G.Error DomainParser.DomainError)
| VENS (G.Error DomainParser.DomainError)
| VEMX (G.Error DomainParser.DomainError)
| VEPriority Int Int Int
| VESRV (G.Error DomainParser.DomainError)
| VEProtocol (G.Error ProtocolError)
| VEPort Int Int Int
| VEWeight Int Int Int
-- SPF
| VESPFMechanismName (G.Error DomainParser.DomainError)
| VESPFMechanismIPv4 (G.Error IPAddress.IPv4Error)
| VESPFMechanismIPv6 (G.Error IPAddress.IPv6Error)
| VESPFModifierName (G.Error DomainParser.DomainError)
| DKIMInvalidKeySize Int Int
type AVErrors = Array Error
-- | Current default values.
min_ttl = 30 :: Int
max_ttl = 86000 :: Int
max_txt = 500 :: Int
min_priority = 0 :: Int
max_priority = 65535 :: Int
min_port = 0 :: Int
max_port = 65535 :: Int
min_weight = 0 :: Int
max_weight = 65535 :: Int
-- Functions handling network-related structures (ResourceRecord).
type RRPriority = Maybe Int
type RRPort = Maybe Int
type RRProtocol = Maybe String
type RRWeight = Maybe Int
type RRMname = Maybe String
type RRRname = Maybe String
type RRSerial = Maybe Int
type RRRefresh = Maybe Int
type RRRetry = Maybe Int
type RRExpire = Maybe Int
type RRMinttl = Maybe Int
data TXTError
= TXTInvalidCharacter
| TXTTooLong Int Int -- max current
-- | TODO: `txt_parser` is currently accepting any printable character (`vchar + sp`).
txt_parser :: G.Parser TXTError String
txt_parser = do pos <- G.current_position
v <- A.many (RFC5234.vchar <|> RFC5234.sp)
e <- G.tryMaybe SomeParsers.eof
pos2 <- G.current_position
case e of
Nothing -> G.errorParser $ Just TXTInvalidCharacter
Just _ -> do
let nbchar = pos2 - pos
if nbchar < max_txt
then pure $ CU.fromCharArray v
else G.Parser \_ -> G.failureError pos (Just $ TXTTooLong max_txt nbchar)
-- | `parse` allows to run any parser based on `GenericParser` and provide a validation error.
-- | The actual validation error contains the parser's error including the position.
parse :: forall e v. G.Parser e v -> String -> ((G.Error e) -> Error) -> V (Array Error) v
parse (G.Parser p) str c = case p { string: str, position: 0 } of
Left x -> invalid $ [c x]
Right x -> pure x.result
validationA :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationA form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
target <- parse IPAddress.ipv4 VEIPv4
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "A", name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target
, token = form.token }
validationAAAA :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationAAAA form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
-- use read_input to get unaltered input (the IPv6 parser expands the input)
target <- parse (G.read_input IPAddress.ipv6) VEIPv6
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "AAAA", name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target
, token = form.token }
validationTXT :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationTXT form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
target <- parse txt_parser VETXT
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "TXT", name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target }
validationCNAME :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationCNAME form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
target <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VECNAME
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "CNAME", name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target }
validationNS :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationNS form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
target <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VENS
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "NS", name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target }
data ProtocolError
= InvalidProtocol
protocol_parser :: G.Parser ProtocolError String
protocol_parser = do
G.string "tcp" <|> G.string "udp" G.<:> \_ -> InvalidProtocol
is_between :: Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int -> Error) -> V (Array Error) Int
is_between min max n ve = if between min max n
then pure n
else invalid [ve min max n]
validationMX :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationMX form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
target <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEMX
priority <- is_between min_priority max_priority (maybe 0 id form.priority) VEPriority
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "MX"
, name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target, priority = Just priority }
validationSRV :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationSRV form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
target <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VESRV
priority <- is_between min_priority max_priority (maybe 0 id form.priority) VEPriority
protocol <- parse protocol_parser (maybe "" id form.protocol) VEProtocol
port <- is_between min_port max_port (maybe 0 id form.port) VEPort
weight <- is_between min_weight max_weight (maybe 0 id form.weight) VEWeight
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "SRV"
, name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target
, priority = Just priority, port = Just port, protocol = Just protocol, weight = Just weight }
-- My version of "map" lol.
verification_loop :: forall a e. (a -> V (Array e) a) -> Array a -> V (Array e) (Array a)
verification_loop _ [] = pure []
verification_loop f arr =
case A.head arr, A.tail arr of
Nothing, _ -> pure []
Just value, tail -> ado
v <- f value
following <- verification_loop f $ maybe [] id tail
in [v] <> following
first :: forall a b. a -> b -> a
first a _ = a
or_nothing :: forall e. G.Parser e String -> G.Parser e String
or_nothing p = do v <- G.tryMaybe p
e <- G.tryMaybe SomeParsers.eof
case v, e of
Just value, _ -> pure value
_, Just _ -> pure ""
Nothing, Nothing -> p -- at least give the right error results
-- | `validate_SPF_mechanism` validates the different values for each mechanism.
-- | A and MX can both either doesn't have a value or a domain name.
-- | EXISTS requires a domain name.
-- |
-- | **What differs from RFC7208**:
-- | Some features of the mechanisms described in RFC7208 are lacking.
-- | For instance, INCLUDE, A, MX, PTR and EXISTS accept domain *specs* not simply domain *names*.
-- | Also, some of them should accept a CIDR, which currently isn't a thing.
-- |
-- | TODO: I don't intend to implement the full RFC7208, but accepting CIDR can be done.
validate_SPF_mechanism :: Mechanism -> V (Array Error) Mechanism
validate_SPF_mechanism m = case m.t of
-- RFC: `a = "a" [ ":" domain-spec ] [ dual-cidr-length ]`
RR.A -> test (or_nothing DomainParser.sub_eof) VESPFMechanismName
-- RFC: `mx = "mx" [ ":" domain-spec ] [ dual-cidr-length ]`
RR.MX -> test (or_nothing DomainParser.sub_eof) VESPFMechanismName
-- RFC: `exists = "exists" ":" domain-spec`
RR.EXISTS -> test DomainParser.sub_eof VESPFMechanismName
-- RFC: `ptr = "ptr" [ ":" domain-spec ]`
RR.PTR -> test (or_nothing DomainParser.sub_eof) VESPFMechanismName
-- RFC: `ip4 = "ip4" ":" ip4-network [ ip4-cidr-length ]`
RR.IP4 -> test (IPAddress.ipv4_range <|> IPAddress.ipv4) VESPFMechanismIPv4
-- RFC: `ip6 = "ip6" ":" ip6-network [ ip6-cidr-length ]`
RR.IP6 -> test (IPAddress.ipv6_range <|> IPAddress.ipv6) VESPFMechanismIPv6
-- RFC: `include = "include" ":" domain-spec`
RR.INCLUDE -> test DomainParser.sub_eof VESPFMechanismName
test :: forall e. G.Parser e String -> ((G.Error e) -> Error) -> V (Array Error) Mechanism
test p e = ado
name <- parse p m.v e
in first m name -- name is discarded
validate_SPF_modifier :: Modifier -> V (Array Error) Modifier
validate_SPF_modifier m = case m.t of
RR.EXP -> ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof m.v VESPFModifierName
in first m name -- name is discarded
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof m.v VESPFModifierName
in first m name -- name is discarded
validationSPF :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationSPF form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
mechanisms <- verification_loop validate_SPF_mechanism (maybe [] id form.mechanisms)
modifiers <- verification_loop validate_SPF_modifier (maybe [] id form.modifiers)
-- No need to validate the target, actually, it will be completely discarded.
-- The different specific entries replace `target` completely.
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "SPF"
, name = name, ttl = ttl, target = "" -- `target` is discarded!
, v = form.v, mechanisms = Just mechanisms
, modifiers = Just modifiers, q = form.q }
-- | Accepted RSA key sizes = 2048 or 4096 bits, 256 bits for ED25519.
-- |
-- | Since the public key representation for the RSA algorithm is in PKCS format (RFC 5958)
-- | then converted in PEM (RFC 7468), and knowing this format allows some optional parameters,
-- | it is not possible to expect an exact size for the public key input.
-- | Consequently, we expect *at least* an input of 250 bytes for public key, loosely leading
-- | to accept key sizes of at least 2048 bits. Maximum allowed key size is also arbitrary.
rsa_min_key_size = 250 :: Int
rsa_max_key_size = 1000 :: Int
-- | Contrary to RSA, ED25519 doesn't use a PEM-converted PKCS representation to exchange
-- | public keys, and the key size is 256 bits (32 bytes).
-- | This key is converted directly in base64, leading to a simple 44-byte key representation.
ed25519_key_size = 44 :: Int
verify_public_key :: DKIM.SignatureAlgorithm -> DKIM.PublicKey -> V (Array Error) DKIM.PublicKey
verify_public_key signalgo key = case signalgo of
DKIM.RSA -> ado
k <- if between rsa_min_key_size rsa_max_key_size (S.length key)
then pure key
else invalid [DKIMInvalidKeySize rsa_min_key_size rsa_max_key_size]
in k
DKIM.ED25519 -> ado
k <- if S.length key == ed25519_key_size
then pure key
else invalid [DKIMInvalidKeySize ed25519_key_size ed25519_key_size]
in k
validationDKIM :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationDKIM form =
let dkim = fromMaybe DKIM.emptyDKIMRR form.dkim
in ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
-- TODO: v n
p <- verify_public_key (fromMaybe DKIM.RSA dkim.k) dkim.p
-- No need to validate the target, actually, it will be completely discarded.
-- The different specific entries replace `target` completely.
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "DKIM"
, name = name, ttl = ttl, target = "" -- `target` is discarded!
, dkim = Just $ dkim { p = p } }
validation :: ResourceRecord -> Either (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validation entry = case entry.rrtype of
"A" -> toEither $ validationA entry
"AAAA" -> toEither $ validationAAAA entry
"TXT" -> toEither $ validationTXT entry
"CNAME" -> toEither $ validationCNAME entry
"NS" -> toEither $ validationNS entry
"MX" -> toEither $ validationMX entry
"SRV" -> toEither $ validationSRV entry
"SPF" -> toEither $ validationSPF entry
"DKIM" -> toEither $ validationDKIM entry
_ -> toEither $ invalid [UNKNOWN]
id :: forall a. a -> a
id x = x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
module App.Validation.Email where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Validation.Semigroup (V, invalid, toEither)
import GenericParser.RFC5322 as RFC5322
import GenericParser.SomeParsers as SomeParsers
import GenericParser.Parser as G
data EmailParsingError
= CannotParse
| CannotEntirelyParse
| Size Int Int Int
data Error
= ParsingError (G.Error EmailParsingError)
min_email_size :: Int
min_email_size = 5
max_email_size :: Int
max_email_size = 100
parse :: forall e v. G.Parser e v -> String -> ((G.Error e) -> Error) -> V (Array Error) v
parse (G.Parser p) str c = case p { string: str, position: 0 } of
Left x -> invalid $ [c x]
Right x -> pure x.result
parse_full_email :: G.Parser EmailParsingError String
parse_full_email = do
email_address <- RFC5322.address G.<:> \_ -> CannotParse
_ <- SomeParsers.eof G.<:> \_ -> CannotEntirelyParse
pos <- G.current_position
if between min_email_size max_email_size pos
then pure email_address
else G.errorParser $ Just $ Size min_email_size max_email_size pos
parserEmail :: String -> V (Array Error) String
parserEmail str = parse parse_full_email str ParsingError
email :: String -> Either (Array Error) String
email s = toEither $ parserEmail s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
module App.Validation.Label where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Validation.Semigroup (V, invalid, toEither)
import GenericParser.Parser as G
import GenericParser.SomeParsers as SomeParsers
import GenericParser.DomainParser.Common (DomainError) as DomainParser
import GenericParser.DomainParserRFC1035 (label) as RFC1035
data LabelParsingError
= CannotParse (DomainParser.DomainError)
| CannotEntirelyParse
| Size Int Int Int
data Error
= ParsingError (G.Error LabelParsingError)
min_label_size = 1 :: Int -- arbitrary
max_label_size = 63 :: Int -- arbitrary
parse :: forall e v. G.Parser e v -> String -> ((G.Error e) -> Error) -> V (Array Error) v
parse (G.Parser p) str c = case p { string: str, position: 0 } of
Left x -> invalid $ [c x]
Right x -> pure x.result
label_parser :: G.Parser LabelParsingError String
label_parser = do
input <- G.current_input
_ <- RFC1035.label G.<:> \e -> CannotParse e
_ <- SomeParsers.eof G.<:> \_ -> CannotEntirelyParse
pos <- G.current_position
if between min_label_size max_label_size pos
then pure input.string
else G.errorParser (Just $ Size min_label_size max_label_size pos)
label :: String -> Either (Array Error) String
label s = toEither $ parse label_parser s ParsingError
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module App.Validation.Login where
import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Validation.Semigroup (V, invalid, toEither)
import GenericParser.RFC5234 (alpha, digit)
import GenericParser.SomeParsers as SomeParsers
import GenericParser.Parser as G
data LoginParsingError
= CannotParse
| CannotEntirelyParse
| Size Int Int Int
data Error
= ParsingError (G.Error LoginParsingError)
min_login_size :: Int
min_login_size = 2
max_login_size :: Int
max_login_size = 50
parse :: forall e v. G.Parser e v -> String -> ((G.Error e) -> Error) -> V (Array Error) v
parse (G.Parser p) str c = case p { string: str, position: 0 } of
Left x -> invalid $ [c x]
Right x -> pure x.result
login_parser :: G.Parser LoginParsingError String
login_parser = do
input <- G.current_input
_ <- G.many1 (alpha <|> digit) G.<:> \_ -> CannotParse
_ <- SomeParsers.eof G.<:> \_ -> CannotEntirelyParse
pos <- G.current_position
if between min_login_size max_login_size pos
then pure input.string
else G.errorParser (Just $ Size min_login_size max_login_size pos)
login :: String -> Either (Array Error) String
login s = toEither $ parse login_parser s ParsingError
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module App.Validation.Password where
import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.String.CodeUnits as CU
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Validation.Semigroup (V, invalid, toEither)
import GenericParser.RFC5234 (vchar)
import GenericParser.SomeParsers as SomeParsers
import GenericParser.Parser as G
data PasswordParsingError
= CannotParse
| CannotEntirelyParse
| Size Int Int Int
data Error
= ParsingError (G.Error PasswordParsingError)
min_password_size :: Int
min_password_size = 2
max_password_size :: Int
max_password_size = 100
parse :: forall e v. G.Parser e v -> String -> ((G.Error e) -> Error) -> V (Array Error) v
parse (G.Parser p) str c = case p { string: str, position: 0 } of
Left x -> invalid $ [c x]
Right x -> pure x.result
password_parser :: G.Parser PasswordParsingError String
password_parser = do
l <- G.many1 vchar <|> G.Parser \i -> G.failureError i.position (Just CannotParse)
_ <- SomeParsers.eof <|> G.Parser \i -> G.failureError i.position (Just CannotEntirelyParse)
pos <- G.current_position
if pos < min_password_size || pos > max_password_size
then G.Parser \i -> G.failureError i.position (Just $ Size min_password_size max_password_size pos)
else pure $ CU.fromCharArray l
password :: String -> Either (Array Error) String
password s = toEither $ parse password_parser s ParsingError
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
module App.Validation.Token where
import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.String.CodeUnits as CU
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Validation.Semigroup (V, invalid, toEither)
import GenericParser.RFC5234 (vchar)
import GenericParser.SomeParsers as SomeParsers
import GenericParser.Parser as G
data TokenParsingError
= CannotParse
| CannotEntirelyParse
| Size Int Int Int
data Error
= ParsingError (G.Error TokenParsingError)
-- | TODO: this number should be exactly the size of the provided token.
min_token_size :: Int
min_token_size = 20
max_token_size :: Int
max_token_size = 60
parse :: forall e v. G.Parser e v -> String -> ((G.Error e) -> Error) -> V (Array Error) v
parse (G.Parser p) str c = case p { string: str, position: 0 } of
Left x -> invalid $ [c x]
Right x -> pure x.result
token_parser :: G.Parser TokenParsingError String
token_parser = do
l <- G.many1 vchar <|> G.Parser \i -> G.failureError i.position (Just CannotParse)
_ <- SomeParsers.eof <|> G.Parser \i -> G.failureError i.position (Just CannotEntirelyParse)
pos <- G.current_position
if pos < min_token_size || pos > max_token_size
then G.Parser \i -> G.failureError i.position (Just $ Size min_token_size max_token_size pos)
else pure $ CU.fromCharArray l
token :: String -> Either (Array Error) String
token s = toEither $ parse token_parser s ParsingError
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
-- | This component handles all WS operations.
-- | This includes telling when a connection is established or closed, and notify a message has been received.
module App.WS where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, pure, show, void, when
, ($), (&&), (<$>), (<>), (>>=), (>=>), (<<<), map, (=<<))
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (forever)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExcept)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isJust, isNothing)
import Data.String as String
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Aff (Milliseconds(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Effect (Effect)
import Foreign as F
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Halogen.Query.Event as HQE
import Halogen.Subscription as HS
import Web.Socket.BinaryType (BinaryType(ArrayBuffer))
import Web.Socket.Event.CloseEvent as WSCE
import Web.Socket.Event.EventTypes as WSET
import Web.Socket.Event.MessageEvent as WSME
import Web.Socket.ReadyState (ReadyState(Connecting, Open, Closing, Closed))
import Web.Socket.WebSocket as WS
import App.Type.LogMessage
keepalive = 30000.0 :: Number
-- Input is the WS url.
type Input = String
-- | The component can perform 4 actions: log messages, notify that a message has been received,
-- | notify when a connection has been established or when it has been closed.
data Output
-- | MessageReceived (Tuple URL message)
= MessageReceived (Tuple String ArrayBuffer) -- Provide a received message to the parent.
| WSJustConnected -- Inform the parent the connection is up.
| WSJustClosed -- Inform the parent the connection is down.
| Log LogMessage
| KeepAlive -- Ask the parent to handle a keep-alive message.
-- | The component can receive a single action from other components: sending a message throught the websocket.
data Query a = ToSend ArrayBuffer a
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
-- | `timer` triggers a `Tick` action every `keepalive` ms.
timer :: forall m a. MonadAff m => a -> m (HS.Emitter a)
timer val = do
{ emitter, listener } <- H.liftEffect HS.create
_ <- H.liftAff $ Aff.forkAff $ forever do
Aff.delay $ Milliseconds keepalive
H.liftEffect $ HS.notify listener val
pure emitter
data Action
-- | `Initialize` opens the connection (URL is received as an `input` of this component).
= Initialize
-- | The component provides a log each time a message failed to be parsed.
| WebSocketParseError String
-- | The component shows buttons when the connection is dropped for some reason.
-- | To reconnect, the button is clicked, and the `ConnectWebSocket` action is performed.
| ConnectWebSocket
-- | `SendMessage` effectively sends a message through the ws connection.
| SendMessage ArrayBuffer
-- | `Finalize` is the action performed once the component is destroyed, ending the connection.
| Finalize
-- | Tick: keep alive WS connections.
| Tick
-- | Every received websocket message and notification is handled in `HandleWebSocket`.
| HandleWebSocket (WebSocketEvent WebSocketMessageType)
-- | The type `WSInfo` helps handle a websocket.
-- | `WSInfo` is composed of an URL, an actual socket and a boolean
-- | to inform if the connection has to be re-established.
type WSInfo
= { url :: String
, connection :: Maybe WS.WebSocket
, reconnect :: Boolean
-- | The state of this component only is composed of the websocket.
type State = { wsInfo :: WSInfo }
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ initialize = Just Initialize
, handleAction = handleAction
, handleQuery = handleQuery
, finalize = Just Finalize
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState url =
{ wsInfo: { url: url
, connection: Nothing
, reconnect: false
-- | The component shows a string when the connection is established, or a button when the connection has closed.
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render { wsInfo }
= HH.div_ [ renderReconnectButton (isNothing wsInfo.connection && wsInfo.reconnect) ]
renderFootnote :: String -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
renderFootnote txt =
HH.div [ "margin-bottom: 0.125rem; color: grey;" ] [ HH.small_ [ HH.text txt ] ]
renderReconnectButton :: Boolean -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
renderReconnectButton cond =
if cond
[ HH.button
[ HP.type_ HP.ButtonButton
, HE.onClick \_ -> ConnectWebSocket
[ HH.text "Reconnect?" ]
[ renderFootnote $
"NOTE: A 'Reconnect?' button will appear if the connection drops (for URL: '"
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction action = do
{ wsInfo } <- H.get
case action of
Initialize -> do
_ <- H.subscribe =<< timer Tick
handleAction ConnectWebSocket
Tick -> H.raise KeepAlive
Finalize -> do
-- H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Closing websocket for '" <> wsInfo.url <> "'"
case wsInfo.connection of
Nothing -> H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog "No socket? How is that even possible?"
Just socket -> H.liftEffect $ WS.close socket
WebSocketParseError error ->
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ renderError (UnknownError error)
ConnectWebSocket -> do
-- H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Connecting to \"" <> wsInfo.url <> "\"..."
webSocket <- H.liftEffect $ WS.create wsInfo.url []
H.liftEffect $ WS.setBinaryType webSocket ArrayBuffer
H.modify_ _ { wsInfo { connection = Just webSocket } }
void $ H.subscribe (HandleWebSocket <$> webSocketEmitter webSocket)
SendMessage array_buffer_to_send -> do
case wsInfo.connection of
Nothing -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend $ "Websocket is down!"
Just webSocket -> H.liftEffect $ do
sendArrayBuffer webSocket array_buffer_to_send
HandleWebSocket wsEvent -> do
case wsEvent of
WebSocketMessage received_message -> do
H.raise $ MessageReceived $ Tuple wsInfo.url received_message.message
WebSocketOpen -> do
H.raise $ WSJustConnected
WebSocketClose { code, reason, wasClean } -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ renderCloseMessage code wasClean reason
maybeCurrentConnection <- H.gets _.wsInfo.connection
when (isJust maybeCurrentConnection) do
H.modify_ _ { wsInfo { connection = Nothing, reconnect = true } }
H.raise $ WSJustClosed
WebSocketError errorType -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ renderError errorType
H.raise $ WSJustClosed
:: Int
-> Boolean
-> String
-> String
renderCloseMessage code wasClean = case _ of
"" -> baseCloseMessage
reason -> baseCloseMessage <> "Reason: " <> reason
baseCloseMessage :: String
baseCloseMessage =
String.joinWith " "
[ "Connection to WebSocket closed"
, "[ CODE:" , show code , "|" , if wasClean then "CLEAN" else "DIRTY" , "]"
handleQuery :: forall a m. MonadAff m => Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m (Maybe a)
handleQuery = case _ of
ToSend message a -> do
send_message message
pure (Just a)
send_message :: forall m. MonadAff m => ArrayBuffer -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
send_message message = do
{ wsInfo } <- H.get
case wsInfo.connection of
Nothing -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Not connected to server."
Just webSocket -> do
H.liftEffect (WS.readyState webSocket) >>= case _ of
Connecting -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Still connecting to server."
Closing -> H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Connection to server is closing."
Closed -> do
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "Connection to server has been closed."
H.modify_ _ { wsInfo { connection = Nothing, reconnect = true } }
Open -> H.liftEffect $ sendArrayBuffer webSocket message
-- WebSocket mess.
data WebSocketEvent :: Type -> Type
data WebSocketEvent msg
= WebSocketMessage { message :: msg, origin :: String, lastEventId :: String }
| WebSocketOpen
| WebSocketClose { code :: Int, reason :: String, wasClean :: Boolean }
| WebSocketError ErrorType
webSocketEmitter :: WS.WebSocket -> HS.Emitter (WebSocketEvent WebSocketMessageType)
webSocketEmitter socket = do
HS.makeEmitter \push -> do
openId <- HS.subscribe openEmitter push
errorId <- HS.subscribe errorEmitter push
closeId <- HS.subscribe closeEmitter push
messageId <- HS.subscribe messageEmitter push
pure do
HS.unsubscribe openId
HS.unsubscribe errorId
HS.unsubscribe closeId
HS.unsubscribe messageId
target = WS.toEventTarget socket
openEmitter :: HS.Emitter (WebSocketEvent WebSocketMessageType)
openEmitter =
HQE.eventListener WSET.onOpen target \_ ->
Just WebSocketOpen
errorEmitter :: HS.Emitter (WebSocketEvent WebSocketMessageType)
errorEmitter =
HQE.eventListener WSET.onError target \_ ->
Just (WebSocketError UnknownWebSocketError)
closeEmitter :: HS.Emitter (WebSocketEvent WebSocketMessageType)
closeEmitter =
HQE.eventListener WSET.onClose target \event ->
WSCE.fromEvent event >>= \closeEvent ->
Just $ WebSocketClose { code: WSCE.code closeEvent
, reason: WSCE.reason closeEvent
, wasClean: WSCE.wasClean closeEvent
messageEmitter :: HS.Emitter (WebSocketEvent WebSocketMessageType)
messageEmitter = HQE.eventListener WSET.onMessage target (WSME.fromEvent >=> decodeMessageEvent)
decodeMessageEvent :: WSME.MessageEvent -> Maybe (WebSocketEvent WebSocketMessageType)
decodeMessageEvent = \msgEvent -> do
foreign' :: F.Foreign
foreign' = WSME.data_ msgEvent
case foreignToArrayBuffer foreign' of
Left errs -> pure $ WebSocketError $ UnknownError errs
Right arrayBuffer -> pure $ WebSocketMessage { message: arrayBuffer
, origin: WSME.origin msgEvent
, lastEventId: WSME.lastEventId msgEvent }
-- Errors
data ErrorType
= UnknownError String
| UnknownWebSocketError
renderError :: ErrorType -> String
renderError = case _ of
UnknownError str ->
"Unknown error: " <> str
UnknownWebSocketError ->
"Unknown 'error' event has been fired by WebSocket event listener"
-- WebSocket message type
type WebSocketMessageType = ArrayBuffer
sendArrayBuffer :: WS.WebSocket -> ArrayBuffer -> Effect Unit
sendArrayBuffer = WS.sendArrayBuffer
foreignToArrayBuffer :: F.Foreign -> Either String ArrayBuffer
= lmap renderForeignErrors
<<< runExcept
<<< F.unsafeReadTagged "ArrayBuffer"
renderForeignErrors :: F.MultipleErrors -> String
renderForeignErrors =
String.joinWith "; " <<< A.fromFoldable <<< map F.renderForeignError
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
-- | The `Bulma` module is a wrapper around the BULMA css framework.
module Bulma where
import Prelude
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import DOM.HTML.Indexed as DHI
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
-- import MissingHTMLProperties as MissingProperties
import CSSClasses as C
import Halogen.HTML.Core (AttrName(..))
-- import Web.Event.Event (type_, Event, EventType(..))
-- import Web.UIEvent.MouseEvent (MouseEvent) -- package web-uievents
columns :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type).
Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
columns classes = HH.div [ HP.classes (C.columns <> classes) ]
columns_ :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type). Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
columns_ = columns []
column :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type).
Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
column classes = HH.div [ HP.classes (C.column <> classes) ]
column_ :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type). Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
column_ = column []
h1 :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
h1 title = HH.h1 [ HP.classes (C.title) ] [ HH.text title ]
h3 :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
h3 title = HH.h3 [ HP.classes (C.title <> C.is5) ] [ HH.text title ]
zone_rr_title :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
zone_rr_title title
= HH.h3 [ HP.classes (C.title <> C.is5 <> C.has_text_light <> C.has_background_dark) ]
[ HH.text title ]
subtitle :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
subtitle title = HH.h2 [ HP.classes (C.subtitle <> C.is4) ] [ HH.text title ]
hdiv :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). Array (HH.HTML w a) -> HH.HTML w a
hdiv = HH.div [ HP.classes [HH.ClassName "mt-5"] ]
--offcolumn :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type).
-- Int -> Int -> Array (HH.HTML w a) -> HH.HTML w a
--offcolumn 0 size = HH.div [ HP.classes [HH.ClassName ("mt-"<>show size)] ]
--offcolumn offset size
-- = column [ HH.ClassName ("is-offset-" <> (show offset) <> " is-" <> (show size)) ]
input_classes :: Array HH.ClassName
input_classes = C.input <> C.is_small <> C.is_info
table :: forall w i. HH.Node DHI.HTMLtable w i
table prop xs = HH.table ([ HP.classes $ C.table ] <> prop) xs
table_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> HH.Node DHI.HTMLtable w i
table_ classes prop xs = HH.table ([ HP.classes $ C.table <> classes] <> prop) xs
mechanism_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Policy" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Type" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Value" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
modifier_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Type" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Value" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
simple_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Type" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Name" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "TTL" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Target" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Token" ]
simple_table_header_ro :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ [ HP.classes C.has_background_warning_light ]
[ [ "width: 50px;" ] [ HH.text "Type" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Name" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "TTL" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Target" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
mx_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Name" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "TTL" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Priority" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Target" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
srv_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Name" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Protocol" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Target" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Port" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "TTL" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Priority" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Weight" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
spf_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Name" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "TTL" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Version" ] -- For now, version isn't displayed.
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Mechanisms" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Modifiers" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Default Policy" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
dkim_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Name" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "TTL" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Version" ] -- For now, version isn't displayed. Assume DKIM1.
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Hash algo" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Signature algo" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Public Key" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "Notes" ]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "" ]
soa_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
= HH.thead_ [ [ HP.classes C.has_background_warning_light ]
[ HH.th_ [ HH.text "name"]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "ttl"]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "target"]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "mname"]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "rname"]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "serial"]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "refresh"]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "retry"]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "expire"]
, HH.th_ [ HH.text "minttl"]
txt_name :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
txt_name t
= [ rr_name_style ] [ rr_name_text ]
rr_name_style = "width: 80px;"
rr_name_text = HH.text t
textarea_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> HH.HTML w i
textarea_ classes placeholder value action
= HH.textarea
[ HE.onValueInput action
, HP.value value
, HP.placeholder placeholder
, HP.classes $ C.textarea <> classes
textarea :: forall w i. String -> String -> (String -> i) -> HH.HTML w i
textarea placeholder value action = textarea_ [] placeholder value action
btn_modify :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_modify action = btn_ (C.is_small <> C.is_info) "⚒" action
btn_save :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_save action = btn_ C.is_info "Save" action
btn_add :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_add action = btn_ C.is_info "Add" action
btn_delete :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_delete action = btn_ (C.is_small <> C.is_danger) "✖" action
btn_modify_ro :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
btn_modify_ro = btn_ro (C.is_small <> C.is_warning) "modify"
btn_readonly :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
btn_readonly = btn_ro (C.is_small <> C.is_warning) "read only"
btn_delete_ro :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
btn_delete_ro = btn_ro (C.is_small <> C.is_warning) "remove"
btn_ro :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> String -> HH.HTML w i
btn_ro classes title
= HH.button
[ HP.classes $ C.button <> classes
] [ HH.text title ]
-- | Create a `level`, different components that should appear on the same horizontal line.
-- | First argument, elements that should appear on the left, second on the right.
level :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
level left right = HH.nav [ HP.classes C.level ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes C.level_left ] $ itemize left
, HH.div [ HP.classes C.level_right ] $ itemize right
where itemize = map (\v -> HH.div [ HP.classes C.level_item ] [v])
btn_ :: forall w action. Array HH.ClassName -> String -> action -> HH.HTML w action
btn_ classes title action
= HH.button
[ HE.onClick \_ -> action
, HP.classes $ C.button <> classes
] [ HH.text title ]
btn :: forall w action. String -> action -> HH.HTML w action
btn title action = btn_ [] title action
alert_btn :: forall w action. String -> action -> HH.HTML w action
alert_btn title action = btn_ C.is_danger title action
render_input :: forall w i.
Boolean -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> (HP.IProp DHI.HTMLinput i) -> HH.HTML w i
render_input password id placeholder action value cond
= HH.input $
[ HE.onValueInput action
, HP.value value
, HP.placeholder placeholder
, HP.classes $ input_classes
, id
, cond
] <> case password of
false -> []
true -> [ HP.type_ HP.InputPassword ]
div_field :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
div_field = HH.div [HP.classes (C.field <> C.is_horizontal)]
div_field_label :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
div_field_label id title = HH.div [HP.classes (C.field_label <> C.normal)]
[HH.label [ HP.classes C.label, HP.for id ] [ HH.text title ]]
div_field_content :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i
div_field_content content
= HH.div [ HP.classes C.field_body ]
[ HH.div [HP.classes C.field ] [ HH.div [HP.classes C.control ] [ content ] ] ]
field_inner :: forall w i.
Boolean -> String -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> (HP.IProp DHI.HTMLinput i) -> HH.HTML w i
field_inner ispassword id title placeholder action value cond
= div_field
[ div_field_label id title
, div_field_content $ render_input ispassword id placeholder action value cond
div_field_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
div_field_ classes = HH.div [ HP.classes (C.field <> classes) ]
btn_labeled :: forall w i. String -> String -> String -> i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_labeled id title button_text action
= div_field
[ div_field_label id title
, div_field_content $ HH.button
[ HE.onClick \_ -> action
, HP.classes $ C.button <> C.is_small <> C.is_info
, id
] [ HH.text button_text ]
labeled_field :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i
labeled_field id title content
= div_field
[ div_field_label id title
, div_field_content content
box_input :: forall w i.
String -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> (HP.IProp DHI.HTMLinput i) -> HH.HTML w i
box_input = field_inner false
box_password :: forall w i.
String -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> (HP.IProp DHI.HTMLinput i) -> HH.HTML w i
box_password = field_inner true
section_small :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
section_small = HH.section [ HP.classes (C.section <> C.is_small) ]
section_medium :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
section_medium = HH.section [ HP.classes (C.section <> C.medium) ]
new_domain_field :: forall w i.
(String -> i) -> String -> Array (HP.IProp DHI.HTMLselect i) -> Array String -> HH.HTML w i
new_domain_field inputaction text_ selectaction accepted_domains
= div_field_ C.has_addons
[ HH.p
[ HP.classes C.control ]
[ HH.input $
[ HE.onValueInput inputaction
, HP.placeholder "www"
, HP.value text_
, HP.type_ HP.InputText
, HP.classes (C.is_primary <> C.input)
, HH.p
[ HP.classes C.control ]
[ select selectaction $ map option accepted_domains ]
code :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
code str = HH.code_ [ HH.text str ]
text :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
text = HH.text
p :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
p str = HH.p_ [ HH.text str ]
p_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> String -> HH.HTML w i
p_ classes str = HH.p [HP.classes classes] [ HH.text str ]
box :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
box = HH.div [HP.classes]
box_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
box_ classes = HH.div [HP.classes $ <> classes]
option :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
option value = HH.option_ [HH.text value]
select :: forall w i. HH.Node DHI.HTMLselect w i
select action options
= HH.div [ HP.classes ( <> C.is_primary) ]
[ action options]
hero :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
hero _title _subtitle
= HH.section [ HP.classes (C.hero <> C.is_info <> C.is_small) ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes C.hero_body ]
[ HH.p [ HP.classes C.title ] [ HH.text _title ]
, HH.p [ HP.classes C.subtitle ] [ HH.text _subtitle ]
small_hero :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
small_hero _title _subtitle =
HH.section [ HP.classes (C.hero <> C.is_info <> C.is_small) ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes C.hero_body ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes $ C.container <> C.has_text_centered ]
[ HH.p [ HP.classes C.title ] [ HH.text _title ]
, HH.p [ HP.classes C.subtitle ] [ HH.text _subtitle ]
hero_danger :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
hero_danger _title _subtitle
= HH.section [ HP.classes (C.hero <> C.is_danger <> C.is_small) ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes C.hero_body ]
[ HH.p [ HP.classes C.title ] [ HH.text _title ]
, HH.p [ HP.classes C.subtitle ] [ HH.text _subtitle ]
header :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
header = hero
container :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
container = HH.div [HP.classes (C.container <> C.is_info)]
data_target :: forall r i. String -> HP.IProp r i
data_target = HP.attr (AttrName "data-target")
modal_ :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
modal_ = HH.div [HP.classes (C.modal <> C.is_active)]
modal_background :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
modal_background = HH.div [HP.classes C.modal_background] []
modal_card :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
modal_card = HH.div [HP.classes C.modal_card]
modal_header :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
modal_header title = HH.header [HP.classes C.modal_card_head]
[ HH.p [HP.classes C.modal_card_title] [HH.text title]
modal_body :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
modal_body = HH.section [HP.classes C.modal_card_body]
modal_foot :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
modal_foot = HH.div [HP.classes C.modal_card_foot]
cancel_button :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
cancel_button action
= HH.button [ HP.classes C.button
, HE.onClick \_ -> action
] [HH.text "Cancel"]
strong :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
strong str = HH.strong_ [ HH.text str ]
hr :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
hr = HH.hr_
tile :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
tile classes = HH.div [HP.classes (C.tile <> classes)]
tile_ :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
tile_ = tile []
tile_danger :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
tile_danger classes = tile (C.is_danger <> C.notification <> classes)
tile_warning :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
tile_warning classes = tile (C.is_warning <> C.notification <> classes)
article_ :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i
article_ classes head body = HH.article [HP.classes (C.message <> classes)]
[ HH.div [HP.classes C.message_header] [head]
, HH.div [HP.classes C.message_body ] [body]
article :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i
article head body = article_ [] head body
error_message :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i -> HH.HTML w i
error_message head body = article_ C.is_danger head body
input_with_side_text :: forall w i.
String -> String -> String -> (String -> i) -> String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
input_with_side_text id title placeholder action value sidetext
= HH.div [HP.classes $ C.has_addons <> C.field <> C.is_horizontal]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes (C.field_label <> C.normal) ]
[HH.label [ HP.classes C.label, HP.for id ] [ HH.text title ]]
, HH.div [ HP.classes C.field_body ]
[ HH.p [HP.classes C.control]
[ HH.input $
[ HE.onValueInput action
, HP.value value
, HP.placeholder placeholder
, HP.classes $ input_classes
, id
, HH.p [HP.classes C.control]
[ HH.a [HP.classes $ C.button <> C.is_small <> C.is_static]
[HH.text sidetext] ]
-- | `modal`: create a modal by providing a few things:
-- | - a title (a simple String)
-- | - a body (`HTML` content)
-- | - a footer (`HTML` content)
modal :: forall w i. String -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
modal title body foot =
[ modal_background
, modal_card [modal_header title, modal_body body]
, modal_foot foot
-- selection: create a "select" input.
-- Get the changes with "onSelectedIndexChange" which provides an index.
selection :: forall w i. (Int -> i) -> Array String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
selection action values selected = HH.div [HP.classes $ <> C.is_normal]
[ [ HE.onSelectedIndexChange action ]
$ map (\n -> HH.option [HP.value n, HP.selected (n == selected)] [HH.text n]) values
selection_field :: forall w i. String -> String -> (Int -> i) -> Array String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
selection_field id title action values selected
= div_field
[ div_field_label id title
, div_field_content $ selection action values selected
tag_light_info :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
tag_light_info str = HH.span [HP.classes (C.tag <> C.is_info <> C.is_light)] [HH.text str]
div_large_content :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
div_large_content content = HH.div [HP.classes (C.is_large <> C.content)] content
div_content :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
div_content content = HH.div [HP.classes (C.content)] content
explanation :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
explanation content = HH.blockquote [HP.classes [HH.ClassName "justified"]] content
tabs :: forall w i. Array HH.ClassName -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
tabs classes tab_list = HH.div [HP.classes $ C.tabs <> classes] [HH.ul_ tab_list]
fancy_tabs :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
fancy_tabs arr = tabs (C.is_medium <> C.is_boxed <> C.is_centered) arr
tab_entry :: forall w i. Boolean -> String -> i -> HH.HTML w i
tab_entry active name action =
|||| (if active then [HP.classes C.is_active] else [])
[ HH.a [HE.onClick \_ -> action] [HH.text name] ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
module CSSClasses where
import Prelude (show, ($), (<>))
import Halogen.HTML as HH
margin_left :: Int -> Array HH.ClassName
margin_left size = [HH.ClassName $ "ml-" <> show size]
is :: Int -> Array HH.ClassName
is size = [HH.ClassName $ "is-" <> show size]
is_size :: Int -> Array HH.ClassName
is_size size = [HH.ClassName $ "is-size-" <> show size]
padding_left :: Int -> Array HH.ClassName
padding_left size = [HH.ClassName $ "pl-" <> show size]
box = [HH.ClassName "box"] :: Array HH.ClassName
breadcrumb = [HH.ClassName "breadcrumb"] :: Array HH.ClassName
button = [HH.ClassName "button"] :: Array HH.ClassName
buttons = [HH.ClassName "buttons"] :: Array HH.ClassName
column = [HH.ClassName "column"] :: Array HH.ClassName
columns = [HH.ClassName "columns"] :: Array HH.ClassName
container = [HH.ClassName "container"] :: Array HH.ClassName
content = [HH.ClassName "content"] :: Array HH.ClassName
control = [HH.ClassName "control"] :: Array HH.ClassName
delete = [HH.ClassName "delete"] :: Array HH.ClassName
field_body = [HH.ClassName "field-body"] :: Array HH.ClassName
field = [HH.ClassName "field"] :: Array HH.ClassName
field_label = [HH.ClassName "field-label"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_addons = [HH.ClassName "has-addons"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_danger_dark = [HH.ClassName "has-background-danger-dark"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_danger = [HH.ClassName "has-background-danger"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_danger_light = [HH.ClassName "has-background-danger-light"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_dark = [HH.ClassName "has-background-dark"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_info_dark = [HH.ClassName "has-background-info-dark"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_info_light = [HH.ClassName "has-background-info-light"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_link_dark = [HH.ClassName "has-background-link-dark"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_link_light = [HH.ClassName "has-background-link-light"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_primary_dark = [HH.ClassName "has-background-primary-dark"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_primary_light = [HH.ClassName "has-background-primary-light"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_success_dark = [HH.ClassName "has-background-success-dark"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_success_light = [HH.ClassName "has-background-success-light"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_warning_dark = [HH.ClassName "has-background-warning-dark"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_warning = [HH.ClassName "has-background-warning"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_background_warning_light = [HH.ClassName "has-background-warning-light"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_dropdown = [HH.ClassName "has-dropdown"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_succeeds_separator = [HH.ClassName "has-succeeds-separator"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_text_centered = [HH.ClassName "has-text-centered"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_text_dark = [HH.ClassName "has-text-dark"] :: Array HH.ClassName
has_text_light = [HH.ClassName "has-text-light"] :: Array HH.ClassName
help = [HH.ClassName "help"] :: Array HH.ClassName
hero_body = [HH.ClassName "hero-body"] :: Array HH.ClassName
hero = [HH.ClassName "hero"] :: Array HH.ClassName
input = [HH.ClassName "input"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is4 = [HH.ClassName "is-4"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is5 = [HH.ClassName "is-5"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_active = [HH.ClassName "is-active"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_ancestor = [HH.ClassName "is-ancestor"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_boxed = [HH.ClassName "is-boxed"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_centered = [HH.ClassName "is-centered"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_child = [HH.ClassName "is-child"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_danger = [HH.ClassName "is-danger"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_dark = [HH.ClassName "is-dark"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_horizontal = [HH.ClassName "is-horizontal"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_hoverable = [HH.ClassName "is-hoverable"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_info = [HH.ClassName "is-info"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_large = [HH.ClassName "is-large"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_light = [HH.ClassName "is-light"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_medium = [HH.ClassName "is-medium"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_normal = [HH.ClassName "is-normal"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_parent = [HH.ClassName "is-parent"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_primary = [HH.ClassName "is-primary"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_selected = [HH.ClassName "is-selected"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_small = [HH.ClassName "is-small"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_spaced = [HH.ClassName "is-spaced"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_static = [HH.ClassName "is-static"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_success = [HH.ClassName "is-success"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_vertical = [HH.ClassName "is-vertical"] :: Array HH.ClassName
is_warning = [HH.ClassName "is-warning"] :: Array HH.ClassName
label = [HH.ClassName "label"] :: Array HH.ClassName
level = [HH.ClassName "level"] :: Array HH.ClassName
level_item = [HH.ClassName "level-item"] :: Array HH.ClassName
level_left = [HH.ClassName "level-left"] :: Array HH.ClassName
level_right = [HH.ClassName "level-right"] :: Array HH.ClassName
medium = [HH.ClassName "is-medium"] :: Array HH.ClassName
message_body = [HH.ClassName "message-body"] :: Array HH.ClassName
message_header = [HH.ClassName "message-header"] :: Array HH.ClassName
message = [HH.ClassName "message"] :: Array HH.ClassName
modal_background = [HH.ClassName "modal-background"] :: Array HH.ClassName
modal_card_body = [HH.ClassName "modal-card-body"] :: Array HH.ClassName
modal_card_foot = [HH.ClassName "modal-card-foot"] :: Array HH.ClassName
modal_card_head = [HH.ClassName "modal-card-head"] :: Array HH.ClassName
modal_card = [HH.ClassName "modal-card"] :: Array HH.ClassName
modal_card_title = [HH.ClassName "modal-card-title"] :: Array HH.ClassName
modal = [HH.ClassName "modal"] :: Array HH.ClassName
navbar_brand = [HH.ClassName "navbar-brand"] :: Array HH.ClassName
navbar_burger = [HH.ClassName "navbar-burger"] :: Array HH.ClassName
navbar_divider = [HH.ClassName "navbar-divider"] :: Array HH.ClassName
navbar_dropdown = [HH.ClassName "navbar-dropdown"] :: Array HH.ClassName
navbar_end = [HH.ClassName "navbar-end"] :: Array HH.ClassName
navbar = [HH.ClassName "navbar"] :: Array HH.ClassName
navbar_item = [HH.ClassName "navbar-item"] :: Array HH.ClassName
navbar_link = [HH.ClassName "navbar-link"] :: Array HH.ClassName
navbar_menu = [HH.ClassName "navbar-menu"] :: Array HH.ClassName
navbar_start = [HH.ClassName "navbar-start"] :: Array HH.ClassName
no_margin_bottom = [HH.ClassName "mb-0"] :: Array HH.ClassName
no_padding_bottom = [HH.ClassName "pb-0"] :: Array HH.ClassName
no_padding_left = [HH.ClassName "pl-0"] :: Array HH.ClassName
no_padding_top = [HH.ClassName "pt-0"] :: Array HH.ClassName
normal = [HH.ClassName "is-normal"] :: Array HH.ClassName
notification = [HH.ClassName "notification"] :: Array HH.ClassName
section = [HH.ClassName "section"] :: Array HH.ClassName
select = [HH.ClassName "select"] :: Array HH.ClassName
subtitle = [HH.ClassName "subtitle"] :: Array HH.ClassName
table = [HH.ClassName "table"] :: Array HH.ClassName
tabs = [HH.ClassName "tabs"] :: Array HH.ClassName
tag = [HH.ClassName "tag"] :: Array HH.ClassName
tags = [HH.ClassName "tags"] :: Array HH.ClassName
textarea = [HH.ClassName "textarea"] :: Array HH.ClassName
tile = [HH.ClassName "tile"] :: Array HH.ClassName
title = [HH.ClassName "title"] :: Array HH.ClassName
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Halogen.Aff as HA
import Halogen.VDom.Driver (runUI)
import App.Container as Container
main :: Effect Unit
main = HA.runHalogenAff do
body <- HA.awaitBody
runUI Container.component unit body
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
-- | `MissingHTMLProperties` provides missing properties.
-- | This shall pretty soon be removed.
module MissingHTMLProperties where
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Halogen.HTML.Core (PropName(..),AttrName(..))
aria_current :: forall r i. String -> HP.IProp r i
aria_current = HP.attr (AttrName "aria-current")
size :: forall r i. Int -> HP.IProp (size :: Int | r) i
size = HP.prop (PropName "size")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console (log)
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
log "You should add some tests."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user