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-- | `App.HomeInterface` presents the website and its features.
module App.Page.Home where
import Prelude (Unit, pure, unit, ($))
-- import Data.Either (Either(..))
-- import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
-- import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
-- import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Bulma as Bulma
type Input = Unit
type Action = Unit
type State = Unit
data Query a = DoNothing a
type Output = Unit
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction _ = pure unit
initialState :: forall input. input -> State
initialState _ = unit
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render _ = HH.div_
[ Bulma.hero_danger
"You can register, login and play a bit with the tool! Please, report errors and suggestions"
, Bulma.section_small
[ Bulma.h1 "Welcome to netlib.re"
, Bulma.subtitle "Free domain names"
, Bulma.hr
, render_description
, render_second_line
, render_why_and_contact
, Bulma.hr
, render_how_and_code
title = Bulma.h3
p = Bulma.p
b x = Bulma.column_ [ Bulma.box [ Bulma.div_content x ] ]
render_description = Bulma.columns_ [ render_basics, render_no_expert ]
= b [ title "What is provided?"
, p "Reserve a domain name in <something>.netlib.re for free."
, p "Manage your own DNS zone."
= b [ title "No need to be an expert!"
, p """
This website will help you through your configuration, as much as we can.
render_second_line = Bulma.columns_ [ render_no_housing, render_updates ]
= b [ title "No housing, just a name"
, p """
We don't host your services or websites.
We just provide a name.
You can host your websites anywhere you want: at home for example.
= b [ title "Automatic updates"
, p "Update your records with a single, stupidly simple command. For example:"
, expl [ Bulma.strong "wget https://beta.netlib.re/token-update/<token>" ]
, p "Every A and AAAA records have tokens for easy updates!"
expl content = Bulma.div_content [ Bulma.explanation content ]
render_why_and_contact = Bulma.columns_ [ render_why, render_contact ]
= b [ title "Why?"
, p "Because everyone should be able to have a place on the Internet."
, p "We provide you a name, build something meaningful with it."
= b [ title "Contact"
, p "You have a question, you have seen a bug, you have suggestions or you just want to chat?"
, p "You can contact us: netlibre@karchnu.fr"
render_how_and_code = Bulma.columns_ [ render_how, render_code ]
= b [ title "How does this work?"
, p "We pay for the domain names (netlib.re and codelib.re) and let you have a subdomain."
, p "This service helps you manage your domain (a subdomain of netlib.re or codelib.re)."
= b [ title "I want to see the code!"
, p "The project is fully open-source (ISC licence)."
, HH.text "There are a few parts:"
, HH.ul_
[ link "https://git.baguette.netlib.re/Baguette/authd" "authd"
the authentication (and authorization) daemon, used to authenticate
clients through different services;
, link "https://git.baguette.netlib.re/Baguette/dnsmanagerd" "dnsmanagerd"
the dns manager daemon, used as an interactive database, allowing clients
to ask for domains, then handle the domain zones;
, link "https://git.baguette.netlib.re/Baguette/dnsmanager-webclient"
"dnsmanager webclient"
the web client that you are currently using, reading this very text,
and enjoying while managing your zones. 🥰
, Bulma.hr
, Bulma.p "But of course, there are a few more technical parts:"
, HH.ul_
[ link "https://git.baguette.netlib.re/Baguette/libipc" "libIPC"
the Inter Process Communication library used between different applications,
such as authd and dnsmanagerd;
, link "https://git.baguette.netlib.re/Baguette/dodb.cr" "dodb"
the Document Oriented DataBase, allowing to store serialized objects
(a Zone, a User, etc.) in simple files as opposed to the usual complexity of
traditional databases.
link url link_title content
= HH.li_ [ HH.a [HP.href url] [HH.text link_title]
, HH.text ", "
, HH.text content