#!/usr/local/bin/perl use GD; my $x = 100; my $y = 15; my $intersection = $x - 30; my $espace_entre_mots = 2; my $w1 = "Alsace"; my $w2 = "RĂ©seau"; my $w3 = "Neutre"; # create a new image $im = new GD::Image($x,$y); # allocate some colors $grey = $im->colorAllocate(140,140,140); $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255); $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0); $red = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,0); $blue = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,255); # make the background transparent and interlaced #$im->transparent($white); $im->interlaced('true'); # Put a black frame around the picture $im->rectangle(0, 0, $x -1, $y -1, $black); $im->filledRectangle(1, 1, $x -2, $y -2, $white); $im->filledRectangle(2, 2, $intersection - $espace_entre_mots, $y -3, $red); # make sure we are writing to a binary stream binmode STDOUT; # Convert the image to PNG and print it on standard output print $im->png;