Initial commit.

This commit is contained in:
Philippe Pittoli 2023-06-26 17:14:05 +02:00
commit 2d2d926416
5 changed files with 744 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

app/index.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>This is a simple pushstate example</title>
<script src="./index.js" type="module"></script>

makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
all: build
spago build
bundle: install-esbuild
PATH=$$PATH:node_modules/.bin spago bundle-app
mv index.js app/
spago repl
spago build
@echo "install ebbuild"
[ -f node_modules/.bin/esbuild ] || npm install esbuild
HTTPD_ACCESS_LOGS ?= /tmp/access.log
HTTPD_PORT ?= 35000
DIR ?= app
darkhttpd $(DIR) --addr $(HTTPD_ADDR) --port $(HTTPD_PORT) --log $(HTTPD_ACCESS_LOGS)
# NPM can serve it, but it's slow for nothing.
# npm run serve
# You can add your specific instructions there.
-include makefile.user

spago.dhall Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
{ name = "halogen-project"
, dependencies =
[ "aff"
, "arrays"
, "bifunctors"
, "const"
, "control"
, "effect"
, "either"
, "foreign"
, "halogen"
, "halogen-store"
, "maybe"
, "prelude"
, "routing"
, "routing-duplex"
, "strings"
, "tailrec"
, "transformers"
, "web-dom"
, "web-events"
, "web-html"
, "web-uievents"
, packages = ./packages.dhall
, sources = [ "src/**/*.purs", "test/**/*.purs" ]

src/Main.purs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
This Gist has:
* PushState routing
* Interception of all clicks on <a> hrefs or their children
* Login / sign out
- You "land" on the 'Secrets' page, but cannot see it until you "Login"
You can preview the appearance of this Gist on TryPureScript, but note
that the PushState routing will not work within its <iframe> environment
module Main where
import Prelude hiding ((/))
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), runExceptT, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Maybe.Trans (MaybeT(..), runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class as Rec
import Control.Monad.State (class MonadState)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Const (Const)
import Data.Either (Either(..), either, note)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isJust, isNothing, maybe)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.String as String
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect)
import Foreign as F
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.Aff as HA
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Halogen.Store.Connect as HSC
import Halogen.Store.Monad as HSM
import Halogen.Store.Select as HSS
import Halogen.VDom.Driver ( runUI )
import Routing.Duplex (RouteDuplex')
import Routing.Duplex as RD
import Routing.Duplex.Generic ( noArgs, sum )
import Routing.Duplex.Generic.Syntax ((/))
import Routing.Duplex.Parser (RouteError)
import Routing.PushState as RPS
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
import Web.DOM.Document as Document
import Web.DOM.Element as Element
import Web.DOM.Node as Node
import Web.DOM.ParentNode (QuerySelector(..))
import Web.DOM.Text as Text
import Web.Event.Event (Event)
import Web.Event.Event as Event
import Web.Event.EventTarget (EventTarget)
import Web.HTML as HTML
import Web.HTML.HTMLAnchorElement (HTMLAnchorElement)
import Web.HTML.HTMLAnchorElement as HTMLAnchorElement
import Web.HTML.HTMLElement (HTMLElement)
import Web.HTML.HTMLElement as HTMLElement
import Web.HTML.HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils as Utils
import Web.HTML.Location as Location
import Web.HTML.Window as Window
import Web.UIEvent.MouseEvent as MouseEvent
-- `Main`
main :: Effect Unit
main = HA.runHalogenAff do
selectHTML :: String -> ExceptT String Aff HTMLElement
selectHTML target = ExceptT do
maybeElement <- HA.selectElement (QuerySelector target)
pure $ maybe (Left ("'" <> target <> "' element not found")) Right maybeElement
either (throwError <<< Aff.error) pure =<< runExceptT do
html <- selectHTML "html"
body <- selectHTML "body"
H.liftEffect $ Node.removeChild (HTMLElement.toNode body) (HTMLElement.toNode html)
-- This section is to to add a stylesheet (see bottom of Gist) to the header
-- within a TryPureScript <iframe>, as I use the site a lot for small demos.
headNode <- HTMLElement.toNode <$> selectHTML "head"
doc <- ExceptT $ map (note "document not found") do
H.liftEffect $ Node.ownerDocument headNode
H.liftEffect do
styleElem <- Element.toNode <$> Document.createElement "style" doc
styleTextNode <- Text.toNode <$> Document.createTextNode stylesheet doc
Node.appendChild styleTextNode styleElem *> Node.appendChild styleElem headNode
nav <- H.liftEffect RPS.makeInterface
initialStore :: Store
initialStore = { currentUser: Nothing, loggerHist: [], nav }
routerInput :: Unit
routerInput = unit
lift do
componentAff <- runAppM initialStore componentRouter
halogenIO <- runUI componentAff routerInput html
void $ H.liftEffect $ nav # RPS.matchesWith routeParse \maybeOld new ->
when ( maybeOld /= Just new ) $
launchAff_ do
void $ halogenIO.query $ H.mkTell $ Router_Navigate new
-- Store: App-wide state
type Store =
{ currentUser :: Maybe Profile
, loggerHist :: Array String
, nav :: RPS.PushStateInterface
data StoreAction
= LoginUser Profile
| LogoutUser
| UpdateHistory String
reduce :: Store -> StoreAction -> Store
reduce store = case _ of
LoginUser profile ->
store { currentUser = Just profile }
LogoutUser ->
store { currentUser = Nothing }
UpdateHistory msg ->
store { loggerHist = msg `prependMessage` store.loggerHist }
prependMessage :: String -> Array String -> Array String
prependMessage x xs
| Array.length xs < 10 = x `Array.cons` xs
| otherwise = x `Array.cons` (Array.take 9 xs)
:: forall m r i
. MonadState { currentUser :: Maybe Profile | r } m
=> { context :: Maybe Profile | i }
-> m Unit
updateLocalState { context: newUser } = do
oldUser <- H.gets _.currentUser
when (oldUser /= newUser) do
H.modify_ _ { currentUser = newUser }
-- | AppM: Main application Monad
newtype AppM a = AppM (HSM.StoreT StoreAction Store Aff a)
runAppM :: forall q i o. Store -> H.Component q i o AppM -> Aff (H.Component q i o Aff)
runAppM initialStore = HSM.runStoreT initialStore reduce <<< H.hoist (\(AppM m) -> m )
derive newtype instance Functor AppM
derive newtype instance Apply AppM
derive newtype instance Applicative AppM
derive newtype instance Bind AppM
derive newtype instance Monad AppM
derive newtype instance MonadEffect AppM
derive newtype instance MonadAff AppM
derive newtype instance HSM.MonadStore StoreAction Store AppM
instance MonadNavigate AppM where
navigate :: Route -> AppM Unit
navigate r = do
{ nav } <- HSM.getStore
H.liftEffect $ nav.pushState (F.unsafeToForeign {}) (routePrint r)
logoutUser :: AppM Unit
logoutUser = do
HSM.updateStore LogoutUser
navigate Home
instance MonadUser AppM where
loginUser :: Username -> AppM (Maybe Profile)
loginUser username = do
HSM.updateStore $ LoginUser { username }
pure (Just { username })
instance MonadLog AppM where
log :: String -> AppM Unit
log msg = do
HSM.updateStore $ UpdateHistory msg
-- Capability classes
class Monad m <= MonadNavigate m where
navigate :: Route -> m Unit
logoutUser :: m Unit
instance MonadNavigate m => MonadNavigate ( H.HalogenM state action slots msg m ) where
navigate = H.lift <<< navigate
logoutUser = H.lift logoutUser
class Monad m <= MonadUser m where
loginUser :: Username -> m (Maybe Profile)
instance MonadUser m => MonadUser ( H.HalogenM state action slots msg m ) where
loginUser = H.lift <<< loginUser
class Monad m <= MonadLog m where
log :: String -> m Unit
instance MonadLog m => MonadLog ( H.HalogenM state action slots msg m ) where
log = H.lift <<< log
-- Data.Route
data Route
= Home
| Secrets
derive instance Generic Route _
derive instance Eq Route
derive instance Ord Route
instance Show Route where show = genericShow
routePrint :: Route -> String
routePrint = RD.print codec
routeParse :: String -> Either String Route
routeParse = lmap show <<< RD.parse codec
codec :: RouteDuplex' Route
codec = RD.root $ sum
{ "Home": noArgs
, "Secrets": "secrets" / noArgs
-- Data.Profile
type Profile = { username :: Username }
type Username = String
parseUsername :: String -> Maybe Username
parseUsername = case _ of
"" -> Nothing
str -> Just str
printUsername :: Username -> String
printUsername u = u
-- Component.Router
data Router_Query :: Type -> Type
data Router_Query a = Router_Navigate Route a
type ConnectedInput = HSC.Connected (Maybe Profile) Unit
type Router_State =
{ route :: Maybe Route
, loggerHist :: Array String
, currentUser :: Maybe Profile
data Router_Action
= Router_Initialize
| Router_Receive { input :: Unit, context :: (Maybe Profile) }
| Router_AnchorClick Event
| Router_LogMsg (Array String)
type Router_ChildSlots =
( home :: Home_Slot
, secrets :: Secrets_Slot
type RouterM = H.HalogenM Router_State Router_Action Router_ChildSlots Void AppM
type RouterHTML = H.ComponentHTML Router_Action Router_ChildSlots AppM
componentRouter :: H.Component Router_Query Unit Void AppM
componentRouter =
HSC.connect (HSS.selectEq _.currentUser) $
H.mkComponent { initialState, render, eval }
eval :: H.HalogenQ _ _ _ ~> H.HalogenM _ _ _ _ _
eval = H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
, handleQuery = handleQuery
, initialize = Just Router_Initialize
, receive = Just <<< Router_Receive
initialState :: ConnectedInput -> Router_State
initialState = \{ context: currentUser } ->
{ route: Just Secrets
, loggerHist: []
, currentUser
:: Router_Action
-> RouterM Unit
handleAction = case _ of
Router_Initialize -> do
HSM.getStore >>= \r -> H.modify_ _ { loggerHist = r.loggerHist }
loggerHistEmitter <- HSM.emitSelected (HSS.selectEq _.loggerHist)
void $ H.subscribe (Router_LogMsg <$> loggerHistEmitter)
Router_Receive input ->
updateLocalState input
Router_AnchorClick event -> do
withClickedAnchor_ event codec case _ of
LocalRoute route -> do
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault event
log $ "Local anchor link clicked for route: " <> show route
navigate route
LocalRouteError { anchorPath: path, routeError: _ } -> do
log $ "Local anchor link clicked for route that fails to parse: " <> show path
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault event
ForeignRoute { anchorHost: host, anchorHref: _ } -> do
log $ "Anchor clicked for link to foreign host: " <> show host <> " (not exiting)"
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault event
Router_LogMsg newLog -> do
currentLog <- H.gets _.loggerHist
when (newLog /= currentLog) do
H.modify_ _ { loggerHist = newLog }
handleQuery :: forall a. Router_Query a -> RouterM ( Maybe a )
handleQuery = case _ of
Router_Navigate new a -> do
{ currentUser: _, route: maybeOld } <- H.get
when (maybeOld /= Just new) do
H.modify_ _ { route = Just new }
log $ displayRouteChange maybeOld new
pure ( Just a )
labelFromMain txt = "[ main | matchesWith | Address bar path ] " <> txt
labelNavigate txt = "[ Router | Query = Navigate ] " <> txt
displayRouteChange :: Maybe Route -> Route -> String
displayRouteChange maybeOld new =
String.joinWith "\n"
[ labelFromMain $ case maybeOld of
Nothing -> "was set on load to " <> routePrint new
Just old -> "was set from " <> routePrint old <> " to " <> routePrint new
, labelNavigate $ case maybeOld of
Nothing -> "Setting local state initially to " <> show new
Just old -> "Setting local state from " <> show old <> " to " <> show new
render :: Router_State -> RouterHTML
render st@{ currentUser } =
[ css ("body "<>""), HE.onClick (Router_AnchorClick <<< MouseEvent.toEvent) ]
[ HH.nav
[ css "nav" ]
[ HH.ul
[ css "nav-ul" ]
[ renderNavItem Home "🏡" "Home"
, whenElem (isJust currentUser) \_ ->
renderNavItem Secrets "🕵" "Secrets"
, HH.main [ css "main" ]
[ renderChildren st
, HH.hr_
, HH.div [ css "logger" ]
[ HH.h2_ [ HH.text "Logger Output:" ]
, HH.ul_ (map (\x -> HH.li_ [ HH.text x ]) st.loggerHist)
renderNavItem :: forall w i. Route -> String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
renderNavItem r i label =
[ css "nav-li" ]
[ HH.text i
, HH.a
[ safeHref r, "margin-left: 0.25rem;" ]
[ HH.text label ]
renderChildren :: Router_State -> RouterHTML
renderChildren = case _ of
{ route: Nothing } ->
HH.slot_ (Proxy :: _ "home") unit componentHome unit
{ route: Just Home } ->
HH.slot_ (Proxy :: _ "home") unit componentHome unit
{ currentUser, route: Just Secrets } ->
authorize currentUser do
HH.slot_ (Proxy :: _ "secrets") unit componentSecrets unit
authorize :: Maybe Profile -> HH.HTML _ _ -> HH.HTML _ _
authorize mProfile html = case mProfile of
Nothing -> HH.slot_ (Proxy :: _ "home") unit componentHome unit
Just _ -> html
data AnchorClickResult
= LocalRoute Route
| LocalRouteError { anchorPath :: String, routeError :: RouteError }
| ForeignRoute { anchorHost :: String, anchorHref :: String }
:: Event
-> RouteDuplex' Route
-> (AnchorClickResult -> RouterM Unit)
-> RouterM Unit
withClickedAnchor_ event codec' parsedRouteAction =
void $ runMaybeT do
target <- hoistMaybe $ event
anchor <- getAnchorIfTarget target <|> walkupDomToAnchor target
utils = HTMLAnchorElement.toHTMLHyperlinkElementUtils anchor
siteHost <- H.liftEffect $ =<< Window.location =<< HTML.window
anchorHost <- H.liftEffect $ utils
anchorPath <- H.liftEffect $ Utils.pathname utils
case RD.parse codec' anchorPath of
Left routeError ->
lift $ parsedRouteAction $ LocalRouteError { anchorPath, routeError }
Right localRoute
| siteHost == anchorHost -> do
lift $ parsedRouteAction $ LocalRoute localRoute
| otherwise -> do
anchorHref <- H.liftEffect $ Utils.href utils
lift $ parsedRouteAction $ ForeignRoute { anchorHost, anchorHref }
getAnchorIfTarget :: EventTarget -> MaybeT RouterM HTMLAnchorElement
getAnchorIfTarget eventTarget =
hoistMaybe (HTMLAnchorElement.fromEventTarget eventTarget)
walkupDomToAnchor :: EventTarget -> MaybeT RouterM HTMLAnchorElement
walkupDomToAnchor eventTarget = do
targetElement <- hoistMaybe $ Element.fromEventTarget eventTarget
targetElement # Rec.tailRecM \currentElement ->
case HTMLAnchorElement.fromElement currentElement of
Nothing -> do
parent <- MaybeT $ H.liftEffect $ Node.parentElement (Element.toNode currentElement)
pure $ Rec.Loop parent
Just anchor -> do
pure $ Rec.Done anchor
hoistMaybe :: forall m a. Monad m => Maybe a -> MaybeT m a
hoistMaybe = MaybeT <<< pure
-- Component.HTML.Util
css :: forall r i. String -> HH.IProp ( class :: String | r ) i
css = HP.class_ <<< HH.ClassName
safeHref :: forall r i. Route -> HH.IProp ( href :: String | r) i
safeHref = HP.href <<< routePrint
whenElem :: forall w i. Boolean -> (Unit -> HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
whenElem cond f = if cond then f unit else HH.text ""
maybeElem :: forall w i a. Maybe a -> (a -> HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
maybeElem (Just x) f = f x
maybeElem _ _ = HH.text ""
-- Page.Home
-- (visible to both logged-in/-out users)
type Home_State =
{ currentUser :: Maybe Profile
data Home_Action
= Home_Initialize
| Home_Receive { context :: Maybe Profile, input :: Unit }
| Home_Login Event
type Home_Slot = H.Slot (Const Void) Void Unit
type HomeM = H.HalogenM Home_State Home_Action () Void AppM
type HomeHTML = H.ComponentHTML Home_Action () AppM
componentHome :: H.Component (Const Void) Unit Void AppM
componentHome =
HSC.connect (HSS.selectEq _.currentUser) $
H.mkComponent { initialState, render, eval }
initialState :: ConnectedInput -> Home_State
initialState =
\{ context: currentUser } ->
{ currentUser
eval = H.mkEval H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
, initialize = Just Home_Initialize
, receive = Just <<< Home_Receive
render :: Home_State -> HomeHTML
render { currentUser } =
[ css "page" ]
[ HH.h1_ [ HH.text "Home page" ]
, HH.p_ [ HH.text message ]
, whenElem (isNothing currentUser) \_ ->
[ HP.type_ HP.ButtonButton, HE.onClick (Home_Login <<< MouseEvent.toEvent) ]
[ HH.text "Login" ]
message :: String
message = case currentUser of
Nothing -> "Welcome, guest. Log in?"
Just { username } -> "WELCOME HOME, " <> username <> "!"
handleAction :: Home_Action -> HomeM Unit
handleAction = case _ of
Home_Initialize ->
log $ "NOTE: If you're in TryPureScript's <iframe>, PushState routing will not work"
Home_Receive i ->
updateLocalState i
Home_Login event -> do
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault event
loginUser "Alice" >>= case _ of
Nothing ->
pure unit
Just { username } ->
log $ username <> " has logged in!"
-- Page.Secrets
-- (visible to logged-in users)
type Secrets_State =
{ currentUser :: Maybe Profile
data Secrets_Action
= Secrets_Initialize
| Secrets_Receive { context :: (Maybe Profile), input :: Unit }
| Secrets_Logout Event
type Secrets_Slot = H.Slot (Const Void) Void Unit
type SecretsM = H.HalogenM Secrets_State Secrets_Action () Void AppM
type SecretsHTML = H.ComponentHTML Secrets_Action () AppM
componentSecrets :: H.Component (Const Void) Unit Void AppM
componentSecrets =
HSC.connect (HSS.selectEq _.currentUser) $
H.mkComponent { initialState, render, eval }
initialState :: ConnectedInput -> Secrets_State
initialState =
\{ context: currentUser } ->
{ currentUser
eval =
H.mkEval H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
, initialize = Just Secrets_Initialize
, receive = Just <<< Secrets_Receive
render :: Secrets_State -> SecretsHTML
render { currentUser } =
maybeElem currentUser \{ username } -> do
[ css "page" ]
[ HH.h1_ [ HH.text (username <> "'s page of secrets") ]
, HH.p_
[ HH.text "The answer is always: ", HH.code [ css "code" ] [ HH.text "traverse" ] ]
, HH.button
[ HE.onClick (Secrets_Logout <<< MouseEvent.toEvent) ]
[ HH.text "Sign out" ]
handleAction :: Secrets_Action -> SecretsM Unit
handleAction = case _ of
Secrets_Initialize ->
H.gets _.currentUser >>= case _ of
Nothing -> logoutUser
Just _ -> pure unit
Secrets_Receive input ->
updateLocalState input
Secrets_Logout event -> do
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault event
log "Signing out" *> logoutUser
-- CSS
stylesheet :: String
stylesheet =
.body {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
justify-content: space-between;
height: calc(100vh - 18px);
.main {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
height: calc(100vh - 100px);
.page {
flex: auto;
padding: 0.5rem 1.5rem;
.logger {
background: #282c34;
flex-basis: 275px;
color: #e06c75;
font-family: 'Consolas';
padding: 5px 20px 5px 20px;
.code {
color: #d63384;
.nav {
display: flex;
list-style: none;
padding: 0.5rem 1.0rem;
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
.nav-ul {
list-style-type: none;
padding-left: 0;
.nav-li {
display: inline-block;
padding: .5em 1em;
justify-content: space-between;