require "./spec_helper" WebMock.stub(:get, "").to_return(headers: {"Set-Cookie" => "id=123"}) WebMock.stub(:get, "").to_return(headers: {"Set-Cookie" => "name=kanezoh"}) WebMock.stub(:get, "").to_return(body: <<-BODY page_title BODY ) describe "Mechanize Agent test" do it "can fill and submit form" do agent = page = agent.get("") form = page.forms[0] form.field_with("name").value = "foo" form.field_with("email").value = "bar" page = agent.submit(form) page.not_nil!.code.should eq 200 page.not_nil!.body.should eq "success" end it "can fill and submit form with submit button" do agent = page = agent.get("") form = page.forms[0] form.field_with("name").value = "foo" form.field_with("email").value = "bar" submit_button = form.buttons[0] page = agent.submit(form, submit_button) page.not_nil!.code.should eq 200 page.not_nil!.body.should eq "success with button" end it "can receive and send cookie" do agent = # receive cookies agent.get("") # send cookies agent.get("") agent.request_headers["Cookie"].should eq "id=123" end it "can receive and send multiple cookies" do agent = # receive cookies1 agent.get("") # receive cookies2 agent.get("") agent.get("") agent.request_headers["Cookie"].should eq "id=123; name=kanezoh" end it "can get cookie from meta head" do agent = agent.get("") agent.get("") agent.request_headers["Cookie"].should eq "id=123" end it "doesn't send cookies to another domain" do agent = agent.get("") agent.get("") agent.request_headers["Cookie"].should eq "id=123" agent.get("") agent.request_headers.has_key?("Cookie").should eq false end it "can save history" do agent = agent.get("") agent.history.size.should eq 1 agent.history.last.title.should eq "" agent.get("") agent.history.size.should eq 2 agent.history.last.title.should eq "page_title" end it "can back previous page" do agent = agent.get("") agent.get("") agent.current_page.title.should eq "page_title" agent.back agent.current_page.title.should eq "" end end