require "../spec_helper" WebMock.stub(:get, "").to_return(body: <<-BODY page_title
BODY ) describe "Form Fields CheckBox" do agent = page = agent.get("") form = page.forms[0] it "returns checkbox status" do checkbox = form.checkboxes.first checkbox.checked?.should eq true end it "can change check status" do checkbox = form.checkboxes.first checkbox.checked?.should eq true checkbox.uncheck checkbox.checked?.should eq false checkbox.check checkbox.checked?.should eq true # #click reverses check status checkbox.checked?.should eq false checkbox.checked?.should eq true end it "doesn't included in request data if checkbox isn't checked" do checkbox = form.checkboxes.first form.request_data.should contain("remember_me=on") checkbox.uncheck form.request_data.should_not contain("remember_me=") end it "can be found by checkbox_with method" do checkbox = form.checkbox_with("remember_me") eq "remember_me" end it "can be found by checkboxes_with method" do checkboxes = form.checkboxes_with({"class" => "some_checkbox"}) checkboxes.size.should eq 2 checkboxes[0].name.should eq "remember_me" checkboxes[1].name.should eq "forget_me" end end