
276 lines
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module App.ResourceRecord where
import Prelude ((<>), map, bind, pure)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Codec.Argonaut (JsonCodec)
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR
type PubKey = String
type CryptoHash = String
type Signature = String
type Algorithm = String
type Selector = String
type Time = Int
type ResourceRecord
= { rrtype :: String
, rrid :: Int
, name :: String
, ttl :: Int
, target :: String
, readonly :: Boolean
-- MX (and SRV) specific entry.
, priority :: Maybe Int
-- SRV specific entries.
, port :: Maybe Int
, protocol :: Maybe String
, weight :: Maybe Int
-- SOA specific entries.
, mname :: Maybe String
, rname :: Maybe String
, serial :: Maybe Int
, refresh :: Maybe Int
, retry :: Maybe Int
, expire :: Maybe Int
, minttl :: Maybe Int
-- SPF specific entries.
, v :: Maybe String -- Default: spf1
, mechanisms :: Maybe (Array Mechanism)
, modifiers :: Maybe (Array Modifier)
, q :: Maybe Qualifier -- Qualifier for default mechanism (`all`).
-- DKIM is so complex, it deserves its own type.
--, dkim :: Maybe DKIM
-- TODO: DMARC specific entries.
-- DKIM specific entries.
type DKIM
= { v :: Maybe Int -- Default: 1
, a :: Maybe Algorithm -- TODO: (required), signing algorithm (example: `rsa-sha256`)
, d :: Maybe String -- TODO: (required), Signing Domain Identifier (SDID) (example: `netlib.re`)
, s :: Maybe Selector -- TODO: (required), selector (name of the DNS TXT entry for DKIM, such as `baguette` for `_baguette._dkim.netlib.re`)
, c :: Maybe Algorithm -- TODO: (optional), canonicalization algorithm(s) for header and body (ex: "relaxed/simple")
, q :: Maybe String -- TODO: (optional), default query method (example: `dns/txt`)
, i :: Maybe String -- TODO: (optional), Agent or User Identifier (AUID) (in practice, an email address)
, t :: Maybe Time -- TODO: (recommended), signature timestamp (time = number, such as `1117574938`)
, x :: Maybe Time -- TODO: (recommended), expire time (time = number, such as `1117574938`)
, l :: Maybe Int -- TODO: (optional), body length (such as `200`)
, h :: Maybe String -- TODO: (required), header fields - list of those that have been signed
, z :: Maybe String -- TODO: (optional), header fields - copy of selected header fields and values
, bh :: Maybe CryptoHash -- TODO: (required), body hash
, b :: Maybe Signature -- TODO: (required), signature of headers and body
-- h=from:to:subject:date:keywords:keywords;
-- z=From:foo@eng.example.net|To:joe@example.com|
-- Subject:demo=20run|Date:July=205,=202005=203:44:08=20PM=20-0700;
-- b=dzdVyOfAKCdLXdJOc9G2q8LoXSlEniSbav+yuU4zGeeruD00lszZVoG4ZHRNiYzR
codec :: JsonCodec ResourceRecord
codec = CA.object "ResourceRecord"
{ rrtype: CA.string
, rrid: CA.int
, name: CA.string
, ttl: CA.int
, target: CA.string
, readonly: CA.boolean
-- MX (and SRV) specific entry.
, priority: CAR.optional CA.int
-- SRV specific entries.
, port: CAR.optional CA.int
, protocol: CAR.optional CA.string
, weight: CAR.optional CA.int
-- SOA specific entries.
, mname: CAR.optional CA.string
, rname: CAR.optional CA.string
, serial: CAR.optional CA.int
, refresh: CAR.optional CA.int
, retry: CAR.optional CA.int
, expire: CAR.optional CA.int
, minttl: CAR.optional CA.int
-- SPF specific entries.
, v: CAR.optional CA.string
, mechanisms: CAR.optional (CA.array codecMechanism)
, modifiers: CAR.optional (CA.array codecModifier)
, q: CAR.optional codecQualifier
--, dkim: CAR.optional codecDKIM
type Mechanism
= { q :: Maybe Qualifier
, t :: MechanismType
, v :: String -- Value (IP addresses or ranges, or domains).
codecMechanism :: JsonCodec Mechanism
codecMechanism = CA.object "Mechanism"
{ q: CAR.optional codecQualifier
, t: codecMechanismType
, v: CA.string
-- TODO: this is debug code, before actual validation.
to_mechanism :: String -> String -> String -> Maybe Mechanism
to_mechanism q t v = do
mechanism_type <- str_to_mechanism_type t
pure { q: str_to_qualifier q, t: mechanism_type, v }
to_modifier :: String -> String -> Maybe Modifier
to_modifier t v = do
modifier_type <- str_to_modifier_type t
pure { t: modifier_type, v }
-- | `show_modifier` acts like `show_mechanism` regarding the value (meaning: it can be discarded).
-- | But this probably shouldn't since both values of modifiers actually NEED a value.
show_modifier :: Modifier -> String
show_modifier m =
let mtype = show_modifier_type m.t
value = case m.v of
"" -> ""
_ -> "=" <> m.v
in mtype <> value
show_mechanism :: Mechanism -> String
show_mechanism m =
let qualifier = case maybe "" show_qualifier_char m.q of
"+" -> ""
v -> v
mtype = show_mechanism_type m.t
value = case m.v of
"" -> ""
_ -> "=" <> m.v
in qualifier <> mtype <> value
show_qualifier_char :: Qualifier -> String
show_qualifier_char = case _ of
Pass -> "+"
Neutral -> "?"
SoftFail -> "~"
HardFail -> "-"
data MechanismType = A | IP4 | IP6 | MX | PTR | EXISTS | INCLUDE
mechanism_types :: Array String
mechanism_types = map show_mechanism_type [ A, IP4, IP6, MX, PTR, EXISTS, INCLUDE ]
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `MechanismType`.
codecMechanismType :: CA.JsonCodec MechanismType
codecMechanismType = CA.prismaticCodec "MechanismType" str_to_mechanism_type show_mechanism_type CA.string
str_to_mechanism_type :: String -> Maybe MechanismType
str_to_mechanism_type = case _ of
"a" -> Just A
"ip4" -> Just IP4
"ip6" -> Just IP6
"mx" -> Just MX
"ptr" -> Just PTR
"exists" -> Just EXISTS
"include" -> Just INCLUDE
_ -> Nothing
show_mechanism_type :: MechanismType -> String
show_mechanism_type = case _ of
A -> "a"
IP4 -> "ip4"
IP6 -> "ip6"
MX -> "mx"
PTR -> "ptr"
EXISTS -> "exists"
INCLUDE -> "include"
data ModifierType = EXP | REDIRECT
modifier_types :: Array String
modifier_types = ["exp", "redirect"]
show_modifier_type :: ModifierType -> String
show_modifier_type = case _ of
EXP -> "exp"
REDIRECT -> "redirect"
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `ModifierType`.
codecModifierType :: CA.JsonCodec ModifierType
codecModifierType = CA.prismaticCodec "ModifierType" str_to_modifier_type show_modifier_type CA.string
str_to_modifier_type :: String -> Maybe ModifierType
str_to_modifier_type = case _ of
"exp" -> Just EXP
"redirect" -> Just REDIRECT
_ -> Nothing
type Modifier = { t :: ModifierType, v :: String {- Value (domain). -} }
codecModifier :: JsonCodec Modifier
codecModifier = CA.object "Modifier" (CAR.record { t: codecModifierType, v: CA.string })
emptyRR :: ResourceRecord
= { rrid: 0
, readonly: false
, rrtype: ""
, name: ""
, ttl: 1800
, target: ""
-- MX + SRV
, priority: Nothing
-- SRV
, port: Nothing
, protocol: Nothing
, weight: Nothing
-- SOA
, mname: Nothing
, rname: Nothing
, serial: Nothing
, refresh: Nothing
, retry: Nothing
, expire: Nothing
, minttl: Nothing
-- SPF specific entries.
, v: Nothing
, mechanisms: Nothing
, modifiers: Nothing
, q: Nothing
--, dkim: Nothing
data Qualifier = Pass | Neutral | SoftFail | HardFail
all_qualifiers :: Array Qualifier
all_qualifiers = [Pass, Neutral, SoftFail, HardFail]
qualifier_types :: Array String
qualifier_types = ["pass", "neutral", "soft_fail", "hard_fail"]
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `Qualifier`.
codecQualifier :: CA.JsonCodec Qualifier
codecQualifier = CA.prismaticCodec "Qualifier" str_to_qualifier show_qualifier CA.string
str_to_qualifier :: String -> Maybe Qualifier
str_to_qualifier = case _ of
"pass" -> Just Pass -- +
"neutral" -> Just Neutral -- ?
"soft_fail" -> Just SoftFail -- ~
"hard_fail" -> Just HardFail -- -
_ -> Nothing
show_qualifier :: Qualifier -> String
show_qualifier = case _ of
Pass -> "pass"
Neutral -> "neutral"
SoftFail -> "soft_fail"
HardFail -> "hard_fail"