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module App.IPC (toIPC, fromIPC) where
import Prelude (bind, discard, ($), (>>>))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Data.UInt (fromInt)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.ArrayBuffer as ArrayBuffer
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer, DataView)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Builder as Builder
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Cast as Cast
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(ExceptT), withExceptT)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Typed as Typed
import Data.ArrayBuffer.DataView as DataView
import Parsing.DataView as Parsing.DataView
import Parsing as Parsing
import Parsing (ParseError, ParserT, runParserT)
import Web.Encoding.TextEncoder as TextEncoder
import Web.Encoding.TextDecoder as TextDecoder
import Web.Encoding.UtfLabel as UtfLabel
import Data.Either (Either)
import Effect.Exception as Exception
utf8ToArrayBuffer :: String -> Effect ArrayBuffer
utf8ToArrayBuffer s = Builder.execPutM do
textEncoder <- liftEffect TextEncoder.new
let stringbuf = Typed.buffer $ TextEncoder.encode s textEncoder
-- Put a 32-bit big-endian length for the utf8 string, in bytes.
Builder.putUint32be $ fromInt $ ArrayBuffer.byteLength stringbuf
Builder.putArrayBuffer stringbuf
toIPC :: String -> Effect ArrayBuffer
toIPC = utf8ToArrayBuffer
fromIPC :: ArrayBuffer -> Effect (Either ParseError String)
fromIPC = arrayBufferToUtf8
-- TODO: this code doesn't verify the actual length of the message.
-- An inconsistent length would be an error sign, message should be discarded
-- and the connection should be closed.
arrayBufferToUtf8 :: ArrayBuffer -> Effect (Either ParseError String)
arrayBufferToUtf8 arrayBuffer = do
textDecoder <- TextDecoder.new UtfLabel.utf8
let dataView = DataView.whole arrayBuffer
runParserT dataView do
-- First parse a 32-bit big-endian length prefix for the length
-- of the UTF-8 string in bytes.
length <- Parsing.DataView.anyInt32be
stringview <- Parsing.DataView.takeN length
stringarray <- lift $ liftEffect $ Cast.toUint8Array stringview
hoistEffectParserT $ TextDecoder.decode stringarray textDecoder
:: forall a
. Effect a
-> ParserT DataView Effect a
= Exception.try
>>> ExceptT
>>> withExceptT Exception.message
>>> Parsing.liftExceptT