
280 lines
16 KiB

module App.Messages.AuthenticationDaemon where
import Prelude (bind, pure, show, ($))
import Effect (Effect)
import Data.Argonaut.Core as J
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR
import Data.UInt (fromInt, toInt, UInt)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import App.Email as Email
import App.Phone as Phone
import App.UserPublic as UserPublic
import App.PermissionLevel as PermissionLevel
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Data.Argonaut.Parser as JSONParser
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import App.IPC as IPC
{- TODO:
For a few messages, user can be designated by a string (login) or a number (its UID).
This was simplified by using the login for each.
Maybe this could be changed in the future to match the actual possibilities of the API.
Possible requests:
- 14 type EditProfile = { token :: String, new_profile :: Hash(String, JSON::Any) }
- 15 type EditProfileContent = { token :: Maybe String, shared_key :: Maybe String, user :: Int | String | Nil, new_profile :: Hash(String, JSON::Any) }
-- Deletion can be triggered by either an admin or the user.
-- Basic message types.
-- TODO: note to myself: messages seem chaotic. Could be simpler. Should be simpler.
type Error = { reason :: Maybe String }
type Token = { uid :: Int, token :: String }
type User = { user :: UserPublic.UserPublic }
type UserAdded = { user :: UserPublic.UserPublic }
type UserEdited = { uid :: Int }
type UserValidated = { user :: UserPublic.UserPublic }
type UsersList = { users :: Array UserPublic.UserPublic }
type PermissionCheck = { user :: Int, service :: String, resource :: String, permission :: PermissionLevel.PermissionLevel }
type PermissionSet = { user :: Int, service :: String, resource :: String, permission :: PermissionLevel.PermissionLevel }
type PasswordRecoverySent = { user :: UserPublic.UserPublic }
type PasswordRecovered = { user :: UserPublic.UserPublic }
type Contacts = { user :: Int, email :: Maybe Email.Email, phone :: Maybe Phone.Phone }
type MatchingUsers = { users :: Array UserPublic.UserPublic }
type Password = String
type GetToken = { login :: String, password :: String }
type AddUser = { shared_key :: String, login :: String, password :: String, email :: Maybe Email.Email, phone :: Maybe Phone.Phone } -- profile :: Maybe Hash(String, JSON::Any)
type ValidateUser = { login :: String, activation_key :: String }
-- I'll split a message in two: either get a user by UID or by name.
-- TODO: change it for an Either Int String type.
type GetUserByUID = { user :: Int }
type GetUserByName = { user :: String }
type GetUserByCredentials = { login :: String, password :: String }
type Register = { login :: String, password :: String, email :: Maybe Email.Email, phone :: Maybe Phone.Phone } -- profile :: Maybe Hash(String, JSON::Any)
type UpdatePassword = { login :: String, old_password :: String, new_password :: String }
type ListUsers = { token :: Maybe String, key :: Maybe String }
type CheckPermission = { shared_key :: Maybe String, token :: Maybe String, user :: String, service :: String, resource :: String }
type SetPermission = { shared_key :: String, user :: String, service :: String, resource :: String, permission :: PermissionLevel.PermissionLevel }
type PasswordRecovery = { user :: String, password_renew_key :: String, new_password :: String }
type AskPasswordRecovery = { user :: String, email :: Email.Email }
type SearchUser = { user :: String }
type EditContacts = { token :: String, email :: Maybe Email.Email, phone :: Maybe Phone.Phone }
type Delete = { shared_key :: Maybe String, login :: Maybe String, password :: Maybe String, user :: String }
type GetContacts = { token :: String }
-- Related JSON codecs.
codecGetToken ∷ CA.JsonCodec GetToken
codecGetToken = CA.object "GetToken" (CAR.record { login: CA.string, password: CA.string })
codecAddUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec AddUser
codecAddUser = CA.object "AddUser" (CAR.record { shared_key: CA.string
, login: CA.string
, password: CA.string
, email: CAR.optional Email.codec
, phone: CAR.optional Phone.codec })
codecValidateUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec ValidateUser
codecValidateUser = CA.object "ValidateUser" (CAR.record { login: CA.string, activation_key: CA.string })
codecGetUserByUID ∷ CA.JsonCodec GetUserByUID
codecGetUserByUID = CA.object "GetUserByUID" (CAR.record { user: CA.int })
codecGetUserByName ∷ CA.JsonCodec GetUserByName
codecGetUserByName = CA.object "GetUserByName" (CAR.record { user: CA.string })
codecGetUserByCredentials ∷ CA.JsonCodec GetUserByCredentials
codecGetUserByCredentials = CA.object "GetUserByCredentials" (CAR.record { login: CA.string, password: CA.string })
codecRegister ∷ CA.JsonCodec Register
codecRegister = CA.object "Register" (CAR.record { login: CA.string
, password: CA.string
, email: CAR.optional Email.codec
, phone: CAR.optional Phone.codec })
codecUpdatePassword ∷ CA.JsonCodec UpdatePassword
codecUpdatePassword = CA.object "UpdatePassword" (CAR.record { login: CA.string
, old_password: CA.string
, new_password: CA.string })
codecListUsers ∷ CA.JsonCodec ListUsers
codecListUsers = CA.object "ListUsers" (CAR.record { token: CAR.optional CA.string, key: CAR.optional CA.string })
codecCheckPermission ∷ CA.JsonCodec CheckPermission
codecCheckPermission = CA.object "CheckPermission" (CAR.record { shared_key: CAR.optional CA.string
, token: CAR.optional CA.string
, user: CA.string
, service: CA.string
, resource: CA.string })
codecSetPermission ∷ CA.JsonCodec SetPermission
codecSetPermission = CA.object "SetPermission" (CAR.record { shared_key: CA.string
, user: CA.string
, service: CA.string
, resource: CA.string
, permission: PermissionLevel.codec })
codecPasswordRecovery ∷ CA.JsonCodec PasswordRecovery
codecPasswordRecovery = CA.object "PasswordRecovery" (CAR.record { user: CA.string, password_renew_key: CA.string, new_password: CA.string })
codecAskPasswordRecovery ∷ CA.JsonCodec AskPasswordRecovery
codecAskPasswordRecovery = CA.object "AskPasswordRecovery" (CAR.record { user: CA.string, email: Email.codec })
codecSearchUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec SearchUser
codecSearchUser = CA.object "SearchUser" (CAR.record { user: CA.string })
codecEditContacts ∷ CA.JsonCodec EditContacts
codecEditContacts = CA.object "EditContacts" (CAR.record { token: CA.string, email: CAR.optional Email.codec, phone: CAR.optional Phone.codec })
codecDelete ∷ CA.JsonCodec Delete
codecDelete = CA.object "Delete" (CAR.record { shared_key: CAR.optional CA.string, login: CAR.optional CA.string, password: CAR.optional CA.string, user: CA.string })
codecGetContacts ∷ CA.JsonCodec GetContacts
codecGetContacts = CA.object "GetContacts" (CAR.record { token: CA.string })
codecGotError ∷ CA.JsonCodec Error
codecGotError = CA.object "Error" (CAR.record { reason: CAR.optional CA.string })
codecGotToken ∷ CA.JsonCodec Token
codecGotToken = CA.object "Token" (CAR.record { "uid": CA.int, "token": CA.string })
codecGotPasswordRecoverySent ∷ CA.JsonCodec PasswordRecoverySent
codecGotPasswordRecoverySent = CA.object "PasswordRecoverySent" (CAR.record { user: UserPublic.codec })
codecGotUser ∷ CA.JsonCodec User
codecGotUser = CA.object "User" (CAR.record { user: UserPublic.codec })
codecGotUserAdded ∷ CA.JsonCodec UserAdded
codecGotUserAdded = CA.object "UserAdded" (CAR.record { user: UserPublic.codec })
codecGotUserEdited ∷ CA.JsonCodec UserEdited
codecGotUserEdited = CA.object "UserEdited" (CAR.record { "uid": CA.int })
codecGotUserValidated ∷ CA.JsonCodec UserValidated
codecGotUserValidated = CA.object "UserValidated" (CAR.record { user: UserPublic.codec })
codecGotPasswordRecovered ∷ CA.JsonCodec PasswordRecovered
codecGotPasswordRecovered = CA.object "PasswordRecovered" (CAR.record { user: UserPublic.codec })
codecGotUsersList ∷ CA.JsonCodec UsersList
codecGotUsersList = CA.object "UsersList" (CAR.record { users: CA.array UserPublic.codec })
codecGotPermissionCheck :: CA.JsonCodec PermissionCheck
codecGotPermissionCheck = CA.object "PermissionCheck" (CAR.record { user: CA.int
, service: CA.string
, resource: CA.string
, permission: PermissionLevel.codec })
codecGotPermissionSet :: CA.JsonCodec PermissionSet
codecGotPermissionSet = CA.object "PermissionSet" (CAR.record { user: CA.int
, service: CA.string
, resource: CA.string
, permission: PermissionLevel.codec })
codecGotContacts ∷ CA.JsonCodec Contacts
codecGotContacts = CA.object "Contacts" (CAR.record { user: CA.int
, email: CAR.optional Email.codec
, phone: CAR.optional Phone.codec })
codecGotMatchingUsers ∷ CA.JsonCodec MatchingUsers
codecGotMatchingUsers = CA.object "MatchingUsers" (CAR.record { users: CA.array UserPublic.codec })
-- All possible requests.
data RequestMessage
= MkGetToken GetToken -- 0
| MkAddUser AddUser -- 1
| MkValidateUser ValidateUser -- 2
| MkGetUserByUID GetUserByUID -- 3
| MkGetUserByName GetUserByName -- 3 (bis)
| MkGetUserByCredentials GetUserByCredentials -- 4
| MkRegister Register -- 6
| MkUpdatePassword UpdatePassword -- 7
| MkListUsers ListUsers -- 8
| MkCheckPermission CheckPermission -- 9
| MkSetPermission SetPermission -- 10
| MkPasswordRecovery PasswordRecovery -- 11
| MkAskPasswordRecovery AskPasswordRecovery -- 12
| MkSearchUser SearchUser -- 13
--| MkEditProfile EditProfile -- 14
--| MkEditProfileContent EditProfileContent -- 15
| MkEditContacts EditContacts -- 16
| MkDelete Delete -- 17
| MkGetContacts GetContacts -- 18
-- All possible answers from the authentication daemon (authd).
data AnswerMessage
= GotError Error -- 0
| GotToken Token -- 1
| GotUser User -- 2
| GotUserAdded UserAdded -- 3
| GotUserEdited UserEdited -- 4
| GotUserValidated UserValidated -- 5
| GotUsersList UsersList -- 6
| GotPermissionCheck PermissionCheck -- 7
| GotPermissionSet PermissionSet -- 8
| GotPasswordRecoverySent PasswordRecoverySent -- 9
| GotPasswordRecovered PasswordRecovered -- 10
| GotMatchingUsers MatchingUsers -- 11
| GotContacts Contacts -- 12
encode ∷ RequestMessage -> Tuple UInt String
encode m = case m of
(MkGetToken request) -> get_tuple 0 codecGetToken request
(MkAddUser request) -> get_tuple 1 codecAddUser request
(MkValidateUser request) -> get_tuple 2 codecValidateUser request
-- Both messages are actually a single message type, so they have the same number.
-- TODO: change the message codec for an Either Int String.
(MkGetUserByUID request) -> get_tuple 3 codecGetUserByUID request
(MkGetUserByName request) -> get_tuple 3 codecGetUserByName request
(MkGetUserByCredentials request) -> get_tuple 4 codecGetUserByCredentials request
(MkRegister request) -> get_tuple 6 codecRegister request
(MkUpdatePassword request) -> get_tuple 7 codecUpdatePassword request
(MkListUsers request) -> get_tuple 8 codecListUsers request
(MkCheckPermission request) -> get_tuple 9 codecCheckPermission request
(MkSetPermission request) -> get_tuple 10 codecSetPermission request
(MkPasswordRecovery request) -> get_tuple 11 codecPasswordRecovery request
(MkAskPasswordRecovery request) -> get_tuple 12 codecAskPasswordRecovery request
(MkSearchUser request) -> get_tuple 13 codecSearchUser request
-- 14 MkEditProfile
-- 15 MkEditProfileContent
(MkEditContacts request) -> get_tuple 16 codecEditContacts request
(MkDelete request) -> get_tuple 17 codecDelete request
(MkGetContacts request) -> get_tuple 18 codecGetContacts request
get_tuple :: forall a. Int -> CA.JsonCodec a -> a -> Tuple UInt String
get_tuple num codec request = Tuple (fromInt num) (J.stringify $ CA.encode codec request)
data DecodeError
| UnknownError String
| UnknownNumber
decode :: Int -> String -> Either DecodeError AnswerMessage
decode number string
= case number of
0 -> error_management codecGotError GotError
1 -> error_management codecGotToken GotToken
2 -> error_management codecGotUser GotUser
3 -> error_management codecGotUserAdded GotUserAdded
4 -> error_management codecGotUserEdited GotUserEdited
5 -> error_management codecGotUserValidated GotUserValidated
6 -> error_management codecGotUsersList GotUsersList
7 -> error_management codecGotPermissionCheck GotPermissionCheck
8 -> error_management codecGotPermissionSet GotPermissionSet
9 -> error_management codecGotPasswordRecoverySent GotPasswordRecoverySent
10 -> error_management codecGotPasswordRecovered GotPasswordRecovered
11 -> error_management codecGotMatchingUsers GotMatchingUsers
12 -> error_management codecGotContacts GotContacts
_ -> Left UnknownNumber
-- Signature is required since the compiler's guess is wrong.
error_management :: forall a. CA.JsonCodec a -> (a -> AnswerMessage) -> Either DecodeError AnswerMessage
error_management codec f
= case (parseDecodeJSON codec string) of
(Left err) -> Left (JSONERROR err)
(Right v) -> Right (f v)
parseDecodeJSON :: forall a. CA.JsonCodec a -> String -> Either String a
parseDecodeJSON codec str = do
json <- JSONParser.jsonParser str
lmap CA.printJsonDecodeError (CA.decode codec json)
serialize :: RequestMessage -> Effect ArrayBuffer
serialize request
= case (encode request) of
(Tuple messageTypeNumber string) -> IPC.toTypedIPC messageTypeNumber string
deserialize :: ArrayBuffer -> Effect (Either DecodeError AnswerMessage)
deserialize arraybuffer
= do
value <- liftEffect $ IPC.fromTypedIPC arraybuffer
pure $ case (value) of
Left err -> Left (UnknownError $ show err)
Right (Tuple messageTypeNumber string) -> case (decode (toInt messageTypeNumber) string) of
Left parsingError -> Left parsingError
Right answerMessage -> Right answerMessage