-- TODO: wrong type --home_icon :: forall r w i. Array (HP.IProp r i) -> HH.HTML w i --home_icon = HH.span -- [HP.classes [HH.ClassName "icon is-small"]] -- [HH.i ([HP.classes [HH.ClassName "fas fa-home"]] <> aria) []] -- where aria = [Aria.hidden "true"] nav_bar :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i nav_bar domain = HH.nav [ HP.classes $ C.breadcrumb <> C.is_centered <> C.has_succeeds_separator , Aria.label "breadcrumbs" ] [ HH.ul_ [ HH.li_ [ HH.a [HP.href "/"] [ HH.text "Home"] ] , HH.li [] [ HH.a [HP.href "/", aria_current "page"] [HH.text ("Domain: " <> domain)] ] ] ] -- type_selection: create a "select" input. -- Get the changes with "onSelectedIndexChange" which provides an index (from `baseRecords`) type_selection :: HH.HTML w Action type_selection = HH.div [HP.classes $ C.select <> C.is_normal] [ HH.select [ HE.onSelectedIndexChange (UpdateNewForm <<< Update_New_Form_SRR <<< Update_SRR_Type) ] $ map type_option baseRecords ] type_option n = HH.option [ HP.value n , HP.selected (n == rr.rrtype) ] [ HH.text n ] -- Get the element from the index H.modify_ _ { _newSRR = changeType state._newSRR (baseRecords A.!! val) } changeType :: forall (l :: Row Type). (SimpleRR l) -> Maybe String -> (SimpleRR l) changeType rr Nothing = rr changeType rr (Just s) = rr { rrtype = s }