Authentication Daemon Administration Interface: search for a user!

Philippe Pittoli 2024-02-17 19:04:36 +01:00
parent 98a30b6c1d
commit f53c265114
2 changed files with 80 additions and 93 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
module App.AuthenticationDaemonAdminInterface where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, not, pure, show, ($), (<<<), (<>), (=<<))
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, not, pure, show, ($), (<<<), (<>), (=<<), map)
import Bulma as Bulma
@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ import Web.HTML (window) as HTML
import Web.HTML.Window (sessionStorage) as Window
import Web.Storage.Storage as Storage
import App.UserPublic (UserPublic)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import App.LogMessage
-- import App.IPC as IPC
import App.Email as Email
-- import App.Messages.DNSManagerDaemon as DNSManager
import App.Messages.AuthenticationDaemon as AuthD
data Output
@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ data Output
| StoreState State
data Query a
= MessageReceived ArrayBuffer a
= MessageReceived AuthD.AnswerMessage a
| ConnectionIsDown a
| ConnectionIsUp a
| ProvideState (Maybe State) a
@ -56,16 +58,12 @@ data AddUserInput
| ADDUSER_INP_email String
| ADDUSER_toggle_admin
| ADDUSER_INP_pass String
| SEARCHUSER_INP_login String
| SEARCHUSER_INP_email String
| SEARCHUSER_toggle_admin
| SEARCHUSER_INP_regex String
--| SEARCHUSER_INP_domain String
data Action
= HandleAddUserInput AddUserInput
| CancelModal
| AddUserAttempt
| SearchUserAttempt
| PreventSubmit Event
@ -81,13 +79,14 @@ data Action
data Page = Home | Search | Add
type StateAddUserForm = { login :: String, admin :: Boolean, email :: String, pass :: String }
type StateSearchUserForm = { login :: String, admin :: Boolean, email :: String, domain :: String }
type StateSearchUserForm = { regex :: String {-, admin :: Boolean, domain :: String -} }
type State =
{ addUserForm :: StateAddUserForm
, searchUserForm :: StateSearchUserForm
, page :: Page
, wsUp :: Boolean
, matching_users :: Array UserPublic
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
@ -105,26 +104,29 @@ component =
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState _ = { addUserForm: { login: "", admin: false, email: "", pass: "" }
, searchUserForm: { login: "", admin: false, email: "", domain: "" }
, searchUserForm: { regex: "" {-, admin: false, domain: "" -} }
, matching_users: []
, page: Home
, wsUp: true
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render { addUserForm, searchUserForm, page, wsUp }
render { addUserForm, searchUserForm, matching_users, page, wsUp }
= HH.div_
[ [routing_search_button, routing_add_button]
, case page of
Home -> Bulma.section_small [Bulma.h3 "Select an action"]
Search -> Bulma.columns_
[ Bulma.column (C.is_size 3) [Bulma.article (Bulma.p "Search users") render_searchuser_form]
, Bulma.column_ [ Bulma.h3 "Result", Bulma.subtitle "TODO" ]
, Bulma.column_ [ Bulma.h3 "Result", show_found_users ]
Add -> Bulma.columns_
[ Bulma.column (C.is_size 5) [Bulma.article (Bulma.p "Add a new user") render_adduser_form] ]
show_found_users = HH.div_ $ map user_card matching_users
user_card user = [Bulma.p user.login]
up x = HandleAddUserInput <<< x
active = (if wsUp then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
render_adduser_form =
@ -137,49 +139,53 @@ render { addUserForm, searchUserForm, page, wsUp }
, Bulma.btn "Send" AddUserAttempt
up x = HandleAddUserInput <<< x
render_searchuser_form =
[ HE.onSubmit PreventSubmit ]
[ Bulma.box_input "login" "Login" "login" (up SEARCHUSER_INP_login) searchUserForm.login active
, Bulma.btn_labeled "adminbtn" "Admin" (show searchUserForm.admin) (HandleAddUserInput SEARCHUSER_toggle_admin)
, Bulma.box_input "email" "Email" "email" (up SEARCHUSER_INP_email) active
[ Bulma.p """
Following input accepts any regex.
This will be used to search an user based on his login, full name or email address.
, Bulma.box_input "regex" "Regex" "regex" (up SEARCHUSER_INP_regex) searchUserForm.regex active
--, Bulma.btn_labeled "adminbtn" "Admin" (show searchUserForm.admin)
-- (HandleAddUserInput SEARCHUSER_toggle_admin)
--, Bulma.box_input "domain" "Domain owned" ""
-- (up SEARCHUSER_INP_domain) active
-- (up SEARCHUSER_INP_domain) searchUserForm.domain active
, Bulma.btn "Send" SearchUserAttempt
routing_search_button = Bulma.btn "Search" $ Routing Search
routing_add_button = Bulma.btn "Add" $ Routing Add
cancel_button = Bulma.cancel_button CancelModal
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
Initialize -> do
H.raise $ AskState
sessionstorage <- H.liftEffect $ Window.sessionStorage =<< HTML.window
old_page <- H.liftEffect $ Storage.getItem "current-ada-page" sessionstorage
case old_page of
Nothing -> H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog "we hadn't changed page before reload apparently."
Just page -> case page of
"Home" -> handleAction $ Routing Home
"Search" -> handleAction $ Routing Search
"Add" -> handleAction $ Routing Add
_ -> H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog $ "reload but cannot understand old page: " <> page
Finalize -> do
state <- H.get
H.raise $ StoreState state
HandleAddUserInput adduserinp -> do
{ addUserForm, searchUserForm } <- H.get
{ addUserForm } <- H.get
case adduserinp of
ADDUSER_INP_login v -> H.modify_ _ { addUserForm { login = v } }
ADDUSER_INP_email v -> H.modify_ _ { addUserForm { email = v } }
ADDUSER_toggle_admin -> H.modify_ _ { addUserForm { admin = not addUserForm.admin } }
ADDUSER_INP_pass v -> H.modify_ _ { addUserForm { pass = v } }
SEARCHUSER_INP_login v -> H.modify_ _ { searchUserForm { login = v } }
SEARCHUSER_INP_email v -> H.modify_ _ { searchUserForm { email = v } }
SEARCHUSER_toggle_admin -> H.modify_ _ { searchUserForm { admin = not searchUserForm.admin } }
-- SEARCHUSER_INP_domain v -> H.modify_ _ { searchUserForm { domain = v } }
SEARCHUSER_INP_regex v -> H.modify_ _ { searchUserForm { regex = v } }
PreventSubmit ev -> H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault ev
CancelModal -> do
handleAction $ Routing Search
AddUserAttempt -> do
{ addUserForm } <- H.get
let login = addUserForm.login
@ -209,18 +215,19 @@ handleAction = case _ of
H.modify_ _ { page = page }
SearchUserAttempt -> do
--{ searchUserForm } <- H.get
--let login = searchUserForm.login
-- email =
-- -- domain = searchUserForm.domain
-- admin = searchUserForm.admin
--ab <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $ AuthD.MkSearchUser { login:
-- , admin:
-- , email: Just (Email.Email email)
-- , domain:
-- }
--H.raise $ MessageToSend ab
H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog "[😇] TODO: Trying to add a user"
{ searchUserForm } <- H.get
let regex = searchUserForm.regex
-- domain = searchUserForm.domain
-- admin = searchUserForm.admin
ab <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.serialize $
AuthD.MkSearchUser { regex: not_empty_string regex, offset: Just 0 }
H.raise $ MessageToSend ab
H.modify_ _ { matching_users = [] }
H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog "[😇] Trying to search a user"
not_empty_string :: String -> Maybe String
not_empty_string "" = Nothing
not_empty_string v = Just v
handleQuery :: forall a m. MonadAff m => Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m (Maybe a)
handleQuery = case _ of
@ -233,32 +240,20 @@ handleQuery = case _ of
pure (Just a)
MessageReceived message a -> do
receivedMessage <- H.liftEffect $ AuthD.deserialize message
case receivedMessage of
-- Cases where we didn't understand the message.
Left _ -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Received a message that could not be deserialized."
pure Nothing
--case err of
-- (AuthD.JSONERROR jerr) -> do
-- print_json_string messageEvent.message
-- handleAction $ WebSocketParseError ("JSON parsing error: " <> jerr <> " JSON is: " <> jerr)
-- (AuthD.UnknownError unerr) -> handleAction $ WebSocketParseError ("Parsing error: AuthD.UnknownError" <> (show unerr))
-- (AuthD.UnknownNumber ) -> handleAction $ WebSocketParseError ("Parsing error: AuthD.UnknownNumber")
case message of
(AuthD.GotError errmsg) -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog $ "[😈] Failed: " <> maybe "server didn't tell why" (\v -> v) errmsg.reason
(AuthD.GotUserAdded msg) -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog $ "[🎉] Success! Server added user: " <> show msg.user
-- Cases where we understood the message.
Right response -> do
case response of
(AuthD.GotError errmsg) -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog $ "[😈] Failed: " <> maybe "server didn't tell why" (\v -> v) errmsg.reason
pure (Just a)
(AuthD.GotUserAdded msg) -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog $ "[😈] Success! Server added user: " <> show msg.user
pure (Just a)
-- WTH?!
_ -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog $ "[😈] Failed! Authentication server didn't send a valid message."
pure (Just a)
(AuthD.GotMatchingUsers msg) -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog "[🎉] Received a list of users."
H.modify_ _ { matching_users = msg.users }
-- Unexpected message.
_ -> do
H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog $ "[😈] Failed! Authentication server didn't send a valid message."
pure (Just a)
ConnectionIsDown a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = false }
@ -267,12 +262,3 @@ handleQuery = case _ of
ConnectionIsUp a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = true }
pure (Just a)
----print_json_string :: forall m. MonadEffect m => MonadState State m => ArrayBuffer -> m Unit
--print_json_string arraybuffer = do
-- -- fromTypedIPC :: ArrayBuffer -> Effect (Either ParseError (Tuple UInt String))
-- value <- H.liftEffect $ IPC.fromTypedIPC arraybuffer
-- H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog $ case (value) of
-- Left _ -> "Cannot even fromTypedIPC the message."
-- Right (Tuple messageTypeNumber string) -> "Number is: " <> show messageTypeNumber <> ", received string: " <> string

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@ -368,11 +368,15 @@ handleAction = case _ of
case response of
(AuthD.GotUser _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog "[😈] TODO: received a GotUser message."
(AuthD.GotUserAdded _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog """
[🎉] you are now registered, copy the token we sent you by email to finish your registration.
handleAction $ Routing MailValidation
m@(AuthD.GotUserAdded _) -> do
{ current_page } <- H.get
case current_page of
Registration -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog """
[🎉] you are now registered, copy the token we sent you by email to finish your registration.
handleAction $ Routing MailValidation
_ -> handleAction $ DispatchAuthDaemonMessage m
(AuthD.GotUserEdited _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog "[😈] TODO: received a GotUserEdited message."
(AuthD.GotUserValidated _) -> do
@ -386,8 +390,12 @@ handleAction = case _ of
handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog "[😈] Received a GotPermissionSet message."
(AuthD.GotPasswordRecovered _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog "[😈] TODO: received a GotPasswordRecovered message."
(AuthD.GotMatchingUsers _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog "[😈] TODO: received a GotMatchingUsers message."
m@(AuthD.GotMatchingUsers _) -> do
{ current_page } <- H.get
case current_page of
AuthAdmin -> handleAction $ DispatchAuthDaemonMessage m
_ -> handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog
"[😈] received a GotMatchingUsers message while not on authd admin page."
(AuthD.GotUserDeleted _) -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog "[😈] Received a GotUserDeleted message."
(AuthD.GotErrorMustBeAuthenticated _) -> do
@ -447,19 +455,12 @@ handleAction = case _ of
-- | Send a received authentication daemon message `AuthD.AnswerMessage` to a component.
-- | TODO: **CURRENTLY** this dispatch function is useless since no component require `authd` messages directly.
DispatchAuthDaemonMessage _ -> do
handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog "[😈] DispatchAuthDaemonMessage action, called for no reason!"
DispatchAuthDaemonMessage message -> do
{ current_page } <- H.get
case current_page of
AuthAdmin -> H.tell _aai unit (AAI.MessageReceived message)
_ -> handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "unexpected message from authd"
pure unit
-- { token } <- H.get
-- case token of
-- Nothing -> H.tell _ai unit (AI.MessageReceived message)
-- Just _ -> H.tell _aai unit (AAI.MessageReceived message)
-- case current_page of
-- DomainList -> H.tell _dli unit (DomainListInterface.MessageReceived message)
-- Zone _ -> H.tell _zi unit (ZoneInterface.MessageReceived message)
-- _ -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log $ SystemLog "unexpected message from authd")
-- pure unit
Disconnection -> do
H.put $ initialState unit