Bulma "level" layout.

Philippe Pittoli 2024-01-21 05:33:10 +01:00
parent 22053089af
commit c9552677ab
4 changed files with 57 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,18 @@ import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Halogen.HTML.Properties.ARIA as ARIA
import Bulma as Bulma
-- | `netlibre_navbar` is a complex function with many parameters.
-- |
-- | In order: authenticated (is the user authenticated)
-- | `admin` (is the user an administrator)
-- | `actionHome` (the action to get to the home page)
-- | `actionDomainList` (the action to get to the domain list page)
-- | `actionAuthdAdmin` (the action to get to the administration page)
-- | `_` (not used parameter)
-- | `actionLogin` (the action to get to the login page)
-- | `actionDisconnection` (the action to disconnect the user)
-- |
-- | TODO: make the "burger" component actually useful. For now, it's empty.
netlibre_navbar :: forall w i. Boolean -> Boolean -> i -> i -> i -> i -> i -> i -> HH.HTML w i
netlibre_navbar authenticated admin actionHome actionDomainList actionAuthdAdmin _ actionLogin actionDisconnection =

View File

@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ data Action
= DeleteRRModal RRId
| CancelModal
| NewRRModal AcceptedRRTypes
-- | NewAModal
| Initialize
@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ render state
[ case state.wsUp, state.active_modal, state.active_new_rr_modal of
false, _, _ -> Bulma.p "You are disconnected."
true, Just rr_id, _ -> modal_rr_delete rr_id
true, Nothing, Just t -> modal_add_new_rr t
true, Nothing, Just t -> modal_add_new_rr t state
true, Nothing, Nothing -> HH.div_ [ Bulma.h1 state._domain
, Bulma.hr
, render_soa state._soa
@ -244,13 +243,6 @@ render state
$ map NonEmpty.toArray
$ A.groupAllBy (comparing (_.rrtype)) array
-- TODO: these components can have a broader use.
-- generic_modal_header :: forall w. String -> HH.HTML w Action
-- generic_modal_header t = HH.header [HP.classes C.modal_card_head]
-- [ HH.p [HP.classes C.modal_card_title] [HH.text t]
-- ]
-- generic_modal_body x = HH.section [HP.classes C.modal_card_body] [ x ]
modal_rr_delete :: forall w. Int -> HH.HTML w Action
modal_rr_delete rr_id =
@ -270,22 +262,22 @@ render state
, HH.text "."
modal_add_new_rr :: forall w. AcceptedRRTypes -> HH.HTML w Action
modal_add_new_rr = case _ of
A ->
[ Bulma.modal_background
, Bulma.modal_card [Bulma.modal_header "New A resource record"
, Bulma.modal_body [ Bulma.p "hello, new A RR!" ]]
, Bulma.modal_foot [Bulma.modal_cancel_button CancelModal]
_ ->
[ Bulma.modal_background
, Bulma.modal_card [Bulma.modal_header "New ?? resource record"
, Bulma.modal_body [ Bulma.p "hello, new ?? RR!" ]]
, Bulma.modal_foot [Bulma.modal_cancel_button CancelModal]
modal_add_new_rr :: forall w. AcceptedRRTypes -> State -> HH.HTML w Action
modal_add_new_rr t state = case t of
A -> template "A" [ Bulma.p "hello, new A RR!" ]
AAAA -> template "AAAA" [ Bulma.p "hello, new AAAA RR!" ]
TXT -> template "TXT" [ Bulma.p "hello, new TXT RR!" ]
CNAME -> template "CNAME" [ Bulma.p "hello, new CNAME RR!" ]
NS -> template "NS" [ Bulma.p "hello, new NS RR!" ]
MX -> template "MX" [ Bulma.p "hello, new MX RR!" ]
SRV -> template "SRV" [ Bulma.p "hello, new SRV RR!" ]
template t content = Bulma.modal
[ Bulma.modal_background
, Bulma.modal_card [Bulma.modal_header $ "New " <> t <> " resource record"
, Bulma.modal_body content ]
, Bulma.modal_foot [Bulma.modal_cancel_button CancelModal]
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
@ -299,9 +291,6 @@ handleAction = case _ of
NewRRModal t -> do
H.modify_ _ { active_new_rr_modal = Just t }
-- NewAModal -> do
-- H.modify_ _ { active_modal = Just rr_id }
Initialize -> do
{ _domain } <- H.get
H.raise $ Log $ SimpleLog $ "Asking the server for the zone" <> _domain
@ -780,13 +769,16 @@ render_new_records state
= Bulma.hdiv
[ Bulma.h1 "Adding new records"
, Bulma.hr
, Bulma.columns [] [
Bulma.column_ [
Bulma.p "List of buttons:"
, Bulma.btn_add_new_rr (NewRRModal A) "A"
, Bulma.btn_add_new_rr (NewRRModal AAAA) "AAAA"
-- use "level" to get horizontal buttons next to each other (probably vertical on mobile)
, Bulma.level [
Bulma.btn_add_new_rr (NewRRModal A) "A"
, Bulma.btn_add_new_rr (NewRRModal AAAA) "AAAA"
, Bulma.btn_add_new_rr (NewRRModal TXT) "TXT"
, Bulma.btn_add_new_rr (NewRRModal CNAME) "CNAME"
, Bulma.btn_add_new_rr (NewRRModal NS) "NS"
, Bulma.btn_add_new_rr (NewRRModal MX) "MX"
, Bulma.btn_add_new_rr (NewRRModal SRV) "SRV"
] []
, Bulma.columns []
[ render_new_record_column_simple state._newSRR state._errors
, render_new_record_colunm_mx state._newMXRR state._errors

View File

@ -296,6 +296,15 @@ btn_add action1 action2 validity
, HP.classes $ btn_classes validity
] [ HH.text "Add" ]
-- | Create a `level`, different components that should appear on the same horizontal line.
-- | First argument, elements that should appear on the left, second on the right.
level :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
level left right = HH.nav [ HP.classes C.level ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes C.level_left ] $ itemize left
, HH.div [ HP.classes C.level_right ] $ itemize right
where itemize = map (\v -> HH.div [ HP.classes C.level_item ] [v])
btn_add_new_rr :: forall w i. i -> String -> HH.HTML w i
btn_add_new_rr action title
= HH.button

View File

@ -72,6 +72,14 @@ is_success :: Array HH.ClassName
is_success = [HH.ClassName "is-success"]
label :: Array HH.ClassName
label = [HH.ClassName "label"]
level :: Array HH.ClassName
level = [HH.ClassName "level"]
level_item :: Array HH.ClassName
level_item = [HH.ClassName "level-item"]
level_left :: Array HH.ClassName
level_left = [HH.ClassName "level-left"]
level_right :: Array HH.ClassName
level_right = [HH.ClassName "level-right"]
medium :: Array HH.ClassName
medium = [HH.ClassName "is-medium"]
modal :: Array HH.ClassName