Administration page now handles administration for both `authd` and `dnsmanagerd`.

Philippe Pittoli 2024-02-20 18:19:23 +01:00
parent 1b1c7e80c7
commit c2e51dc964
3 changed files with 57 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
{- Administration interface for the authentication daemon.
This interface should allow to:
- TODO: add, remove, search, validate users
- TODO: raise a user to admin
{- Administration interface.
Allows to:
- add, remove, search users
- TODO: validate users
- TODO: change user password
- TODO: show user details (list of owned domains)
- TODO: show user domain details (zone content) and to modify users' zone
- TODO: raise a user to admin (and vice versa)
- TODO: list users (getting them slowly, otherwise it will cause problems with thousands of logins)
Is this page should be used to provide `dnsmanager` administration?
module App.AuthenticationDaemonAdminInterface where
module App.AdministrationInterface where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, not, pure, show, ($), (<<<), (<>), (=<<), map, (/=))
import Bulma as Bulma
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Array as A
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ import App.RegistrationInterface as RI
import App.MailValidationInterface as MVI
import App.Log as AppLog
import App.WS as WS
import App.AuthenticationDaemonAdminInterface as AAI
import App.AdministrationInterface as AdminI
import App.DomainListInterface as DomainListInterface
import App.ZoneInterface as ZoneInterface
import App.HomeInterface as HomeInterface
@ -78,10 +78,17 @@ import Web.Storage.Storage as Storage
import App.LogMessage (LogMessage(..))
-- | List all pages the application has:
-- | Home, Login, Domain list, Zone, `authd` administration.
-- | This list will grows in a near future.
data Page = Home | Authentication | Registration | MailValidation | DomainList | Zone String | AuthAdmin
-- | This list will grow in a near future.
-- |
-- | TODO:
data Page
= Home -- | `Home`: presentation of the project.
| Authentication -- | `Authentication`: authentication page.
| Registration -- | `Registration`: to register new people.
| MailValidation -- | `MailValidation`: to validate email addresses (via a token).
| DomainList -- | `DomainList`: to list owned domains and to ask for new domains.
| Zone String -- | `Zone`: to manage a zone.
| Administration -- | `Administration`: administration page (for both `authd` and `dnsmanagerd`).
type Token = String
type Login = String
@ -99,15 +106,15 @@ data Action
| MailValidationInterfaceEvent MVI.Output
-- | Handle events from `AuthenticationDaemonAdminComponent`.
| AuthenticationDaemonAdminComponentEvent AAI.Output -- Admin interface for authd.
| AdministrationEvent AdminI.Output -- Administration interface.
-- | Handle events from `DomainListComponent`.
| DomainListComponentEvent DomainListInterface.Output
-- | Handle events from `AuthenticationDaemon`.
-- | Handle events from `AuthenticationDaemon` (`authd websocket component`).
| AuthenticationDaemonEvent WS.Output
-- | Handle events from `DNSManagerDaemon`.
-- | Handle events from `DNSManagerDaemon` (`dnsmanagerd websocket component`).
| DNSManagerDaemonEvent WS.Output
-- | Handle events from `ZoneInterface`.
@ -156,12 +163,12 @@ data Action
type State = { token :: Maybe String
, current_page :: Page
, store_DomainListInterface_state :: Maybe DomainListInterface.State
, store_AuthenticationDaemonAdmin_state :: Maybe AAI.State
, store_AuthenticationDaemonAdmin_state :: Maybe AdminI.State
-- | The list of child components: log, `WS` twice (once for each ws connection),
-- | then all the pages (AuthenticationInterface, RegistrationInterface, MailValidationInterface,
-- | HomeInterface, DomainListInterface, ZoneInterface and AuthenticationDaemonAdminInterface).
-- | HomeInterface, DomainListInterface, ZoneInterface and AdministrationInterface).
type ChildSlots =
( log :: AppLog.Slot Unit
, ho :: HomeInterface.Slot Unit
@ -170,7 +177,7 @@ type ChildSlots =
, ai :: AI.Slot Unit
, ri :: RI.Slot Unit
, mvi :: MVI.Slot Unit
, aai :: AAI.Slot Unit
, admini :: AdminI.Slot Unit
, dli :: DomainListInterface.Slot Unit
, zi :: ZoneInterface.Slot Unit
@ -182,7 +189,7 @@ _ws_dns = Proxy :: Proxy "ws_dns" -- WS with `dnsmanagerd`
_ai = Proxy :: Proxy "ai" -- Authentication Interface
_ri = Proxy :: Proxy "ri" -- Registration Interface
_mvi = Proxy :: Proxy "mvi" -- Mail Validation Interface
_aai = Proxy :: Proxy "aai" -- Authd Administration Interface
_admini = Proxy :: Proxy "admini" -- Administration Interface
_dli = Proxy :: Proxy "dli" -- Domain List
_zi = Proxy :: Proxy "zi" -- Zone Interface
@ -214,7 +221,7 @@ render state
MailValidation -> render_mail_validation
DomainList -> render_domainlist_interface
Zone domain -> render_zone domain
AuthAdmin -> render_authd_admin_interface
Administration -> render_authd_admin_interface
-- The footer includes logs and both the WS child components.
, Bulma.columns_ [ Bulma.column_ [ render_logs ]
, Bulma.column_ [ render_auth_WS, render_dnsmanager_WS ] ]
@ -234,7 +241,7 @@ render state
render_zone :: forall monad. String -> MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_zone domain = HH.slot _zi unit ZoneInterface.component domain ZoneInterfaceEvent
render_authd_admin_interface :: forall monad. MonadAff monad => H.ComponentHTML Action ChildSlots monad
render_authd_admin_interface = HH.slot _aai unit AAI.component unit AuthenticationDaemonAdminComponentEvent
render_authd_admin_interface = HH.slot _admini unit AdminI.component unit AdministrationEvent
authenticated = case state.token of
Nothing -> false
@ -247,7 +254,7 @@ render state
render_nav = Nav.netlibre_navbar authenticated admin
(Routing Home)
(Routing DomainList)
(Routing AuthAdmin)
(Routing Administration)
(Routing Authentication)
(Routing Registration)
(Routing MailValidation)
@ -280,7 +287,7 @@ handleAction = case _ of
DomainList -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "DomainList" sessionstorage
Zone zone -> do _ <- H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "Zone" sessionstorage
H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-zone" zone sessionstorage
AuthAdmin -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "AuthAdmin" sessionstorage
Administration -> H.liftEffect $ Storage.setItem "current-page" "Administration" sessionstorage
H.modify_ _ { current_page = page }
Log message -> H.tell _log unit $ AppLog.Log message
@ -330,13 +337,13 @@ handleAction = case _ of
MVI.MessageToSend message -> H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
MVI.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
AuthenticationDaemonAdminComponentEvent ev -> case ev of
AAI.MessageToSend message -> H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
AAI.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
AAI.StoreState s -> H.modify_ _ { store_AuthenticationDaemonAdmin_state = Just s }
AAI.AskState -> do
AdministrationEvent ev -> case ev of
AdminI.MessageToSend message -> H.tell _ws_auth unit (WS.ToSend message)
AdminI.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
AdminI.StoreState s -> H.modify_ _ { store_AuthenticationDaemonAdmin_state = Just s }
AdminI.AskState -> do
state <- H.get
H.tell _aai unit (AAI.ProvideState state.store_AuthenticationDaemonAdmin_state)
H.tell _admini unit (AdminI.ProvideState state.store_AuthenticationDaemonAdmin_state)
ZoneInterfaceEvent ev -> case ev of
ZoneInterface.MessageToSend message -> H.tell _ws_dns unit (WS.ToSend message)
@ -353,13 +360,14 @@ handleAction = case _ of
state <- H.get
H.tell _dli unit (DomainListInterface.ProvideState state.store_DomainListInterface_state)
-- | `authd websocket component` wants to do something.
AuthenticationDaemonEvent ev -> case ev of
WS.MessageReceived (Tuple _ message) -> do
handleAction $ DecodeAuthMessage message
WS.WSJustConnected -> do
H.tell _ai unit AI.ConnectionIsUp
H.tell _aai unit AAI.ConnectionIsUp
H.tell _admini unit AdminI.ConnectionIsUp
sessionstorage <- H.liftEffect $ Window.sessionStorage =<< HTML.window
token <- H.liftEffect $ Storage.getItem "user-authd-token" sessionstorage
case token of
@ -370,7 +378,7 @@ handleAction = case _ of
WS.WSJustClosed -> do
H.tell _ai unit AI.ConnectionIsDown
H.tell _aai unit AAI.ConnectionIsDown
H.tell _admini unit AdminI.ConnectionIsDown
WS.Log message -> H.tell _log unit (AppLog.Log message)
WS.KeepAlive -> handleAction $ KeepAlive $ Left unit
@ -418,13 +426,13 @@ handleAction = case _ of
m@(AuthD.GotMatchingUsers _) -> do
{ current_page } <- H.get
case current_page of
AuthAdmin -> handleAction $ DispatchAuthDaemonMessage m
Administration -> handleAction $ DispatchAuthDaemonMessage m
_ -> handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog
"[😈] received a GotMatchingUsers message while not on authd admin page."
m@(AuthD.GotUserDeleted _) -> do
{ current_page } <- H.get
case current_page of
AuthAdmin -> handleAction $ DispatchAuthDaemonMessage m
Administration -> handleAction $ DispatchAuthDaemonMessage m
_ -> handleAction $ Log $ SimpleLog
"[😈] received a GotUserDeleted message while not on authd admin page."
(AuthD.GotErrorMustBeAuthenticated _) -> do
@ -480,7 +488,7 @@ handleAction = case _ of
DispatchAuthDaemonMessage message -> do
{ current_page } <- H.get
case current_page of
AuthAdmin -> H.tell _aai unit (AAI.MessageReceived message)
Administration -> H.tell _admini unit (AdminI.MessageReceived message)
_ -> handleAction $ Log $ SystemLog "unexpected message from authd"
pure unit
@ -491,7 +499,7 @@ handleAction = case _ of
sessionstorage <- H.liftEffect $ Window.sessionStorage =<< HTML.window
H.liftEffect $ Storage.clear sessionstorage
-- TODO: depending on the current page, we should provide the received message to different components.
-- | `dnsmanagerd websocket component` wants to do something.
DNSManagerDaemonEvent ev -> case ev of
WS.MessageReceived (Tuple _ message) -> do
handleAction $ DecodeDNSMessage message
@ -629,7 +637,7 @@ handleAction = case _ of
Just "Registration" -> handleAction $ Routing Registration
Just "DomainList" -> handleAction $ Routing DomainList
Just "MailValidation" -> handleAction $ Routing MailValidation
Just "AuthAdmin" -> handleAction $ Routing AuthAdmin
Just "Administration" -> handleAction $ Routing Administration
Just "Zone" -> do
domain <- H.liftEffect $ Storage.getItem "current-zone" sessionstorage
case domain of

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Bulma as Bulma
-- | `admin` (is the user an administrator)
-- | `actionHome` (the action to get to the home page)
-- | `actionDomainList` (the action to get to the domain list page)
-- | `actionAuthdAdmin` (the action to get to the administration page)
-- | `actionAdmin` (the action to get to the administration page)
-- | `_` (not used parameter)
-- | `actionLogin` (the action to get to the login page)
-- | `actionDisconnection` (the action to disconnect the user)
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Bulma as Bulma
-- | TODO: make the "burger" component actually useful. For now, it's empty.
netlibre_navbar :: forall w i. Boolean -> Boolean -> i -> i -> i -> i -> i -> i -> i -> HH.HTML w i
netlibre_navbar authenticated admin
actionHome actionDomainList actionAuthdAdmin
actionHome actionDomainList actionAdmin
actionLogin actionRegistration actionMailValidation actionDisconnection =
[ nav_brand [ logo, burger_menu ]
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ netlibre_navbar authenticated admin
navbar_end = HH.div [HP.classes C.navbar_end]
link_home = nav_button C.is_info "Home" actionHome
link_domains = nav_button C.is_info "Domains" actionDomainList
link_authd_admin = nav_button C.is_info "Authd Admin" actionAuthdAdmin
link_authd_admin = nav_button C.is_info "Admin" actionAdmin
nav_button_disconnection = nav_button C.is_danger "Disconnection" actionDisconnection
--dropdown title dropdown_elements
-- = HH.div [HP.classes (C.navbar_item <> C.has_dropdown <> C.is_hoverable)]