More explanations about SRV RR.

This commit is contained in:
Philippe Pittoli 2024-03-18 01:11:00 +01:00
parent 2a430d1ec1
commit 9079ce5bdc
2 changed files with 37 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -412,35 +412,36 @@ render state
modal_content_srv :: Array (HH.HTML w Action)
modal_content_srv =
[ render_errors
, Bulma.input_with_side_text "domainSRV" "Name" "www"
[ Bulma.div_content [Bulma.explanation Explanations.srv_introduction]
, render_errors
, Bulma.box_input "domainSRV" "Service name" "service name"
(updateForm Field_Domain)
, Bulma.box_input ("ttlSRV") "TTL" "600"
(updateForm Field_TTL)
(show state._currentRR.ttl)
, Bulma.box_input ("targetSRV") "Target" "www"
, Bulma.box_input ("protocolSRV") "Protocol" "tcp"
(updateForm Field_Protocol)
(fromMaybe "tcp" state._currentRR.protocol)
, Bulma.box_input ("targetSRV") "Where the server is" "www"
(updateForm Field_Target)
, Bulma.box_input ("portSRV") "Port of the service" "5061"
(updateForm Field_Port)
(maybe "" show state._currentRR.port)
, Bulma.box_input ("prioritySRV") "Priority" "10"
(updateForm Field_Priority)
(maybe "" show state._currentRR.priority)
, Bulma.box_input ("portSRV") "Port" "5061"
(updateForm Field_Port)
(maybe "" show state._currentRR.port)
, Bulma.box_input ("ttlSRV") "TTL" "600"
(updateForm Field_TTL)
(show state._currentRR.ttl)
, Bulma.box_input ("weightSRV") "Weight" "100"
(updateForm Field_Weight)
(maybe "" show state._currentRR.weight)
, Bulma.box_input ("protocolSRV") "Protocol" "tcp"
(updateForm Field_Protocol)
(fromMaybe "tcp" state._currentRR.protocol)
modal_content_spf :: Array (HH.HTML w Action)
modal_content_spf =
@ -574,7 +575,7 @@ handleAction = case _ of
default_rr_CNAME = emptyRR { rrtype = "CNAME", name = "blog", target = "www" }
default_rr_NS = emptyRR { rrtype = "NS", name = (state._domain <> "."), target = "" }
default_rr_MX = emptyRR { rrtype = "MX", name = "mail", target = "www", priority = Just 10 }
default_rr_SRV = emptyRR { rrtype = "SRV", name = "_sip._tcp", target = "www"
default_rr_SRV = emptyRR { rrtype = "SRV", name = "voip", target = "server1"
, port = Just 5061, weight = Just 100, priority = Just 10, protocol = Just "tcp" }
default_mechanisms = maybe [] (\x -> [x]) $ to_mechanism "pass" "mx" ""
default_rr_SPF = emptyRR { rrtype = "SPF", name = "", target = ""

View File

@ -114,3 +114,23 @@ spf_default_behavior = [Bulma.p """
The only way for DKIM to be really meaningful is to block any mail not coming from the intended email servers.
Otherwise, it's just a statu quo, and the spamming will continue.
srv_introduction :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i)
srv_introduction =
[ Bulma.p "The SRV record is a DNS RR for specifying the location of services."
, HH.p_ [ HH.text "Given a specific "
, HH.u_ [HH.text "service name"]
, HH.text " (which may be arbitrary) and a "
, HH.u_ [HH.text "protocol"]
, HH.text " (such as TCP or UDP), you can tell where the server is (address name and port). "
, HH.text """
Both the names of the service and the protocol are used to construct the name of the RR.
, HH.p_ [ HH.text "For example, for a service named "
, HH.u_ [HH.text "voip"]
, HH.text " and given that this service uses the TCP protocol, you can specify that the target is "
, HH.u_ [HH.text ""]
, HH.text "."