WIP: DKIM. Interface is now here, but still very much WIP.

This commit is contained in:
Philippe Pittoli 2024-03-10 03:37:37 +01:00
parent e039daa4ac
commit 682746141a
4 changed files with 66 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ codec = CA.object "DKIM"
, n: CAR.optional CA.string
emptyDKIMRR = { v: Nothing, k: Just RSA, h: Just SHA256, p: "", n: Nothing }
-- RFC6376 section
-- All DKIM keys are stored in a subdomain named "_domainkey". Given a
-- DKIM-Signature field with a "d=" tag of "example.com" and an "s=" tag
@ -35,6 +38,7 @@ codec = CA.object "DKIM"
-- "foo.bar._domainkey.example.com".
data HashingAlgorithm = SHA1 | SHA256
hash_algos = ["sha1", "sha256"] :: Array String
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `HashingAlgorithm`.
codecHashingAlgorithm :: CA.JsonCodec HashingAlgorithm
@ -52,6 +56,7 @@ show_hashing_algorithm = case _ of
SHA256 -> "sha256"
data SignatureAlgorithm = RSA
sign_algos = ["rsa"] :: Array String
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `SignatureAlgorithm`.
codecSignatureAlgorithm :: CA.JsonCodec SignatureAlgorithm

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@ -2,6 +2,18 @@ module App.Text.Explanations where
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Bulma as Bulma
dkim_introduction :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i)
dkim_introduction =
[ Bulma.p """
DKIM is a way to share a public signature key for the domain.
This allows emails to be signed by the sender, and for the receiver to prove the origin of the mail.
, Bulma.p """
Default values should be fine (RSA + SHA256), change them only if you know what you are doing.
Just enter your public key.
spf_introduction :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i)
spf_introduction =
[ HH.p []

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import App.ResourceRecord (ResourceRecord, emptyRR
, all_qualifiers
, mechanism_types, qualifier_types, modifier_types)
import App.ResourceRecord (Mechanism, Modifier, Qualifier(..)) as RR
import App.DKIM (show_hashing_algorithm, show_signature_algorithm)
import App.DKIM as DKIM
import App.DisplayErrors (error_to_paragraph)
@ -170,6 +170,11 @@ data Action
-- | Add a SPF modifier to the currently modified (SPF) entry (see `_currentRR`).
| SPF_Modifier_Add
| DKIM_hash_algo Int
| DKIM_sign_algo Int
| DKIM_pubkey String
| DKIM_note String
data RRModal
= NoModal
| NewRRModal AcceptedRRTypes
@ -223,6 +228,8 @@ type State =
, spf_modifier_t :: String
, spf_modifier_v :: String
, dkim :: DKIM.DKIM
, _zonefile :: Maybe String
@ -272,6 +279,7 @@ initialState domain =
, spf_mechanism_v: ""
, spf_modifier_t: "redirect"
, spf_modifier_v: ""
, dkim: DKIM.emptyDKIMRR
type SortableRecord l = Record (rrtype :: String, rrid :: Int | l)
@ -446,47 +454,32 @@ render state
modal_content_dkim :: Array (HH.HTML w Action)
modal_content_dkim =
[ Bulma.p "HELLO THIS IS Work-In-Progress. 😂"]
---- [ Bulma.div_content [Bulma.explanation Explanations.dkim_introduction]
--[ render_errors
--, Bulma.input_with_side_text "domainDKIM" "Name" "Let this alone."
-- (updateForm Field_Domain)
-- state._currentRR.name
-- display_domain_side
--, Bulma.box_input "ttlDKIM" "TTL" "600"
-- (updateForm Field_TTL)
-- (show state._currentRR.ttl)
-- should_be_disabled
--, Bulma.hr
--, maybe (Bulma.p "no mechanism") display_mechanisms state._currentRR.mechanisms
--, Bulma.box
-- [ Bulma.h3 "New mechanism"
-- , Bulma.selection_field "idMechanismQ" "Policy" DKIM_Mechanism_q qualifier_types state.spf_mechanism_q
-- , Bulma.selection_field "idMechanismT" "Type" DKIM_Mechanism_t mechanism_types state.spf_mechanism_t
-- , Bulma.box_input "valueNewMechanismDKIM" "Value" ""
-- DKIM_Mechanism_v
-- state.spf_mechanism_v
-- should_be_disabled
-- , Bulma.btn "Add" DKIM_Mechanism_Add
-- ]
--, Bulma.hr
--, maybe (Bulma.p "no modifier") display_modifiers state._currentRR.modifiers
--, Bulma.box
-- [ Bulma.h3 "New modifier"
-- , Bulma.selection_field "idModifierT" "Modifier" DKIM_Modifier_t modifier_types state.spf_modifier_t
-- , Bulma.box_input "valueNewModifierDKIM" "Value" ""
-- DKIM_Modifier_v
-- state.spf_modifier_v
-- should_be_disabled
-- , Bulma.btn "Add" DKIM_Modifier_Add
-- ]
--, Bulma.hr
--, Bulma.box
-- [ Bulma.h3 "Default behavior"
-- , Bulma.div_content [Bulma.explanation Explanations.spf_default_behavior]
-- , Bulma.selection DKIM_Qualifier qualifier_types (maybe default_qualifier_str show_qualifier state._currentRR.q)
-- ]
[ Bulma.div_content [Bulma.explanation Explanations.dkim_introduction]
, render_errors
, Bulma.input_with_side_text "domainDKIM" "Name" "default._domainkey"
(updateForm Field_Domain)
, Bulma.box_input "ttlDKIM" "TTL" "600"
(updateForm Field_TTL)
(show state._currentRR.ttl)
, Bulma.hr
, Bulma.selection_field "idDKIMSignature" "Signature algo"
(DKIM.show_signature_algorithm $ fromMaybe DKIM.RSA state.dkim.k)
, Bulma.selection_field "idDKIMHash" "Hash algo"
(DKIM.show_hashing_algorithm $ fromMaybe DKIM.SHA256 state.dkim.h)
, Bulma.box_input "pkDKIM" "Public Key" "Your public key, such as 'MIIBIjANBgqh...'"
DKIM_pubkey state.dkim.p should_be_disabled
, Bulma.box_input "noteDKIM" "Note" "Note for fellow administrators."
(fromMaybe "" state.dkim.n)
display_domain_side = (if state._currentRR.name == (state._domain <> ".") then "" else "." <> state._domain)
should_be_disabled = (if true then (HP.enabled true) else (HP.disabled true))
@ -541,7 +534,7 @@ handleAction = case _ of
, mechanisms = Just default_mechanisms
, q = Just RR.HardFail
default_rr_DKIM = emptyRR { rrtype = "DKIM", name = "_default._dkim", target = "" }
default_rr_DKIM = emptyRR { rrtype = "DKIM", name = "default._domainkey", target = "" }
case t of
A -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_A }
@ -675,7 +668,15 @@ handleAction = case _ of
[] -> Nothing
v -> Just v
H.modify_ _ { _currentRR { modifiers = new_value }}
DKIM_hash_algo v -> H.modify_ _ { dkim { h = mod_dkim_h v } }
DKIM_sign_algo v -> H.modify_ _ { dkim { k = mod_dkim_k v } }
DKIM_pubkey v -> H.modify_ _ { dkim { p = v } }
DKIM_note v -> H.modify_ _ { dkim { n = Just v } }
mod_dkim_h v = DKIM.str_to_hashing_algorithm $ fromMaybe "sha256" $ DKIM.hash_algos A.!! v
mod_dkim_k v = DKIM.str_to_signature_algorithm $ fromMaybe "rsa" $ DKIM.sign_algos A.!! v
-- In case the `name` part of the resource record is empty replace it with the domain name.
replace_name domain rr = case rr.name of
"" -> rr { name = domain <> "." }
@ -855,8 +856,8 @@ render_resources records
Just dkim ->
-- , HH.td_ [ Bulma.p $ maybe "(default)" id rr.v ] -- For now, version isn't displayed. Assume DKIM1.
HH.td_ [ Bulma.p $ maybe "" show_hashing_algorithm dkim.h ]
, HH.td_ [ Bulma.p $ maybe "" show_signature_algorithm dkim.k ]
HH.td_ [ Bulma.p $ maybe "" DKIM.show_hashing_algorithm dkim.h ]
, HH.td_ [ Bulma.p $ maybe "" DKIM.show_signature_algorithm dkim.k ]
, HH.td_ [ Bulma.p dkim.p ]
, if rr.readonly
then HH.td_ [ Bulma.btn_readonly ]

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@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ textarea action value validity
btn_modify :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_modify action = btn_ (C.is_small <> C.is_info) "modify" action
btn_modify action = btn_ (C.is_small <> C.is_info) "" action
btn_save :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_save action = btn_ C.is_info "Save" action
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ btn_add :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_add action = btn_ C.is_info "Add" action
btn_delete :: forall w i. i -> HH.HTML w i
btn_delete action = btn_ (C.is_small <> C.is_danger) "remove" action
btn_delete action = btn_ (C.is_small <> C.is_danger) "" action
btn_modify_ro :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
btn_modify_ro = btn_ro (C.is_small <> C.is_warning) "modify"