Fix most errors in the validation module.

Philippe Pittoli 2023-07-13 19:29:53 +02:00
parent 66cc65dc52
commit 5fdbcc6058
1 changed files with 40 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -2,18 +2,21 @@ module App.Validation where
import Prelude
import Data.Validation.Semigroup
import Data.Array
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import App.ResourceRecord (ResourceRecord)
import Data.String.Regex
import Data.Int (fromString)
import App.RR
import App.ResourceRecord (ResourceRecord)
data Attribute
= Name
| RRType
| Id
| Name
| Target
| Priority
| Protocol
@ -23,34 +26,42 @@ data Attribute
type Errors = Array (Tuple Attribute String)
-- | Totally garbage value at the moment. Please fix.
min_ttl = 30
max_ttl = 86000
name_min_len = 1
name_max_len = 50
target_min_len = 1
target_max_len = 50
name_format = "[a-zA-Z]+"
-- name_format = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"
-- Basic tools for validation.
lengthIsLessThan :: Attribute -> Int -> String -> V Errors String
lengthIsLessThan field len value
| actual_len >= len = invalid [ Tuple field error_message ]
lengthIsBetween :: Attribute -> Int -> Int -> String -> V Errors String
lengthIsBetween field minlen maxlen value
| valid_condition = invalid [ Tuple field error_message ]
| otherwise = pure value
actual_len = A.length value
error_message = "length should be less than " <> show len
<> " but currently is " <> show actual_len
valid_condition = actual_len >= minlen && actual_len <= maxlen
error_message = "acceptable length [" <> show minlen <> "-" <> show maxlen <> "]"
matches :: Attribute -> Regex -> String -> V Errors String
matches field regex value
| test regex value = pure value
| otherwise = invalid [Tuple field "unacceptable format"]
between :: Attribute -> Int -> Int -> Int -> V Errors Int
between field min max value
intBetween :: Attribute -> Int -> Int -> Int -> V Errors Int
intBetween field min max value
| min < value && value < max = pure value
| otherwise = invalid [Tuple field $ "value should be between " <> show min <> " and " <> show max]
| otherwise = invalid [Tuple field error_message]
error_message = "acceptable value [" <> show min <> "-" <> show max <> "]"
validate_integer :: Attribute -> String -> V Errors Int
validate_integer field value
= case fromString form.ttl
= case fromString form.ttl of
Nothing -> invalid [Tuple field "not an integer"]
Just i -> pure i
@ -58,15 +69,21 @@ validate_integer field value
validate_name :: String -> V Errors String
validate_name name = ado
_ <- lengthIsLessThan Name name_max_len name
_ <- lengthIsBetween Name name_min_len name_max_len name
_ <- matches Name name_format name
in pure name
validate_ttl :: String -> V Errors Int
validate_ttl str_ttl = ado
ttl <- validate_integer TTL str_ttl
_ <- between TTL min_ttl max_ttl ttl
pure ttl
in ado
value <- intBetween TTL min_ttl max_ttl ttl
in pure value
validate_target :: String -> V Errors String
validate_target target = ado
target <- lengthIsBetween Target target_min_len target_max_len target
in pure target
-- Resource-related validations.
@ -74,13 +91,17 @@ validateA :: forall l. SimpleRR (|l) -> V Errors ResourceRecord
validateA form = ado
name <- validate_name
ttl <- validate_ttl form.ttl
-- TODO: validate target
target <- validate_target
in pure $ toRR_basic form.readonly form.rrid "A" name ttl target
validateAAAA :: forall l. SimpleRR (|l) -> V Errors ResourceRecord
validateAAAA _ = invalid [Tuple NotAnAttribute "validation not implemented"]
validateTXT :: forall l. SimpleRR (|l) -> V Errors ResourceRecord
validateTXT _ = invalid [Tuple NotAnAttribute "validation not implemented"]
validateCNAME :: forall l. SimpleRR (|l) -> V Errors ResourceRecord
validateCNAME _ = invalid [Tuple NotAnAttribute "validation not implemented"]
validateNS :: forall l. SimpleRR (|l) -> V Errors ResourceRecord
validateNS _ = invalid [Tuple NotAnAttribute "validation not implemented"]
validateMX :: forall l. MXRR (|l) -> V Errors ResourceRecord
validateMX _ = invalid [Tuple NotAnAttribute "validation not implemented"]
validateSRV :: forall l. SRVRR (|l) -> V Errors ResourceRecord
@ -137,11 +158,11 @@ toRR :: Int -> Boolean -> String -> String -> Int -> String
-> RRMinttl
-> ResourceRecord
toRR rrid readonly rrtype rrname ttl target
priority priority port protocol weight mname rname serial refresh retry expire minttl
priority port protocol weight mname rname serial refresh retry expire minttl
= { rrid: rrid
, readonly: readonly
, rrtype: rrtype
, name: name
, name: rrname
, ttl: ttl
, target: target