PlayingWithParsers == HomeInterface

Philippe Pittoli 2023-07-23 22:43:37 +02:00
parent 016f0e03c5
commit 1101ab70bd
1 changed files with 102 additions and 132 deletions

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@ -1,47 +1,31 @@
-- | `App.HomeInterface` presents the website and its features.
module App.HomeInterface where
import Prelude
import Prelude (Unit, map, show, ($), (<>))
import DomainParser as DomainParser
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Control.Lazy (defer)
import Data.Array (many, length, snoc, last)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (fold, foldl)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Array.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.String.CodeUnits as CU
import Data.String as S -- length
-- import Data.String.Regex as R
-- import Data.String.Regex.Flags as RF
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
--import Data.Either (Either(..))
-- import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
-- import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Effect (Effect)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Parsing
-- import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Parsing
import Parsing.Combinators as PC
import Parsing.Combinators.Array (many1)
import Parsing (Parser, runParser)
import Parsing.String
import Parsing.String.Basic
import Parsing.String.Basic (alphaNum, letter)
import Parsing.String (char, string, eof)
-- import TryPureScript (h1, h3, p, text, render, code)
import Bulma (h1, h3, p, text, code)
import Bulma as Bulma
type Input = Unit
--type Action = Unit
data Action = UpdateStuff String
-- type State = Unit
type State = { stuff :: String }
data Query a = DoNothing a
type Output = Unit
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
type State = { stuff :: String }
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
@ -52,29 +36,53 @@ component =
-- handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
-- handleAction _ = pure unit
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
UpdateStuff val -> H.modify_ _ { stuff = val }
-- initialState :: forall input. input -> State
-- initialState _ = unit
initialState :: forall input. input -> State
initialState _ = { stuff: "" }
list_of_domains_to_test :: Array String
= [ ""
, "??"
, ""
, ""
, "way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long.way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long.way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long.way-too-long--way-"
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render state
= HH.div_ $
[ Bulma.hero_danger "A simple input" "Nothing much to see"
= HH.div_
[ Bulma.hero_danger
"Come back later!"
, Bulma.section_small
[ Bulma.h1 "Welcome to"
, Bulma.subtitle "Free domain names"
, render_description
, render_second_line
, render_why_and_contact
, render_how_and_code
, Bulma.hero_danger "A simple input" "Nothing much to see"
, Bulma.section_small $
[ h1 "Examples of domain parsing in Purescript"
] <> test_domains [ ""
, ""
, ""
, "way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long.way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long.way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long.way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long.way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long.way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long.way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long--way-too-long.way-too-long--way-"
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
[ Bulma.h1 "Examples of domain parsing in Purescript"
] <> test_domains list_of_domains_to_test
, Bulma.section_small [ render_stuff ]
@ -86,11 +94,11 @@ render state
render_stuff = Bulma.columns_ [ b [ title "stuff"
, stuff_input
, b [ title "result"
, p $ case runParser state.stuff parse_stuff of
Left _ -> "NOT OKAY"
Right _ -> "OKAY"
--, b [ title "result"
-- , p $ case runParser state.stuff DomainParser.parse_stuff of
-- Left _ -> "NOT OKAY"
-- Right _ -> "OKAY"
-- ]
@ -107,95 +115,57 @@ render state
-- tests_on_domain :: String -> _
tests_on_domain d
= b [ Bulma.strong $ d <> " -> [ldhstr, label, subdomain, domain]"
, p $ d <> " : ldhstr : " <> (show $ runParser d ldhstr)
, p $ d <> " : label : " <> (show $ runParser d label)
, p $ d <> " : subdomain : " <> (show $ runParser d subdomain)
, p $ d <> " : domain : " <> (show $ runParser d domain)
, p $ d <> " : ldhstr : " <> (show $ runParser d DomainParser.ldhstr)
, p $ d <> " : label : " <> (show $ runParser d DomainParser.label)
, p $ d <> " : subdomain : " <> (show $ runParser d DomainParser.subdomain)
, p $ d <> " : domain : " <> (show $ runParser d DomainParser.domain)
aye :: Parser String Char
aye = defer \_ -> char 'a' *> aye
render_description = Bulma.columns_ [ render_basics, render_no_expert ]
= b [ title "What is provided?"
, p "Reserve a domain name in <something> for free."
, p "Manage your own DNS zone."
= b [ title "No need to be an expert!"
, p """
This website will help you through your configuration, as much as we can.
render_second_line = Bulma.columns_ [ render_no_housing, render_updates ]
= b [ title "No housing, just a name"
, p """
We don't provide housing for your services or websites,
just a name.
= b [ title "Automatic updates"
, p "Update your current address with a simple script."
ayebee :: Parser String Boolean
ayebee = do
_ <- char 'a'
b <- char 'b' <|> char 'B'
pure (b == 'B')
render_why_and_contact = Bulma.columns_ [ render_why, render_contact ]
= b [ title "Why?"
, p "Because everyone should be able to have a place on the Internet."
, p "We provide you a name, build something meaningful with it."
= b [ title "Contact"
, p "You have a question, you saw a bug or you just want to chat?"
, p "You can contact us: ..."
parse_stuff :: Parser String Boolean
parse_stuff = do
void $ label
void $ eof
pure true
-- From RFC 1035: <domain> ::= <subdomain> | " "
domain :: Parser String String
domain = PC.try (string " ") <|> sub_eof
sub_eof :: Parser String String
sub_eof = do
sub <- subdomain
-- TODO: optional "." at the end?
if S.length sub > 255
then fail $ "domain length is > 255 bytes (" <> show (S.length sub) <> ")"
else pure sub
-- From RFC 1035: <subdomain> ::= <label> | <subdomain> "." <label>
subdomain :: Parser String String
subdomain = do
-- First: read a label. This is bare minimum for a subdomain.
lab <- label
-- Second: the rest is optional. TODO
point_sub :: Parser String String
point_sub = do
point <- string "."
sub <- defer \_ -> subdomain
pure $ point <> sub
-- From RFC 1035: <label> ::= <letter> [ [ <ldh-str> ] <let-dig> ]
label :: Parser String String
label = let_then_str_then_alpha
let_then_str_then_alpha :: Parser String String
let_then_str_then_alpha = do
l <- letter
s <- ldhstr
case last s of
Nothing -> pure $ CU.singleton l
Just last_char -> case runParser (CU.singleton last_char) alphaNum of
Left _ -> fail $ "Label is wrong: last char is '" <> (CU.singleton last_char) <> "' which isn't an alphanum"
Right _ -> if length s > 62 -- Remember: we already did read a letter (l).
then fail $ "Label is larger than expected (max 63 characters, current: " <> show (1 + length s) <> ")"
else pure $ CU.singleton l <> CU.fromCharArray (foldl (\acc x -> snoc acc x) [] s)
-- From RFC 1035: <ldh-str> ::= <let-dig-hyp> | <let-dig-hyp> <ldh-str>
ldhstr :: Parser String (Array Char)
ldhstr = many let_dig_hyp
-- From RFC 1035: <let-dig-hyp> ::= <let-dig> | "-"
-- Either a Letter, Digital or an Hyphenation character.
let_dig_hyp :: Parser String Char
let_dig_hyp = let_dig <|> char '-' -- TODO: push error
-- From RFC 1035: <let-dig> ::= <letter> | <digit>
let_dig :: Parser String Char
let_dig = alphaNum
-- | Converting a single letter parser to a String parser.
char_to_string :: Parser String Char -> Parser String String
char_to_string p = do
character <- p
pure $ CU.singleton character
-- Not used currently.
hyp_then_string :: Parser String String
hyp_then_string = do
a <- char_to_string let_dig_hyp
b <- ldhstr
pure $ a <> b
render_how_and_code = Bulma.columns_ [ render_how, render_code ]
= b [ title "How does this work?"
, p "We pay for the domain names ( and and let you have a subdomain."
, p "This service helps you manage your domain (a subdomain of or"
= b [ title "I want to see the code!"
, p "The project is fully open-source (ISC licence)."
, p "There are 3 parts: libipc, micro-services (authentication and dnsmanager) and this website."