This commit is contained in:
Philippe Pittoli 2024-02-28 21:17:24 +01:00
parent b8b766007c
commit 10f9f7ebb5
3 changed files with 101 additions and 226 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module App.ResourceRecord where
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Codec.Argonaut (JsonCodec)
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
@ -30,6 +30,15 @@ type ResourceRecord
, retry :: Maybe Int
, expire :: Maybe Int
, minttl :: Maybe Int
-- SPF specific entries.
, v :: Maybe String -- Default: spf1
, mechanisms :: Maybe (Array Mechanism)
, modifiers :: Maybe (Array Modifier)
, q :: Maybe Int -- Qualifier for default mechanism (`all`).
-- TODO: DKIM specific entries.
-- TODO: DMARC specific entries.
codec :: JsonCodec ResourceRecord
@ -58,4 +67,65 @@ codec = CA.object "ResourceRecord"
, retry: CAR.optional
, expire: CAR.optional
, minttl: CAR.optional
-- SPF specific entries.
, v: CAR.optional CA.string
, mechanisms: CAR.optional (CA.array codecMechanism)
, modifiers: CAR.optional (CA.array codecModifier)
, q: CAR.optional
type Mechanism
= { q :: Maybe Int -- Qualifier (0 = Pass, 1 = Neutral, 2 = soft fail, 3 = hard fail)
, t :: Int -- Type of mechanism (0 = A, 1 = IP4, 2 = IP6, 3 = MX, 4 = PTR, 5 = EXISTS, 6 = INCLUDE)
, v :: String -- Value (IP addresses or ranges, or domains).
codecMechanism :: JsonCodec Mechanism
codecMechanism = CA.object "Mechanism"
{ q: CAR.optional
, t:
, v: CA.string
type Modifier
= { t :: Int -- Type of modifier (0 = EXP, 1 = REDIRECT)
, v :: String -- Value (domain).
codecModifier :: JsonCodec Modifier
codecModifier = CA.object "Modifier" (CAR.record { t:, v: CA.string })
emptyRR :: ResourceRecord
= { rrid: 0
, readonly: false
, rrtype: ""
, name: ""
, ttl: 1800
, target: ""
-- MX + SRV
, priority: Nothing
-- SRV
, port: Nothing
, protocol: Nothing
, weight: Nothing
-- SOA
, mname: Nothing
, rname: Nothing
, serial: Nothing
, refresh: Nothing
, retry: Nothing
, expire: Nothing
, minttl: Nothing
-- SPF specific entries.
, v: Nothing
, mechanisms: Nothing
, modifiers: Nothing
, q: Nothing

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.String.CodeUnits as CU
import Data.Validation.Semigroup (V, invalid, toEither)
import App.ResourceRecord (ResourceRecord)
import App.ResourceRecord (ResourceRecord, emptyRR)
import GenericParser.SomeParsers as SomeParsers
import GenericParser.Parser as G
import GenericParser.DomainParser.Common (DomainError) as DomainParser
@ -84,64 +84,6 @@ type RRRetry = Maybe Int
type RRExpire = Maybe Int
type RRMinttl = Maybe Int
toRR :: Int -> Boolean -> String -> String -> Int -> String
-> RRPriority
-> RRPort
-> RRProtocol
-> RRWeight
-> RRMname
-> RRRname
-> RRSerial
-> RRRefresh
-> RRRetry
-> RRExpire
-> RRMinttl
-> ResourceRecord
toRR rrid readonly rrtype rrname ttl target
priority port protocol weight mname rname serial refresh retry expire minttl
= { rrid: rrid
, readonly: readonly
, rrtype: rrtype
, name: rrname
, ttl: ttl
, target: target
-- MX + SRV
, priority: priority
-- SRV
, port: port
, protocol: protocol
, weight: weight
-- SOA
, mname: mname
, rname: rname
, serial: serial
, refresh: refresh
, retry: retry
, expire: expire
, minttl: minttl
toRR_basic :: Int -> Boolean -> String -> String -> Int -> String -> ResourceRecord
toRR_basic rrid readonly rrtype rrname ttl target
= toRR rrid readonly rrtype rrname ttl target
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
-- last + priority
toRR_mx :: Int -> Boolean -> String -> String -> Int -> String -> Int -> ResourceRecord
toRR_mx rrid readonly rrtype rrname ttl target priority
= toRR rrid readonly rrtype rrname ttl target (Just priority)
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
-- last + port + protocol + weight
toRR_srv :: Int -> Boolean -> String -> String -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> String -> Int -> ResourceRecord
toRR_srv rrid readonly rrtype rrname ttl target priority port protocol weight
= toRR rrid readonly rrtype rrname ttl target (Just priority) (Just port) (Just protocol) (Just weight)
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
data TXTError
= TXTInvalidCharacter
| TXTTooLong Int Int -- max current
@ -171,7 +113,7 @@ validationA form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
target <- parse IPAddress.ipv4 VEIPv4
in toRR_basic form.rrid form.readonly "A" name ttl target
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "A", name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target }
validationAAAA :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationAAAA form = ado
@ -179,28 +121,28 @@ validationAAAA form = ado
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
-- use read_input to get unaltered input (the IPv6 parser expands the input)
target <- parse (G.read_input IPAddress.ipv6) VEIPv6
in toRR_basic form.rrid form.readonly "AAAA" name ttl target
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "AAAA", name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target }
validationTXT :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationTXT form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
target <- parse txt_parser VETXT
in toRR_basic form.rrid form.readonly "TXT" name ttl target
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "TXT", name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target }
validationCNAME :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationCNAME form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
target <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VECNAME
in toRR_basic form.rrid form.readonly "CNAME" name ttl target
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "CNAME", name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target }
validationNS :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationNS form = ado
name <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEName
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
target <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VENS
in toRR_basic form.rrid form.readonly "NS" name ttl target
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "NS", name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target }
data ProtocolError
= InvalidProtocol
@ -220,7 +162,8 @@ validationMX form = ado
ttl <- is_between min_ttl max_ttl form.ttl VETTL
target <- parse DomainParser.sub_eof VEMX
priority <- is_between min_priority max_priority (maybe 0 id form.priority) VEPriority
in toRR_mx form.rrid form.readonly "MX" name ttl target priority
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "MX"
, name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target, priority = Just priority }
validationSRV :: ResourceRecord -> V (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validationSRV form = ado
@ -231,7 +174,9 @@ validationSRV form = ado
protocol <- parse protocol_parser (maybe "" id form.protocol) VEProtocol
port <- is_between min_port max_port (maybe 0 id form.port) VEPort
weight <- is_between min_weight max_weight (maybe 0 id form.weight) VEWeight
in toRR_srv form.rrid form.readonly "SRV" name ttl target priority port protocol weight
in emptyRR { rrid = form.rrid, readonly = form.readonly, rrtype = "SRV"
, name = name, ttl = ttl, target = target
, priority = Just priority, port = Just port, protocol = Just protocol, weight = Just weight }
validation :: ResourceRecord -> Either (Array Error) ResourceRecord
validation entry = case entry.rrtype of

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import Bulma as Bulma
import CSSClasses as C
import App.AcceptedRRTypes (AcceptedRRTypes(..))
import App.ResourceRecord (ResourceRecord)
import App.ResourceRecord (ResourceRecord, emptyRR)
import App.DisplayErrors (error_to_paragraph)
@ -199,32 +199,11 @@ component =
default_domain :: String
default_domain = ""
default_rr_A :: ResourceRecord
default_rr_A = emptyRR { rrtype = "A", name = "www", target = "" }
default_empty_rr :: ResourceRecord
= { rrtype: "A"
, rrid: 0
, name: "www"
, ttl: 1800
, target: ""
, readonly: false
-- MX (and SRV) specific entry.
, priority: Nothing
-- SRV specific entries.
, port: Nothing
, protocol: Nothing
, weight: Nothing
-- SOA specific entries.
, mname: Nothing
, rname: Nothing
, serial: Nothing
, refresh: Nothing
, retry: Nothing
, expire: Nothing
, minttl: Nothing
default_empty_rr = default_rr_A
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState domain =
@ -411,140 +390,21 @@ handleAction = case _ of
CreateNewRRModal t -> do
state <- H.get
H.modify_ _ { rr_modal = NewRRModal t }
let defaultA = { rrtype: "A"
, rrid: 0
, ttl: 600
, readonly: false
, name: "www"
, target: ""
, port: Nothing
, weight: Nothing
, priority: Nothing
, protocol: Nothing
, mname: Nothing
, rname: Nothing
, serial: Nothing
, refresh: Nothing
, retry: Nothing
, expire: Nothing
, minttl: Nothing
defaultAAAA = { rrtype: "AAAA"
, rrid: 0
, ttl: 600
, readonly: false
, name: "www"
, target: "2001:db8::1"
, port: Nothing
, weight: Nothing
, priority: Nothing
, protocol: Nothing
, mname: Nothing
, rname: Nothing
, serial: Nothing
, refresh: Nothing
, retry: Nothing
, expire: Nothing
, minttl: Nothing
defaultTXT = { rrtype: "TXT"
, rrid: 0
, ttl: 600
, readonly: false
, name: "txt"
, target: "some text"
, port: Nothing
, weight: Nothing
, priority: Nothing
, protocol: Nothing
, mname: Nothing
, rname: Nothing
, serial: Nothing
, refresh: Nothing
, retry: Nothing
, expire: Nothing
, minttl: Nothing
defaultCNAME = { rrtype: "CNAME"
, rrid: 0
, ttl: 600
, readonly: false
, name: "blog"
, target: "www"
, port: Nothing
, weight: Nothing
, priority: Nothing
, protocol: Nothing
, mname: Nothing
, rname: Nothing
, serial: Nothing
, refresh: Nothing
, retry: Nothing
, expire: Nothing
, minttl: Nothing
defaultNS = { rrtype: "NS"
, rrid: 0
, ttl: 600
, readonly: false
, name: (state._domain <> ".")
, target: ""
, port: Nothing
, weight: Nothing
, priority: Nothing
, protocol: Nothing
, mname: Nothing
, rname: Nothing
, serial: Nothing
, refresh: Nothing
, retry: Nothing
, expire: Nothing
, minttl: Nothing
defaultMX = { rrtype: "MX"
, rrid: 0
, ttl: 600
, readonly: false
, name: "mail"
, target: "www"
, port: Nothing
, weight: Nothing
, priority: Just 10
, protocol: Nothing
, mname: Nothing
, rname: Nothing
, serial: Nothing
, refresh: Nothing
, retry: Nothing
, expire: Nothing
, minttl: Nothing
defaultSRV = { rrtype: "SRV"
, rrid: 0
, ttl: 600
, readonly: false
, name: "_sip._tcp"
, target: "www"
, port: Just 5061
, weight: Just 100
, priority: Just 10
, protocol: Just "tcp"
, mname: Nothing
, rname: Nothing
, serial: Nothing
, refresh: Nothing
, retry: Nothing
, expire: Nothing
, minttl: Nothing
let default_rr_AAAA = emptyRR { rrtype = "AAAA", name = "www", target = "2001:db8::1" }
default_rr_TXT = emptyRR { rrtype = "TXT", name = "txt", target = "some text" }
default_rr_CNAME = emptyRR { rrtype = "CNAME", name = "blog", target = "www" }
default_rr_NS = emptyRR { rrtype = "NS", name = (state._domain <> "."), target = "" }
default_rr_MX = emptyRR { rrtype = "MX", name = "mail", target = "www", priority = Just 10 }
default_rr_SRV = emptyRR { rrtype = "SRV", name = "_sip._tcp", target = "www"
, port = Just 5061, weight = Just 100, priority = Just 10, protocol = Just "tcp" }
case t of
A -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = defaultA }
AAAA -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = defaultAAAA }
TXT -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = defaultTXT }
CNAME -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = defaultCNAME }
NS -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = defaultNS }
MX -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = defaultMX }
SRV -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = defaultSRV }
A -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_A }
AAAA -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_AAAA }
TXT -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_TXT }
CNAME -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_CNAME }
NS -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_NS }
MX -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_MX }
SRV -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_SRV }
-- | Initialize the ZoneInterface component: ask for the domain zone to `dnsmanagerd`.
Initialize -> do