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2023-06-08 21:51:12 +02:00
module Bulma where
{- This file is a wrapper around the BULMA css framework. -}
import Prelude
import Halogen.HTML as HH
2023-07-02 00:05:38 +02:00
import DOM.HTML.Indexed as DHI
2023-06-08 21:51:12 +02:00
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
-- HTML PropName used with HP.prop
2023-07-05 06:50:30 +02:00
--import Halogen.HTML.Core (PropName(..))
2023-06-08 21:51:12 +02:00
-- import Web.Event.Event (type_, Event, EventType(..))
2023-07-05 06:50:30 +02:00
--import Web.UIEvent.MouseEvent (MouseEvent)
2023-06-08 21:51:12 +02:00
class_columns :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_columns = [HH.ClassName "columns" ]
class_column :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_column = [HH.ClassName "column" ]
class_title :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_title = [HH.ClassName "title" ]
class_subtitle :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_subtitle = [HH.ClassName "subtitle" ]
class_is5 :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_is5 = [HH.ClassName "is-5" ]
class_is4 :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_is4 = [HH.ClassName "is-4" ]
class_box :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_box = [HH.ClassName "box" ]
class_label :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_label = [HH.ClassName "label" ]
class_control :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_control = [HH.ClassName "control" ]
2023-07-01 17:32:15 +02:00
class_select :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_select = [HH.ClassName "select" ]
class_primary :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_primary = [HH.ClassName "is-primary" ]
2023-06-08 21:51:12 +02:00
columns :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type).
Array (HH.ClassName) -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
columns classes = HH.div [ HP.classes (class_columns <> classes) ]
columns_ :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type). Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
columns_ = columns []
column :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type).
Array (HH.ClassName) -> Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
column classes = HH.div [ HP.classes (class_column <> classes) ]
column_ :: forall (w :: Type) (i :: Type). Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
column_ = column []
h1 :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
h1 title = HH.h1 [ HP.classes (class_title) ] [ HH.text title ]
h3 :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
h3 title = HH.h1 [ HP.classes (class_title <> class_is5) ] [ HH.text title ]
--subtitle :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). String -> HH.HTML w a
--subtitle title = HH.h2 [ HP.classes (class_subtitle <> class_is4) ] [ HH.text title ]
--hdiv :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type). Array (HH.HTML w a) -> HH.HTML w a
--hdiv = HH.div [ HP.classes [HH.ClassName "mt-5"] ]
--offcolumn :: forall (w :: Type) (a :: Type).
-- Int -> Int -> Array (HH.HTML w a) -> HH.HTML w a
--offcolumn 0 size = HH.div [ HP.classes [HH.ClassName ("mt-"<>show size)] ]
--offcolumn offset size
-- = column [ HH.ClassName ("is-offset-" <> (show offset) <> " is-" <> (show size)) ]
input_classes :: forall (r :: Row Type) (i :: Type). Boolean -> HP.IProp ( class :: String | r ) i
input_classes true = HP.classes [ HH.ClassName "input is-small is-info" ]
input_classes false = HP.classes [ HH.ClassName "input is-small is-danger" ]
2023-06-08 22:00:53 +02:00
btn_classes :: forall (r :: Row Type) (i :: Type)
. Boolean -> HP.IProp ( class :: String | r ) i
btn_classes true = HP.classes [ HH.ClassName "button is-small is-info" ]
btn_classes false = HP.classes [ HH.ClassName "button is-small is-danger" ]
2023-06-08 21:51:12 +02:00
--simple_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
-- = HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th [ HP.style "width: 50px;" ] [ HH.text "Type" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Domain" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "TTL" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Value" ]
-- ]
-- ]
--mx_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
-- = HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Domain" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "TTL" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Priority" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Value" ]
-- ]
-- ]
--srv_table_header :: forall w i. HH.HTML w i
-- = HH.thead_ [ HH.tr_ [ HH.th_ [ HH.text "Domain" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "TTL" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Priority" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Weight" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Port" ]
-- , HH.th_ [ HH.text "Value" ]
-- ]
-- ]
--txt_name :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
--txt_name t
-- = HH.td [ rr_name_style ] [ rr_name_text ]
-- where
-- rr_name_style = HP.style "width: 80px;"
-- rr_name_text = HH.text t
input_email :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
input_email action "" validity
= HH.input [ HE.onValueInput action, HP.placeholder "email", input_classes validity ]
input_email action email validity
= HH.input
[ HE.onValueInput action
, HP.value email
, HP.placeholder "email"
, input_classes validity
box_input_email :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
box_input_email action email validity = HH.label [ ]
[ HH.label [HP.classes class_label ] [ HH.text "Email" ]
, HH.div [HP.classes class_control ] [ input_email action email validity ]
input_password :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
input_password action "" validity
= HH.input [ HE.onValueInput action, HP.placeholder "password", input_classes validity ]
input_password action password validity
= HH.input
[ HE.onValueInput action
, HP.value password
, HP.placeholder "password"
, input_classes validity
box_input_password :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
box_input_password action password validity = HH.label [ ]
[ HH.label [HP.classes class_label ] [ HH.text "Password" ]
, HH.div [HP.classes class_control ] [ input_password action password validity ]
---- TODO: right types
---- input_domain :: forall a w i
---- . (String -> a)
---- -> String
---- -> Boolean
---- -> HH.HTML w i
--input_domain :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--input_domain action domain validity
-- = HH.input
-- [ HE.onValueInput action
-- , HP.value domain
-- , HP.placeholder "domain"
-- , input_classes validity
-- ]
--box_input_domain :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--box_input_domain action domain validity = HH.label [ ]
-- [ HH.label [HP.classes class_label ] [ HH.text "Domain" ]
-- , HH.div [HP.classes class_control ] [ input_domain action domain validity ]
-- ]
--input_ttl :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--input_ttl action ttl validity
-- = HH.input
-- [ HE.onValueInput action
-- , HP.value ttl
-- , HP.prop (PropName "size") 6.0
-- , HP.placeholder "ttl"
-- , input_classes validity
-- ]
--box_input_ttl :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--box_input_ttl action value validity = HH.label [ ]
-- [ HH.label [HP.classes class_label ] [ HH.text "TTL" ]
-- , HH.div [HP.classes class_control ] [ input_ttl action value validity ]
-- ]
--input_priority :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--input_priority action priority validity
-- = HH.input
-- [ HE.onValueInput action
-- , HP.value priority
-- , HP.prop (PropName "size") 6.0
-- , HP.placeholder "priority"
-- , input_classes validity
-- ]
--box_input_priority :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--box_input_priority action value validity = HH.label [ ]
-- [ HH.label [HP.classes class_label ] [ HH.text "Priority" ]
-- , HH.div [HP.classes class_control ] [ input_priority action value validity ]
-- ]
--input_value :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--input_value action value validity
-- = HH.input
-- [ HE.onValueInput action
-- , HP.value value
-- , HP.placeholder "value"
-- , input_classes validity
-- ]
--box_input_value :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--box_input_value action value validity = HH.label [ ]
-- [ HH.label [HP.classes class_label ] [ HH.text "Value" ]
-- , HH.div [HP.classes class_control ] [ input_value action value validity ]
-- ]
--input_weight :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--input_weight action weight validity
-- = HH.input
-- [ HE.onValueInput action
-- , HP.value weight
-- , HP.prop (PropName "size") 6.0
-- , HP.placeholder "weight"
-- , input_classes validity
-- ]
--box_input_weight :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--box_input_weight action weight validity = HH.label [ ]
-- [ HH.label [HP.classes class_label ] [ HH.text "Weight" ]
-- , HH.div [HP.classes class_control ] [ input_weight action weight validity ]
-- ]
--input_port :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--input_port action port validity
-- = HH.input
-- [ HE.onValueInput action
-- , HP.value port
-- , HP.prop (PropName "size") 6.0
-- , HP.placeholder "port"
-- , input_classes validity
-- ]
--box_input_port :: forall w i. (String -> i) -> String -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--box_input_port action port validity = HH.label [ ]
-- [ HH.label [HP.classes class_label ] [ HH.text "Port" ]
-- , HH.div [HP.classes class_control ] [ input_port action port validity ]
-- ]
--btn_change :: forall w i. i -> i -> Boolean -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--btn_change action1 action2 modified validity
-- = HH.button
-- [ HP.disabled (not modified)
-- , btn_change_action validity
-- , btn_classes validity
-- ] [ HH.text "fix" ]
-- where
-- btn_change_action = case _ of
-- true -> HE.onClick \_ -> action1
-- _ -> HE.onClick \_ -> action2
--btn_delete :: forall w i. (MouseEvent -> i) -> HH.HTML w i
--btn_delete action
-- = HH.button
-- [ HE.onClick action
-- , HP.classes [ HH.ClassName "button is-small is-danger" ]
-- ] [ HH.text "X" ]
--btn_add :: forall w i. i -> i -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w i
--btn_add action1 action2 validity
-- = HH.button
-- [ btn_add_action validity
-- , btn_classes validity
-- ] [ HH.text "Add" ]
-- where
-- btn_add_action = case _ of
-- true -> HE.onClick \_ -> action1
-- _ -> HE.onClick \_ -> action2
2023-06-08 22:00:53 +02:00
2023-06-13 20:17:27 +02:00
btn :: forall w action. String -> action -> action -> Boolean -> HH.HTML w action
2023-06-08 22:00:53 +02:00
btn title action1 action2 validity
= HH.button
[ btn_add_action validity
, btn_classes validity
] [ HH.text title ]
btn_add_action = case _ of
true -> HE.onClick \_ -> action1
_ -> HE.onClick \_ -> action2
2023-07-03 15:05:40 +02:00
2023-06-09 00:28:03 +02:00
render_input password placeholder action value validity cond
= HH.input $
[ HE.onValueInput action
, HP.value value
, HP.placeholder placeholder
, input_classes validity
, cond
] <> case password of
false -> []
true -> [ HP.type_ HP.InputPassword ]
2023-07-03 15:05:40 +02:00
class_horizontal :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_horizontal = [HH.ClassName "is-horizontal" ]
class_normal :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_normal = [HH.ClassName "is-normal" ]
class_field :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_field = [HH.ClassName "field" ]
class_field_label :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_field_label = [HH.ClassName "field-label" ]
class_field_body :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_field_body = [HH.ClassName "field-body" ]
field_inner ispassword title placeholder action value validity cond
= div_field
[ div_field_label title
, div_field_content $ render_input ispassword placeholder action value validity cond
2023-06-09 00:28:03 +02:00
2023-07-03 15:05:40 +02:00
div_field = HH.div [ HP.classes (class_field <> class_horizontal) ]
div_field_label title
= HH.div [ HP.classes (class_field_label <> class_normal) ]
[HH.label [ HP.classes class_label ] [ HH.text title ]]
div_field_content content
= HH.div [HP.classes class_field_body]
[ HH.div [HP.classes class_field ]
[ HH.div [HP.classes class_control ] [ content ]
2023-06-09 00:28:03 +02:00
2023-07-03 15:05:40 +02:00
box_input = field_inner false
box_password = field_inner true
2023-06-09 00:28:03 +02:00
2023-07-05 06:50:30 +02:00
class_has_addons :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_has_addons = [HH.ClassName "has-addons"]
field classes = HH.div [ HP.classes (class_field <> classes) ]
class_input :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_input = [HH.ClassName "input" ]
new_domain_field inputaction text selectaction accepted_domains
= field class_has_addons
[ HH.p
[ HP.classes class_control ]
[ HH.input $
[ HE.onValueInput inputaction
, HP.placeholder "www"
, HP.value text
, HP.type_ HP.InputText
, HP.classes (class_primary <> class_input)
, HH.p
[ HP.classes class_control ]
[ select selectaction $ map option accepted_domains ]
, HH.p
[ HP.classes class_control ]
[ HH.button
[ HP.type_ HP.ButtonSubmit
, HP.classes class_primary
[ HH.text "add a new domain!" ]
--<div class="field has-addons">
-- <p class="control">
-- <span class="select">
-- <select>
-- <option>$</option>
-- <option>£</option>
-- <option>€</option>
-- </select>
-- </span>
-- </p>
-- <p class="control">
-- <input class="input" type="text" placeholder="Amount of money">
-- </p>
-- <p class="control">
-- <a class="button">
-- Transfer
-- </a>
-- </p>
2023-06-13 20:17:27 +02:00
--box_button action value validity cond
-- = HH.label [ ]
-- [ HH.label [HP.classes class_label ] [ HH.text title ]
-- , HH.div [HP.classes class_control ]
-- [ render_input ispassword placeholder action value validity cond ]
-- ]
2023-06-08 21:51:12 +02:00
p :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
p str = HH.p_ [ HH.text str ]
box :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
box = HH.div [HP.classes class_box]
2023-07-01 17:32:15 +02:00
option :: forall w i. String -> HH.HTML w i
option value = HH.option_ [HH.text value]
2023-07-02 00:05:38 +02:00
select :: forall w i. HH.Node DHI.HTMLselect w i
select action options
= HH.div [ HP.classes (class_select <> class_primary) ]
[ HH.select action options]
2023-07-05 06:50:30 +02:00
class_hero :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_hero = [HH.ClassName "hero" ]
class_hero_body :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_hero_body = [HH.ClassName "hero-body" ]
class_is_info :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_is_info = [HH.ClassName "is-info" ]
class_is_small :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_is_small = [HH.ClassName "is-small" ]
hero :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
hero title subtitle
= HH.section [ HP.classes (class_hero <> class_is_info <> class_is_small) ]
[ HH.div [ HP.classes class_hero_body ]
[ HH.p [ HP.classes class_title ] [ HH.text title ]
, HH.p [ HP.classes class_subtitle ] [ HH.text subtitle ]
header :: forall w i. String -> String -> HH.HTML w i
header = hero
--<section class="hero">
-- <div class="hero-body">
-- <p class="title">
-- Hero title
-- </p>
-- <p class="subtitle">
-- Hero subtitle
-- </p>
-- </div>
class_container :: Array (HH.ClassName)
class_container = [HH.ClassName "container" ]
container :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i) -> HH.HTML w i
container = HH.div [HP.classes (class_container <> class_is_info)]