#!/sbin/openrc-run : ${cfgfile:="/etc/baguette/filestorage.yml"} : ${auth_password_file:="/etc/baguette/auth-password"} command_user="_filestorage:_ipc" # The command cannot go background by itself and cannot write its own PID. command_background=true description="File Storage daemon" description_checkconfig="Verify configuration file (TODO)" description_reload="Reload configuration (TODO)" description_debug="Print actual command line to run" extra_commands="checkconfig debug" extra_started_commands="reload" pidfile="${FILESTORAGED_PIDFILE:-"/run/$RC_SVCNAME.pid"}" command="${FILESTORAGED_BINARY:-"/usr/local/bin/filestoraged"}" command_args="${command_args:-${FILESTORAGED_OPTS:- -k $auth_password_file}}" depend() { need auth } required_files="$cfgfile $auth_password_file" debug() { ewarn Hello this is debug. ewarn auth_password_file: $auth_password_file ewarn pidfile: $pidfile ewarn command: $command ewarn command_args: $command_args } checkconfig() { if [ ! -d /run/ipc ] ; then mkdir -p /run/ipc || return 1 fi # "$command" -t $command_args || return 1 ewarn "filestoraged cannot check its own configuration files, yet" return 0 } start_pre() { checkconfig } stop_pre() { if [ "${RC_CMD}" = "restart" ] ; then checkconfig || return 1 fi } reload() { ewarn "Reloading: not available, let's just restart." # checkconfig || return 1 restart || return 1 # ebegin "Reloading $RC_SVCNAME" # start-stop-daemon --signal HUP \ # --exec "$command" --pidfile "$pidfile" # eend $? }