That's complicated and specific to the application. Some examples:
* Passwords
* A crypto key is always a Secret. Except when used for verification (sometimes)
* A decrypted password vault (but it's not a Key)
Not secrets:
* Digest output. Except when used for key derivation, then it's a Secret, including the Digest state
* IO::Memory or writing a file. Except when the file is a password vault, cryptocurrency wallet, encrypted mail/messages, goat porn, maybe normal porn, sometimes scat porn, occassionally furry, not vanilla porn
## Why?
The Secret interface is designed to handle varied levels of confidentiality with a unified API for cryptography libraries.
There is no one size fits all solution. Different applications have different security requirements. Sometimes for the same algorithm.
A master key (kgk) may reside on a HSM and generate subkeys on demand.
Or for most applications the master key may use best effort protection using a combination of [guard pages, mlock, mprotect].
Other keys in the same application may handle a high volume of messages where [guard pages, mlock, mprotect] overhead is too high.
A key verifying a public key signature may not be Secret.