.\" .RP = report document .nr PO 0.5i \" page offset default 1i .nr LL 7.5i \" line length default 6i .nr FM 0.8i \" page foot margin default 1i .nr DI 0 .nr FF 3 \" footnotes' type: numbered, with point, indented . . .nr LIST_NUMBER 0 . .R1 no-label-in-reference accumulate .R2 . . \" COLORS .defcolor darkgreen rgb 0.1 0.5 0.2 .defcolor darkblue rgb 0.3 0.3 0.7 .defcolor darkred rgb 0.7 0.3 0.3 .defcolor black rgb 0 0 0 . . \" with semantic .defcolor citation rgb 0.4 0.4 0.4 .defcolor citationbar rgb 0.3 0.3 0.7 .defcolor explanation rgb 0.7 0.4 0.4 .defcolor explanationbar rgb 0.8 0.3 0.3 . .defcolor specialcolor_type rgb 0.6 0.3 0.5 .defcolor specialcolor_constructor rgb 0.1 0.5 0.2 .defcolor specialcolor_module rgb 0.1 0.5 0.2 .defcolor specialcolor_function rgb 0.4 0.4 0.7 .defcolor specialcolor_question rgb 0.0 0.0 0.7 .defcolor specialcolor_operator rgb 0.3 0.8 0.3 .defcolor specialcolor_shine rgb 0.3 0.3 0.7 . . \" SIZES .nr specialsize_type 8 .nr specialsize_constructor 8 .nr specialsize_module 8 .nr specialsize_function 8 .nr specialsize_operator 9 .nr specialsize_question 10 \" Current point size, no change. .nr specialsize_shine 11 . . \" FONTS .ds specialfont_type CW .ds specialfont_constructor CW .ds specialfont_module CW .ds specialfont_function CW .ds specialfont_operator CW .ds specialfont_question I .ds specialfont_shine B . . .de BELLOWEXPLANATION1 .sp 0.5 .ps 7 \" point size (~= font size) .vs 8p \" vertical spacing between lines .. .de BELLOWEXPLANATION2 .br .ps 9 .vs 11p .. . .\" BULLET and ENUM => do not add space when no parameter are provided .de BULLET \" Bullet points .IP \(bu 2 .ie '\\$1'' \ . .el \\$* .. .de ENDBULLET .in -2 \" indent .. . .de ENUM \" Numbered list .nr LIST_NUMBER +1 .IP \\n[LIST_NUMBER] 2 .ie '\\$1'' \ . .el \\$* .. .de ENDENUM .nr LIST_NUMBER 0 .in -2 \" indent .. . .de b1 \" Begin code box .B1 .sp 0.2 .ft CW .. .de b2 \" End code box .sp 0.5 .B2 .ft .. . .de CITATION1 .KS \" start a keep .ft I \" citation in italics .mk C \" set a marker for line drawing .in +1 \" indent a bit .gcolor citation .. .ig The CITATION2 macro closes the quote then draws a line from current line to the start of the quote. .. .de CITATION2 .mk D \" set second marker to come back here .ft \" back to previous font .in -1 \" remove indent .gcolor \" remove previous color .gcolor citationbar .\" r = move upward .\" Z D t = drawing thickness .\" L = draw the line \r\ \Z'\D't 1p''\ \L'|\\nCu' \" draw line .gcolor black \" remove previous color .sp -2 \" get two lines back \Z'\D't 1'' \" get the previous drawing thickness back .KE \" end of the keep .. . .de NAMECITATION .ps -2 \(em\h'1'\\$* .ps .. . .de EXPLANATION1 .KS \" start a keep .ft B \" citation in italics .mk C \" set a marker for line drawing .in +1 \" indent a bit .gcolor explanation .. .de EXPLANATION2 .ft \" back to previous font .in -1 \" remove indent .gcolor \" remove previous color .gcolor explanationbar \r\L'|\\nCu' \" draw line (\r moves upward, \L draw the line, ...) .gcolor \" remove previous color .sp -1 \" get two lines back .KE \" end of the keep .. . .de METAINFO1 .ft CW \" constant width font .ps 8 \" small font .vs 9p \" smaller vertical spacing between lines .. .de METAINFO2 .sp 1 .vs \" come back to the previous vertical spacing .ps \" come back to the previous point size .ft \" come back to the previous font .sp -1 \" return one line above .. . . .de FRAC \v'-.7m\s[\\n(.s*6u/10u]+.7m'\\$1\v'-.7m\s0+.7m'\ \(f/\s[\\n(.s*6u/10u]\\$2\s0 .. .de FOOTNOTE_TO_COLUMN_WIDTH .nr pg@fn-colw \\n[pg@colw] \" footnotes' column width .. .de SINGLE_COLUMN .1C .FOOTNOTE_TO_COLUMN_WIDTH .. .de TWO_COLUMNS .2C .FOOTNOTE_TO_COLUMN_WIDTH .. .de HORIZONTALLINE \l'15' .FOOTNOTE_TO_COLUMN_WIDTH .. . . \" Fonts and colors. . .de SPECIAL_WORDS .nr current_size \\n[.s] \" Current point size. .gcolor specialcolor_\\*[semantictoken] . .if !((\\n[current_size] == \\n[specialsize_\\*[semantictoken]]) \ .ps \\n[specialsize_\\*[semantictoken]] . .ie '\\$2'' \{\ \f[\\*[specialfont_\\*[semantictoken]]]\\$1\f[] . ps \\n[current_size] . gcolor black \" FIXME: should be the previous color \} .el \{\ \f[\\*[specialfont_\\*[semantictoken]]]\\$1\f[]\c . ps \\n[current_size] . gcolor black \" FIXME: should be the previous color \\$2 \} .. .de SMALLFONT .ps 8 .vs 9p .. .de NORMALFONT .vs .ps .. .de COMMAND1 .b1 .. .de COMMAND2 .b2 .. .de COMMANDNAME .I "\\$1" "\\$2" .. .de FUNCTION .ds semantictoken function .SPECIAL_WORDS "\\$1" "\\$2" .. .de TYPE .ds semantictoken type .SPECIAL_WORDS "\\$1" "\\$2" .. .de TYPECLASS .I "\\$1" "\\$2" .. .de OPERATOR .ds semantictoken operator .SPECIAL_WORDS "\\$1" "\\$2" .. .de QUESTION .ds semantictoken question .SPECIAL_WORDS "\\$1" "\\$2" \h'5p' .. .de CONSTRUCTOR .ds semantictoken constructor .SPECIAL_WORDS "\\$1" "\\$2" .. .de MODULE .ds semantictoken module .SPECIAL_WORDS "\\$1" "\\$2" .. .de SHINE .ds semantictoken shine .SPECIAL_WORDS "\\$1" "\\$2" .. .de MODULEX .MODULE \\$1 , .. .de TBD .ft B To be defined or to finish. .ft R .. .de ARROW .br \(->\h'5p' \\$* .. .ds CURRENT_DATE \\n(dy/\\n(mo/\\n[year] .ds WEBSITE https://t.karchnu.fr/doc .ds EMAIL karchnu@karchnu.fr .de INFORMATIONS Check out for newer versions: .ft CW .ps 8 \h'2p' \\$1 .ps .ft .br And if you have questions: .ft CW \h'13p' \\$2 .ft .\" .DE .LP Lastly compiled the .SHINE \*[CURRENT_DATE] (day/month/year, you know, like in any sane civilization). .. .de INFORMATIONS_FR .LP Nouvelles versions : .ft CW .ps 8 \h'2p' \\$1 .ps .ft .br Questions : .ft CW \h'36p' \\$2 .ft .\" .DE .LP Compilé pour la dernière fois le .SHINE \*[CURRENT_DATE] .. . .\" RENAMING REQUESTS . .de SECTION .NH .ps +3 .fam H \" helvetica family \\$* .fam \" back to previous font family .ps .PARAGRAPH_INDENTED .. .de SUBSECTION .NH 2 .ps +1 .fam H \" helvetica family \\$* .fam \" back to previous font family .ps .PARAGRAPH_INDENTED .. .de SUBSUBSECTION .NH 3 .fam H \" helvetica family \\$* .fam \" back to previous font family .ps .PARAGRAPH_INDENTED .. .de SUBSUBSUBSECTION .NH 4 .fam H \" helvetica family \\$* .fam \" back to previous font family .PARAGRAPH_INDENTED .. .de SECTION_NO_NUMBER .SH .fam H \" helvetica family \\$* .fam \" back to previous font family .PARAGRAPH_INDENTED .. .de SUBSECTION_NO_NUMBER .SH 2 .fam H \" helvetica family \\$* .fam \" back to previous font family .PARAGRAPH_INDENTED .. .de PARAGRAPH_INDENTED .PP .. .de PARAGRAPH_UNINDENTED .LP .. .de NO_ABSTRACT .AB no .. .de ABSTRACT1 .AB .. .de ABSTRACT2 .AE .. .de TITLE .TL \\$* .. .de AUTHOR .AU .ie '\\$1'' \ . .el \ \\$* .. .de FOOTNOTE1 .FS .. .de FOOTNOTE2 .FE .. .de VOCABULARY1 .KS .BULLET .UL "\\$*" : .. .de VOCABULARY2 .KE ..