.\" .RP = report document .\" .RP .nr PO 0.5i \" page offset default 1i .nr LL 7.5i \" line length default 6i .nr FM 0.5i \" page foot margin default 1i .\" .nr FF 1 .R1 no-label-in-reference accumulate .R2 .nr DI 0 .nr FN 0 .de FOOTNOTE1 \*{[\\n(FN]\*} .FS \" start footnote .ll +.6i \" line length \*{[\\n(FN]\*} .. .de FOOTNOTE2 .ll \" line length .FE \" end of footnote .\" increment our footnote counter .nr FN +1 .. .de BELLOWEXPLANATION1 .sp 0.5 .ps 7 \" point size (~= font size) .vs 8p \" vertical spacing between lines .. .de BELLOWEXPLANATION2 .ps 9 .vs 11p .. .de ENDBULLET .in -2 \" indent .. .defcolor darkgreen rgb 0.1 0.5 0.2 .defcolor darkblue rgb 0.3 0.3 0.7 .defcolor darkred rgb 0.7 0.3 0.3 .de CONSTRUCTOR .gcolor darkred .ps 8 .ft CW \\$1 .ft R .gcolor .ps .. .de TYPE .gcolor darkgreen .ps 8 .ft CW \\$1 .ft R .gcolor .ps .. .de MODULE .gcolor darkblue .ps 8 .ft CW \\$1 .ft R .gcolor .ps .. .de SHINE .gcolor darkblue .ft B \\$1 .ft R .gcolor .. .de MODULEX .MODULE "\\$1," .. .de RESETFOOTNOTES .nr FN 0 .. .de TBD .ft B To be defined or to finish. .ft R .. \# Bullet points .de BULLET .IP \(bu 2 .. . \# Begin code box .de b1 .B1 .sp 0.2 .ft CW .. . \# End code box .de b2 .sp 0.5 .B2 .ft .. .de HORIZONTALLINE \l'15' .. .de SMALLFONT .ps 8 .vs 9p .. .de NORMALFONT .vs .ps .. .de COMMAND1 .b1 .. .de COMMAND2 .b2 .. .de COMMANDNAME .I "\\$1" .. .de FUNCTION .I "\\$1" "\\$2" .. .de TYPECLASS .I "\\$1" "\\$2" .. .de OPERATOR .I "\\$1" "\\$2" .. .de QUESTION .I "\\$1" "\\$2" \h'5p' .. .\" MS Accents .\".AM .defcolor citation rgb 0.4 0.4 0.4 .defcolor citationbar rgb 0.3 0.3 0.7 .de CITATION1 .KS \" start a keep .ft I \" citation in italics .mk C \" set a marker for line drawing .in +1 \" indent a bit .gcolor citation .. .de CITATION2 .mk D \" set second marker to come back here .ft \" back to previous font .in -1 \" remove indent .gcolor \" remove previous color .gcolor citationbar \r\L'|\\nCu' \" draw line (\r moves upward, \L draw the line, ...) .sp '|\\nDu' \" return to the second marker .gcolor \" remove previous color .sp -2 \" get two lines back .KE \" end of the keep .. .de NAMECITATION .ps -2 \(em\h'1'\\$* .ps .. .defcolor explanation rgb 0.7 0.4 0.4 .defcolor explanationbar rgb 0.8 0.3 0.3 .de EXPLANATION1 .KS \" start a keep .ft B \" citation in italics .mk C \" set a marker for line drawing .in +1 \" indent a bit .gcolor explanation .. .de EXPLANATION2 .ft \" back to previous font .in -1 \" remove indent .gcolor \" remove previous color .gcolor explanationbar \r\L'|\\nCu' \" draw line (\r moves upward, \L draw the line, ...) .gcolor \" remove previous color .sp -1 \" get two lines back .KE \" end of the keep .. .de METAINFO1 .ft CW \" constant width font .ps 8 \" small font .vs 9p \" smaller vertical spacing between lines .. .de METAINFO2 .vs \" come back to the previous vertical spacing .ps \" come back to the previous point size .ft \" come back to the previous font .sp -1 \" return one line above .. .de PRETTY_PERCENTAGE \v'-.7m\s[\\n(.s*6u/10u]+.7m'\\$1\v'-.7m\s0+.7m'\ \(f/\s[\\n(.s*6u/10u]\\$2\s0 .. . .\" .sv 0.5i \" like sp but different behavior .\" sv: grab a block of vertical space. .\" takes same arguments as .sp but with a different behavior. .\" You cannot request space at the top of a page using .sp, for example, and if a space request exceeds the size of the page, the space is truncated at the bottom of the page with .sp. .\" With .sv, the space is not generated unless room is available on the page for the space. In this case, the space requested is remembered and can be released on a new page with .os.