ws: first message exchange. Still WIP, but we are getting there.

This commit is contained in:
Karchnu 2020-11-05 17:01:27 +01:00
parent 59b701c03e
commit e41c6878cf

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@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ module Websocketc
class Context
class_property service : Websocketc::Service?
class Baguette::Configuration
class Websocketc < Base
property verbosity : Int32 = 2
@ -42,6 +46,9 @@ class Relation
# ws can send JSON messages instead of libipc-formated messages.
property is_json : Bool
property buffer_client : String = String.new
property buffer_service : String = String.new
def related? (fd : Int32)
fd == @fd_client || fd == @fd_service
@ -79,6 +86,16 @@ class Relations < Array(Relation)
each do |r|
if r.related? fd
Baguette::Log.debug "TODO: closing this relation: #{r}"
Baguette::Log.warning "Before removing, here the switching list"
sw = Context.service.not_nil!.context.switchdb
pointer_ctx = Context.service.not_nil!.pointer
LibIPC.ipc_switching_print pointerof(sw)
LibIPC.ipc_del_fd pointer_ctx, r.fd_client
LibIPC.ipc_del_fd pointer_ctx, r.fd_service
LibIPC.ipc_switching_del pointerof(sw), r.fd_client
all_fd.select! {|v| v != r.fd_client && v != r.fd_service }
@ -88,109 +105,109 @@ end
require "./network.cr"
class Websocketc::Service < IPC::Server
property relations : Relations = Relations.new
property config : Baguette::Configuration::Websocketc
def initialize(@config : Baguette::Configuration::Websocketc)
super "ws"
def ws_cb_in(fd : Int32, pm : LibIPC::Message*, more_to_read : Int16*)
Baguette::Log.info "IN fd is #{fd}"
Context.service.not_nil!.relations.search?(fd).try do |relation|
message = nil
message = relation.ws.run_once
rescue e
Baguette::Log.error "run_once FAILED: #{e}"
Context.service.not_nil!.relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
#def handle_request(event : IPC::Event::MessageReceived)
# # send_now
if relation.ws.ws.io.empty?
more_to_read[0] = 0
more_to_read[0] = 1
# def handle_request(event : IPC::Event::MessageReceived)
# request_start = Time.utc
# # TODO: The message can come from an already linked fd.
# request = Websocketc.requests.parse_ipc_json event.message
# if request.nil?
# raise "unknown request type"
# end
# request_name = request.class.name.sub /^Websocketc::Request::/, ""
# Baguette::Log.debug "#{request_name}"
# response = begin
# request.handle self, event
# rescue e : Websocketc::Exception
# Baguette::Log.error "Websocketc::Exception: #{request_name} => #{e}"
# Websocketc::Response::Error.new "generic error"
# rescue e
# Baguette::Log.error "#{request_name} generic error #{e}"
# Websocketc::Response::Error.new "unknown error"
# end
# # If clients sent requests with an “id” field, it is copied
# # in the responses. Allows identifying responses easily.
# response.id = request.id
# send event.fd, response
# duration = Time.utc - request_start
# response_name = response.class.name.sub /^Websocketc::Response::/, ""
# if response.is_a? Websocketc::Response::Error
# Baguette::Log.warning "#{response_name} (#{response.reason})"
# else
# Baguette::Log.debug "#{response_name} (Total duration: #{duration})"
# end
# end
if relation.ws.closed?
Baguette::Log.info "client closed the connection"
Context.service.not_nil!.relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Closing
def first_connection(event : IPC::Event::MessageReceived)
# First message format: "URI"
payload = String.new event.message.payload
Baguette::Log.info "First message received: #{payload}"
if message.nil?
Baguette::Log.error "Reveiced a nil message"
Context.service.not_nil!.relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Closing
# TODO: handle exceptions and errors
case message
when String
if relation.is_json
Baguette::Log.warning "reassembling the message!"
# Reassemble the message.
m = relation.buffer_client + message
pp! relation.buffer_client, message, m
# Clean the buffer.
relation.buffer_client = String.new
uri = URI.parse payload
ws = WebSocket.new uri
is_json = uri.path.ends_with? ".JSON"
pp! ws.ws
# service_fd = ws.ws.io
service_fd = 0
relation = Relation.new event.fd, service_fd, ws, is_json
pp! relation
@relations << relation
# Change client fd status.
LibIPC.ipc_ctx_fd_type self.pointer, event.fd, LibIPC::ConnectionType::Switched
# Add service fd as switched.
LibIPC.ipc_add_fd_switched self.pointer, service_fd
# Change service fd callbacks: only the service callbacks are changed,
# since the associated client is a simple libipc client
proc_cb_in = ->ws_cb_in(Int32, Pointer(LibIPC::Message), Int16*)
proc_cb_out = ->ws_cb_out(Int32, Pointer(LibIPC::Message))
# self.remove_fd event.fd
LibIPC.ipc_switching_callbacks self.pointer, service_fd, proc_cb_in, proc_cb_out
Baguette::Log.debug "new client: #{event.fd}"
ipc_message = IPC::Message.from_json m
ipc_message.copy_to_message_pointer pm
rescue e
Baguette::Log.error "cannot connect to #{payload}: #{e}"
Baguette::Log.error "cannot send message coming from #{fd}"
Baguette::Log.error "message: #{m}"
Context.service.not_nil!.relations.remove fd
Baguette::Log.error "error: #{e}"
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
Baguette::Log.info "Let's say it's OK"
send_now event.fd, 1.to_u8, "OK"
return LibIPC::IPCCB::NoError
Baguette::Log.error "cannot handle non-json messages!"
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
when WebSocket::Ping
Baguette::Log.debug "TODO: Received a ping message"
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Ignore
when WebSocket::NotFinal
Baguette::Log.warning "Received only part of a message."
relation.buffer_client += message.message
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Ignore
# every other option should be dropped
case message
when WebSocket::Error
Baguette::Log.error "An error occured"
Context.service.not_nil!.relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
when WebSocket::Pong
Baguette::Log.error "Received a pong message"
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Ignore
when WebSocket::Close
Baguette::Log.debug "Received a close message"
Context.service.not_nil!.relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Closing
when Bytes
# TODO: when receiving a binary message
# we should test the format and maybe its content
Baguette::Log.error "Received a binary message: NOT IMPLEMENTED, YET"
Context.service.not_nil!.relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
Baguette::Log.error "Received a websocket message with unknown type"
def ws_cb_out(fd : Int32, pm : Pointer(LibIPC::Message))
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
rescue e
Baguette::Log.error "Exception (receiving a message) #{e}"
# tcp = WrappedTCPFileDescriptor.new(fd: fd, family: Socket::Family::INET)
# tcp.close
Context.service.not_nil!.relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
def ws_cb_out(fd : Int32, pm : Pointer(LibIPC::Message))
Baguette::Log.info "OUT fd is #{fd}"
@relations.search?(fd).try do |relation|
Context.service.not_nil!.relations.search?(fd).try do |relation|
message = IPC::Message.new pm
Baguette::Log.info "message to send: #{message}"
@ -207,94 +224,71 @@ class Websocketc::Service < IPC::Server
Baguette::Log.error "Wait, not supposed to get here. No relation?"
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
rescue e
rescue e
Baguette::Log.error "Exception during message transfer: #{e}"
@relations.remove fd
Context.service.not_nil!.relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
class Websocketc::Service < IPC::Server
property relations : Relations = Relations.new
property config : Baguette::Configuration::Websocketc
def initialize(@config : Baguette::Configuration::Websocketc)
super "ws"
Context.service = self
def ws_cb_in(fd : Int32, pm : LibIPC::Message*, more_to_read : Int16*)
Baguette::Log.info "IN fd is #{fd}"
def print_self
LibIPC.ipc_ctx_print self.pointer
def first_connection(event : IPC::Event::MessageReceived)
# First message format: "URI"
payload = String.new event.message.payload
Baguette::Log.info "First message received: #{payload}"
# TODO: handle exceptions and errors
@relations.search?(fd).try do |relation|
message = nil
message = relation.ws.run_once
uri = URI.parse payload
ws = WebSocket.new uri
is_json = uri.path.ends_with? ".JSON"
service_fd = ws.ws.io.as(TCPSocket).fd
relation = Relation.new event.fd, service_fd, ws, is_json
@relations << relation
# Change client fd status.
LibIPC.ipc_ctx_fd_type self.pointer, event.fd, LibIPC::ConnectionType::Switched
# Add service fd as switched.
LibIPC.ipc_add_fd_switched self.pointer, service_fd
# Link both file descriptors
LibIPC.ipc_ctx_switching_add self.pointer, event.fd, service_fd
# Change service fd callbacks: only the service callbacks are changed,
# since the associated client is a simple libipc client
proc_cb_in = ->ws_cb_in(Int32, Pointer(LibIPC::Message), Int16*)
proc_cb_out = ->ws_cb_out(Int32, Pointer(LibIPC::Message))
LibIPC.ipc_switching_callbacks self.pointer, service_fd, proc_cb_in, proc_cb_out
Baguette::Log.debug "new client: #{event.fd}"
rescue e
Baguette::Log.error "run_once FAILED: #{e}"
@relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
Baguette::Log.error "cannot connect to #{payload}: #{e}"
if relation.ws.ws.io.empty?
more_to_read[0] = 0
more_to_read[0] = 1
Baguette::Log.info "Let's say it's OK"
send_now event.fd, 1.to_u8, "OK"
if relation.ws.closed?
Baguette::Log.info "client closed the connection"
@relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Closing
if message.nil?
Baguette::Log.error "Reveiced a nil message"
@relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Closing
case message
when String
if relation.is_json
ipc_message = IPC::Message.from_json(message)
ipc_message.copy_to_message_pointer pm
return LibIPC::IPCCB::NoError
when WebSocket::Ping
Baguette::Log.debug "TODO: Received a ping message"
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Ignore
# every other option should be dropped
case message
when WebSocket::Error
Baguette::Log.error "An error occured"
@relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
when WebSocket::Pong
Baguette::Log.error "Received a pong message"
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Ignore
when WebSocket::Close
Baguette::Log.debug "Received a close message"
@relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Closing
when WebSocket::NotFinal
Baguette::Log.warning "TODO: Received only part of a message."
@relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
when Bytes
# TODO: when receiving a binary message
# we should test the format and maybe its content
Baguette::Log.error "Received a binary message: NOT IMPLEMENTED, YET"
@relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
Baguette::Log.error "Received a websocket message with unknown type"
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
rescue e
Baguette::Log.error "Exception (receiving a message) #{e}"
# tcp = WrappedTCPFileDescriptor.new(fd: fd, family: Socket::Family::INET)
# tcp.close
@relations.remove fd
return LibIPC::IPCCB::Error
def run
Baguette::Log.title "Starting websocketc"
@ -324,13 +318,19 @@ class Websocketc::Service < IPC::Server
Baguette::Log.error "relation: #{r}"
first_connection event
Baguette::Log.warning "context currently is"
when IPC::Event::Switch
Baguette::Log.debug "switched message from #{event.fd}"
when IPC::Exception
Baguette::Log.warning "IPC::Exception: #{event.message}"
Baguette::Log.warning "unhandled IPC event: #{event.class}"
exit 1
rescue e
Baguette::Log.error "exception: #{typeof(e)} - #{e.message}"