Update for new APIs, webipc.

This commit is contained in:
Luka Vandervelden 2019-09-30 21:11:42 +02:00
parent 0e86ca5806
commit 59a14aab5c
3 changed files with 108 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -349,8 +349,8 @@ model = {
protocol = if location.protocol == 'https' then 'wss' else 'ws'
port = if location.port then \: + location.port else ''
socket-url = protocol + '://' + location.hostname + port + "/socket"
port = 9999
socket-url = protocol + '://' + location.hostname + \: + port + "/kanban.JSON"
console.log socket-url
@ -358,6 +358,7 @@ KanbanSocket = (socket-url) ->
self = {}
self.open-socket = ->
console.log "Opening socket to #{socket-url}"
self.socket := new WebSocket socket-url
self.socket.onerror = (event) ->
@ -374,7 +375,9 @@ KanbanSocket = (socket-url) ->
self.socket.onmessage = (event) ->
self.on-message event
payload = JSON.parse(event.data).payload
self.on-message {data: payload}
self.reopen = ->
@ -383,29 +386,37 @@ KanbanSocket = (socket-url) ->
self.send = (opts) ->
self.socket.send opts
console.log JSON.stringify {
mtype: 0,
payload: opts
self.socket.send JSON.stringify {
mtype: 0,
payload: opts
self.get-project = (project-id) ->
self.socket.send JSON.stringify {
self.send JSON.stringify {
type: "project",
project: project-id
self.login = (login, password) ->
self.socket.send JSON.stringify {
self.send JSON.stringify {
type: "login",
login: login
password: password
self.get-user = (uid) ->
self.socket.send JSON.stringify {
self.send JSON.stringify {
type: "get-user"
uid: uid
self.new-project = (name) ->
self.socket.send JSON.stringify {
self.send JSON.stringify {
type: "new-project"
name: name
@ -420,10 +431,10 @@ KanbanSocket = (socket-url) ->
for key, value of options
payload[key] = value
self.socket.send JSON.stringify payload
self.send JSON.stringify payload
self.delete-task = (project-id, task-id) ->
self.socket.send JSON.stringify {
self.send JSON.stringify {
type: "delete-task"
project: project-id
task: task-id
@ -439,17 +450,17 @@ KanbanSocket = (socket-url) ->
for key, value of options
payload[key] = value
self.socket.send JSON.stringify payload
self.send JSON.stringify payload
self.delete-column = (project-id, column-id) ->
self.socket.send JSON.stringify {
self.send JSON.stringify {
type: "delete-column"
project: project-id
column: column-id
self.new-column = (project-id, name) ->
self.socket.send JSON.stringify {
self.send JSON.stringify {
type: "new-column"
project: project-id
name: name
@ -465,7 +476,7 @@ KanbanSocket = (socket-url) ->
for key, value of options
payload[key] = value
self.socket.send JSON.stringify payload
self.send JSON.stringify payload
self.edit-project = (project-id, options) ->
payload = {
@ -476,15 +487,17 @@ KanbanSocket = (socket-url) ->
for key, value of options
payload[key] = value
self.socket.send JSON.stringify payload
self.send JSON.stringify payload
socket = KanbanSocket socket-url
socket.on-message = (event) ->
console.log event.data
socket.on-close = ->
model.current-view := "login"
socket.on-message = (event) ->
message = JSON.parse event.data
switch message.type

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dependencies:
github: Lukc/authd
git: https://git.karchnu.fr/JunkOS/fs.cr
git: https://git.karchnu.fr/WeirdOS/fs.cr
# pg:
# github: will/crystal-pg

View File

@ -23,8 +23,37 @@ Kemal.config.extra_options do |parser|
sockets = [] of HTTP::WebSocket
users = {} of HTTP::WebSocket => AuthD::User
class ConnectionArray < Array(Int32)
def <<(x : IPC::Connection)
self << x.fd
def [](key) : IPC::Connection
fd = fetch key
connection = LibIPC::Connection.new# 0, 0, fd, 0, Pointer(UInt8).null
connection.fd = fd
IPC::Connection.new connection
def each
super do |fd|
connection = LibIPC::Connection.new# 0, 0, fd, 0, Pointer(UInt8).null
connection.fd = fd
yield IPC::Connection.new connection
class ConnectionHash < Hash(Int32, AuthD::User)
def [](key : IPC::Connection)
sockets = ConnectionArray.new
users = ConnectionHash.new
get "/" do
File.read "index.html"
@ -40,14 +69,28 @@ get "/main.js" do |env|
File.read "main.js"
ws "/socket" do |socket|
socket.on_close do
authd = AuthD::Client.new
key = authd_key
authd.key = key if key.is_a? String
IPC::Service.new "kanban" do |event|
case event
when IPC::Event::Connection
when IPC::Event::Disconnection
socket = event.connection
users.delete socket
sockets.delete socket
when IPC::Event::Message
message_as_s = String.new event.message.payload
message = JSON.parse(message_as_s).as_h
next # Dropping malformed requests.
socket.on_message do |message_as_s|
message = JSON.parse(message_as_s).as_h
connection = event.connection
case message["type"]
when "login"
@ -59,7 +102,7 @@ ws "/socket" do |socket|
user = authd.get_user? login, password
unless user
connection.send(0, {
type: "login-error",
error: "Invalid credentials."
@ -67,19 +110,19 @@ ws "/socket" do |socket|
users[socket] = user
sockets << socket
users[connection.fd] = user
sockets << connection.fd
connection.send(0, {
type: "login"
connection.send(0, {
type: "list-projects",
projects: Project.all storage_directory
when "new-project"
user = users[socket] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
user = users[connection] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
request = Requests::NewProject.from_json message_as_s
@ -88,28 +131,28 @@ ws "/socket" do |socket|
project.write! storage_directory
# FIXME: Only notify concerned users.
sockets.each &.send({
sockets.each &.send(0, {
type: "list-projects",
projects: Project.all storage_directory
sockets.each &.send({
sockets.each &.send(0, {
type: "project",
project: project
when "project"
user = users[socket] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
user = users[connection] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
request = Requests::Tasks.from_json message_as_s
project = Project.get_from_id request.project, storage_directory
connection.send(0, {
type: "project",
project: project
when "edit-project"
user = users[socket] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
user = users[connection] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
request = Requests::EditProject.from_json message_as_s
@ -126,12 +169,12 @@ ws "/socket" do |socket|
project.write! storage_directory
# FIXME: Only notify concerned users.
sockets.each &.send({
sockets.each &.send(0, {
type: "project",
project: project
when "new-column"
user = users[socket] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
user = users[connection] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
request = Requests::NewColumn.from_json message_as_s
@ -141,12 +184,12 @@ ws "/socket" do |socket|
project.write! storage_directory
# FIXME: Only notify concerned users.
sockets.each &.send({
sockets.each &.send(0, {
type: "project",
project: project
when "new-task"
user = users[socket] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
user = users[connection] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
request = Requests::NewTask.from_json message_as_s
@ -158,12 +201,12 @@ ws "/socket" do |socket|
project.write! storage_directory
# FIXME: Only notify concerned users.
sockets.each &.send({
sockets.each &.send(0, {
type: "project",
project: project
when "edit-task"
user = users[socket] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
user = users[connection] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
request = Requests::EditTask.from_json message_as_s
@ -199,12 +242,12 @@ ws "/socket" do |socket|
project.write! storage_directory
# FIXME: Only notify concerned users.
sockets.each &.send({
sockets.each &.send(0, {
type: "project",
project: project
when "delete-task"
user = users[socket]
user = users[connection]
request = Requests::DeleteTask.from_json message_as_s
@ -215,12 +258,12 @@ ws "/socket" do |socket|
project.write! storage_directory
# FIXME: Only notify concerned users.
sockets.each &.send({
sockets.each &.send(0, {
type: "project",
project: project
when "edit-column"
user = users[socket] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
user = users[connection] # FIXME: make it an authentication error
request = Requests::EditColumn.from_json message_as_s
@ -236,12 +279,12 @@ ws "/socket" do |socket|
project.write! storage_directory
# FIXME: Only notify concerned users.
sockets.each &.send({
sockets.each &.send(0, {
type: "project",
project: project
when "delete-column"
user = users[socket]
user = users[connection]
request = Requests::DeleteColumn.from_json message_as_s
project = Project.get_from_id request.project, storage_directory
@ -252,7 +295,7 @@ ws "/socket" do |socket|
project.write! storage_directory
# FIXME: Only notify concerned users.
sockets.each &.send({
sockets.each &.send(0, {
type: "project",
project: project
@ -261,18 +304,13 @@ ws "/socket" do |socket|
user = authd.get_user? request.uid
connection.send(0, {
type: "user",
user: user
pp event
Kemal.run do
authd = AuthD::Client.new
key = authd_key
authd.key = key if key.is_a? String