enum Package::BuildStatus Success Failed Pass end class Package::Backend::Building getter phase : String getter name : String getter callback : Proc(Context, Recipe, BuildStatus) def initialize(@phase, @name, &block : Proc(Context, Recipe, BuildStatus)) @callback = block end def build(context : Context, recipe : Recipe) @callback.call context, recipe end end class Package::Instructions class Set < Array(String) def initialize(@phase : String) super() end # FIXME: def execute def run(context : Context, recipe : Recipe) : BuildStatus if size > 0 each do |command| child = context.run recipe.building_directory, "sh", ["-x", "-c", command] if child.exit_status != 0 return BuildStatus::Failed end end return BuildStatus::Success end context.building_backends.select(&.phase.==(@phase)).each do |backend| Dir.cd recipe.building_directory rvalue = backend.build context, recipe if rvalue == BuildStatus::Pass next end return rvalue end BuildStatus::Pass rescue e # Possible TODO: print the origin of the exception (backend, user-provided code, other/unknown). STDERR << "Exception caught: " << e.message << "\n" BuildStatus::Failed end end # FIXME: Switch to an enum at some point? getter configure = Set.new "configure" getter build = Set.new "build" getter install = Set.new "install" def to_a [configure, build, install] end end