# FIXME: Where should this go? We can’t just leave it here. :( def pkginfo(package) du = `du -sk #{package.fake_root_directory}` size = du.sub(/[ \t].*/, "").to_i * 1024 lines = [] of String lines << "# Generated by `package`." lines << "pkgname = #{package.name}" lines << "pkgver = #{package.version}-r#{package.release}" lines << "url = #{package.url || ""} " lines << "size = #{size}" lines << "origin = #{package.recipe.name}" lines << "buildtype = host" # This’ll need to be imported from Context. lines << "builddate = #{Time.utc.to_unix}" package.dependencies.each do |atom| lines << "depends = #{atom.to_s}" end package.provides.each do |atom| lines << "provides = #{atom.to_s}" end package.conflicts.each do |atom| lines << "conflicts = #{atom.to_s}" end lines.join "\n" end class Package::Backend::Packaging getter name : String def initialize(@name, &block : Proc(Context, Package, Bool)) @callback = block end def package(context : Context, package : Package) @callback.call context, package end end class Package::Backend::Splitter def initialize(&block : Proc(Recipe, Package)) @callback = block end def create_split(recipe : Recipe) : Package @callback.call recipe end end class Package::Context property working_directory = "/tmp/package" property sources_directory = Dir.current property packages_directory = Dir.current getter packaging_backends = [] of Backend::Packaging getter building_backends = [] of Backend::Building getter splitter_backends = [] of Backend::Splitter # Directories where ports can be found. getter repositories = [] of String # Well, this will need configuration, auto-detection and conversion, # but it’ll be kind of enough for now. property architecture = "x86_64" def initialize @packaging_backends << Backend::Packaging.new "pkgutils" do |context, package| puts "#{package.fake_root_directory} -> #{packages_directory}/#{package.name}##{package.version}-#{package.release}.pkg.tar.xz" pp! r = run package.fake_root_directory, "tar", ["cJf", "#{packages_directory}/#{package.name}##{package.version}.pkg.tar.xz", "."] r.exit_status == 0 end @packaging_backends << Backend::Packaging.new "apk" do |context, package| # FIXME: This needs to have access to architecture (from Context?) # to work properly. old_cwd = Dir.current puts "#{package.fake_root_directory} -> #{packages_directory}/#{package.name}-#{package.version}-r#{package.release}.apk" puts pkginfo package File.write "#{package.fake_root_directory}/.PKGINFO", pkginfo package # Create data.tar.gz here. package_target = "#{packages_directory}/#{context.architecture}/#{package.name}-#{package.version}-r#{package.release}.apk" Dir.mkdir_p File.dirname package_target # FIXME: This shouldn’t have to be in users’ PATH. libexec? r = run package.fake_root_directory, "assemble-apk.sh", [ package_target ] r.exit_status == 0 end @selected_packaging_backend = @packaging_backends[0] @building_backends << Backend::Building.new "configure", "autotools" do |context, recipe| Dir.cd recipe.dirname unless File.exists? "configure" next BuildStatus::Pass end child = context.sh "./configure --prefix=/usr #{recipe.options["configure"]? || ""}" if child.exit_status == 0 BuildStatus::Success else BuildStatus::Failed end end @building_backends << Backend::Building.new "build", "make" do |context, recipe| Dir.cd recipe.dirname unless File.exists? "Makefile" next BuildStatus::Pass end child = context.sh "make #{recipe.options["make"]? || ""}" if child.exit_status == 0 BuildStatus::Success else BuildStatus::Failed end end @building_backends << Backend::Building.new "install", "make" do |context, recipe| Dir.cd recipe.dirname unless File.exists? "Makefile" next BuildStatus::Pass end child = context.sh "make install 'DESTDIR=#{recipe.fake_root_directory}' #{recipe.options["make install"]? || ""}" if child.exit_status == 0 BuildStatus::Success else BuildStatus::Failed end end @splitter_backends << Backend::Splitter.new do |recipe| Package.new(recipe, true).tap do |split| split.name = "#{recipe.name}-man" split.files = ["/usr/share/man"] end end @splitter_backends << Backend::Splitter.new do |recipe| Package.new(recipe, true).tap do |split| split.name = "#{recipe.name}-dev" split.files = ["/usr/include"] split.file_patterns = [ Regex.new("^/lib/.*\\.a$"), Regex.new("^/usr/lib/.*\\.a$") ] end end end def packaging_backend=(name : String) @selected_packaging_backend = @packaging_backends.find(&.name.==(name)).not_nil! end def packaging_backend=(backend : Backend::Packaging) @selected_packaging_backend = backend end def run(chdir, command, args) Process.run command, args, chdir: chdir, output: Process::Redirect::Inherit, error: Process::Redirect::Inherit end def run(command, args) run nil, command, args end def run(command) run nil, command, nil end def sh(command) run nil, "sh", ["-x", "-e", "-c", command] end def package(package : Package) : Bool @selected_packaging_backend.package self, package end def read_recipe(filename : String) Recipe.new self, filename end def find_recipe(name : String) : Recipe? recipe_file_name = "" repo = @repositories.find do |repo| repo_dir_name = "#{repo}/#{name}" recipe_file_name = "#{repo_dir_name}/recipe.spec" if Dir.exists?(repo_dir_name) && File.exists?(recipe_file_name) next true end end read_recipe recipe_file_name if repo end end