require "spec" require "./src/" require "./src/" extend Package # FIXME: recipe.clean? context autoclean? context = context.packaging_backend = "apk" recipes = [] of Package::Recipe class SpecFileParser def get_string?(id) : String? entry = self.assignments[id]? unless entry.is_a? StringContainer nil else entry.value end end def get_string(id) : String entry = self.assignments[id]? unless entry.is_a? StringContainer raise "`#{id}` was expected to be a string, but was a #{entry.class}." end entry.value end def get_long_string?(id) : String? entry = self.assignments[id]? unless entry.is_a? LongStringContainer nil else entry.value end end def get_string_any?(id) : String? get_string?(id) || get_long_string?(id) end def get_list?(id) : Array(String)? entry = assignments[id]? case entry when SpecFileParser::ArrayContainer entry.value when SpecFileParser::StringContainer entry.value.split(",") when Nil return nil else raise "`#{id}` was expected to be a list (string), but was a `#{entry.class}`" end end end class Package::Recipe def initialize(@context, specs : SpecFileParser) pp! specs @name = specs.get_string "name" @version = specs.get_string "version" @release = specs.get_string?("release").try(&.to_i) || 1 @url = specs.get_string? "url" @description = specs.get_string_any? "description" @packager = specs.get_string? "packager" @maintainer = specs.get_string? "packager" specs.get_string_any?("configure").try do |script| @instructions.configure << script end specs.get_string_any?("build").try do |script| << script end specs.get_string_any?("install").try do |script| @instructions.install << script end specs.get_list?("dependencies").try &.each do |atom| @dependencies << atom end specs.get_list?("conflicts").try &.each do |atom| @conflicts << atom end specs.get_list?("provides").try &.each do |atom| @provides << atom end specs.get_list?("sources").try &.each do |source| @sources << source end specs.get_list?("options").try &.each do |option| match = option.match /\(.*\) *= *\(.*\)/ unless match puts "WARNING: misformed option: #{option}" next end name, value = match puts "OPTION: #{name} -> #{value}" @options[name] = value end end end class Package::Context def read_recipe(filename : String) specs = SpecFileParser.parse filename if specs.nil? raise "file could not be parsed" end self, specs end end pp! context.read_recipe "test.spec" if ARGV.size == 0 || ARGV[0]? == "-h" pp &.name exit 0 end recipes.each do |recipe| pp recipe raise "oh no, download failed" unless raise "oh no, extraction failed" unless recipe.extract raise "oh no, build failed" unless raise "oh no, packaging failed" unless recipe.package recipe.clean end