require "option_parser" require "file_utils" require "colorize" require "./" require "./" extend Package context = context.packaging_backend = "apk" context.repositories << "." requested_recipes = [] of String download_only = false do_not_clean = false used_X = false OptionParser.parse! do |parser| parser.banner = "Usage: package [options] >>" parser.on("-X DIR", "--repository DIR", "Sets a ports repository for finding dependencies (default=.).") { |dir| unless used_X while context.repositories.pop? end used_X = true end context.repositories << dir } parser.on("-D", "--download-only", "Only download sources, do not build.") { download_only = true } parser.on("-k", "--keep-work-dir", "Do not clean after building.") { do_not_clean = true } parser.on("-h", "--help", "Prints this help message.") { puts parser exit 0 } parser.invalid_option do |flag| STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{flag} is not a valid option." STDERR.puts parser exit(1) end parser.unknown_args do |arg| requested_recipes = arg end end found_recipes = do |name| puts context.find_recipe(name) context.find_recipe(name) || name end invalid_recipes = &.is_a?(String) if invalid_recipes.size > 0 STDERR.puts "ERROR: some of the requested recipes could not be found:" invalid_recipes.each do |name| STDERR.puts " - #{name}" end STDERR.puts " (try using -X?)" end recipes = found_recipes.compact_map do |recipe_or_string| recipe_or_string unless recipe_or_string.is_a?(String) end # FIXME: Now we need to build their respective deptrees and to deduplicate # the list of recipes. begin latest_build_dir = "" dependencies = [] of String recipes.each do |recipe| recipe.build_dependencies.each do |dep| dependencies << dep unless dependencies.any? &.==(dep) end end if dependencies.size > 0 # FIXME: We’ll probably want to have backends other than apk at some point. r = "apk add #{ENV["APK_FLAGS"]? || "-i"} #{dependencies.join " "}" if r.exit_status != 0 STDERR.puts "!! Running apk failed!" exit 8 end end recipes.each do |recipe| latest_build_dir = recipe.building_directory puts " >> #{}".colorize :white next if download_only recipe.extract recipe.package recipe.clean unless do_not_clean end rescue e : Package::Exception STDERR.puts "!! #{e.message}".colorize(:red).bright STDERR.puts "!! You may want to inspect the build directory at #{latest_build_dir}" exit 1 rescue e STDERR.puts "!! An unexpected error occured:".colorize(:red).bright STDERR.puts e exit 1 end