Fork 0
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260 lines
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#include "../lib/pubsubd.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define NB_CLIENTS 3
ohshit(int rvalue, const char* str) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str);
// head of the list
LIST_HEAD(workers, worker);
struct workers *my_workers;
// element of the list
// worker : process to handle (threaded)
struct worker {
pthread_t *thr;
struct channels *chans;
struct channel *chan;
struct app_list_elm *ale;
LIST_ENTRY(worker) entries;
void pubsubd_worker_free (struct worker * w);
struct worker * pubsubd_worker_get (struct workers *wrkrs, struct worker *w);
int pubsubd_worker_eq (const struct worker *w1, const struct worker *w2);
void pubsubd_workers_init (struct workers *wrkrs) { LIST_INIT(wrkrs); }
struct worker *
pubsubd_workers_add (struct workers *wrkrs, const struct worker *w)
if (wrkrs == NULL || w == NULL) {
printf ("pubsubd_workers_add: wrkrs == NULL or w == NULL");
return NULL;
struct worker *n = malloc (sizeof (struct worker));
memset (n, 0, sizeof (struct worker));
memcpy (n, w, sizeof (struct worker));
if (w->ale != NULL)
n->ale = pubsubd_app_list_elm_copy (w->ale);
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(wrkrs, n, entries);
return n;
void pubsubd_worker_del (struct workers *wrkrs, struct worker *w)
struct worker *todel = pubsubd_worker_get (wrkrs, w);
if(todel != NULL) {
LIST_REMOVE(todel, entries);
pubsubd_worker_free (todel);
free (todel);
todel = NULL;
// kill the threads
void pubsubd_workers_stop (struct workers *wrkrs)
if (!wrkrs)
struct worker *w = NULL;
struct worker *wtmp = NULL;
LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(w, wrkrs, entries, wtmp) {
if (w->thr == NULL)
pthread_cancel (*w->thr);
void *ret = NULL;
pthread_join (*w->thr, &ret);
if (ret != NULL) {
free (ret);
free (w->thr);
w->thr = NULL;
void pubsubd_workers_del_all (struct workers *wrkrs)
if (!wrkrs)
struct worker *w = NULL;
while (!LIST_EMPTY(wrkrs)) {
printf ("KILL THE WORKERS : %p\n", w);
w = LIST_FIRST(wrkrs);
LIST_REMOVE(w, entries);
pubsubd_worker_free (w);
free (w);
w = NULL;
void pubsubd_worker_free (struct worker * w)
if (w == NULL)
pubsubd_app_list_elm_free (w->ale);
free (w->ale);
w->ale = NULL;
struct worker * pubsubd_worker_get (struct workers *wrkrs, struct worker *w)
struct worker * np = NULL;
LIST_FOREACH(np, wrkrs, entries) {
if (pubsubd_worker_eq (np, w))
return np;
return NULL;
int pubsubd_worker_eq (const struct worker *w1, const struct worker *w2)
return w1 == w2; // if it's the same pointer
// a thread for each connected process
void * pubsubd_worker_thread (void *params)
int s = 0;
s = pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);
if (s != 0)
printf ("pthread_setcancelstate: %d\n", s);
struct worker *w = (struct worker *) params;
if (w == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "error pubsubd_worker_thread : params NULL\n");
return NULL;
struct channels *chans = w->chans;
struct channel *chan = w->chan;
struct app_list_elm *ale = w->ale;
// main loop
while (1) {
struct pubsub_msg m;
memset (&m, 0, sizeof (struct pubsub_msg));
pubsubd_msg_recv (ale->p, &m);
printf ("process %d disconnecting...\n", ale->p->pid);
if ( 0 != pubsubd_subscriber_del (chan->alh, ale)) {
fprintf (stderr, "err : subscriber not registered\n");
else {
struct channel *ch = pubsubd_channel_search (chans, chan->chan);
if (ch == NULL) {
printf ("CHAN NOT FOUND\n");
else {
printf ("what should be sent: ");
pubsubd_msg_print (&m);
printf ("send the message to:\t");
pubsubd_channel_print (ch);
pubsubd_msg_send (ch->alh, &m);
pubsubd_msg_free (&m);
pubsubd_app_list_elm_free (ale);
free (w->ale);
w->ale = NULL;
free (w->thr);
w->thr = NULL;
pubsubd_worker_del (my_workers, w);
pthread_exit (NULL);
main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
struct service srv;
memset (&srv, 0, sizeof (struct service));
srv_init (argc, argv, env, &srv, PUBSUB_SERVICE_NAME, NULL);
printf ("Listening on %s.\n", srv.spath);
// creates the service named pipe, that listens to client applications
if (srv_create (&srv))
ohshit(1, "service_create error");
// init chans list
struct channels chans;
memset (&chans, 0, sizeof (struct channels));
pubsubd_channels_init (&chans);
my_workers = malloc (sizeof (struct workers));
memset (my_workers, 0, sizeof (struct workers));
pubsubd_workers_init (my_workers);
int i = 0;
// for (i = 0; i < NB_CLIENTS; i++)
for (i = 0; ; i++) {
// for each new process
struct app_list_elm ale;
memset (&ale, 0, sizeof (struct app_list_elm));
struct channel *chan = NULL;
pubsubd_get_new_process (srv.spath, &ale, &chans, &chan);
pubsubd_channels_print (&chans);
// end the application
if (ale.action == PUBSUB_QUIT) {
pubsubd_app_list_elm_free (&ale);
// thread to handle multiple clients at a time
struct worker *w = NULL;
w = malloc (sizeof (struct worker));
w->thr = malloc (sizeof (pthread_t));
memset (w->thr, 0, sizeof (pthread_t));
w->ale = pubsubd_app_list_elm_copy (&ale);
w->chans = &chans;
w->chan = chan;
struct worker *wtmp = pubsubd_workers_add (my_workers, w);
pubsubd_worker_free (w);
free (w);
w = wtmp;
pthread_create (w->thr, NULL, pubsubd_worker_thread, w);
pthread_detach (*w->thr);
pubsubd_app_list_elm_free (&ale);
printf ("Quitting ...\n");
pubsubd_workers_stop (my_workers);
pubsubd_channels_del_all (&chans);
pubsubd_workers_del_all (my_workers);
free (my_workers);
// the application will shut down, and remove the service named pipe
if (srv_close (&srv))
ohshit (1, "service_close error");