all: ZIGMAKEDOC = -femit-docs -fno-emit-bin ZIGOPTIM ?= Debug # Linking against libc is almost mandatory, C allocator is used # for switching (default reception and emission functions). ZIGBUSEOPTS ?= -O$(ZIGOPTIM) -freference-trace -lc ZIGUSROPTS ?= ZIGC ?= zig ZIGOPTS ?= $(ZIGBUSEOPTS) $(ZIGUSROPTS) # Debug with valgrind. ifdef VG_SUPPRESS_WARNINGS VALGRIND_SUPPRESS_WARNINGS ?= --suppressions=./valgrind.suppr endif ifdef VG_GENERATE_SUPPRESSION VALGRIND_GEN_SUPPRESSION ?= --gen-suppressions=all endif VALGRIND_OPTS=-v --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ifdef USE_VALGRIND VALGRIND ?= valgrind $(VALGRIND_SUPPRESS_WARNINGS) \ $(VALGRIND_GEN_SUPPRESSION) \ $(VALGRIND_OPTS) endif # Optional parameters (copied here to help with autocompletion). VG_SUPPRESS_WARNINGS ?= VG_GENERATE_SUPPRESSION ?= USE_VALGRIND ?= TO_CLEAN != ls misc/*.zig | sed 's/.zig$\//' | sed 's_misc/__' TO_CLEAN += bin/ipcd bin/tcpd bin/pong bin/pongd TO_CLEAN += bin/*.o clean: @-rm $(TO_CLEAN) 2>/dev/null mrproper: clean @-rm -r docs build zig-cache zig-out 2>/dev/null doc: src/ipcd.zig $(ZIGC) build-exe $(ZIGOPTS) $(ZIGMAKEDOC) $^ ACCESS_LOGS ?= ./access.log servedoc: darkhttpd docs/ --addr --port 35000 --log $(ACCESS_LOGS) # You can add your specific instructions there. -include makefile.user