const std = @import("std"); const net =; const fmt = std.fmt; const os = std.os; const ipc = @import("ipc"); const hexdump = ipc.hexdump; const Message = ipc.Message; // Import send_fd this way in order to produce docs for exchange-fd functions. const exchange_fd = ipc.exchangefd; const send_fd = exchange_fd.send_fd; const builtin = @import("builtin"); const native_os =; const print = std.debug.print; const testing = std.testing; const print_eq = ipc.util.print_eq; const URI = ipc.util.URI; // Standard library is unecessary complex regarding networking. // libipc drops it and uses plain old file descriptors instead. // API should completely obfuscate the inner structures. // Only libipc structures should be necessary to write any networking code, // users should only work with Context and Message, mostly. // QUESTION: should libipc use std.fs.path and not simple [] const u8? fn create_service() !void { const config = .{.safety = true}; var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var ctx = try ipc.Context.init(allocator); defer ctx.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful? // SERVER SIDE: creating a service. _ = try ctx.server_init("ipc"); // signal handler, to quit when asked const S = struct { var should_quit: bool = false; fn handler(sig: i32, info: *const os.siginfo_t, _: ?*const anyopaque) callconv(.C) void { print ("A signal has been received: {}\n", .{sig}); // Check that we received the correct signal. switch (native_os) { .netbsd => { if (sig != os.SIG.HUP or sig != return; }, else => { if (sig != os.SIG.HUP and sig != info.signo) return; }, } should_quit = true; } }; var sa = os.Sigaction{ .handler = .{ .sigaction = &S.handler }, .mask = os.empty_sigset, // Do not mask any signal. .flags = os.SA.SIGINFO, }; // Quit on SIGHUP (kill -1). try os.sigaction(os.SIG.HUP, &sa, null); var some_event: ipc.Event = undefined; ctx.timer = 1000; // 1 second var count: u32 = 0; while(! S.should_quit) { some_event = try ctx.wait_event(); switch (some_event.t) { .TIMER => { print("\rTimer! ({})", .{count}); count += 1; }, .CONNECTION => { print("New connection: {} so far!\n", .{ctx.pollfd.items.len}); }, .DISCONNECTION => { print("User {} disconnected, {} remainaing.\n" , .{some_event.origin, ctx.pollfd.items.len}); }, .EXTERNAL => { print("Message received from a non IPC socket.\n", .{}); print("NOT IMPLEMENTED, YET. It's a suicide, then.\n", .{}); break; }, .SWITCH_RX => { print("Message has been received (SWITCH).\n", .{}); print("NOT IMPLEMENTED, YET. It's a suicide, then.\n", .{}); break; }, .SWITCH_TX => { print("Message has been sent (SWITCH).\n", .{}); print("NOT IMPLEMENTED, YET. It's a suicide, then.\n", .{}); break; }, .MESSAGE => { print("Client asking for a service through ipcd.\n", .{}); defer ctx.close_fd (some_event.origin) catch {}; if (some_event.m) |m| { print("{}\n", .{m}); defer m.deinit(); // Do not forget to free the message payload. // 1. split message var iterator = std.mem.split(u8, m.payload, ";"); var service_to_contact = iterator.first(); // print("service to contact: {s}\n", .{service_to_contact}); var final_destination: ?[]const u8 = null; // 2. find relevant part of the message while ( |next| { // print("next part: {s}\n", .{next}); var iterator2 = std.mem.split(u8, next, " "); var sname = iterator2.first(); var target =; if (target) |t| { // print ("sname: {s} - target: {s}\n", .{sname, t}); if (std.mem.eql(u8, service_to_contact, sname)) { final_destination = t; } } else { print("ERROR: no target in: {s}\n", .{next}); } } // 3. connect whether asked to and send a message if (final_destination) |dest| { print("Connecting to {s} (service requested: {s})\n" , .{dest, service_to_contact}); var uri =; // 1. in case there is no URI if (std.mem.eql(u8, uri.protocol, dest)) { var newfd = try ctx.connect_service (dest); send_fd (some_event.origin, "ok", newfd); try ctx.close_fd (newfd); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, uri.protocol, "unix")) { var newfd = try ctx.connect_service (uri.address); send_fd (some_event.origin, "ok", newfd); try ctx.close_fd (newfd); } // 2. else, contact d or directly the dest in case there is none. else { var servicefd = try ctx.connect_service (uri.protocol); defer ctx.close_fd (servicefd) catch {}; // TODO: make a simple protocol between IPCd and d // NEED inform about the connection (success or fail) // FIRST DRAFT: // - IPCd: send a message containing the destination // - PROTOCOLd: send "ok" to inform the connection is established // - PROTOCOLd: send "no" in case there was an error var message = try Message.init(servicefd, allocator, dest); defer message.deinit(); try ctx.write(message); var response_from_service = try ctx.read_fd(servicefd); if (response_from_service) |r| { defer r.deinit(); if (std.mem.eql(u8, r.payload, "ok")) { // OK // print("service has established the connection\n", .{}); send_fd (some_event.origin, "ok", servicefd); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, r.payload, "ne")) { // PROBLEM print("service cannot establish the connection\n", .{}); // TODO } else { print("service isn't working properly, its response is: {s}\n", .{r.payload}); // TODO } } else { // No message = should be handled as a disconnection. print("No response from service: let's drop everything\n", .{}); } } } } else { // There is a problem: ipcd was contacted without providing // a message, meaning there is nothing to do. This should be // explicitely warned about. var response = try Message.init(some_event.origin , allocator , "lookup message without data"); defer response.deinit(); try ctx.write(response); } }, .TX => { print("Message sent.\n", .{}); }, .ERROR => { print("A problem occured, event: {}, let's suicide\n", .{some_event}); break; }, } } print("Goodbye\n", .{}); } pub fn main() !u8 { try create_service(); return 0; }