#include "communication.h" #include "usocket.h" #include "utils.h" #include "error.h" #include #include #include void service_path (char *path, const char *sname, int index, int version) { assert (path != NULL); assert (sname != NULL); memset (path, 0, PATH_MAX); snprintf (path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s-%d-%d", TMPDIR, sname, index, version); } int ipc_server_init (int argc, char **argv, char **env , struct service *srv, const char *sname) { if (srv == NULL) return ER_PARAMS; // TODO // use the argc, argv and env parameters // it will be useful to change some parameters transparently // ex: to get resources from other machines, choosing the // remote with environment variables argc = argc; argv = argv; env = env; // gets the service path service_path (srv->spath, sname, srv->index, srv->version); return usock_init (&srv->service_fd, srv->spath); } int ipc_server_accept (struct service *srv, struct process *p) { assert (srv != NULL); assert (p != NULL); usock_accept (srv->service_fd, &p->proc_fd); struct msg m_con; memset (&m_con, 0, sizeof (struct msg)); ipc_server_read (p, &m_con); // TODO: handle the parameters in the first message ipc_message_free (&m_con); struct msg m_ack; memset (&m_ack, 0, sizeof (struct msg)); ipc_message_format_ack (&m_ack, NULL, 0); ipc_server_write (p, &m_ack); ipc_message_free (&m_ack); return 0; } int ipc_server_close (struct service *srv) { usock_close (srv->service_fd); return usock_remove (srv->spath); } int ipc_server_close_proc (struct process *p) { // struct msg m_ack_dis; // memset (&m_ack_dis, 0, sizeof (struct msg)); // m_ack_dis.type = MSG_TYPE_CLOSE; // if (ipc_message_write (p->proc_fd, &m_ack_dis) < 0) { // handle_err ("server_close_proc", "ipc_message_write < 0"); // } return usock_close (p->proc_fd); } int ipc_server_read (const struct process *p, struct msg *m) { return ipc_message_read (p->proc_fd, m); } int ipc_server_write (const struct process *p, const struct msg *m) { return ipc_message_write (p->proc_fd, m); } int ipc_application_connection (int argc, char **argv, char **env , struct service *srv, const char *sname , const char *connectionstr, size_t msize) { argc = argc; argv = argv; env = env; assert (srv != NULL); assert (sname != NULL); if (srv == NULL) { return -1; } // gets the service path service_path (srv->spath, sname, srv->index, srv->version); usock_connect (&srv->service_fd, srv->spath); // send connection string and receive acknowledgement struct msg m_con; memset (&m_con, 0, sizeof (struct msg)); // format the connection msg if (ipc_message_format_con (&m_con, connectionstr, msize) < 0) { handle_err ("application_connection", "ipc_message_format_con"); return -1; } // send connection msg ipc_application_write (srv, &m_con); ipc_message_free (&m_con); // receive ack msg struct msg m_ack; memset (&m_ack, 0, sizeof (struct msg)); ipc_application_read (srv, &m_ack); assert (m_ack.type == MSG_TYPE_ACK); assert (m_ack.valsize == 0); ipc_message_free (&m_ack); return 0; } // send a CLOSE message then close the socket int ipc_application_close (struct service *srv) { struct msg m; memset (&m, 0, sizeof (struct msg)); m.type = MSG_TYPE_CLOSE; if (ipc_message_write (srv->service_fd, &m) < 0) { handle_err ("application_close", "ipc_message_write < 0"); } return usock_close (srv->service_fd); } int ipc_application_read (struct service *srv, struct msg *m) { return ipc_message_read (srv->service_fd, m); } int ipc_application_write (struct service *srv, const struct msg *m) { return ipc_message_write (srv->service_fd, m); } /*calculer le max filedescriptor*/ int getMaxFd(struct array_proc *ap) { int i; int max = 0; for (i = 0; i < ap->size; i++ ) { if (ap->tab_proc[i]->proc_fd > max) { max = ap->tab_proc[i]->proc_fd; } } return max; } /* * ipc_server_select prend en parametre * * un tableau de process qu'on écoute * * le service qui attend de nouvelles connexions * * un tableau de process qui souhaitent parler * * la fonction trouve le processus/service actif et renvoie * un entier correspondant à quel descripteur de fichier il faut lire * * celui du serveur = nouvelle connexion entrante (CONNECTION) * * celui d'un ou plusieurs processus = ils nous parlent (APPLICATION) * * les deux à la fois (CON_APP) */ int ipc_server_select (struct array_proc *ap, struct service *srv , struct array_proc *proc) { assert (ap != NULL); assert (proc != NULL); // delete previous read process array array_proc_free (proc); int i, j; /* master file descriptor list */ fd_set master; fd_set readf; /* maximum file descriptor number */ int fdmax; /* listening socket descriptor */ int listener = srv->service_fd; /* clear the master and temp sets */ FD_ZERO(&master); FD_ZERO(&readf); /* add the listener to the master set */ FD_SET(listener, &master); for (i=0; i < ap->size; i++) { FD_SET(ap->tab_proc[i]->proc_fd, &master); } /* keep track of the biggest file descriptor */ fdmax = getMaxFd(ap) > srv->service_fd ? getMaxFd(ap) : srv->service_fd; int is_listener = 0; do { // printf ("loop ipc_server_select main_loop\n"); readf = master; if(select(fdmax+1, &readf, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1) { perror("select"); return -1; } /*run through the existing connections looking for data to be read*/ for (i = 0; i <= fdmax; i++) { // printf ("loop ipc_server_select inner loop\n"); if (FD_ISSET(i, &readf)) { if (i == listener) { is_listener = 1; } else { for(j = 0; j < ap->size; j++) { // printf ("loop ipc_server_select inner inner loop\n"); if(i == ap->tab_proc[j]->proc_fd ) { add_proc (proc, ap->tab_proc[j]); } } } } } } while (0); if (proc->size > 0 && is_listener) return CON_APP; if (proc->size > 0) return APPLICATION; return CONNECTION; }