const std = @import("std"); const testing = std.testing; const net =; const fmt = std.fmt; // TODO: file descriptors should have a specific type (but i32 is used in // TODO: path => std.XXX.YYY, not simple [] const u8 // TODO: both Connection and pollfd store file descriptors. // Connection stores either Stream (server) or Address (client). // TODO: API should completely obfuscate the inner structures. // Only structures in this file should be necessary. const print = std.debug.print; pub const Messages = std.ArrayList(Message); pub const Switches = std.ArrayList(Switch); pub const Connections = std.ArrayList(Connection); pub const PollFD = std.ArrayList(i32); pub const IPC_TYPE = enum { UNIX_SOCKETS }; pub const Message = struct { pub const Type = enum { SERVER_CLOSE, ERROR, DATA, NETWORK_LOOKUP, }; t: Message.Type, // Internal message type. fd: usize, // File descriptor concerned about this message. payload: []const u8, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, // Memory allocator. const Self = @This(); // TODO //pub fn initFromConnection(fd: usize) Self { // return Self{ // .t = Message.Type.ERROR, // .fd = fd, // .payload = "hello", // }; //} pub fn init(fd: usize, t: Message.Type , allocator: std.mem.Allocator , payload: []const u8) !Self { return Message { .fd = fd, .t = t , .allocator = allocator , .payload = try allocator.dupe(u8, payload) }; } pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {; } pub fn format(self: Self, comptime _: []const u8, _: fmt.FormatOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void { try fmt.format(out_stream, "fd: {}, {}, payload: [{s}]", .{self.fd, self.t, self.payload} ); } }; test "Message - creation and display" { print("\n", .{}); // fd type payload const config = .{.safety = true}; var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var s = "hello!!"; var m = try Message.init(1, Message.Type.DATA, allocator, s); defer m.deinit(); print("message:\t[{}]\n", .{m}); print("\n", .{}); } pub const Event = struct { // Event types. // In the main event loop, servers and clients can receive connections, // disconnections, errors or messages from their pairs. They also can // set a timer so the loop will allow a periodic routine (sending ping // messages for websockets, for instance). // // A few other events can occur. // // Extra socket // The main loop waiting for an event can be used as an unique entry // point for socket management. libipc users can register sockets via // ipc_add_fd allowing them to trigger an event, so events unrelated // to libipc are managed the same way. // Switch // libipc can be used to create protocol-related programs, such as a // websocket proxy allowing libipc services to be accessible online. // To help those programs (with TCP-complient sockets), two sockets // can be bound together, each message coming from one end will be // automatically transfered to the other socket and a Switch event // will be triggered. // Look Up // When a client establishes a connection to a service, it asks the // ipc daemon (ipcd) to locate the service and establish a connection // to it. This is a lookup. pub const Type = enum { NOT_SET, // Default. TODO: should we keep this? ERROR, // A problem occured. EXTRA_SOCKET, // Message received from a non IPC socket. SWITCH, // Message to send to a corresponding fd. CONNECTION, // New user. DISCONNECTION, // User disconnected. MESSAGE, // New message. LOOKUP, // Client asking for a service through ipcd. TIMER, // Timeout in the poll(2) function. TX, // Message sent. }; t: Event.Type, index: u32, origin: usize, // socket fd m: ?*Message, // message pointer const Self = @This(); pub fn init(t: Event.Type, index: u32, origin: usize, m: ?*Message) Self { return Self { .t = t, .index = index, .origin = origin, .m = m, }; } pub fn set(self: *Self, t: Event.Type, index: u32, origin: usize, m: ?*Message) void { self.t = t; self.index = index; self.origin = origin; self.m = m; } pub fn clean(self: *Self) void { self.t = Event.Type.NOT_SET; self.index = @as(u8,0); self.origin = @as(usize,0); if (self.m) |message| { message.deinit(); } self.m = null; } pub fn format(self: Self, comptime _: []const u8, _: fmt.FormatOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void { try fmt.format(out_stream , "{}, origin: {}, index {}, message: [{?}]" , .{ self.t, self.origin, self.index, self.m} ); } }; test "Event - creation and display" { print("\n", .{}); const config = .{.safety = true}; var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var s = "hello!!"; var m = try Message.init(1, Message.Type.DATA, allocator, s); // fd type payload defer m.deinit(); var e = Event.init(Event.Type.CONNECTION, 5, 8, &m); // type index origin message print("event:\t[{}]\n", .{e}); print("\n", .{}); } pub const CBEvent = struct { // CallBack Event types. // In the main event loop, servers and clients can receive connections, // disconnections, errors or messages from their pairs. They also can // set a timer so the loop will allow a periodic routine (sending ping // messages for websockets, for instance). // // A few other events can occur. // // Extra socket // The main loop waiting for an event can be used as an unique entry // point for socket management. libipc users can register sockets via // ipc_add_fd allowing them to trigger an event, so events unrelated // to libipc are managed the same way. // Switch // libipc can be used to create protocol-related programs, such as a // websocket proxy allowing libipc services to be accessible online. // To help those programs (with TCP-complient sockets), two sockets // can be bound together, each message coming from one end will be // automatically transfered to the other socket and a Switch event // will be triggered. // Look Up // When a client establishes a connection to a service, it asks the // ipc daemon (ipcd) to locate the service and establish a connection // to it. This is a lookup. // For IO callbacks (switching). pub const Type = enum { NO_ERROR, // No error. A message was generated. FD_CLOSING, // The fd is closing. FD_ERROR, // Generic error. PARSING_ERROR, // The message was read but with errors. IGNORE, // The message should be ignored (protocol specific). }; t: CBEvent.Type, }; pub const Connection = struct { pub const Type = enum { IPC, // Standard connection. EXTERNAL, // Non IPC connection (TCP, UDP, etc.). SERVER, // Messages received = new connections. SWITCHED, // IO operations should go through registered callbacks. }; t: Connection.Type, path: ?[] const u8, // Not always needed. // TODO: use these connections server: ?net.StreamServer = null, client: ?net.StreamServer.Connection = null, // more_to_read: bool, // useless for now const Self = @This(); pub fn init(t: Connection.Type, path: ?[] const u8) Self { return Self { .t = t, .path = path, // .more_to_read = false, // TODO: maybe useless }; } pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void { if (self.server) |*s| { s.deinit(); } // if (self.client) |*c| { c.deinit(); } } pub fn format(self: Self, comptime _: []const u8, _: fmt.FormatOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void { try fmt.format(out_stream, "{}, path {?s}", .{ self.t, self.path}); if (self.server) |s| { try fmt.format(out_stream, "{}" , .{s}); } if (self.client) |c| { try fmt.format(out_stream, "{}" , .{c}); } } }; test "Connection - creation and display" { print("\n", .{}); // origin destination var path = "/some/path"; var c1 = Connection.init(Connection.Type.EXTERNAL, path); defer c1.deinit(); var c2 = Connection.init(Connection.Type.IPC , null); defer c2.deinit(); print("connection 1:\t[{}]\n", .{c1}); print("connection 2:\t[{}]\n", .{c2}); print("\n", .{}); } // TODO: default callbacks, actual switching. pub const Switch = struct { origin : usize, destination : usize, // orig_in: ?fn (origin: usize, m: Message) CBEvent, // orig_out: ?fn (origin: usize, m: Message) CBEvent, // dest_in: ?fn (origin: usize, m: Message) CBEvent, // dest_out: ?fn (origin: usize, m: Message) CBEvent, const Self = @This(); pub fn init(origin: usize, destination: usize) Self { return Self { .origin = origin, .destination = destination, }; } pub fn format(self: Self, comptime _: []const u8, _: fmt.FormatOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void { try fmt.format(out_stream , "switch {} <-> {}" , .{ self.origin, self.destination} ); } }; fn print_eq(expected: anytype, obj: anytype) !void { var buffer: [4096]u8 = undefined; var fbs =; var writer = fbs.writer(); try writer.print("{}", .{obj}); // print("print_eq, expected: {s}\n", .{expected}); // print("print_eq: {s}\n", .{fbs.getWritten()}); // typing workaround var secbuffer: [4096]u8 = undefined; var secfbs =; var secwriter = secfbs.writer(); try secwriter.print("{s}", .{expected}); try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, secfbs.getWritten(), fbs.getWritten()); } test "Switch - creation and display" { const config = .{.safety = true}; var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var switchdb = Switches.init(allocator); defer switchdb.deinit(); var first = Switch.init(3,8); // origin destination var second = Switch.init(2,4); // origin destination try switchdb.append(first); try switchdb.append(second); try print_eq("switch 3 <-> 8", first); try print_eq("switch 2 <-> 4", second); print("\nswitch:\t[{}]\n", .{first}); print( "switch:\t[{}]\n", .{second}); print("switchdb:\t[{}]\n\n", .{switchdb}); } // Context of the whole networking state. pub const Context = struct { pub const IPC_HEADER_SIZE = 4; // Size (4 bytes) then content. pub const IPC_BASE_SIZE = 2000000; // 2 MB, plenty enough space for messages pub const IPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = IPC_BASE_SIZE-IPC_HEADER_SIZE; pub const IPC_VERSION = 1; rundir: [] u8, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, // Memory allocator. connections: Connections, // Keep track of connections. // TODO: List of "pollfd" structures within cinfos, // so we can pass it to poll(2). Share indexes with 'connections'. // For now, this list doesn't do anything. // Can even be replaced in a near future. pollfd: PollFD, // File descriptors. tx: Messages, // Messages to send, once their fd is available. switchdb: ?Switches, // Relations between fd. timer: ?i32 = null, // No timer by default (no TIMER event). const Self = @This(); // Context initialization: // - init structures (provide the allocator) pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !Self { var rundir = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(allocator, "RUNDIR") catch |err| switch(err) { error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound => blk: { print("RUNTIME variable not set, using default /tmp/libipc-run/\n", .{}); break :blk try allocator.dupeZ(u8, "/tmp/libipc-run/"); }, else => { return err; }, }; return Self { .rundir = rundir , .connections = Connections.init(allocator) , .pollfd = PollFD.init(allocator) , .tx = Messages.init(allocator) , .switchdb = null , .allocator = allocator }; } // create a server path for the UNIX socket based on the service name pub fn server_path(self: *Self, service_name: []const u8, writer: anytype) !void { try writer.print("{s}/{s}", .{self.rundir, service_name}); } pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void { self.close_all() catch |err| switch(err){ error.IndexOutOfBounds => { print("context.deinit(): IndexOutOfBounds\n", .{}); }, };; self.connections.deinit(); self.pollfd.deinit(); self.tx.deinit(); if (self.switchdb) |sdb| { sdb.deinit(); } } // Both simple connection and the switched one share this code. fn connect_ (self: *Self, ctype: Connection.Type, path: []const u8) !i32 { var stream = try net.connectUnixSocket(path); const newfd = stream.handle; errdefer std.os.closeSocket(newfd); var newcon = Connection.init(ctype, path); newcon.client = stream; try self.connections.append(newcon); try self.pollfd.append(newfd); return newfd; } // Return the new fd. Can be useful to the caller. pub fn connect(self: *Self, path: []const u8) !i32 { print("connection to:\t{s}\n", .{path}); return self.connect_ (Connection.Type.IPC, path); } // Connection to a service, but with switched with the client fd. pub fn connection_switched(self: *Self , path: [] const u8 , clientfd: i32) !i32 { print("connection switched from {} to path {s}\n", .{clientfd, path}); var newfd = try self.connect_ (Connection.Type.SWITCHED, path); // TODO: record switch. return newfd; } // Create a unix socket. // Store std lib structures in the context. pub fn server_init(self: *Self, path: [] const u8) !net.StreamServer { print("context server init {s}\n", .{path}); var server = net.StreamServer.init(.{}); var socket_addr = try net.Address.initUnix(path); try server.listen(socket_addr); const newfd = server.sockfd orelse return error.SocketLOL; var newcon = Connection.init(Connection.Type.SERVER, path); newcon.server = server; try self.connections.append(newcon); try self.pollfd.append(newfd); return server; } pub fn write (self: *Self, m: Message) !void { print("write fd {}\n", .{m.fd}); self.tx.append(m); } pub fn read (self: *Self, index: u32) !Message { if (index >= self.pollfd.items.len) { return error.IndexOutOfBounds; } print("read index {}\n", .{index}); var fd = self.pollfd[index]; return self.read_fd(fd); } pub fn read_fd (self: *Self, fd: i32) !Message { print("read fd {}\n", .{fd}); // TODO: read the actual content. var payload = "hello!!"; var m = Message.init(fd, Message.Type.DATA, self.allocator, payload); return m; } // Wait an event. pub fn wait_event(self: *Self) !Event { // TODO: remove these debug prints. // for (self.pollfd.items) |fd| { // print("listening to fd {}\n", .{fd}); // } if (self.timer) |t| { print("listening for MAXIMUM {} us\n", .{t}); } else { print("listening (no timer)\n", .{}); } // TODO: listening to these file descriptors. var event = Event.init(Event.Type.CONNECTION, 5, 8, null); return event; } pub fn close(self: *Self, index: usize) !void { // REMINDER: connections and pollfd have the same length if (index >= self.pollfd.items.len) { return error.IndexOutOfBounds; } // close the connection and remove it from the two structures var con = self.connections.swapRemove(index); if (con.server) |s| { // Remove service's UNIX socket file. var addr = s.listen_address; var path = std.mem.sliceTo(&addr.un.path, 0); std.fs.cwd().deleteFile(path) catch {}; } if (con.client) |c| { // Close the client's socket.; } _ = self.pollfd.swapRemove(index); } pub fn close_all(self: *Self) !void { while(self.connections.items.len > 0) { try self.close(0); } } pub fn format(self: Self, comptime form: []const u8, options: fmt.FormatOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void { try fmt.format(out_stream , "context ({} connections and {} messages):" , .{self.connections.items.len, self.tx.items.len}); for (self.connections.items) |con| { try fmt.format(out_stream, "\n- ", .{}); try con.format(form, options, out_stream); } for (self.tx.items) |tx| { try fmt.format(out_stream, "\n- ", .{}); try tx.format(form, options, out_stream); } } // PRIVATE API fn read_ (_: *Self, client: net.StreamServer.Connection, buf: [] u8) !usize { return try; } }; // Creating a new thread: testing UNIX communication. // This is a client sending a raw "Hello world!" bytestring, // not an instance of Message. const CommunicationTestThread = struct { fn clientFn() !void { const config = .{.safety = true}; var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var c = try Context.init(allocator); defer c.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful? var buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined; var fbs =; var writer = fbs.writer(); try c.server_path("simple-context-test", writer); var path = fbs.getWritten(); const socket = try net.connectUnixSocket(path); defer socket.close(); print("So we're a client now... path: {s}\n", .{path}); _ = try socket.writer().writeAll("Hello world!"); } }; test "Simple structures - init, display and memory check" { // origin destination // var s = Switch.init(3,8); // var payload = "hello!!"; // // fd type payload // var m = Message.init(0, Message.Type.DATA, payload); // // // type index origin message // var e = Event.init(Event.Type.CONNECTION, 5, 8, &m); // // CLIENT SIDE: connection to a service. // _ = try c.connect(path); // // TODO: connection to a server, but switched with clientfd "3". // _ = try c.connection_switched(path, 3); } test "Context - creation, display and memory check" { print("\n", .{}); const config = .{.safety = true}; var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var c = try Context.init(allocator); defer c.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful? var buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined; var fbs =; var writer = fbs.writer(); try c.server_path("simple-context-test", writer); var path = fbs.getWritten(); // SERVER SIDE: creating a service. var server = try c.server_init(path); defer server.deinit(); defer std.fs.cwd().deleteFile(path) catch {}; // Once done, remove file. // print ("Context: {}\n", .{c}); // print("\n", .{}); const t = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, CommunicationTestThread.clientFn, .{}); defer t.join(); // Server.accept returns a net.StreamServer.Connection. var client = try server.accept(); defer; var buf: [16]u8 = undefined; const n = try; try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 12), n); try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, "Hello world!", buf[0..n]); } const ConnectThenSendMessageThread = struct { fn clientFn() !void { const config = .{.safety = true}; var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var c = try Context.init(allocator); defer c.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful? var buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined; var fbs =; var writer = fbs.writer(); try c.server_path("simple-context-test", writer); var path = fbs.getWritten(); const socket = try net.connectUnixSocket(path); defer socket.close(); print("So we're a client now... path: {s}\n", .{path}); _ = try socket.writer().writeAll("Hello world!"); } }; test "Context - creation, echo once" { print("\n", .{}); const config = .{.safety = true}; var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var c = try Context.init(allocator); defer c.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful? var buffer: [1000]u8 = undefined; var fbs =; var writer = fbs.writer(); try c.server_path("simple-context-test", writer); var path = fbs.getWritten(); // SERVER SIDE: creating a service. var server = try c.server_init(path); defer server.deinit(); defer std.fs.cwd().deleteFile(path) catch {}; // Once done, remove file. const t = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, ConnectThenSendMessageThread.clientFn, .{}); defer t.join(); // Server.accept returns a net.StreamServer.Connection. var client = try server.accept(); defer; var buf: [16]u8 = undefined; const n = try; try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 12), n); try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, "Hello world!", buf[0..n]); } // FIRST fn create_service() !void { const config = .{.safety = true}; var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var ctx = try Context.init(allocator); defer ctx.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful? const path = "/tmp/.TEST_USOCK"; // SERVER SIDE: creating a service. _ = try ctx.server_init(path); var event = try ctx.wait_event(); switch (event.t) { .CONNECTION => { print("New connection!\n", .{}); }, else => { print("New event: {}\n", .{event.t}); }, } // Server.accept returns a net.Connection (handle = fd, addr = net.Address). // var client = try server.accept(); // var buf: [4096]u8 = undefined; // const n = try ctx.read_ (client, &buf); // print("new client: {}\n", .{client}); // print("{} bytes: {s}\n", .{n, buf}); print("End the create_service function\n", .{}); } pub fn main() !u8 { try create_service(); return 0; } // export fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 { // return a + b; // } // test "basic add functionality" { // try testing.expect(add(3, 7) == 10); // }