#!/bin/dash REP=/tmp/ipc/ SERVICE="pongd" NB=10 # CLEAN UP ! if [ $# -ne 0 ] && [ "$1" = clean ] then echo "clean rep ${REP}" rm ${REP}/${SERVICE} 2>/dev/null rm ${REP}/*-in 2>/dev/null rm ${REP}/*-out 2>/dev/null exit 0 fi if [ $# -ne 0 ] then NB=$1 fi for pid in `seq 1 ${NB}` do # we make the application pipes mkfifo ${REP}${pid}-1-1-in 2>/dev/null mkfifo ${REP}${pid}-1-1-out 2>/dev/null # pid index version echo "${pid} 1 1" > ${REP}${SERVICE} # the purpose is to send something in the pipe cat /dev/urandom | base64 | head -n 1 > ${REP}${pid}-1-1-out # echo "hello world" > ${REP}${pid}-1-out # the the service will answer with our message echo "pid : ${pid}" cat ${REP}/${pid}-1-1-in done echo "clean rep" rm ${REP}/*-in rm ${REP}/*-out