const std = @import("std"); /// TODO: move this to std /// This definition enables the use of Zig types with a cmsghdr structure. /// The oddity of this layout is that the data must be aligned to @sizeOf(usize) /// rather than its natural alignment. pub fn Cmsghdr(comptime T: type) type { const Header = extern struct { len: usize, level: c_int, @"type": c_int, }; const data_align = @sizeOf(usize); const data_offset = std.mem.alignForward(@sizeOf(Header), data_align); return extern struct { const Self = @This(); bytes: [data_offset + @sizeOf(T)]u8 align(@alignOf(Header)), pub fn init(args: struct { level: c_int, @"type": c_int, data: T, }) Self { var self: Self = undefined; self.headerPtr().* = .{ .len = data_offset + @sizeOf(T), .level = args.level, .@"type" = args.@"type", }; self.dataPtr().* =; return self; } // TODO: include this version if we submit a PR to add this to std pub fn initNoData(args: struct { level: c_int, @"type": c_int, }) Self { var self: Self = undefined; self.headerPtr().* = .{ .len = data_offset + @sizeOf(T), .level = args.level, .@"type" = args.@"type", }; return self; } pub fn headerPtr(self: *Self) *Header { return @ptrCast(*Header, self); } pub fn dataPtr(self: *Self) *align(data_align) T { return @ptrCast(*T, self.bytes[data_offset..]); } }; } test { std.testing.refAllDecls(Cmsghdr([3]std.os.fd_t)); }