#include "../src/ipc.h" #include "../src/utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define CLOG_DEBUG(a, ...) LOG_DEBUG (""); LOG_DEBUG("\033[36m" a "\033[00m", #__VA_ARGS__); LOG_DEBUG ("") void chomp (char *str, size_t len) { if (str[len -1] == '\n') { str[len -1] = '\0'; } if (str[len -2] == '\n') { str[len -2] = '\0'; } } /* * * TODO: * This program is under heavy developement. * Still many things to do. * NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION. * Server side: 1. sock_tcp = tcp socket 2. ipc_server_init 3. ipc_add (ipc_server, sock_tcp) 4. wait_event if reading on extra socket if reading on sock_tcp sock_client = accept ipc_add_fd sock_client elif if socket bind to another (client to service or service to client) reading on fd ; writing on related fd else connection from the client: 1. client sends service name 2. networkd establishes a connection to the service 3. ack else lolwat shouldn't happen :( elif reading on usual socket do something **/ #define SERVICE_NAME "simpletcp" struct networkd * ctx; void handle_disconnection (int fd) { // disconnection LOG_DEBUG ("CLOSE CONNECTION %d", fd); int delfd; delfd = ipc_switching_del (ctx->TCP_TO_IPC, fd); if (delfd >= 0) { LOG_DEBUG ("CLOSE RELATED CONNECTION %d", delfd); close (delfd); ipc_del_fd (ctx->clients, delfd); } close (fd); ipc_del_fd (ctx->clients, fd); printf ("\n\n"); // printf ("TCP_TO_IPC\n"); ipc_switching_print (ctx->TCP_TO_IPC); printf ("\n\n"); } void tcp_connection (char **env, int fd) { SECURE_BUFFER_DECLARATION(char, buf, BUFSIZ); ssize_t len = recv (fd, buf, BUFSIZ, 0); if (len <= 0) { handle_disconnection (fd); return ; } buf[len] = '\0'; // XXX: for testing purposes chomp (buf, len); LOG_DEBUG ("SHOULD CONNECT TO %s", buf); // TODO: tests T_PERROR_Q ( (send (fd, "OK", 2, 0) <= 0), "sending a message", EXIT_FAILURE); SECURE_DECLARATION (struct ipc_connection_info, tcp_to_ipc_ci); TIPC_F_Q (ipc_connection (env, &tcp_to_ipc_ci, buf), ("cannot connect to the service [%s]", buf), EXIT_FAILURE); ipc_switching_add (ctx->TCP_TO_IPC, fd, tcp_to_ipc_ci.fd); ipc_add_fd (ctx->clients, tcp_to_ipc_ci.fd); LOG_DEBUG ("CONNECTION TO SERVICE client %d -> %d", fd, tcp_to_ipc_ci.fd); } int accept_new_client (int serverfd) { SECURE_DECLARATION (struct sockaddr_in, client); socklen_t addrlen = 0; int sock_fd_client; T_PERROR_Q (((sock_fd_client = accept(serverfd, (struct sockaddr *) &client, &addrlen)) == -1), "accept new client", EXIT_FAILURE); // adding a client ipc_add_fd (ctx->clients, sock_fd_client); return sock_fd_client; } void main_loop (int argc, char **argv, char **env) { argc = argc; // FIXME: useless int serverfd; SECURE_DECLARATION (struct sockaddr_in, my_addr); socklen_t addrlen; // socket factory T_PERROR_R (((serverfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1), "socket", ); int yes = 1; T_PERROR_R ((setsockopt(serverfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)) == -1), "setsockopt", ); // init local addr structure and other params my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; my_addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1])); my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); // bind addr structure with socket T_PERROR_R ((bind(serverfd, (struct sockaddr *) &my_addr, addrlen) == -1), "bind", ); // set the socket in passive mode (only used for accept()) // and set the list size for pending connection T_PERROR_R ((listen(serverfd, 5) == -1), "listen", ); printf("Waiting for incomming connection\n"); SECURE_BUFFER_HEAP_ALLOCATION_Q (ctx->clients, sizeof (struct ipc_connection_infos), , EXIT_FAILURE); SECURE_DECLARATION (struct ipc_event, event); printf ("adding serverfd to ctx->clients\n"); ipc_add_fd (ctx->clients, serverfd); while(1) { // ipc_wait_event provides one event at a time // warning: event->m is free'ed if not NULL TIPC_T_P_I_R ( /* function to test */ ipc_wait_event_networkd (ctx->clients, ctx->srv, &event, ctx->TCP_TO_IPC) , /* error condition */ ret != IPC_ERROR_NONE && ret != IPC_ERROR_CLOSED_RECIPIENT , /* to say on error */ "wait event" , /* to do on error */ LOG_ERROR ("\033[31m error happened\033[00m"); TIPC_P (ipc_server_close (ctx->srv), "server close") , /* return function */ return ); switch (event.type) { case IPC_EVENT_TYPE_SWITCH: { printf ("switch happened\n"); } break; case IPC_EVENT_TYPE_EXTRA_SOCKET: { // NEW CLIENT if (event.origin->fd == serverfd) { int sock_fd_client = accept_new_client (serverfd); ctx->cpt++; printf ("TCP connection: %d clients connected\n", ctx->cpt); printf ("new TCP client has the fd %d\n", sock_fd_client); } // CLIENT IS TALKING else { tcp_connection (env, event.origin->fd); } } break; case IPC_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECTION: { ctx->cpt++; printf ("connection: %d clients connected\n", ctx->cpt); printf ("new client has the fd %d\n", (event.origin)->fd); }; break; case IPC_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECTION: { ctx->cpt--; printf ("disconnection: %d clients remaining\n", ctx->cpt); // free the ipc_client structure // if (event.origin != NULL) // free (event.origin); }; break; case IPC_EVENT_TYPE_MESSAGE: { struct ipc_message *m = event.m; if (m->length > 0) { printf ("message received (type %d): %.*s\n", m->type, m->length, m->payload); } TIPC_P (ipc_write (event.origin, m), "server write"); }; break; case IPC_EVENT_TYPE_ERROR: fprintf (stderr, "a problem happened with client %d\n", (event.origin)->fd); break; default : fprintf (stderr, "there must be a problem, event not set\n"); } } // should never go there exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } void exit_program(int signal) { printf("Quitting, signal: %d\n", signal); // free remaining clients for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->clients->size ; i++) { struct ipc_connection_info *cli = ctx->clients->cinfos[i]; if (cli != NULL) { free (cli); } ctx->clients->cinfos[i] = NULL; } ipc_connections_free (ctx->clients); // the application will shut down, and close the service TIPC_P (ipc_server_close (ctx->srv), "server close"); // free, free everything! free (ctx->clients); free (ctx->srv); free (ctx->TCP_TO_IPC->collection); free (ctx->TCP_TO_IPC); free (ctx); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* * service ping-pong: send back everything sent by the clients * stop the program on SIG{TERM,INT,ALRM,USR{1,2},HUP} signals */ int main(int argc, char * argv[], char **env) { // check the number of args on command line if(argc != 2) { printf("USAGE: %s port_num\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf ("pid = %d\n", getpid ()); SECURE_BUFFER_HEAP_ALLOCATION_Q (ctx, sizeof (struct networkd), , EXIT_FAILURE); SECURE_BUFFER_HEAP_ALLOCATION_Q (ctx->TCP_TO_IPC, sizeof(struct ipc_switchings), , EXIT_FAILURE); SECURE_BUFFER_HEAP_ALLOCATION_Q (ctx->TCP_TO_IPC->collection, sizeof(struct ipc_switching), , EXIT_FAILURE); SECURE_BUFFER_HEAP_ALLOCATION_Q (ctx->srv, sizeof (struct ipc_connection_info), , EXIT_FAILURE); TIPC_P_R (ipc_server_init (env, ctx->srv, SERVICE_NAME), "server init", EXIT_FAILURE); printf ("Listening on [%s].\n", ctx->srv->spath); printf("MAIN: server created\n" ); signal (SIGHUP, exit_program); signal (SIGALRM, exit_program); signal (SIGUSR1, exit_program); signal (SIGUSR2, exit_program); signal (SIGTERM, exit_program); signal (SIGINT, exit_program); // the service will loop until the end of time, or a signal main_loop (argc, argv, env); // main_loop should not return return EXIT_FAILURE; }