const std = @import("std"); const net =; const send_fd = @import("./exchange-fd.zig").send_fd; const print = std.debug.print; fn disconnect(stream: net.Stream) void { stream.close(); } fn connect(path: []const u8) !net.Stream { return try net.connectUnixSocket(path); } fn add_line_in_file() !void { var cwd = std.fs.cwd(); var f = try cwd.createFile("some-file.log", .{.read = true}); defer f.close(); var writer = f.writer(); try writer.print("hello\n", .{}); } pub fn main() !u8 { var path = "/tmp/TEST_EXCHANGE_FD"; print("Connection to {s}...\n", .{path}); var stream = try connect(path); print("Connected! Opening a file...\n", .{}); var file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile("some-file.log", .{.read = true}); defer file.close(); print("File opened! Writing some data into it...\n", .{}); var writer = file.writer(); try writer.print("hello this is the first process\n", .{}); print("Data written! Sending its fd...\n", .{}); send_fd(stream.handle, "hello this is the payload", file.handle); print("Sent fd! Disconnection...\n", .{}); disconnect(stream); print("Disconnected!\n", .{}); return 0; }