--- title: libipc header: libipc Manual footer: libipc date: 2018-11-20 section: 7 ... # NAME libipc - Simple, easy-to-use IPC library # DESCRIPTION **libipc** is a library that provides interprocess communication medium between applications. It provides both client and server code. # SYNOPSIS **`#include `** ## Initialization, exchanges, disconnection // server initialization\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_server_init** (*char* \*\*env , *struct ipc_connection_info* \*srv, *const char* \*sname);\ // connection establishement to a server\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_connection** (*char* \*\*env, *struct ipc_connection_info* \*, *const char* \*);\ // closing a server\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_server_close** (*struct ipc_connection_info* \*srv);\ // closing a connection\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_close** (*struct ipc_connection_info* \*p);\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_accept** (*struct ipc_connection_info* \*srv, *struct ipc_connection_info* \*p); *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_read** (*const struct ipc_connection_info* \*, *struct ipc_message* \*m);\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_write** (*const struct ipc_connection_info* \*, *const struct ipc_message* \*m);\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_wait_event** (*struct ipc_connection_infos* \*clients, *struct ipc_connection_info* \*srv, *struct ipc_event* \*event); // store and remove only pointers on allocated structures\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_add** (*struct ipc_connection_infos* \*cinfos, *struct ipc_connection_info* \*cinfo);\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_del** (*struct ipc_connection_infos* \*cinfos, *struct ipc_connection_info* \*cinfo); // add an arbitrary file descriptor to read\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_add_fd** (*struct ipc_connection_infos* \*cinfos, *int* fd); ## Message functions // create msg structure from buffer\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_message_format_read** (*struct ipc_message* \*m, *const char* \*buf, *ssize_t* msize);\ // create buffer from msg structure\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_message_format_write** (*const struct ipc_message* \*m, *char* \*\*buf, *ssize_t* \*msize);\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_message_format** (*struct ipc_message* \*m, *char* type, *const char* \*payload, *ssize_t* length);\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_message_format_data** (*struct ipc_message* \*m, *const char* \*payload, *ssize_t* length);\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_message_format_server_close** (*struct ipc_message* \*m);\ *enum ipc_errors* **ipc_message_empty** (*struct ipc_message* \*m); # STRUCTURES struct ipc_connection_info { uint32_t version; uint32_t index; int32_t fd; char type; // may be an arbitrary fd char *spath; // max size: PATH_MAX, used to store unix socket path }; struct ipc_connection_infos { struct ipc_connection_info ** cinfos; int32_t size; }; struct ipc_message { char type; uint32_t length; char *payload; }; struct ipc_event { enum ipc_event_type type; void* origin; // currently used as an client or service pointer void* m; // message pointer }; # ENUMERATIONS enum msg_types { MSG_TYPE_SERVER_CLOSE = 0 , MSG_TYPE_ERR , MSG_TYPE_DATA } message_types; Function **ipc_wait_event** returns an *event type* structure.\ The event may be a (dis)connection, received data or an error.\ It also can be *IPC_EVENT_TYPE_EXTRA_SOCKET* since an arbitrary file descriptor can be added to the *ipc_connection_infos* structure with **ipc_add_fd**. enum ipc_event_type { IPC_EVENT_TYPE_NOT_SET , IPC_EVENT_TYPE_ERROR , IPC_EVENT_TYPE_EXTRA_SOCKET , IPC_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECTION , IPC_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECTION , IPC_EVENT_TYPE_MESSAGE }; enum ipc_errors { ... }; # EXAMPLES Examples are available in the */examples* directory. # NOTES # SEE ALSO # BUGS & LIMITATIONS - Documentation is currently limited. - Rerouting IPC connexions through other services (for example, through a network bridge service) is currently not possible.