const std = @import("std"); const hexdump = @import("./hexdump.zig"); const testing = std.testing; const net =; const fmt = std.fmt; // TODO: file descriptors should have a specific type (but i32 is used in // TODO: path => std.XXX.YYY, not simple [] const u8 // TODO: both Connection and pollfd store file descriptors. // Connection stores either Stream (server) or Address (client). // TODO: API should completely obfuscate the inner structures. // Only structures in this file should be necessary. const CBEvent = @import("./callback.zig").CBEvent; const Connection = @import("./connection.zig").Connection; const Message = @import("./message.zig").Message; const Event = @import("./event.zig").Event; const Switch = @import("./switch.zig").Switch; const print_eq = @import("./util.zig").print_eq; const print = std.debug.print; const Messages = @import("./message.zig").Messages; const Switches = @import("./switch.zig").Switches; const Connections = @import("./connection.zig").Connections; const Context = @import("./context.zig").Context; test { _ = @import("./callback.zig"); _ = @import("./connection.zig"); _ = @import("./context.zig"); _ = @import("./event.zig"); _ = @import("./message.zig"); _ = @import("./switch.zig"); _ = @import("./util.zig"); } var should_quit: bool = false; fn create_service() !void { const config = .{.safety = true}; var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); var ctx = try Context.init(allocator); defer ctx.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful? const path = "/tmp/.TEST_USOCK"; // SERVER SIDE: creating a service. _ = try ctx.server_init(path); // TODO: signal handler, to quit when asked var some_event: Event = undefined; ctx.timer = 2000; // 1 second while(true) { some_event = try ctx.wait_event(); switch (some_event.t) { .CONNECTION => { print("New connection: {}!\n", .{some_event}); }, .TIMER => { print("Timer!\n", .{}); }, .EXTERNAL => { print("Message received from a non IPC socket.\n", .{}); print("NOT IMPLEMENTED, YET. It's a suicide, then.\n", .{}); break; }, .SWITCH => { print("Message to send to a corresponding fd.\n", .{}); print("NOT IMPLEMENTED, YET. It's a suicide, then.\n", .{}); break; }, .DISCONNECTION => { print("User disconnected.\n", .{}); }, .MESSAGE => { print("New message. {}\n", .{some_event}); print("Let's echo, once\n", .{}); if (some_event.m) |m| { try ctx.schedule(m); } }, .LOOKUP => { print("Client asking for a service through ipcd.\n", .{}); print("NOT IMPLEMENTED, YET. It's a suicide, then.\n", .{}); break; }, .TX => { print("Message sent.\n", .{}); }, .NOT_SET => { print("Event type not set. Something is wrong, let's suicide.\n", .{}); break; }, .ERROR => { print("A problem occured, event: {}, let's suicide\n", .{some_event}); break; }, } if (should_quit) { break; } } // Server.accept returns a net.Connection (handle = fd, addr = net.Address). // var client = try server.accept(); // var buf: [4096]u8 = undefined; // const n = try ctx.read_ (client, &buf); // print("new client: {}\n", .{client}); // print("{} bytes: {s}\n", .{n, buf}); print("End the create_service function\n", .{}); } pub fn main() !u8 { try create_service(); return 0; }