Fork 0

main.zig: work in progress.

Philippe Pittoli 2022-05-01 00:42:17 +02:00
parent 1c8be3390e
commit 0fddc05576
1 changed files with 51 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -298,11 +298,12 @@ pub const Context = struct {
// so we can pass it to poll(2). Share indexes with 'connections'.
// For now, this list doesn't do anything.
// Can even be replaced in a near future.
pollfd: PollFD, // File descriptors.
pollfd: PollFD, // File descriptors.
tx: Messages, // Messages to send, once their fd is available.
switchdb: ?Switches, // Relations between fd.
timer: ?i32 = null, // No timer by default (no TIMER event).
const Self = @This();
@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ pub const Context = struct {
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
print("connection deinit\n", .{});
print("context deinit\n", .{});
self.close_all() catch |err| switch(err){
error.IndexOutOfBounds => {
print("context.deinit(): IndexOutOfBounds\n", .{});
@ -332,6 +333,7 @@ pub const Context = struct {
if (self.switchdb) |sdb| { sdb.deinit(); }
// Both simple connection and the switched one share this code.
fn connect_ (self: *Self, ctype: ConnectionType, path: []const u8) !i32 {
var stream = try net.connectUnixSocket(path);
const newfd = stream.handle;
@ -351,8 +353,8 @@ pub const Context = struct {
// Connection to a service, but with switched with the client fd.
pub fn connection_switched(self: *Self
, path: [] const u8
, clientfd: i32) !i32 {
, path: [] const u8
, clientfd: i32) !i32 {
print("connection switched from {} to path {s}\n", .{clientfd, path});
var newfd = try self.connect_ (ConnectionType.SWITCHED, path);
// TODO: record switch.
@ -360,6 +362,7 @@ pub const Context = struct {
// Create a unix socket.
// Store std lib structures in the context.
pub fn server_init(self: *Self, path: [] const u8) !net.StreamServer {
print("context server init {s}\n", .{path});
var server = net.StreamServer.init(.{});
@ -374,7 +377,6 @@ pub const Context = struct {
return server;
/// ipc_write (ctx *, const struct ipc_message *m);
pub fn write (self: *Self, m: Message) !void {
print("write fd {}\n", .{m.fd});
@ -393,11 +395,6 @@ pub const Context = struct {
return m;
// TODO: this shouldn't be available in the API.
pub fn read_ (_: *Self, client: net.StreamServer.Connection, buf: [] u8) !usize {
return try client.stream.reader().read(buf);
pub fn read_fd (_: *Self, fd: i32) !Message {
// TODO: read the actual content.
print("read fd {}\n", .{fd});
@ -408,26 +405,39 @@ pub const Context = struct {
// Wait an event.
pub fn wait_event(self: *Self, timer: *i32) !Event {
for (self.pollfd.items) |fd| {
print("listening to fd {}\n", .{fd});
print("listening for MAXIMUM {} us\n", .{timer});
pub fn wait_event(self: *Self) !Event {
// TODO: remove these debug prints.
// for (self.pollfd.items) |fd| {
// print("listening to fd {}\n", .{fd});
// }
if (self.timer) |t| { print("listening for MAXIMUM {} us\n", .{t}); }
else { print("listening (no timer)\n", .{}); }
// TODO: listening to these file descriptors.
var event = Event.init(EventType.CONNECTION, 5, 8, null);
return event;
pub fn close(self: *Self, index: usize) !void {
// REMINDER: connections and pollfd have the same length
if (index >= self.pollfd.items.len) {
return error.IndexOutOfBounds;
// close the connection and remove it from the two structures
if (self.connections.items.len > 0) {
// TODO: actually close the file descriptor.
_ = self.connections.swapRemove(index);
_ = self.pollfd.swapRemove(index);
// TODO: actually close the file descriptor.
var con = self.connections.swapRemove(index);
if (con.server) |s| {
// Remove service's UNIX socket file.
var addr = s.listen_address;
var path = std.mem.sliceTo(&addr.un.path, 0);
std.fs.cwd().deleteFile(path) catch {};
if (con.client) |c| {
// Close the client's socket.
_ = self.pollfd.swapRemove(index);
pub fn close_all(self: *Self) !void {
@ -455,6 +465,12 @@ pub const Context = struct {
fn read_ (_: *Self, client: net.StreamServer.Connection, buf: [] u8) !usize {
return try client.stream.reader().read(buf);
@ -534,18 +550,25 @@ fn create_service() !void {
const path = "/tmp/.TEST_USOCK";
// SERVER SIDE: creating a service.
var server = try ctx.server_init(path);
defer server.deinit();
defer std.fs.cwd().deleteFile(path) catch {}; // Once done, remove file.
_ = try ctx.server_init(path);
var event = try ctx.wait_event();
switch (event.@"type") {
print("New connection!\n", .{});
else => {
print("New event: {}\n", .{event.@"type"});
// Server.accept returns a net.Connection (handle = fd, addr = net.Address).
var client = try server.accept();
defer client.stream.close();
var buf: [4096]u8 = undefined;
const n = try ctx.read_ (client, &buf);
// var client = try server.accept();
// var buf: [4096]u8 = undefined;
// const n = try ctx.read_ (client, &buf);
print("new client: {}\n", .{client});
print("{} bytes: {s}\n", .{n, buf});
// print("new client: {}\n", .{client});
// print("{} bytes: {s}\n", .{n, buf});
print("End the create_service function\n", .{});
pub fn main() !u8 {