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const std = @import("std");
const net = std.net;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const os = std.os;
const testing = std.testing;
const print = std.debug.print;
const ipc = @import("ipc");
const hexdump = ipc.hexdump;
const Message = ipc.Message;
// Import send_fd this way in order to produce docs for exchange-fd functions.
const exchange_fd = ipc.exchangefd;
const send_fd = exchange_fd.send_fd;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const native_os = builtin.target.os.tag;
const print_eq = ipc.util.print_eq;
const URI = ipc.util.URI;
fn init_tcp_server(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, server: *net.StreamServer) !i32 {
var address = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(allocator, "ADDRESS") catch |err| switch(err) {
error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound => blk: {
print ("no ADDRESS envvar: TCPd will listen on\n", .{});
break :blk try allocator.dupe(u8, "");
else => { return err; },
defer allocator.free(address);
var iterator = std.mem.split(u8, address, ":");
var real_tcp_address = iterator.first();
var real_tcp_port = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u16, iterator.rest(), 10);
print ("TCP address [{s}] port [{}]\n", .{real_tcp_address, real_tcp_port});
server.* = net.StreamServer.init(.{.reuse_address = true});
var socket_addr = try net.Address.parseIp(real_tcp_address, real_tcp_port);
try server.listen(socket_addr);
const newfd = server.sockfd orelse return error.SocketLOL; // TODO
return newfd;
fn create_service() !void {
const config = .{.safety = true};
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var ctx = try ipc.Context.init(allocator);
defer ctx.deinit(); // There. Can't leak. Isn't Zig wonderful?
// SERVER SIDE: creating a service.
var service_name = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(allocator, "IPC_SERVICE_NAME") catch |err| switch(err) {
error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound => blk: {
print ("no IPC_SERVICE_NAME envvar: TCPd will be named 'tcp'\n", .{});
break :blk try allocator.dupe(u8, "tcp");
else => { return err; },
defer allocator.free(service_name);
_ = try ctx.server_init(service_name);
// signal handler, to quit when asked
const S = struct {
var should_quit: bool = false;
fn handler(sig: i32, info: *const os.siginfo_t, _: ?*const anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
print ("A signal has been received: {}\n", .{sig});
// Check that we received the correct signal.
switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => {
if (sig != os.SIG.HUP or sig != info.info.signo)
else => {
if (sig != os.SIG.HUP and sig != info.signo)
should_quit = true;
var sa = os.Sigaction{
.handler = .{ .sigaction = &S.handler },
.mask = os.empty_sigset, // Do not mask any signal.
.flags = os.SA.SIGINFO,
// Quit on SIGHUP (kill -1).
try os.sigaction(os.SIG.HUP, &sa, null);
var server: net.StreamServer = undefined;
var serverfd = try init_tcp_server(allocator, &server);
try ctx.add_external (serverfd);
var some_event: ipc.Event = undefined;
var previous_event: ipc.Event.Type = ipc.Event.Type.ERROR;
ctx.timer = 1000; // 1 second
var count: u32 = 0;
while(! S.should_quit) {
some_event = try ctx.wait_event();
// For clarity in the output.
if (some_event.t != .TIMER and previous_event == .TIMER ) { print("\n", .{}); }
previous_event = some_event.t;
switch (some_event.t) {
.TIMER => {
print ("\rTimer! ({})", .{count});
count += 1;
print ("New connection: {} so far!\n", .{ctx.pollfd.items.len});
print ("User {} disconnected, {} remaining.\n"
, .{some_event.origin, ctx.pollfd.items.len});
print ("Message received from a non IPC socket.\n", .{});
var client = try server.accept(); // net.StreamServer.Connection
errdefer client.stream.close();
// Receiving a new client from the EXTERNAL socket.
// New client = new switch from a distant TCP connection to a
// local libipc service.
var buffer: [10000]u8 = undefined;
var size = try client.stream.read(&buffer);
var service_to_contact = buffer[0..size];
if (service_to_contact.len == 0) {
print("Error, no service provided, closing the connection.\n", .{});
print ("Ask to connect to service [{s}].\n", .{service_to_contact});
var servicefd = ctx.connect_service (service_to_contact) catch |err| {
print("Error while connecting to the service {s}: {}.\n"
, .{service_to_contact, err});
print ("Closing the connection.\n", .{});
errdefer ctx.close_fd (servicefd) catch {};
print ("Send a message to inform remote TCPd that the connection is established.\n", .{});
_ = try client.stream.write("ok");
print ("Add current client as external connection (for now).\n", .{});
try ctx.add_external (client.stream.handle);
print ("Message sent, switching.\n", .{});
try ctx.add_switch(client.stream.handle, servicefd);
print ("DONE.\n", .{});
// Some protocols will require to change the default functions
// to read and to write on the client socket.
// Function to call: ctx.set_switch_callbacks(clientfd, infn, outfn);
print ("Message has been received (SWITCH fd {}).\n", .{some_event.origin});
// if (some_event.m) |m| {
// var hexbuf: [4000]u8 = undefined;
// var hexfbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(&hexbuf);
// var hexwriter = hexfbs.writer();
// try hexdump.hexdump(hexwriter, "Received", m.payload);
// print("{s}\n", .{hexfbs.getWritten()});
// }
// else {
// print ("Message received without actually a message?! {}", .{some_event});
// }
print ("Message has been sent (SWITCH fd {}).\n", .{some_event.origin});
print ("Client asking for a service through TCPd.\n", .{});
errdefer ctx.close (some_event.index) catch {};
if (some_event.m) |m| {
defer m.deinit(); // Do not forget to free the message payload.
print ("URI to contact {s}\n", .{m.payload});
var uri = URI.read(m.payload);
print ("proto [{s}] address [{s}] path [{s}]\n"
, .{uri.protocol, uri.address, uri.path});
var iterator = std.mem.split(u8, uri.address, ":");
var real_tcp_address = iterator.first();
var real_tcp_port = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u16, iterator.rest(), 10);
var socket_addr = try net.Address.parseIp(real_tcp_address, real_tcp_port);
var stream = try net.tcpConnectToAddress(socket_addr);
errdefer stream.close();
print ("Writing URI PATH: {s}\n", .{uri.path});
_ = try stream.write(uri.path);
print ("Writing URI PATH - written, waiting for the final 'ok'.\n", .{});
var buffer: [10000]u8 = undefined;
var size = try stream.read(&buffer);
if (! std.mem.eql(u8, buffer[0..size], "ok")) {
print ("didn't receive 'ok', let's kill the connection\n", .{});
try ctx.close(some_event.index);
print ("Final 'ok' received, sending 'ok' to IPCd.\n", .{});
// Connection is established, inform IPCd.
var response = try Message.init(some_event.origin, allocator, "ok");
defer response.deinit();
try ctx.write(response);
print ("Add current client as external connection (for now).\n", .{});
try ctx.add_external (stream.handle);
print ("Finally, add switching\n", .{});
try ctx.add_switch(some_event.origin, stream.handle);
2023-01-12 00:26:10 +01:00
// Could invoke ctx.set_switch_callbacks but TCP sockets are
// working pretty well with default functions.
else {
// TCPd was contacted without providing a message, nothing to do.
var response = try Message.init(some_event.origin, allocator, "no");
defer response.deinit();
try ctx.write(response);
try ctx.close(some_event.index);
.TX => {
print ("Message sent.\n", .{});
.ERROR => {
print ("A problem occured, event: {}, let's suicide.\n", .{some_event});
print ("Goodbye\n", .{});
pub fn main() !u8 {
try create_service();
return 0;