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websocketd: simpler protocol

Philippe PITTOLI 2019-08-10 15:31:19 +02:00
parent 608a467f89
commit 48201acea4
1 changed files with 49 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -55,25 +55,25 @@ end
class InstanceStorage
property service : IPC::SwitchingService
property fdlist : Hash(Int32,String)
property socklist : Hash(Int32, TCPSocket)
property wssocklist : Hash(Int32, WebSocket)
property is_client : Hash(Int32,Bool)
property switchtable : Hash(Int32, Int32)
property connectionlist : Hash(Int32, IPC::Connection)
property fdtotcpsocket : Hash(Int32, TCPSocket)
property fdtows : Hash(Int32, WebSocket)
property fdtoipcconnection : Hash(Int32, IPC::Connection)
def initialize (@service : IPC::SwitchingService)
# fdlist_client = [] of TCPSocket
@fdlist = Hash(Int32,String).new
@socklist = Hash(Int32, TCPSocket).new
@wssocklist = Hash(Int32, WebSocket).new
@is_client = Hash(Int32,Bool).new
@fdtotcpsocket = Hash(Int32, TCPSocket).new
@fdtows = Hash(Int32, WebSocket).new
@switchtable = Hash(Int32, Int32).new
@connectionlist = Hash(Int32, IPC::Connection).new
@fdtoipcconnection = Hash(Int32, IPC::Connection).new
def remove_fd (fdclient : Int32)
# 1. closing both the client and the service
fdservice = @switchtable[fdclient]?
tcpfdc = @socklist[fdclient]
tcpfdc = @fdtotcpsocket[fdclient]
# 2. closing the TCP connections
tcpfdc.close unless tcpfdc.closed?
@ -86,18 +86,18 @@ class InstanceStorage
fdc != fdclient && fds != fdclient
# 6. removing the client and the service from fdlist
@fdlist = @fdlist.select do |fd,v| fd != fdclient end
# 6. removing the client and the service from is_client
@is_client = @is_client.select do |fd,v| fd != fdclient end
unless fdservice.nil?
service = @connectionlist[fdservice]
service = @fdtoipcconnection[fdservice]
@service.remove_fd (fdservice)
@connectionlist = @connectionlist.select do |k, v|
@fdtoipcconnection = @fdtoipcconnection.select do |k, v|
k != fdservice
@fdlist = @fdlist.select do |fd,v| fd != fdservice end
@is_client = @is_client.select do |fd,v| fd != fdservice end
@ -122,9 +122,7 @@ def websocket_client_connection(client, context : InstanceStorage)
# FIXME: check they actually wanted to upgrade to websocket
key = request.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"]
response_key = Digest::SHA1.base64digest key + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
# puts response_key
@ -138,50 +136,55 @@ def websocket_client_connection(client, context : InstanceStorage)
headers = headers.map { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value[0]}\r\n" }.join
# requested service, fd
req_service = request.path.lchop
if req_service.empty?
puts "should send a PATH"
websocket_connection_procedure req_service, client.fd, context
# puts "#{headers_header}\n#{headers.to_s}\r\n"
client.send "#{headers_header}\n#{headers.to_s}\r\n"
wsclient = WebSocket.new client
wsclient.send "are we websocket yet?"
# the client is still not connected to a service
context.fdlist[client.fd] = "not connected"
context.is_client[client.fd] = true
# listen to the client's file descriptor
context.service << client.fd
# puts "#{CBLUE}new client: #{client.fd}#{CRESET}"
# registering the client into storing structures to avoid being garbage collected
context.socklist[client.fd] = client
context.wssocklist[client.fd] = wsclient
context.fdtotcpsocket[client.fd] = client
context.fdtows[client.fd] = wsclient
def closing_client (fdclient : Int, context : InstanceStorage)
# puts "closing the client #{fdclient}"
puts "#{CBLUE}closing the client:#{CRESET} #{fdclient}"
context.remove_fd fdclient
# first message from the client: requested service name
# 1. extracting the requested service from the message
# 2. connection to the service
# 3. listening on the service fd
# 4. bounding both file descriptors (through switchtable hash)
# 5. indicating that the client is connected (in fdlist)
# 6. sending an ack to the client
def websocket_connection_procedure (message : String, clientfd : Int32, context : InstanceStorage)
# 1. connection to the service
# 2. listening on the service fd
# 3. bounding both file descriptors (through switchtable hash)
# 4. indicating that the client is connected (in is_client)
def websocket_connection_procedure (requested_service : String, clientfd : Int32, context : InstanceStorage)
# 1. reading the service name from the received message
requested_service = message
# 2. establishing a connection to the service
newservice = IPC::Connection.new requested_service
context.connectionlist[newservice.fd] = newservice
context.fdtoipcconnection[newservice.fd] = newservice
# 3. listening on the service fd
# 3. listening on the client fd and the service fd
context.service << newservice.fd
# cannot perform automatic switching due to websockets headers
# future version of the libipc lib should include some workaround, probably
# service.switch.add fdclient, newservice.fd
# 4. bounding the client and the service fd
@ -189,12 +192,8 @@ def websocket_connection_procedure (message : String, clientfd : Int32, context
context.switchtable[newservice.fd] = clientfd
# 5. the client is then connected, send it a message
context.fdlist[clientfd] = "connected"
context.fdlist[newservice.fd] = "service"
# 6. ack
wsclient = context.wssocklist[clientfd]
wsclient.send "OK\n"
context.is_client[clientfd] = true
context.is_client[newservice.fd] = false
rescue e
puts "#{CRED}Exception during connection to the service:#{CRESET} #{e}"
closing_client clientfd, context
@ -203,11 +202,10 @@ end
def websocket_switching_procedure (activefd : Int, context : InstanceStorage)
if context.fdlist[activefd] == "connected"
if context.is_client[activefd]
# The client is a WebSocket on top of a TCP connection
client = context.socklist[activefd]
wsclient = context.wssocklist[activefd]
client = context.fdtotcpsocket[activefd]
wsclient = context.fdtows[activefd]
message = wsclient.read
rescue e
@ -235,32 +233,30 @@ def websocket_switching_procedure (activefd : Int, context : InstanceStorage)
# XXX: this is not a TCP fd, but since behind the scene this is compatible, I'm hacking a bit
serv = WrappedTCPFileDescriptor.new(fd: fdservice, family: Socket::Family::INET)
#serv = context.connectionlist[fdservice]
#serv = context.fdtoipcconnection[fdservice]
serv.send message
elsif context.fdlist[activefd] == "service"
# puts "switching: service to client"
# service => client
fdclient = context.switchtable[activefd]
wsclient = context.wssocklist[fdclient]
wsclient = context.fdtows[fdclient]
serv = context.connectionlist[activefd]
serv = context.fdtoipcconnection[activefd]
message = serv.read
# puts "received message from service: #{message.to_s}"
buf = message.to_buffer
# print_hexa String.new(buf), "\033[31m Message to send to the client \033[00m "
wsclient.send buf
raise "cannot understand if the fd is a client or a service"
rescue e
puts "#{CRED}Exception during message transfer:#{CRESET} #{e}"
if context.fdlist[activefd] == "service"
if context.is_client[activefd]
closing_client activefd, context
clientfd = context.switchtable[activefd]
closing_client clientfd, context
elsif context.fdlist[activefd] == "service"
closing_client activefd, context
@ -289,39 +285,8 @@ service.loop do |event|
# 2. active fd != server fd
# is this a service or a client?
activefd = event.connection.fd
if context.fdlist[activefd] == "not connected"
# since it's an external communication
# we have to read the message here, it's not handled by default in libipc
wsclient = context.wssocklist[activefd]
message = wsclient.read
rescue e
puts "#{CRED}Exception (receiving a message)#{CRESET} #{e}"
closing_client activefd, context
if message.nil?
puts "#{CBLUE}disconnection of client#{CRESET} #{event.connection.fd}"
closing_client activefd, context
# requested service, fd
websocket_connection_procedure String.new(message), activefd, context
elsif context.fdlist[activefd] == "connected"
# the service is sending a message
websocket_switching_procedure activefd, context
elsif context.fdlist[activefd] == "service"
# the service is sending a message
websocket_switching_procedure activefd, context
raise "should not happen: client not recorded in fdlist"
websocket_switching_procedure activefd, context
when IPC::Event::Switch
puts "\033[36mIPC::Event::Switch#{CRESET}: from fd #{event.connection.fd}"